Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey! It's me two days in a row! I did my longest run of the year so far. . . 15.27 miles. I had to do between 15-16, and it just turned out that the exit on the path I run (the exit I use to meet my dad and brother at the bagel spot we go to) was at 15.27, so that's where I stopped. I need desperately to stretch out my legs and rest up a bit. The temps were cool today and humidity was lower, so it was a good run. I took it slower than usual to make sure I had enough gas to get to the end of the run strong, which I did.

Deb- thanks for letting me rant. I have to keep telling myself to take it one day at a time. That is it. I can only try to do my best and whatever happens, happens. As for the election. . . all I can do is vote, which I plan on doing.

Belinda- Hope you are feeling well and things are going well. Check in when you can!

Sorry I couldn't log on to the hospital internet.

Thursday I saw my husbands Orthopedic surgeon. He found nothing by X-ray relating to the pain in my knees. He has scheduled me for an MRI to determine the issue.

Following that appointment I had to return to the ER to see what could be done as the second round of Antibiotic they put me on had caused a nasty side affect which could result in an Achilles rupture. While trying to determine what was next they admitted me for 5 days to fight the infection (this has been the story of my life) as they did not yet know what they were fighting. It is day three in the Hospital and they still are not sure what they are fighting. I am on mega antibiotics delivered through an IV for four hours, every four hours. They have to give me meds through the IV for nauseous and stomach cramping. The doctors and nurses are all very caring and super nice. Good news, I am allowed to walk to prevent getting blood clots. This morning I walked 1 mile around the hospital ward pushing my IV, lol. I probably will be released Tuesday if the infection clears completely up. The swelling in my ear been stalling for the last 3 day's. Fingers crossed!!!

Thanks everyone for your prayers and concern. For the live of me I couldn't log on to the hospital internet. I am using hotpot on my phone. I am all set. I will try to catch up on personals later, if not tomorrow. I am not getting much sleep with every 4 hours getting an IV, getting your vital signs taking and taking blood every day. My arm and hand look like a pin cushion.

Today was a long walk outside, it was beautiful out!

Belinda - I'm so sorry you are going through so much. It must have felt good to walk & you walked a lot:) I'm hoping you get better soon and can go home on Tuesday. My thoughts and prayers are still with you.

Kristin - It's funny how you picked a perfect mile marker even better it was at a bagel spot:) It was nice to not have humidity it makes a big difference. I agree with taking one day at a time. There is so much talk about schools opening but also going remote if kids/teachers starting getting the virus.


Today was a walk outside and a leg workout with free weights. We went to my MILs for a BBQ lunch it was a nice day:) It's hard to believe it's Labor Day already.

Belinda - I hope you are feeling better and will be home tomorrow:)

Kristin - Good luck with starting school this week:)

Hey guys. First day back at school for teachers in my district (not students). The whole day was virtual, but they made us report to our buildings instead of doing it from home. Well, their internet server crashed. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:. Not a productive day at all. And I get to do it all again tomorrow. Ridiculous!

Anyway, I was pretty stressed and pissed today, but I forced myself to hit the pavement and got in my run. 7 miles.

Deb- Thanks. I am going to have to stay focused on doing the best I can and letting go of what I cannot do or control.

Belinda- Hope you are feeling better. Hopefully you will be released soon!


Today was a walk outside. It was nice out, trying to enjoy the end of summer:)

Belinda - I'm worried about you hopefully you are feeling better. Let us know when you are up to it or have internet service.

Kristin - I can't imagine how frustrating that must have been. Hopefully it doesn't happen when the students come back. I'm sure the run was helpful for you today:)

Quick update:
I couldn't check in, I had a rough 2 day's. I had diarrhea for 12 hours long. Once that stopped started getting severe stomach cramping. The worst you can imagine. I was in tears at this point. I never experienced stomach cramping in my life. I couldn't eat or drink anything without cramping up.The gave me pain medications through the IV/oral nothing seemed to helped. Yesterday a team of doctors (ENT's/ Infectious Disease Specialist they brought in Rheumatology specialist) The Rheumatology looked at my ear and said a rare autoimmune disease called Relapsing polychondritis (RP). They took me off the antibiotics (I took for 14 day's didn't do anything anyway) and started me on the meds for RP. The Rheumatology doctors said we will becoming good friends when they left, lol. I will be seeing them regularly once they release me from the hospital. If all goes well with my blood tests and I have no side effects from the meds for RP, I should get released this afternoon. At least, I know what's is causing the swelling in my ear. Not happy I have a rare autoimmune problem.

Today was a walk outside & yoga.

Belinda - You are going through so much, but it’s good that they found the cause of your ear infection. As if this year hasn’t been crazy enough. Hopefully now you will heal and seeing the Dr. will be helpful. (((HUGS))). Keeping my fingers crossed for you to come home soon.

Waves hi to Kristin


Today was a walk outside and Gym Style Chest & Back.

Belinda - I hope you are feeling better and coming home soon.

Kristin - Do you have to be tested for Covid? My DS is being tested weekly now.

Good morning,

I thought I posted this yesterday? I guess, I didn't hit enter. I was searching online about RP started to get depressed :(

Yesterday I got released from the hospital. My ear is still swollen. I am just glad I am off the IV's with antibiotics. They sure took a toll on my stomach. It feels great to be home after 6 day's in the hospital. My body still feels like crap/very tired/beat up. I will allow my body to heal, I will take a week or 2 to recover. I always push myself with workouts, I will not do it this time. I am very scared with the rare diagnosis especially reading up on it. I already have a autoimmune problem with my thyroid and now I have another one with RP. I wonder if my knee swelling has something to do with RP? The doctors are fully aware of my knees swelling too. Next week I have already appointments lined up with a team of doctors (ENT's, infectious disease and Rheumatology) at Walter Reeds. The disease is so rare they all keeping on eye on me. I will be seeing them a lot. I have to follow a diet for RP. Some of the food they want me to eat are high in histamine which I can't or should avoid for my thyroid. It will contact the hospital to see if I can see a dietician can help me figure out what I should eat.

