Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Happy New Year


Looking forward to a new year!! I took a long walk and it felt good:) It was a quiet end but nice.

Belinda - I’m going to try Barletes next week after the holiday, I like hearing your reviews:) I agree looking forward to the new year and thankful I have the insight not to take things for granted moving forward.

Kristin - I hope you were able to enjoy some time off.

Happy New Year everyone,

Wishing you all a happy and healthy new year.Let's make the new year a good one. I am so ready for a new year.

This morning I did STS M2 Week 1 Disc 15. I will do some BARLATES workouts later. I am up early, maybe my DD and DIL will join me, lol

Debbie - I am also thankful for a new year and not take things for granted.

Kirstin - how are you doing, girl?

I will be back later.

Today was a rest day. We went to lunch with DH's sisters & husbands, it was a friend of my BILs and we were the only one's in the restaurant. We lost power when we got home for a few hours. I'm happy it came back the house was getting cold.

Belinda - Nice workouts! I wondering if your DD & DIL slept in today;)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I did Barlates Hotel Room Cardio Core = 17 min + Fit Ball Inner and Outer Thighs = 38 min. Once it warms up outside I will go for a walk.

Debbie - I like it when you the only once's in the restaurants. Sorry about the power. Glad it's back on. Yes, except DH and I they all slept in. I get up early.

Hi Kirstin!

Have a great Saturday everyone.

Today was a walk outside, temperature wasn't too bad. I did Barlate's Ballet lower body on the mat workout (24 min.) It was a tough workout!

Belinda - I'm not sure if that's the exact name but my legs are fried. She mentioned you could use ankle weights and I'm glad that I didn't;) I will try some more, thank you:) I should have tried the 2 minute ones LOL.

Hi Kristin

Hi everyone,

DH and I walked outside this afternoon. My son and DIL gave my a year of CL. Today I did CL#1 Bootcamp = 60 min. Loved it. Cathe did kickboxing intervals, very fun. She also added some weight workout/ab at the end. Had a great workout.

Debbie - lol, Linda's workouts are tough. Probably one of the toughest ones out there. Not sure, how she does it with a smile on her face, lol. Glad you liked it. I signed up with CL today. Will see how things go. Great job on your leg workout.

Kirstin - hope you doing well.

Have a great Sunday, everyone.

Today was a walk outside after the light snow. It started to rain at the end of my walk but was almost done anyway. We have been cleaning out my in-laws house and it is making me so tired.

Belinda - I will do some CL workouts this week too:) I like that you can search for workouts by type, that wasn't the case in the beginning but maybe she didn't have enough at that time.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

STS Meso 2 Week 2 Disc 16 Chest/Shoulder/Triceps plus Barlates Double Burn Flow is done.

Debbie - I like that you can search for workouts by type too. I signed up for a year. It will take me awhile to work through all of them. I probably will do more once I am done with M2. DH and I also got caught in the light rain when we walked yesterday. I will try to go for a walk later. Cleaning out your in laws house must be draining and excusing at the same time. I can't imagine going through all their stuff and figuring out what to do with all.

Kirstin - where are you?

I will be back later.

Today was a walk outside. We are trying to get most of the clean-up of in-laws house by the weekend so I didn't do weights today. I did pick up some healthier food today at the food store.

Belinda - You are flying through STS:) Once you are done you will be able to get Cathe Live's in. You are right it is draining, there are usually 2 of us but as many as 8 of us on weekends so that helps.

Kristin - I hope all is ok

Hi everyone,

Today I did CL# 327 Christmas Wonderland 2020. The workout was Metabolic.Cathe's uses very light weights like 5's and 3's. Fun workout. I wanted to do this one before it's too late to do a Christmas workout. Then I Barlates Double Burn Mat. I need to start reading descriptions. I thought it was a lower body instead it was a TB workout. Great workout, she did 2 rounds upper/2 rounds lower/ 2 rounds abs. My abs burned in a good way.

Debbie - good job that walk yesterday. You will be lifting a lot this weekend, don't worry about weight workouts. Once I am done with STS I will try to do Cathe daily. Need to get them all in, lol.

Kirstin - I second what Debbie said. Hope you check in soon.


Today was a walk outside & MMA Boxing. I have been trying to renew my license in person because but it is impossible to get an appointment:(. I will renew in the mail but by October we need a special license (security star) to board a plan so hopefully can get an appointment by then.

Belinda - I had seen the preview of the Christmas workout and it looked like fun:). The barlates TB sounded good too.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

STS M2 W2 D17 Legs is done. That's it for me today. I probably will do a stretch or walk later. BBL!

Debbie - hope you get your license renewed soon. Great job yesterday.

Gotta run. I will be back later.

Today was a walk outside & Cathe Live Supersets. I read to wait until after midnight and appointments will open up for DMV. One day in February opened up so I grabbed it:)

It is so sad & crazy what is happening in the news today:(

Belinda - Nice workout today!

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I also walked outside yesterday. Plan on going for a walk once the sun comes out today.

Today was Barlates Mix & Match Upper 80 - 10. She did 15 rounds, 80 sec on/10 sec rest. She only used 2's and 3's. This one burned big times. Sweaty workout. Linda comes up with some very unique moves. Loved it. This one is a non YouTube workout. I also have her Mix & Match lower. I probably will pull one out this week. I am trying trough run through her downloads.

Debbie - it is very sad & crazy what happened in the news yesterday :( Great job yesterday.

Kirstin - please let us know you ok.

Have a great day and workout everyone.
I just did CL # Boxing Hiit Express”.Very fun and short workout, I think the workout clocked in under 30 min or maybe right at 30 min.I started my Apple Watch 3 min before the CL aired. There was a little impact like jumping jacks/burpees/ scissors) I modified them all. The scissors I did on my rebounder.

That was my first Thursday Cathe Live workout. So fun!

That's it for me today.

Today was a walk outside, it was cold out! I set-up my new phone, now I need to figure out how to use it LOL.

Belinda - Lots of fun workouts for you today. I never did a Cathe Live, Live if that makes sense. I was thinking, I hope your children are ok, I believe they live in the DC area:( It must be scary for them.

Kristin - I agree with Belinda, let us know if you are ok.

Good morning,

STS M2 Week 2 Back/Bic is done.

I will catch up on personals later. Gotta run some donations off to the homeless shelter. BBL!

Today was a walk outside. We are going to get a bite to eat out tonight.

Belinda - Nice workout! We just put together a bunch of things for donation from my in-laws house too:)

Have a great weekend:)

Today I did #126 Timesaver Step Grooves = 36 min. Very fun workout.

Debbie - I filled up my entire car with donations. I couldn't see out anything in the back, lol. I went to Costco and bought a bunch of man's stuff for the winter. I also bough hand sanitizer and masks I will donate to the homeless. They are in need of man's stuff. It was way to cold to go for a walk today.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. I hurt my upper back so I didn't do weights today.

Belinda - Sounds like a fun workout! That is so nice of you to bring the donations plus getting the extra's to add to your donation:)


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