Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi everyone,

I had an ENT appointment this morning. I was very sad when I came out of the ENT. She said I have PR on my right ear as well :( I have to call to make an appointment for a scan on my sinus, first they want to do a scan than an MRI. She wants me to get a 45 min audiology test and schedule other tests. I have an appointment with my Rheumatologist soon.

STS D2 is done!

Debbie - thank you! We stayed home and cooked together. My son and DIL are still here. We had a lot of fun. Glad you had a nice day yesterday.

Good night. I am tired today.

Today was a walk outside. I think for Christmas I will get DH & me some warmer hats & gloves it seems like what we have isn't cutting the cold. I also did Gym Style Back, bi's & shoulders.

Belinda - That is frustrating but it seems like the Dr's are knowledgeable. It's good that you are doing STS at least you'll have your workouts planned. It sounds like you had a nice Anniversary dinner & lots of fun:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

All I did today is SBF Adv. Barre w/ball + Lower Back back body Target and Barre Hiit. I also went for a walk with my son and DIL.

Debbie - yes, that's is frustrating and the Dr's are knowledgeable. My Rheumatologist never said anything about my right ear. I will see my Rheumatologist on the 16th. He is the specialist. It's getting so cold outside here too. I been wearying a hat to cover my ears for the last few day's. Today the walk was nice not to bad. that's a great idea getting new cloves and hats for Christmas. Great job on GS back/bi/shoulder.

Hi Kirstin - you must be very busy!

Good night everyone.

Today was a walk outside and not as cold & Metabolic Blast. We ended up getting our Christmas tree since we are getting a rain/wind storm this weekend. The tree/greenhouse owner told us it was his best year ever. Lots of people want plants/trees for their homes since we are spending so much time there;)

Belinda - Barre w/ball sounds like fun:) Maybe the specialist will have a different opinion. It's good that two Dr.'s will be looking at your ear.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

STS W1 D3 legs plus SBF 21 Day Countdown to Christmas D5 Christmas upper body = 15 min + Christmas Express Stretch = 12 min is done.

Debbie - barre w/the ball was all lower body. My legs were burning. I will wait until I see my rheumatologist on the 16th. He is the expert. That makes sense people buying more plants since they home more. When are you going to decorate your tree? Nice job on your workout.

Have a great Friday, everyone.

Today was a walk outside before the cold front/rain came in. My neighbor is in the hospital not sure if it is Covid, he's been running a fever for 2 weeks.

Belinda - Do the Christmas workouts play Christmas music? We will not decorate the tree until Sunday. It's amazing that Christmas is around the corner.

Kristin - Will you get extra time for Christmas vacation this year?

Good morning,

Step Sync and SBF LB band target + Booty 2 all done.

Debbie - yes, the Christmas workouts play Christmas music. My DIL loves decorating for Christmas, I will let her do all the decorations, lol. So sorry to hear about your neighbor. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

Have a great Saturday, everyone.
Hey guys. I am sorry I am on and off here. I just never have the energy or time. . . I love my students this year, but that is about it. Teaching in person AND livestreaming and teaching kids at home at the same time is mentally exhausted. I have been falling asleep at 7:30-8 every night. Plus grades are due for progress reports, parent/teacher conferences are coming up (also through Zoom). . . and the beat goes on. I am trying to get a handle on it. My workouts were lacking before Thanksgiving. I got on the scale Sunday and almost died. I jumpstarted my diet and made it a point to work out 5X this week, which I did. I am just drained. I am sorry. I think the time change did me in too. Time change and the switch to live teaching in person and online at the same time was a double whammy, in my opinion. The time change always gets me down. I feel doubly down these days. Trying to get into the holiday spirit. I only have 2.5 weeks left before the holiday break.

I am making my students little holiday goodie bags to give to them before the last day. I really love them this year. I think the whole pandemic is getting to them too. Crazy times.

This year we bought a fake tree so that we could decorate the house earlier than usual. I needed something to lift my spirits. It's been nice to come home to a lit tree and lit stair railings.

I will BBL for personals.


Today was a walk outside. I also went to with my SILs to pick out some things for my MIL. We also had a bite to eat but the food wasn't really good.

My younger DS is now getting tested daily with the rapid Covid Tests. They are trying to protect the older patients at his job.

Belinda - Nice workout! It's great that you DIL likes to decorate, I agree let her knock her self out;)

Kristin - I can't imagine the stress you are going through this year. Someone told me that their child's teacher only has 2 students in classroom and the other 14 students are virtual. She said the teacher said it is very difficult to do both. Hopefully this is over soon! Will you be one of the 1st ones to get the vaccination?


Tomorrow I have an early appointment with the orthopedist. I did STS Week 2 D4 CSB today. Had an excellent workout. I also did SBF D7 Christmas Stretch = 32 min. Felt great after STS.

Debbie - sorry about the food yesterday. Glad you had fun with your MIL. What is your DS do? That is great they testing him daily. Will you get the vaccination?

