Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Walk and Party Rocking Step Wo #2 is done. I am in week 4 of Cathe's May 2020 rotation. I already added her June 2020 into the workout manager, lol. Than I will follow the July 2020 and the August 2020 rotation. I am all set for the next few month.

Debbie - good point :) I am sure they will figure out when Fall approaches. Great job yesterday.

Kirstin - amazing job on your run. I wouldn't mind jumping into a pool right now. It's so hot outside. It's sad about all the closing/bankruptcy. I hope we can get back to normal eventually.

Have a great day and workout. BBL
Hey guys. I just ran 4 miles in this freakin' humidity. We had a thunderstorm early this morning, so I had to wait for it to clear. I was hoping it would take the humidity with it, but somehow it felt worse after the storm! Not sure if I will do weights later or just rest. I need new running sneakers, my knees are starting to hurt. I keep track of how many miles I run with a pair of sneakers. This pair is 379 miles :eek::eek::eek::eek:. Definitely time for new ones.

Belinda- I used to love Party Rockin' Step. When I am done with these virtual races, maybe I will do a few videos again. I hope we go back to normal too. I have to go to work this week to clean out my room. They want nothing in the room but the desks and teacher desk. I have to take all my books (novels) home. I have over 500 of them! Everything in my cabinet must go out too. It is crazy.

Deb- I am wondering how restaurants will do when Fall/Winter come. That is when the second wave is supposed to hit. The South hasn't finished the first wave yet!


Kirstin - I also love Party Rocking Step. The combos are very fun and the music is great. Not sure why I am not pulling it out more often. I took a break from Cathe workout when I did Lift 4. Glad I am revisiting them. Oh no, on cleaning out your desk. Yikes, that's a lot of books. Good luck with everything.

Today was a walk outside & X-train Legs. I needed to modify/skip some exercises if it didn't feel right for my back. I forgot how much I liked that workout!

Belinda - You are set with your rotations for awhile:) It's good to plan ahead. I remember liking one of the Party Step workouts better than the other.

Kristin - It was hot & humid for a run, but you did it! Wow, on having to remove everything from the classroom. It seems like a lot of NJ teachers won't go back to the classroom, not sure what will happen. They also said NJ schools have the potential to close if even 1 student becomes infected. The school situation is just so sad and must be so stressful for everyone involved.

Good morning,

Walk outside and Body Blast Series Push Pull is done. We got out for our walk every early, it's suppose to rain all day. It's humid outside.

Debbie - I also like XTrain series. Very fun series. I will do XTrain after the June rotation. Party Rocking step 2 is a lot of fun.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

Have a great day and workout everyone,
Hey guys. Today I had to go to work to completely empty out my room. The only furniture that will be allowed in the room is the desks, teacher/students. No cabinets, no bookshelves, no books. Not really sure how I am teaching without books, but that is another story. Then I found out that we will not be teaching in our rooms all day. The students will stay in the room, the teachers will rotate. All of my anchor charts and instructional materials I create for my classroom. . . only one class will see it, or I have to make duplicates for every class. How fucking crazy is that!!!!! If this year does not kill my "type A" personality, nothing will!

Anyway, I did not feel like working out today, but I did it. I did 3 10 minute AMRAPS (as many rounds as possible). One was upper body focused, then lower body focused, then core. It was overall an excellent workout. Here is the breakdown:

10 minute upper body:
10 bicep curls
10 tricep extensions
10 upright rows
10 overhead shoulder presses
10 push ups

I used 15# dumbbells and did 3.5 rounds in 10 minutes

10 minute lower body:
10 deep squats
10 deadlifts
10 2-pulse lunges
10 donkey kicks

I used 20# dumbbells and got 3.75 rounds in (couldn't get to donkey kicks, I ran out of time).

10 minute Core:
20 Russian Twists (10 pound plate)
20 crunches
20 side-to-side heel taps
20 reverse crunches
20 bicycle crunches

I got 4 rounds in.

I am sore all over and need to shower!

