Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

I did CL #317 Metabolic LB. Had a great workout. I also did SBF D40 Lower Body Bare & Balance and Stretch + Barre Amped Core = 7 min.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. I will catch up on personals later.

Today was a rest day for me. It was rainy & cold today. I needed to get blood work & Covid test for my surgery on Tuesday. The good thing is with appointments you are in and out of the office. We are going to get a bite to eat.

Belinda - I didn't realize CL had a Metabolic LB workout. You lower body must be sore today with all of your workouts:)

Waves to Kristin

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

CL # 315 Cardio Boxing Boot Camp is done. I also did SBF Table Top Balance + BarreAmped Stretch.

Debbie - yes, CL has a few Metabolic LB workouts. I used the same weight Cathe did, my legs are not sore. Glad you got all your pre tests done for your surgery. I agree, about the appointments. You get in and out in no time.

Have a great weekend.

Today was a walk outside. I had a migraine but needed to stop vitamins and over the counter meds. I'm allowed tylenol but it only helps alittle. I'm sure I'll feel better after a good night sleep.

Belinda - Nice workouts!

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. Yesterday I did a 4 mile run. Today I did a five mile run. Next week I think I will do one long run at the 10 mile loop. It will be the longest run I have done since the virtual marathon. It all depends on how my shin feels. Nothing else to report. Had a pretty boring weekend. I am thinking we will be fully remote by the end of the month, if not before Thanksgiving as the Covid numbers are increasing here.

Deb- It is amazing how Covid has forced medical offices to be more time efficient to get patients in on time and out on time. I hope you get a good night sleep! The banded walks are with the Cathe band.

Belinda- You are doing great with your workouts!


Good evening,

I went for a 2.5 mile walk today. It was cold and windy.

Debbie - sorry about the migraine. Good luck tomorrow. Please keep us updated.

Kirstin - the Covid numbers are increasing here too. Sorry about your shins. Hope you feel better soon.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & Strong Stacked Set Upper Body. I am trying to get some weight workouts before I need to take 2 weeks off. I feel so much better today:)

Belinda - It wasn't too bad when I walked but now it is real windy:(

Kristin - I switched sneakers when my shins were hurting maybe that could be it. I saw in NY you have the choice to go remote or classroom it seems strange they would let parents decide. Maybe I misunderstood.

Hi everyone,

CL # 303 Boot Camp: Heavy Weights is done. Had to modify some of the impact on my rebounder. I also went lighter on the LB.

Debbie - glad you feel much better. Good luck today. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! Take the 2 weeks as a recovery. Your body will thank you. You will come back stronger.

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today.


Today was a walk outside & Lite Stacked lower body. Tomorrow early morning is my surgery.

Belinda - Nice workout! Thank you for your kind words, will let you know how it goes tomorrow.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

CL 294 Touch Up Training: TB is done. Friday is the Cathe visual RT.

Debbie - thinking of you today. Please let me know how you are doing when you get a chance.

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today. It's very windy here.

Have a great day everyone.

Today the surgery went well, it was a long day, hospital was running late. I don't have any pain but feel tired. A young nurse put my IV in and it hurt so bad. Luckily, another old nurse was walking by and put it in another spot and it was painless. She said they give more hours to the younger nurses and they need assistance a lot. I felt bad for the older nurse but very happy she helped out.

Belinda - The title of your workout sounds interesting:) Thank you for your thoughts;)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Today I did SBF D45 TB Barre + D 45 Arms. Deciding if I want to add another SBF workout today? Tomorrow I have 2 doc appointments. I am trying to knock out this weeks SBF workouts, Friday is the Cathe visual RT. DD and I got our goody bag yesterday. Haven't had time to see what's in it, lol.

Debbie - glad your surgery went well and you have no pain. Yeah, reminds me of the nurse in the hospital that used my arm as a pin cushion.I told him he will not put another IV in my arm unless they an ultrasound to find my veins. I was very dehydrated they had a hard time finding my veins. All that poking around. My arm was bruised/blue. Glad an older nurse took good care of you. Get lots of rest and feel better soon.

Friday and Saturday I will do the Cathe visual RT. I will try to check in the early morning or evening.

Happy Hump day, everyone.

Today was a really cold walk:) but warmer temps are coming. I have had some pain but not bad at all, just couldn't sleep last night.

Belinda - I can't wait to hear about the RT:) It's funny you say about being dehydrated because that is what the nurse said, but the older nurse put the IV in my hand which was painless and worked. I almost jumped out of bed when the 1st nurse was poking me. I wonder if it happens a lot.

Kristin - I heard on the news they are closing NYC schools but the Governor was vague about LI schools. I thought he was not being nice to the reporters asking questions. I'm sure he is burnt.


My appointments went well with the nutritionist and Exercise Physiologist this morning. He gave me 4 exercises I should be doing for my lower body. The lower body are done with bands. That should be easy. He also doesn't want me to go no heavier than 8's and no more than 8-10 reps. That should be interesting! I still can go for walks and low impact aerobics. He also told me ways to avoid twisting my knees on the rebounder. I learned a lot today.

Tomorrow is Cathe's virtual RT. Alesia is coming in the morning. My workout room is all set up. Thinking on hooking my computer to my TV. I haven't picked out my clothes yet, lol. I have plenty time in the morning.

