Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk outside it was lightly raining & Pump 30 lower body. I like the new workouts.

Belinda - I'm sorry the meds are working:( Hopefully the change of meds will help you. Kudos on getting in your workout!

Kristin - Tough workout!! Did your CF gym ever open? DH said the most that are in the gym are 3 people when he is there. It's good that you are unfollowed people that were causing you stress. Maybe that will be enough.

Good morning,

Today I went for a walk with DD. She is visiting. I also did SBF UB 3.

Debbie - the disease is rare. I think the new meds will help. The ER doctor told me which meds my doctor wants to give me next. He wanted to put me on the meds from the beginning then changed it.

Kirstin - I am still waiting to get seen by my doctors. They are trying to squeeze in in between other patients. They are completely booked until Dec. That's exactly what I did. I started to delete friends that were posting political crap. It's getting crazy on FB. Like I said, I only check out SBF or fitness related sites. Everything else I don't read or delete/unfollow. WTG, on your workout yesterday. Looks very tough.

Have a great day and workout everyone.
Hey guys. Today I did a 5 mile run. The weather was perfect for it. I love the fall. I cannot believe it is only Tuesday. It feels like Thursday to me. . . a long week I guess.

Deb- the gym did reopen, but unfortunately, lost a lot of members and closed down last month. I never went back because it was expensive and I realized how expensive it was when DH was out of work. By cutting out a lot of unnecessary expenses, we were able to get by during that time. It made me rethink the gym. I still do CF type workouts, but at home, in my own time. I like it better. I miss some of the people though.

Belinda- I hope your doctor can see you before then! Enjoy your time with DD.



Today was a long walk outside. It was a nice day too!

Belinda - I'm happy to hear they have new meds for you to try:) Hopefully you don't have to wait to long to see your Dr's. Have fun while DD is visiting.

Kristin - Nice day for a run:) I think a lot of people are rethinking the gym. That was smart to cut out unnecessary expenses. In our town, we have so many boutique gyms that are so expensive. It is sad to see gyms, restaurants and stores closing.

Hi everyone,

I had my appointment with my Rheumatologist this morning. He believes the ear infections I had in the past were Relapsing Polychondeitis (RP) not ear infections. No wonder the antibiotics never worked. He is changing my meds, which I have to be monitored by getting regular blood tests. The new meds have list of side effects. My ear never completely cleared up since I was released from the hospital.

Yesterday DD and I did a Latin Dance Sculpt class. That was a tone of fun. DD belongs to the the gym in DC, they also offer live classes online. I did SBF Cardio Tone for Beginners.

Debbie - thank you! I hope the new meds are helping and clear up my ear. It's very overwhelming. I have a lot of doctors appointment set up. I do need to be monitored by getting regular blood tests on the new meds. Great job on the walk. I also walked with Aleisa. She went home yesterday but will come again this week. Her birthday is Halloween.

Kirstin - I talked to my sister in Germany. They are shutting down everything again. My sister owns a Cosmetic/feet school. She is frustrated. All restaurants are suppose to close starting tomorrow. She said no deaths in Germany. Nobody understands why the shut down? I feel bad for all the gyms, restaurants and stores that are closing here in the US. I agree with Debbie! People are rethinking gyms these day's. Great job on your CF workouts. I am sure you are kicking butt at home.

I will try to be back later. I am waiting to get my blood test.

Today was a walk outside & a yoga class. It was our last nice day for awhile, lots of rain coming.

Belinda - Your dance class sounds like fun:) I hope the meds work but it's good they are monitoring it with blood work. I saw Germany was shutting down, but didn't realize they have to deaths. It seems like restrictions are not uniformed especially here in the US. I always forget Halloween is your dd birthday it is our anniversary.
Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I did Perfect 30 LB and SBF Tabata.

Debbie - the latin dance workout was so much fun. I will do it again soon, once they go live they stay up for streaming. My sisters are not happy with the shut down in Germany. Factories, kindergartens, schools and furniture stores stay open but restaurants and gyms getting shut down. Makes no sense at all:rolleyes: I agree, restrictions are not uniformed here in the US. Yes, halloween is DD's birthday. I forgot it's also your anniversary. Any plans? We are going to a halloween chocolate sculpting/dinner tonight. Of course, it's social distance. DD wants to cook on her birthday. It's raining here, no walk today.

Kirstin - have fun with your workout.

I have to more blood work done. Gotta run. Have a great day and workout.

I attempted a walk today, but lasted 10 min:oops: too much rain & wind. Afterwards I had a migraine all day and the meds just weren't working:( We are going to attempt to take a drive upstate NY to see fall foliage but expecting snow in the morning.

Belinda - Nice workouts! Hopefully Germany only shuts down for a brief time, just so unfair. Your chocolate sculpting dinner sounds like a lot of fun:) We will try and do a scenic drive tomorrow & dinner next week for our Anniversary. I'm going to try and be home for Halloween just don't know how many Trick or Treaters will come:confused:

Kristin - Are the boys planning anything for Halloween?

Good morning,

I signed up for CL after seeing the clip on Thursday. I did Cathe Live # 320 Halloween Hocus Pocus. Cathe is so cute in this one. The workout was short and fun.

Debbie - Happy Anniversary!

Today is my DD's 35th birthday. I will try to check in tomorrow. BBL!
Hey guys. Did a 5 mile run this afternoon. Getting ready for Halloween and straightening out the house. Not much else to report.

Deb- Happy Anniversary! Yesterday I saw that it did snow upstate, crazy. We have to teach with windows open for air circulation, and it was freezing in the classrooms yesterday. Thankfully, it is supposed to warm up next week.

