Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk outside & Plyo legs. My clothes fit the same but I do see more muscle tone in my legs & glutes.

Tomorrow I will get up early my Mom is having minor surgery but will need to pass the time because I'm not allowed to wait in the surgical center. It's understandable but on another level, lonely for the patients.

Belinda - I hope you feel better & can sleep tonight. It sounds like you are in good hands with your Dr., she is keeping on top of it. Let us know how you do tomorrow.

Kristin - It sounds like a nice Anniversary with the boy's & date night:) Was your DH called back to work? I'm worried about 2021, I hope the schools can stay safe, Covid free and open.

Hey guys. This morning I ran 6 miles easy pace. Then after breakfast I did a leg blaster workout without weights. 3 rounds of the following: 50 step ups, 40 banded monster walks, 30 banded skaters, 20 lunges, 10 hollow rocks. After the 3 rounds I added some abs: 50 crunches, 50 heel taps, 50 reverse crunches.

Belinda- In NY we go back to school after Labor Day. Most schools on Long Island are starting out with a hybrid model (half in school and half online). If the percentage of cases go up, schools will go all virtual, that is according to Governor Cuomo. I feel that if we get a second wave as the scientists and doctors are predicting, we will be virtual again.

Deb- My DH was called back in the beginning of the month. I do worry about him getting laid off again if the second wave comes. I really hope this country gets it together. I am scared for the election.



Today was a walk outside & abs. Everything went well with my Mom's procedure and I didn't even hit beach traffic:) I walked on the beach while I passed time and it didn't seem as busy.

Belinda - I hope your ear infection is feeling better. Take it easy:)

Kristin - I like the workout you put together, nice variety and lots of reps!! I agree nervous about the election either way, wish we had more choices & not Kanye:rolleyes:


Today was a walk outside & Lean Legs & abs. I was supposed to get together with friends but one of my friend's daughter went into labor a couple of weeks early.

Belinda - I'm sorry you are going through so much with your ear (((HUGS))). I hope you are feeling better today. It's not fun to have to go to the ER:(

Kristin - Is it a baseball weekend?

Good morning,

Spending almost all day in the ER on Friday wasn't fun. My primary doctor nurse called my me to check on me. I was napping, I guess the pain in my ear knocked me out. He recommended I go back to the ER since the swelling got worst. I'll be honest, I wasn't gonna go to the ER, my husband made me go.I saw the doctor right away. I felt bad for DH he was waiting in the car in the rain, it rained nonstop on Friday. He was allowed to sit in the lobby in the ER, he wasn't allowed in the ER. I was laying in a bed, lol. The doctors and nurses took very good care of me. The doctor ran a lot of tests and blood tests on me. I will get the tests results Monday. Since my ears was double the size from the day before they called in 2 ENT doctors. The doctor I saw Thursday also came to check on me. I was checked out by 2 ER doctors and 2 ENT doctors.The ENT's checked for fluids in my ear or ballon (that's what they called it?) After testing my hearing and running lots of tests, they both ruled it out. The ENT doctor gave me a different antibiotics and stronger pain medicine. I still have swelling in my ear and pressure. I have hardly any pain in my ear. I also have to take high doses of cortisone. Yesterday Day1 I had to take a total off 6 tables through out the day, today Day 2 I will take 5, Day 3 I will take 4, Day 4 take 3, Day 5 take 2, Day 6 take 1. If that doesn't knock the swelling down in my ear I don't know what else will. So far I am tolerating the meds well, no nausea or any side effects. So far so good. Who knows maybe the cortisone will take care of the swelling in my knees too. I feel like my energy is starting to came back. I didn't do a whole lot the last few day's but I kept up with Cathe's rotation. Of course, I did everything low impact, no bending over. The doctors didn't say anything about working out. Well... I didn't mention it, lol. I am very careful. The rest of the day's I been resting. I hope by next week I will feel my old self again.

Debbie - did she had the baby last night? Good job on your workouts.

I will check in later.

Today was a walk outside & plyo legs. We went to my SILs at my MILs and had a nice visit it was really nice out.

Belinda - OMG you went through so much:( It looks like you were given a lot of attention to help you with your ear. You wonder what could have caused so much pain & swelling? It's sad your DH couldn't be by your side. I'm sure it was frustrating for him not knowing what was going on in the ER. My friend's daughter had a baby boy last night. She flew to FL but still wasn't allowed to go in the hospital to see the baby or her daughter :confused: Take care of yourself & feel better! I'm sure the ER Dr.'s couldn't imagine that you would want to workout:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I tried to go for a walk this morning, ended up rescuing a dog that was wondering/running on the streets. It was a very friendly lap. I didn't wanted the poor pup to get run over by a car. Luckily the dog had a tag with the dogs name and phone number. Dog is home with her owner.

Today I did Intensity Bootcamp. Ended up doing all the cardio low impact.

I am feeling a lot better today. I hardly have any pain. The swelling is going down. I think the meds are

Debbie - thank you. I am feeling a lot better than I did a few day's ago. Hopefully it will stay that way. I will get the results today. Not sure what caused the infection. I do understand them not letting DH back in the ER room with me. LOL, yes the ER Dr.'s couldn't imagine that I wanted to workout:)

I will try to be back later.

We went to the beach today it was overcast & cool but still turned out to be a nice day. We did our walk on the boardwalk & had lunch too:) We stopped to check on my Mom and she is doing well.

