Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I took a long walk outside since it was in the 50's:) My garage door broke, it is 30 years old. I just don't like to do repairs during the holidays.

Belinda - That is good news no problems with hearing:) Good luck with your CT scan tomorrow. The thing I like about the new phones is the camera is so much better. I like to take pictures of nature and animals when I come across it.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi eveyone,

The CT scan only took less than 10 min. I probably will not get the results until next week. I visit my kids in DC, we had dinner together.

This morning I did SBF Barre 14. It was lower body. I also did a Flexibility/balance workout afterwards.

Debbie - thank you. I am glad the hearing test come out great. My CT scan was quick. Now I have to wait for the results. I have a iPhone X, I love the camera. I haven't used a regular camera in years. I use my camera to take pictures of nature and animals and for my family.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside in the fog but it wasn’t cold. Ugh, we may be getting a big snow storm on Wednesday 15-19 inches :oops: but too soon to tell.

Belinda - Kudos on getting your workout in:) I hope you get good results on your CT scan. It’s nice that you had dinner with your kids. It’s amazing that we can take pictures with our phones, who would have ever imagined that LOL.

Kristin - Hopefully your Christmas vacation is around the corner.


I went for a short walk. We are suppose to get 12 inches off snow on Wednesday. It was sunny but cold outside. I also did SBF D14 Christmas stretch - 27 min.

Debbie - technology is great. How are you doing after you're surgery? Sounds like we all get hit with a lot of snow this week.

Kirstin - I miss you!

Have a great Sunday.

Today was a walk outside, it was nice today almost 60:cool: Also a beautiful sunset. I also did Ramped Up UB. Maybe some snow tomorrow now:( My MIL isn't doing well. I hope for DH & his family nothing happens during the holidays.

Belinda - Fun workout for you today:) They have 2 models for snow on Wednesday, anywhere from 6-20 inches, hopefully the 6 inches. Do you think the food store will be cleaned out:rolleyes: I feel good after the surgery, the surgeon was good she left me with only a tiny scar.

Waves hi to Kristin


I did STS Week 3 D7 Shoulder/biceps/chest plus SBF D15 Strong Back + TB on Ball (work deep upper, middle, and lower back muscles as well as triceps and glutes in this unique way on the ball. BW only)

Debbie - glad you feel good after the surgery and only have a tiny scar. I hope the food stores will not be cleaned out. It's snowing outside. We are not suppose to get snow until Wednesday. What's wrong with your MIL? I will keep her in my prayers.

Waving Hi to Kirstin

Today was a walk outside after it cleared up. We had a mix of snow and rain. Also Lite Bodyweight with Bands.

Belinda - Lots of workouts for you :) My MIL is unable to walk from loss of strength in her legs, and is having complications from Alzheimer’s like not sleeping or eating. It’s sad to see her go through this.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I am pulling out all my JS dvd's. Decided on her 4 mile Power walk. It's really not 4 miles, it was more like 3.5 miles, lol. Anyway got a ton of steps with this one. I will do SBF D16 Christmas Lower = 22 min + Hamstring on Ball = 8 min later.

The ENT called me yesterday to give me the results from my CT scan came back normal, no up normal RP stuff :) I am so happy. The meds seems to work. Although I don't like taking all those meds. She also gave me the Audiology results back, no hearing loss. It's a matter of fact, my hearing is very good compared to people my age.

I have 2 appointments tomorrow. One is with my Rheumatologist. I hope I don't have to cancel do to the snow. We are suppose to get 12 inches or more snow tomorrow.

Debbie - sorry to hear about your MIL! Great job on your walk and Lite Bodyweight bands yesterday.

Kirstin - check in, girl! We miss you

Have a great day everyone.

Today was a walk outside & abs. We are expecting about 18 inches of snow:( Tomorrow, I have some errands & visit to my MIL but it's not supposed to start till 2-3pm. This would have been nice on Christmas.

Belinda - That is a nice long power walk!! Good news with your Dr.'s appointment:) Will you have to take the meds for a long period of time? I hope you get your Dr.'s appointments in.

Kristin - I heard that virtual schools in NYC will not have a snow day. I always thought they were built in, would have been a nice break for the teachers.

Good morning,

STS Meso 1 Week 3 Back & Triceps plus SBF D17 TB Cardio Hiit = 40 min.

Debbie - thank you. Great job on your walk yesterday. I have to take meds for the rest of my life. RP there is no cure for it. The doctor only can keep the inflammation done with meds. If you have time and want to read a little about it here is a link: It's snowing as I type, hopefully I don't have to cancel my appointments today.