Belinda- Wow! I cannot believe Germany is shutting things down and there have been no deaths. We are averaging 1000 deaths a day here in the U.S. That is like a 9/11 happening every three days. Too crazy. I keep reading that the second wave is coming. . . maybe Germany is trying to prevent that? Did it ever get bad there like it did in Italy?



We went upstate NY on Friday it didn't snow by us but when we arrived there was a mix of snow & fall leaves on the trees it was pretty. We stayed over last night, hiked Friday & Saturday. It was cold but I brought the right clothes and the Waterfalls were running nicely with all the rain we have been getting.

Thank you for the Anniversary congrats. We didn't get many trick or treaters but at least some came out. I have so much candy left over:( Will check our neighborhood message boards to see if anyone taking the candy.

Belinda - Happy Birthday to your DD:) have a nice day! I saw the CL Halloween clip, it looked so cute.

Kristin - Nice run! How was your Halloween? Keeping the windows open sounds like a good idea but how realistic will that be in the winter months. When we were driving through towns in NY, we saw people eating outside even though it was snowing:oops:

Good morning,

I got up early do do SBF D27 Upper Core (I ran out of time yesterday) and D28 Stretch.

Debbie - your trip to upstate NY sounds lovely. Aww....about the snow. I'll bet it looked beautiful.

Kirstin - they do reporting a lot of people are infected with Covid. Maybe they are trying to prevent a second wave? One of my sisters coworker died a few month ago of covid. He was the only one they know. They will shut down for a month. People are not happy about it. Keeping the windows open is a great idea. I agree, what will they do in the winter? Kids and teachers will get sick.

I will be back later.

Today was Perfect Flow which was very similar to the stretch/yoga class Cathe does on RT. I liked this one. I was able to get tomatoes at the Farmer's Market but I'm sure not for much longer.

Belinda - Nice workout! It was nice having the extra hour today:) just don't like it getting dark earlier.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Today I did CL #302 Burn Sets: Back, Chest and Shoulders = 48 min. Had a great workout this morning.

Debbie - I still haven't done Perfect Flow. The farmers market closed the end of October. We finally ordered a new refrigerator/freezer. We will not get it until Dec :( Not sure, what I will do for Thanksgiving? May have to change plans..

Hi Kirstin.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. My legs were super sore on Sunday. Maybe I went back into running too fast? I took a rest day. Today I did two 10 minute AMRAPS (as many rounds as possible). First ten minutes was 5 push ups, 10 squats, 15 sit-ups. Second AMRAP was 5 weighted step ups (20# plate), 10 G2OH (ground to overheads with 20# plate) and 15 reverse crunches. It was a good fast workout.

Even after working out, I feel so anxious about this election, I am just sooooo on edge. I may have a glass of wine tonight. Tomorrow it will be a bottle, lol, kidding, but not really! I just want there to be peace and for the division to end. I hope it does.

Belinda- I think preventing the second wave from spiking high numbers is smart. In the winter one window needs to be open, but the heat will be on. I keep telling the students to wear layers, as I am doing as well. I am taking so many vitamins as well.

Deb- it was very cold in the room today, but once they cranked the heat, it was better. I just try to follow the guidelines the best as I can. I don't want to get sick or have to quarantine. As crazy as work is right now, I am enjoying being in the classroom. I don't want to go full remote if we can avoid it.

Tomorrow I am working from home. We are doing Professional Development Day from home. I have an online meeting and then two online seminars I have to take. I am looking forward to it. I already voted on Sunday. I waited on line for over 2 hours, but it was worth it. I am afraid of what might happen tomorrow. Things feel so crazy to me.



Today was Perfect 30 UB.

I will not be able to do the Virtual RT, I wish I could, I think it will be fun:( For the last couple of months, I have been having several tests done because of a small lump on my breast they found on an ultrasound. I had a biopsy which was scary, the MRI was tough, I couldn't move for 90 minutes. The Dr. is hopeful it will not be anything but the tests are all coming back unclear so they must take it out with some surrounding tissue and biopsy. Everyone agrees it should come out. I am scheduled next week for a marker to be put in & removal the following week. I feel positive it will work out just a little nervous.

Belinda - The CL workouts are so much fun & lots of variety. It's crazy that your refrigerator won't be here till December. You would think the manufacturers would be catching up :confused:

Kristin - I always wondered what AMRAPS stood for:) I'm thinking about not turning on the TV, because I don't think we will hear results for awhile and not sure if it will cause riots. I'm happy I mailed my vote in. It must be nice to have the seminars at home, hopefully you will get done quicker too!

Good morning,

CL # Burn Set: Express Legs Heavy Weights = 35 min plus CL #307 All Core on the Floor = 34 min.

Debbie - I am so sorry you are going through this. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I know it's scary. We are planning on ordering Thanksgiving instead of figuring everything out. I am waiting for cook to call us today. We need vegan, dairy and gluten free side dishes. Hopefully he can work with us. So far, I am impressed with CL. You did sign up for a year, right?

Kirstin - my sister told me about 5 people died of covid in Nuremberg. My sister works for the German Government. Germans don't like the lockdown. For the economy having a second shut down isn't good especially for the restaurants and small businesses. Glad you school having a plan to keep the kids safe and somewhat warm.

I will be back later to catch up on personals.

Today was a walk outside & Kick, Punch & Crunch. It was a nice day & warmer days for the next few days:)

Belinda - Thank you for your kind words:) I did sign up for CL for the year, I will try the CL BS Express legs this week sounds like fun. I'm still not sure what I will be doing for Thanksgiving. It seems like cooks are able to work with dietary needs now a days.

Kristin - I was wondering if you stay up late to see the election results? Some of it is so confusing to me LOL.


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