Debbie - DH is taking pictures daily for my doctors when I have an appointment on the 16 September so they can compare. Yesterday my meds got changed due to my ear not looking better. Hopefully this will help bring the swelling down. Great job on your workouts.

Kirstin - where are you, girl?

I will check in later or tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside. We are going to grab a bite to eat tonight. I spoke to my Dad's wife and her daughter lives near San Francisco. She said her daughter said the air/sky is always red or dark even in the daylight. It isn't even very close to her. It must be so scary to live in California.

Belinda - I don't really know anything about RP. 6 days in the hospital is a long time. It must feel good to be sleeping in your own bed tonight. You should take it easy until you feel better. It's sounds positive that you have a team of Dr.'s who will keep an eye on you. I'm always impressed when Dr.'s work together. It seems like you are getting excellent care:) Is Walter Reeds far from your home?

Kristin - I hope your 1st week back at school was good.

Have a great weekend:)
Good evening,

I walked 1 mile this morning and one this evening. Trying to get my energy back. talked to my doctor about exercise. No more than 150 min per week.

Debbie - RP is a rare and unknown autoimmune system problem. I was a long time in the hospital. I am so glad to be sleeping in my own bed without someone waking me up every 3-4 hours around the clock. I am every impressed with my team of doctors. They are very responsive if I have questions. Since so little has been known or has been studied about the disease they all keep on eye on me. They all play a part to make sure the disease doesn't attack the rest of my body. I am in excellent care. Walter Reed is about an hour from us. I hope your dad's wife and daughter are safe. It must be scary living in CA.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside and abs. It was a beautiful day!

Belinda - I'm sure it will take a while to build back your energy. It is good that you were able to get your walks in. It's amazing they were able to diagnosis your problem and didn't think it was an ordinary ear infection. It will be interesting to see if your knee has anything to do with RP. It's also good they will set you up with a dietician.

Waves hi to Kristin


I walked a total of 2 miles today, walked in the morning and evening.

Debbie - I hope my energy will come back soon. Although I can't workout like I 2 weeks ago, at least I can workout. I don't think my team of doctors would have released me from the hospital if they wouldn't found a diagnosis. I had a lot of ear infections in the past, but this one was completely different. The MRI will show what's wrong with my knees. I will call the dietician first thing in the morning, will address both problems. Good job on your walk yesterday. The weather is cool and beautiful.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & GS Back, shoulders & bi's. I'm not sure if you heard, the Cathe RT for July which was rescheduled for November has been cancelled. They are doing research for a possible virtual roadtrip. It would be hard to have a RT with only 25% allowed in NJ gyms. DH is usually the only one at his gym even the Cross Fit people aren't coming back.

Belinda - It's great you are getting your walks in and even better the weather is cooling off:) It sounds like you have all your appointments lined up. It will be nice to get the help/answers you need.

Kristin - I hope you are able to get your workouts in during this new normal.


I walked 2 miles today.

Debbie - great job on your walk and GS's. What rotation are you following? I saw that Cathe canceled the RT on FB. I think she made the right choice. I'll bet your husband likes there aren't that many people in the gym?

Hi Kirstin.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside & GS Legs. I'm back to decluttering it is tiring.

Belinda - Nice walk! I'm not following a rotation, tomorrow will start doing a week or two of Cathe Live workouts. My DH loves having the gym to himself. He found out more people come in the morning & evening hours.

Waves hi to Kristin


I went for an easy 2.7 mile walk today. I went grocery shopping early this morning. Stocked up on fish high in Omega 3's and berries. I only can eat high omega 3's fish and chicken breast. So far, I don't mind the diet changes.

Tomorrow I have appointments for RP with the Rheumalogy and Infectious disease doctor. I am getting an MRI this Saturday for my knees.

Debbie - I am trying to figure out what workouts I will do next week. I will have to keep my workouts at 30-45 mins. Maybe use some premixes or do what ever I feel like doing? I'll bet your husband loves the gym. I need to go back into decluttering, just don't have the energy right now. Great job on your workouts.

Kirstin - where are you?

I will check in after my appointments. I probably will hit traffic on the way back.

Have a great evening.

Today was a walk outside & Cathe Live #239 Lower Body Barre & Weights. I didn't do the weights, not used to barre work and it was tough.

Belinda - Premixes and short workouts sounds good! I add chia seeds to shakes and it is high in Omega 3's but it does have lots of fiber. Good luck with your appointments:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

No walk yesterday. Had my 2 doc appointments yesterday, didn't get out of the hospital until late afternoon. I have to be on medications long term, he added one more meds. I am taking 2 different medications at the same time. My doc answered all my questions. Since the disease is so rare my doc went over on what to look out for instead of ignoring the symptoms. If I see other doctors to let them know about both autoimmune problems, if you have one autoimmune problem you can have multiples autoimmune problems. He thinks some my past ear infections was possible a sign of RP. I also told him I exercise 6-7 day's a week and 150 min is really not enough for my stress level right now. He said I can workout as normal one hour daily. Starting Monday I will pick a rotations. Traffic was horrible last night.

I will be back later.

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