Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Debbie - when are you leaving this week?

Kirstin - I understand it's a lot at a computer all day long. Aleisa works long hours on the computer too. She sometimes can't even speak on the phone she is so tired. I do understand. I cannot what for the day when we all return to normal too. Hopefully soon!! I totally get the stress. Good job with your run today.
Good morning,

Lift it Hit it Chest Triceps Shoulders is done. I will go for a walk.

Waving Hi to Debbie and Kirstin. BBL!

We left yesterday morning, slept in SC and arrived in FL at 6pm. We arrived to a bunch of problems but I’ll talk about it tomorrow. My MIL is feeling better. She lives in NJ, our plan is to buy my SILs out of the FL condo.

Belinda - Nice workouts! Hopefully your not coming down with anything.

Kristin - You’ll have to let us know how you do in the virtual race. I agree even if you walk at times it will be worth it to get into the NYC Marathon. I think after Covid running that race will be an accomplishment & mean so much.

Hi everyone,

Today I did RWH Legs. I did all the high impact cardio on my rebounder. Our heater broke. He will come tomorrow to fix the heater. I don't like having people in the house with COVID. My immune systems is compromised with all the steroids I was on.

Debbie - glad you made it safe to FL. Good luck with the condo. Is your SIL plan on selling? Fingers crossed. Oh no..on the problems.

Waving Hi to Kirstin!


Today was a walk on the beach. It isn’t too crowded here, lots of Europeans & Canadians come this time of year but they are not here.

We have problems with A/C, shower and what makes me nervous is mold on the furniture & doors. I am wiping everything with bleach hopefully that will help.

Belinda - Great job getting your workout in using the rebounder. I agree I don’t like having people in the house during Covid. The condo was my In-laws and my FIL wanted DH to have it but we will just buy out my SILs since they don’t have an interest in it.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Today is a rest day on the September rotation. Glad it was, I wasn't in the mood to do RWH Plyo 1 today. Legs are feeling yesterday's workout. I walked outside for 45 min.

Debbie - I hope you can figure out what's going on with your shower and AC. Hope all works out with the condo. Today the blower (?) on the refrigerator went out. If it's rains it pours :(

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today was a walk on the beach & walking lunges. Itwas humid. The humidity is supposed to drop next week.

Belinda - I bet your walk was nice, the trees were starting to change colors when we left home. I agree when it rains it pours, they just don’t make things the way they used to.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

No workout to report so far. Been cleaning, disinfection everything in my gym (basement). DH and I also had to throw out all our food from the refrigerator/freezer this morning. Everything was room temperature/defrosted. Next week they have to sent someone out, see if they can fix it. I doubt they can fix it. It's kaput!!! DH thinks it's the compressor. Yesterday LG did a diagnostic test. Still nothing. We couldn't open/close the refrigerator for 7 hours. I feel bad for throwing out all my food. After that we had to go grocery shopping, lol. We have a small refrigerator/bar in my bedroom in my sitting room. The previous owner had a small bar custom build. The refrigerator was always unplugged. What a day! We have to wait for the parts to come in on the heater. DH thinks it will not be until the end of the week. I am down with things breaking.

Debbie - a walk on the beach sounds lovely. The leaves are changing here too. Looks beautiful outside. I still like warmer weather. Enjoy your stay in FL.

I will take an hour break than do RWH Plyo 1(?). I am still not in the mood to do that workout today :(BBL!

Today was a walk on the beach & swimming. Not sure if I said it but the TV broke we have 2 so that is good. I priced them online at Walmart the prices are so good. We don’t own a smart TV it will be our 1st.

Belinda - I did not like the mess and waste when I had to throw out all our food after the power outage this summer:(. I heard it is hard to get appliances because of shortages due to Covid. Hopefully nothing else breaks for either of us:)

Waves hi to Kristin


I did ended up doing Plyo 1 yesterday. Today I did RWH Hiit Circuit LB. I also walked 2.5 miles and did SBF Stretch 7 (LB) = 25 min. I am starting week 4 w/ Cathe September rotation.

Debbie - it sure was a mess to clean up. Luckily we have a small fridge upstairs. I will oder another one from Costco once we figure out what is wrong with that one. Sorry about your TV. You gonna love the smart TV. Great job yesterday.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

Have a great Sunday, everyone. Time to relax.
Good morning,

I did XTrain Chest/Back & Shoulders. I will do a quick stretch. It's raining outside, no walking.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. BBL!
Good morning,

XTrain Biceps and Triceps is done.

Debbie - I hope all is well. You can't checked in a few day's.

Hi Kirstin!

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Sorry I haven’t checked in, we were visiting friends.

We have been walking hoping to get some weight workouts in.

Belinda - Great job with X-train workouts! Last time we needed a refrigerator, I couldn’t believe how many choices they have.

Waves hi to Kristin

Have a great night:)
Good morning,

Went for a walk early this morning. Boy, it's cold outside. Than I did XTrain Tabatacise.

Debbie - yeah, too many choices. Enjoy your visit with your friends.

That's it for me today. I will get my hair done tomorrow. Trying to figure out if I want to get up early tomorrow to get my workout in? or if I want to do it on Friday? I will figure it out. My legs are like jello.

Today was a walk outside & abs. We replaced the part on A/C & now it’s not even working. It is so hot & frustrating I will call tomorrow an have them come back.

Belinda - Right about now we wouldn’t mind cooler weather it is so humid can’t even open windows. Do you walk outside even in the winter months? I’m thinking I will for as long as I can take it. Have fun getting your hair done:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

XTrain Legs and outdoor walk is done.

Debbie - today is beautiful outside. In the morning its in the 50's, around 10 am it gets warmer. Yes, I still walk outside as long as it's not icy outside. If the streets are clean, no problem. I just bundle up. I used to run snow/ice in Germany. Hope your AC will be fixed today. Sorry about that.

I am getting my hair done today. Gotta run!

Today was a walk on the beach. All the repairs are done. We also had an evacuation of our building because of a water pipe bursting. They fixed it quickly.

Belinda - Nice job with X-train legs! Your weather sounds nice. This time of year we usually see a lot of German visiting a Florida. It’s sad that they can’t come. I think you said your family was to visit this year too:(

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Today is a rest day on the Cathe rotation. I walked this morning and getting ready to do some SBF Barre 10 is done.

Debbie - glad they fixed the pipe and all your repairs are done. We are still waiting for our parts on the heater and repair man on the fridge/freezer. My sister had to cancel her trip to us in May. It's sad how the virus affects everyone.

Kirstin - I hope you doing well.

Have a great day and workout.

Today was a walk on the beach. The humidity dropped so it’s been nice.

Belinda - Nice job with your barre workout. I hope your repairs get done soon.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

All Out Low Impact HiiT is done. Tomorrow is my last workout for the September 2020 rotation.

Our heat is still broken, The repair man isn't coming until next week Tuesday. It gotten so cold last night, we need to pick up a heater. Can't take the cold. We have the pellet stove running, it's not heating up the main area. My basement is hot. We can't get ChuChu up the stairs where we have heat.

Debbie - the temperature dropped here too. It's freezing. Nice job on the walk on the beach.


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