Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I thought I checked in yesterday, my workout was a walk outside & yoga. Today was a walk outside and Cathe Live Buff Upper Body. My legs are too sore will wait a few days before I do any legs.

I went to the mall to the Apple store to ask some questions about my phone. I was impressed with the help they gave me. I will buy my next phone at the Apple store instead of the AT&T store.

Belinda - It sounds like your Dr. appointments went well. If the meds help it will be worth it. It's great that he gave you the green light to workout! It must have been the best news you heard:) Even though some people would love for the Dr. to say no workouts LOL.

Kristin - I see they are postponing school in NYC but have the feeling that doesn't apply to you.


Today was a walk outside. I did planks & abs with a kettlebell. The weather has been fall like hopefully this last long.

Kristin - Now I am worried if you don't check in but I know you are busy.

Waves hi to Kristin

Have a great weekend:)

I thought I checked in yesterday? I walked yesterday and today.

Debbie - I need to get better making sure I hit the enter bottom. Sorry. Great job on your workouts.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

See you tomorrow.

DH and I went for a nice 40 min walk this morning. It's getting cold outside.

Debbie - enjoy your workout today.

Hi Kirstin!

I will be back tomorrow.

Today was a rest day. I wanted to walk but wasn't feeling good, chicken soup helped so I feel better now. Too late to walk:D

Belinda - It is getting cool, we needed to put our heat on for a short bit to get the chill out of the house. Nice walks for you:)

Kristin - I forgot to ask if the boys are in school or remote. It seems like the schools here are doing half days & maybe virtual in the afternoon. I need to ask someone.


I walked this morning with DH. I am trying to figure out what rotation I will do Monday.

Debbie - I hope you are not coming down with something. Hope you feel better soon. My heater is on at night, too cold in the house. We had ice on the car this morning, could hardly open the doors.

Kirstin - I miss your post.

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today was a walk outside & Cathe Live Metabolic 300 but I didn't do the last 5 cardio exercise.

Belinda - I think it was the change in weather it was cold here too if you weren't in the sun. I waited until the late afternoon to walk. Our weather goes back in the 70's starting on Tuesday which is better:) It's crazy you have ice already, hopefully you get warmer weather too.

Kristin - We miss you, but guessing it is tough to juggle everything.

Hi everyone,

Had a dental appointment (cleaning) this morning. After the dentist I went for 2.53 mile outdoor walk. I decided to do Cathe's September 2020 rotation. Each week you do a different workout series. Week 1 is Lite, week 2 Strong & Stweaty, Week 3 RWH and Week 4 XTrain series.

Today I did Cathe Lite Strong Body Stacked Sets Upper. Used the same weight as Cathe.

Debbie - if it gets any colder I probably have to wait until the afternoon to walk. Right now it's not too bad. We live in rural area in WV. It gets cold here. The weather is suppose to go up in the 70's here too. In the evening you need a winter jacket. Great job on your walk outside & Cathe Live Metabolic 300.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside. I did it later in the afternoon when I noticed everyone walking around in winter jackets:oops:

Belinda - It must feel good to be back to working out. I like the idea of the September rotation it's a way to get a nice variety of workouts in. Is your ear feeling better, do you think the plan in place will work for you?

Waves hi to Kristin


Today I did Cathe Lite Rev'd Up Rumble. I will go for a walk shortly.

Debbie - lol, everyone were walking in winter jackets. It does feel good to workout again. As long as, I keep everything low impact I should be fine. I like the looks of the Sep rotation.

Kirstin - check in, girl!!

I will be back tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside and Cathe Live Burn sets bi’s and tri’s. We are planning to go to Florida in 2 weeks. We are nervous but will drive down and either fly back or drive back.

Belinda - Nice workout! I think you would go crazy not working out. If you get tired you could always add extra rest days:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

Cathe Lite Strong Body Stacked Sets Lower plus walk is done.

Tomorrow I have 2 appointments at Walter Reeds. I will not check in until later this afternoon or evening.

Debbie - it feel good to working out again. I will take rest day's when needed. I am sure you be fine flying/driving to FL. How long do you plan on staying? Great job on Cathe Live Burn sets bi’s and tri’s. Lots of people like this one. Need to check it out eventually.

Have a great day everyone.

Today was a walk outside and I did my neighbor's daughter's yoga zoom class. I took my ipad on my deck and did it and it was cool. Except for a couple of bugs on me and my mat;)

Belinda - Good luck with your appointments tomorrow and hopefully less traffic. Good workout!

Waves hi to Kristin


I just finished Lite Cardio Party and I also walked outside.

Debbie - the zoom class sounds like fun. I would love to do yoga on the deck even with bugs :)thank you! My appointments went well. I was early for the nutritionist appointment. Someone didn't show up for their 9 am appointment so she to me instead. Glad she did otherwise I had to wait in the hospital for over an hour for my scheduled appointment. She is a holistic dietitian /nutritionist. I liked her approach, she was very positive. She gave me a list of foods I should avoid for hashimoto disease and some I low in histamine. Relapsing Polychondeitis there wasn't anything she could do other than try to avoid the foods high in histamine. What's good for RP isn't for the Hashimoto disease. I am going to have to read through the list later. She also wants me to see an Exercise Physiologist that can help me with both autoimmune disease problems. It would also help me to figure out what workouts are good for me and which ones to avoid. Should be interesting. When she weight me I was 4 pounds lighter than I weigh on my scale at home.

See you tomorrow

Today was a walk outside and Cathe Live PHA 2020. I made DH a photo book of his some of his iPhone pictures. I will give it to him on his birthday. I guess we all have too many pictures on our phones, so I will make another book for a different occasion.

Belinda - I like holistic, it sounds like she gave you good advice. It’s great that she is also looking out for you and suggesting an exercise physiologist. You are probably learning so much about your body:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I did Lite Body weights and bands and walked.

Debbie - what a great idea making an iPhoto for your husbands birthday. Where did you get it from? I like the idea. The nutritionist did give me great advice yesterday. Still need to read through the list. I have never gone to a Exericise Physiologist. It should be interesting and yes, I will lean so much about my body.

Kirstin - I miss your post.

Have a great Friday, everyone.

Today was a walk outside. It's crazy that next week is October already. I'm wondering if there will be a Halloween.

Belinda - Nice workout! I used the Snapfish but also have made books on Walmart. I'm wondering if you will have to avoid certain foods all the time or will you just need to limit them?

Kristin - Hope all is well with you.

Have a great weekend:)

Today I was a walk outside for me too. Today is a rest day on the Cathe rotation. I can't believe October is just around the corner. Time flies!

Debbie - I have to check out Snapfish. Never hear of it before. I will have to avoid food like tomatoes, shell fish, soya, gluten all the time. Low histamine she said I could eat once in awhile if I don't have any problems.

Kirstin - check in!

Good night, everyone.

Today was a walk outside and Cathe Live Total Body Blast. It was a really nice day to walk.

Belinda - Nice walk! A friend of my DH was having stomach issues and they gave him a list of foods not to eat. He is doing well but he wasn't able to eat anything white (even fish). I was surprised with some of the food on his list because I would never think they would cause problems.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good evening,

I did Lite Metabolic Blast this morning. Next week I will be doing Strong & Sweaty.

Debbie - sounds like your DH's friend and I have the same list. I was surprised on the food on the list too. Never thought they would cause problems. Great job on your walk and Cathe Live Total Body Blast. Did you sign up for the year on CL?

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

Good night.

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