I walked 2.5 miles plus did SBF D47 Barre 2. That's it!

Debbie - yesterday we had a zoom test, met a few new ladies. We chatted a little since we were early for the zoom test run. Sorry about your sleep. Glad your pain isn't bad. Take whatever they gave you, lol. When will you get the results? You allowed to walk? Good for you.

Hi Kirstin!

Good night everyone.

Today was a walk outside and it was still so cold. We walked later in the day and the sunset was beautiful!

Belinda - It sounds like you learned a lot from your Dr.'s appointments:). Hooking you computer to your TV sounds like a great idea. Will you be able to see everyone during the zoom classes? When I have taken zoom yoga it's usually only 8-10 people so I can see everyone. Once we start class, we have the option to switch to just see the instructor (big picture) and me on the side and I do switch. It will be interesting to see how it works with a larger group. Have fun this weekend, can't wait to hear about it. I should get me results on Monday.

Waves hi to Kristin


Today I took a longer walk because it was so nice out. I was tired though:)

Belinda - I'm going to check FB to see if they are posting any pictures about the Virtual RT. Have fun!!!!!

Kristin - I hope you are still able to teach in the classroom.

Have a Great Weekend:)
Good evening,

Today's RT schedule:

  • Friday 3:00-4:30 pm EST Welcome and Virtual Shopping - DD and I shopped our heats out, lol. They had lots of things only for the RT'ers to buy. I bought 2 tank tops, sweater, hat, gym bag. We had a long break for Class 1 :(
  • Friday 5:00-6:00 pm EST Class 1 Cardio Kickboxing & Core - burned almost 500 cal. I was a sweaty mess. Loved the music. Cathe gave me a shout out :D she remembered me from Germany!! I flown in Germany to one of her RT's. Not sure you you all know, but Cathe's parents are from Germany. She speaks German. Cathe and I we talk in German. I hope I will have an opportunity to talk to Cathe tomorrow.
  • Friday 6:30-6:45 pm EST "Let's Make a Recovery Smoothie" with Cathe - I had all the ingredients, since it was so late DD and I decided not to do it. We watched Cathe do the smoothie :) DD and I had a glass of wine instead, lol.
  • Friday 6:45-7:45 pm EST Q&A Time with Cathe and Raffle Giveaways - we didn't win anything. It still was fun others won. The Q&A time with Cathe was interesting. I had my PC hooked up to my TV, I couldn't ask questions. Tomorrow I will use one of my older computers to sign in separate.
  • Friday 7:45 pm EST "Lobby" Party mingle amongst one another - by that time I was starving. It was almost 8:15 pm I still haven't eaten dinner. No lobby party for us.
DD and I had a lot of fun doing our 3rd RT together. There was a little problem at the beginning, we all were cut off the zoom. I don't like zoom. Zoom kicks you off and. you have to sign in again and again. That was a little frustrating. I am glad both my kids are here to help me out with zoom. I don't have the patient for that, lol. The audio wasn't like in a live class. The visual RT isn't the same as the actual live one. I am glad considering the situation we are all in, she has a virtual one.

Debbie - how are you feeling? Glad you got out for a walk today. I haven't checked FB for pictures yet. I was a sweaty mess, lol.

Good night.
Good evening,

The RT just ended. They still have a lobby party going on. I didn't sleep well last night. We had a blast at the visual RT. I will tell you all about it tomorrow.

Debbie - how are you doing?

Good night.

Today I went to the outlets with my SILs, it was fun. I didn't get much but my SILs did a lot of their Christmas shopping.

I received a phone call when we were shopping it was unknown call. I had a feeling I should pick it up and sure enough it was the Dr. She gave me great news they didn't find any cancer :) :):) I thought it was nice of her to call me even though it was Saturday. She was very nice and talkative, we even talked about the Covid vaccination. I have a follow-up appointment at the end of the month, but at least I can stop worrying.

Belinda - The Virtual RT sounds awesome!!! I like your plan, wine 1st smoothie on another day. I did see some one posted a selfie video of her doing the Cathe RT workout. I just couldn't understand how you could see her whole body, when I do zoom some body parts are cut off:p I would need help with zoom too;) How cool that Cathe gave you a shout out! Were you and Alesia the only doubles on zoom? It sounds like you did so much in 2 days:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Cathe Virtual Roadtrip was amazing. DD and I had blast. Last night at the a mock tail/cocktail party Cathe gave me another shout out. She ask me when I moved from Germany to the US. We talked about her mom and dad. I have a very, strong German accent like her mom :) I didn't like the beaks in-between classes. I thought it was too long. Yesterday my entire family went for a walk with the dogs. I loved all the 4 classes especially. The 3rd class Metabolic TB was fantastic. There was audio problems which was a little frustrating since I could hardly hear. The yoga mobility felt great after good afterwards. The flow was around 50 min. The music was amazing, she played real music. Cathe will have her new equipment line coming. She will come out with a workout with the fabric loops. As I mention before DD and I shopped our heart out. I figured I only can get it at the RT. Why not? I am really glad I did the virtual Roadtrip.

Debbie - I am glad your about your results. So happy to hear! Cathe gave me a few shout out during the RT :) She is so sweat. No Aleisa and I were not the only ones on zoom. There was one lady she had her kids workout with her during the RT. Aleisa payed for the RT, she wanted the goody bag!

I will be back later.

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