Kirstin - sorry you are going through so much with school. Must be tough. I hope they pay you more. If it makes you feel better I also fall asleep before 9 pm. Ever since I was hospitalized my energy isn't 100%. Maybe it's the stress with RP.

I will be back tomorrow after my appointment. Have a great Sunday.

Today was a walk outside & Lite Pyramid Pump. It feels nice to be doing weights again. I was running an errand and an SUV a few cars in front of me hit a small buck. It's strange because it was on a busy highway in the middle of the day, and came out of nowhere. The SUV had front end damage but everyone looked safe.

Belinda - Good luck with your appointment tomorrow. I still love doing STS:) My ds does heating/air for an assisted living facility. He really isn't around the patients but they still want everyone tested. I'm sure I will be last on the list to get the vaccination, so it will give me the chance to see how others feel about it.

Waves hi to Kristin


I did SBF UB Core Circuit = 31 min plus I went for a walk.

Went to see orthopedist this morning. He wants me to get knee gel injections on both knees. If that doesn't help I need surgery on my knees. I try anything before I get surgery. He wants me to avoid deep squats/lunges. I can do baby squats. He also don't want me to walk on concrete. Not sure what I am going to do now? Maybe I buy very cushion shoes. I hate to give up my walking. He said, I can use an elliptical/or a bike. Keep everything low impact/no twisting/stair climbing. We have a lot of stairs in our house

Debbie - oh no on the buck :( You see a lot of buck run over in VA, WV :( Makes me sad everything I see on. Great job on the walk and yeah on your weight workout. I am with you on the vaccination.

Waving Hi to Kirstin!

Have a great evening.

Today was a walk outside & abs. I am trying to get appointment at Apple store to see new iPhones but it seems impossible:confused: Our stores are appointment only.

Belinda - Nice workout! The gel injections sounds like a good idea to try before getting surgery. I wouldn’t have even thought walking on concrete would be a problem but I guess it could. How soon can you get the injections?

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

STS W1 D5 Back/Triceps is done. I also did SBF D9 Standing/Mat Lower Body = 24 min plus Christmas Tight and Seat Target = 7 min. I am done for today.

Debbie - nice workout yesterday. Hope you get an appointment with Apple store soon. Hopefully I get the injections soon.

Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk outside & MMA Kickboxing. I hope to get all my Christmas shopping done by the end of the week. I don't really have much to buy.

Belinda - Are you enjoying STS? The only way I could get an appointment is to say I need a new battery (which I do) but think they will say I need a new phone. I don't have any more memory so I can't even do updates or back-ups anymore.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

Today I SBF D10 Barre Hiit Circuit w/Louder Music = 39 min. This one was very low impact. Perfect for today. I also did the exercises I am suppose to do 3 times a week. My plan was going for a walk today, I did Clean Max instead.

Debbie - yes, I enjoy STS. Could you call Apple customer service? I done that a few times instead going to the Apple store. They will tell you if you need a new phone or help you clean up your phone. I was on the phone with Apple for 8 hours on my birthday in May. He cleaned up my phone and my computer.

Good night, everyone.

Today was a walk outside. It was cold and snow was sticking on the grass so it was pretty.

I went to the Apple store and they only can show the cases, not the phones because of Covid. The technician still answered our questions. You could only go in the doorway of the store and they have counters you go up to no walking around the store or touching anything. You can only order on-line. I spent a few hours working out problems with our account but they finally fixed it.

Belinda - Nice workout and good that it is low impact (I prefer that too). The technician says I should get a new phone (mine is 7 years old). I can't do updates anymore because the system is too old and I have very little space even after transferring photos and deleting apps. It will be our Christmas presents to each other so it works out.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

STS W1 Legs is done.

Debbie - what you have snow? It's freezing cold outside. Luckily we don't have snow. Yeah, you need a new phone. Glad everything worked out for you. Which phone are you getting? That's a nice Christmas present.

I will try to go for a walk later once it warms up outside. BBL!

Today I walked outside and did legs and glutes. It wasn't as cold and the snow all melted:)

Belinda - I like STS leg workouts. I can't believe I have snow before you. I am getting the iphone 12 just deciding if I should get the better camera. I forgot to say I also don't get text messages if my phone is off or charging:rolleyes: Well sometimes they show up the next time I charge my phone. One time I texted my SIL at 7pm and she received it at 1AM:(

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

I went to my appointment with the Audiology went well. No damage or hearing problem from all those ear infections/RP problems I have. I hope it stays that way. My Rheumatologist is running a bunch of base line test for RP. I have a CT scan tomorrow. I pray I have a good outcome too.

I did a short SBF UB/core workout.

Debbie - no snow. They said we could get some by next week. You gave me a good idea what to get DH for Christmas. He needs a new phone too. I will do what you do. Get us both a new phone. Thanks for the idea :) Yeah, you need a new phone.

Kirstin - Hallo!

Good night. I will be back tomorrow.

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