Belinda - It sounds like you are feeling much better & getting your workout in:) It's amazing the meds worked and so fast too! That is so sweet of you to rescue the dog. I found reading glasses yesterday and returned to owner but doesn't compare to finding a dog LOL ;)

Kristin - You must be enjoying the last days of summer:)


Today was a walk outside & Afterburn. I will do the bonus workout tomorrow and will have completed 2013 Rock Bottom Rotation:). I think I will do a week of Cathe Live workouts next.

Today is my birthday but will celebrate over the Labor Day weekend.

Belinda - I hope you are ok.

Kristin - Don’t remember if you said what date is the virtual race?

Good morning,

I thought I posted yesterday :( I walked outside and did SBF D22 Tabata 39 min, D23 Adv UB core = 12 min + Arms = 18 min.

I walked this morning. Still need to get my weight workout in

Happy birthday Debbie! Hope you had an amazing day yesterday.. BBL!
Hi again,

I forgot to mention I started Cathe's June 2020 Week 3 yesterday.

Today was ICE Chiseled Lower Body & Upper Body. One more week for a double Wednesday workout.

Kirstin - where are you?

Have a wonderful day and workout.

Today was a walk outside & Yoga Short & Sweet #1 w/Travis Eliot. I forgot how fast moving this yoga dvd is for a 30 minute workout. He does a really good job of getting in all in.

Belinda - Thanks, since weather isn't great will celebrate over the weekend;) Are you starting June Rotation with week 3 or did I read that wrong?

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I am getting my knees checked out today. I also noticed my achilles are hurting when I walk. It's one of the side effects from the antibiotics I am taking. There is a chance Achilles tendinitis and rupture with people taking antibiotics with Fluoroquinol. It's also the same knee that's been bordering me. I thought my knee pain is radiating down to my achilles. Or it's from walking, working out? Since it's a slide chance I could have a rupture in my achilles from the antibiotics I will follow the doctors advice.

I had stop taking taking the antibiotics. I will see the orthopedic surgeon this morning than see the ENT doc. I do feel better. My ear is still hurting and swollen. I am done with the cortisone 6 day treatment. The swelling should be gone by now.

I will take a rest day today. We shall see. BBL!

Today was a walk outside, and it was humid! Everywhere seems to be getting busier and busier around here. The good thing everyone seems to wear a mask.

Belinda - Good luck with your Dr.'s appointment, I hope you get some good news. It's crazy how some medications have strange side effects but serious.

Waves hi to Kristin

Yesterday i got admitted to the hospital. I am on an IV antibiotics for a few days. I will explain later when DH bring my computer. BBL
I'm sorry to hear you are hospitalized :( I hope you get better soon. Many years ago my DH had cellulitus and needed a treatment of IV antibiotics and it helped him a lot. It was dangerous but the antibiotics worked. Good Luck & my thoughts and prayers are with you. (((((HUGS))))
Hi guys. I had a very stressful week. Just a lot of crap going on. I have been keeping up with my runs and workouts this week, which is a good thing, but I still feel so stressed out. I wish I was enjoying the last days of summer, but I am not. I can't sleep, which is adding to my stress. I feel sooooooo unprepared for work. We usually get a letter in the mail that is basically a welcome back message with an itinerary for the conference days. . . we got nothing. I have no clue what I am doing next week except that I report back to my building. I am in five different classrooms because they want to minimize the kids' movement throughout the building. . . okay. . . that means I will need to log into each computer in each room to pull up my slides, presentations, projections, and wait for it to load. . . which will take a good 5 minutes because we do not have the best technology and that will eat up at least 5 minutes of class time for every class, every day. And then somehow I am miraculously taking attendance for the kids online doing their virtual work? Where do I go when I am not teaching a class as they do not want staff congregating in staff rooms? Will I have a space to do work? Not sure how it is going to work out because we have literally been told nothing and I do not do well with not knowing WTF I am doing (pardon the language). I am sorry. So that has been all crazy. Then the politics this week. . . I just for the life of me do not understand how anyone with eyes and ears can still support this horrible excuse of a human being. I just cannot. It scares me. What is happening to our country? Or should I ask, what has happened (past tense because we may be beyond the point of no return)? At my boys' request. . . I stayed off social media and stopped watching the news for a few days. They said I was becoming obsessed, and maybe I am. Staying off everything seemed to help. Then yesterday the news about what Trump allegedly said about fallen soldiers. . . After the disgusting things he has said about John McCain and the Khan family. . . I believe it and I cannot believe people are STILL defending him. . . I am sickened by it all. He does not understand sacrifice, fighting for something other than yourself. . . because he has never done it, nor will he ever. Nor will his children ever. The only time they pick up a gun is to shoot a beautiful exotic animal. I am sorry. . . rant over. . . I apologize if I offend either of you with my view. I won't even post anything on Facebook because really, what is the freakin' point. We are all in our corners. I pray to God good prevails.

Deb- I am sorry I missed your birthday! Happy Belated Birthday!

Belinda- Oh no! Keep us informed. I hope you are well soon!



Today I walked outside it was beautiful, low humidity:) DH went back to the gym this week 25% is allowed in NJ. He said most of the time it is only him and the most he has seen is 1 or 2 other members at the gym with him. He thinks people are afraid or like their home workouts.

Belinda - I hope you are feeling better and the meds are working. I hope to hear from you soon.

Kristin - I agree lately I only watch the news for the weather. I can see how frustrating it must be not knowing what to expect when you return to the building. I'm sure the 1st few weeks will be really tough for you:( It's good that you are running and getting your workouts in. Feel free to vent/rant and you don't offend me. It is crazy what is/has happened to our country.

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