I need to get ready for my appointments. Hopefully the weather isn't to bad to drive. BBL!

Today was a walk outside before the snow started at 3:30PM. I also did a zoom yoga tonight. The snow has been falling and they cut the amount to either 7-10 inches. I went outside earlier to take some snow off a Christmas decoration and it is very light weight. It should be easy to clear away. My BIL does our driveway so we just have to do sidewalk, walkways and deck.

Belinda - Nice workouts! Hopefully you were able to get to your appointments today. I read your link to RP, hopefully someday they have a cure. I saw at the bottom of the page there are clinical trials. What do you think about them? I'm guessing you only do them if you the meds aren't working (I think).

Kristin - Hopefully not too much snow for you;)

Good morning,

Yesterday DH and I got stuck in a snow storm going to my appointments. Usually what takes me 50-60 min took us 3.5 hours one way. Of course, I was 3.5 hours late for both my appointments. I even got my blood work done. My doctors are amazing, they took me in right away. I need my blood tested every 3 month to make sure the meds are not affecting my organs.I was glad when we were home last night.

Today I did Dance that walk 2. It was very low impact.

Debbie - I pray, one day they find a cure for RP. The only thing they can do is giving me medications. I am already taking high does of meds to keep RP in remission. I trust my doctor, he is the one that diagnose me in the hospital with RP.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today was a hard day, we stayed with my MIL it was a bad day, took a break to go home to eat & shovel and went back at dinner time left again, shortly after her caretaker asked us to come back and she passed at few hours later. She wasn't talking today but she did say a few words to my DH which meant a lot to him.

Belinda - Wow, it must have been scary and stressful stuck in the snow storm. It is awesome that the Dr.'s took you too:) It really sounds like you have a great Dr. and you are in good hands.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I just finished STS M1 D9 Legs and SBF D19 Christmas UB + Quick Tabata = 25 min.

I had an virtual Ortho appointment this morning, my doc wants to see me in the office instead. Gotta run.

I will be back to catch up on personals.

Today was Metabolic Blast. DH & his sisters made arrangements for my MIL for Sunday & Monday. We wanted to have the service before Christmas.

Belinda - Great workouts! You must be close to be finished with your ortho work. I hope all goes well.

Waves hi to Kristin


Got my workout in late today. I was looking for a turkey for Christmas. Costco had zero anywhere. We found one at Wegmanns today.

I did SBF D20 Inter.Seat work plus Foldover Target.

Debbie - I am so sorry for your loss (((HUGS)))) My heart goes out to you and your DH. I am glad your MIL was able to talk a few world to your husband. I am not even close to being finished with Invisalign. My teeth are stubborn, they won't move. Please take good care of you.

Kirstin - where are you?

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. It wasn't too bad but snow still all around. I will try and get short workouts in the next couple of days. I have been keeping busy but haven't made Christmas cookies yet:)

Belinda - Nice workout! Thank you for your kind words:) I had a hard time finding chicken thighs the other day and it did seem people were buying lots of food. I'm wondering if people are avoiding restaurants and large family gatherings so more people cooking. It will be worth it when you are finished with invisalign but it must be frustrating for the time you are putting into it.

Kristin - How are you?


I walked 2 miles and did SBF D21 Christmas Stretch = 35 min plus Christmas kids stretch. I am all stretched out, lol.

Debbie - I have no idea, maybe people are cooking more at home. I know Costco didn't get turkeys for Christmas. Not sure why? Luckily, I found a turkey at another grocery store. Costco had chicken tights. What are you plan on cooking on Christmas?

Kirstin - hope you doing well.

Good night.

Today was High Reps. It was extremely quiet at my MILs wake, understandable with Covid and Christmas this week. It was only a couple of hours but it was nice to have just the immediate family it gave us a chance to talk and share memories. Tomorrow is the Church.

Belinda - You did get a lot of stretching in, nice to do it to Christmas music:) That is strange Costco didn't have turkeys at Thanksgiving. I also didn't see prepared Thanksgiving meals like I saw in the past. I am making lasagna and a meat sauce.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

STS Week 4 D4 Chest/shoulder/Biceps is done. I also did SBF Upper Core + Cardio & Weights.

Debbie - ((HUGS)) so sorry what you guys are going through. Costco had turkey on TG but not for Christmas. Your Christmas dinner sounds yummy.

Have a great day and workout.

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