Deb- This school year is going to be challenging and sad to say the least. I just want to get through it. I cannot wait for all of this to be a distant memory. I feel badly for my colleagues, my kids, my students and myself. I have to "let it go" and do my best with what I can do given the circumstances.

Belinda- I am so over this humidity! I cannot wait for crisp air again.



Today was a walk outside & Tabatacise (30 min). I ran some errands and for the 1st time a store was taking temperatures. I try and stay positive but sometimes feel this will never end:(

Belinda - It was supposed to rain here the last couple of days but it never happened. It's still humid but I guess better than snow;)

Kristin - I can't imagine how your school year will look, but certainly will be challenging. This will be one year you need to find yourself "me" time. Hopefully your runs & workouts will help. Your workout today was tough!

Good morning,

walk + ICE Chiseled UB is done.

Debbie - it was suppose to rain all day long here too. It never happened. It did rain last night. The humidity is very high. Which store took your temperature? Better safe than sorry, right :) Nicely done on Tabatacise. I have that one on schedule for tomorrow.

Kirstin - I can't imagine how your school year will look like? You have to keep us posted. I agree, hopefully this will a distance memory soon. Your workout looks amazing. Fantastic job!

Have a great day and workout everyone.
Well,I got my long run in today. 12 miles this morning. The temp was cooler out, 72, but the humidity is still at 95%. My pace was slow, but I got it done. I have to pack up. We are going to Pennsylvania for DS's baseball tournament. I won't be able to log on here until Monday. Hoping to be able to get in a short run and a short workout over the weekend.

Deb- I agree, self-care, and carving time out for myself is going to be something I have to do to keep my mental health going strong.

Belinda- I will keep you guys posted as the year starts and goes on. I feel like I am living in some weird sci-fi novel these days.

BB on Monday.


Today I walked outside and did Bonus Butt workout. It was cooler but still humid here too.

Belinda - Nice workout! It was actually a consignment store I have never been in. I was checking it out to see how it works if you bring clothes in. I have some dressy dresses I was wondering about.

Kristin - Have fun at the baseball tournament! What part of Pennsylvania? Nice run.

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

Today was my last workout from her Cathe May 2020 rotation.I did XTrain Tabatacise. I also walked outside.

Debbie - I donate all my clothes. Too much hassle with condiments stores or yard sales, IMO. I donate all my clothes (dressy dresses) to the homeless shelter in DC. They also donate to the community. I know they will give it to someone in need and appreciate it.

Kirstin - have fun at the baseball tournament. Pennsylvania isn't far from where I live. I hear you on the sci-fi :( Reality hits me every time I l leave the house.

I will try to check in later. I have some errands to run today.

Today was a walk outside. We also went swimming but relaxed I the rest of the day:) Next week our Governor will announce when indoor restaurants & gyms can open.

Belinda - Wow, it seems like you finished the May rotation fast:) I didn't even think to donate dressy dresses but I guess your right someone could find a use for it. I sometimes drop donations in a box by a local/family owned store because they also get some money for keeping the boxes outside their store.

Kristin - I hope you are having fun with your family at baseball tournament.

Good morning,

I just got back from a 5 mile outdoor walk. I only planned on walking 2 miles, lol. The weather was perfect around 70's so I kept going. It was nice and breezy. I will do a nice stretch once I get off the computer.

Debbie - I donate my clothes to a non profit. I don't donate to clothes pins or Goodwill.This is what happens when you donate to those clothes pins, according to a Saturday Evening Post report.
Woman shelter gladly take your clothes. Most woman that end up in shelter don't have anything with them. Or try FB market place. Like I said I donate all my clothes to the homeless shelter town down DC.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

Have a great Sunday everyone.

Today was a walk outside, a little rain but the temps were perfect. I did Lower Body Blast but will save the Bonus Barre work for tomorrow. We went to my Mom's to celebrate my brother's birthday, it was nice.

Belinda - Nice walk, it was the perfect day to add extra miles:) Wow, on the links you sent me! I wonder how many people (like me) are in the dark about this. I will look at alternatives, I remember at one point the church was collecting.

Kristin - I hope the rain held out for you.

Good morning,

Today I started Cathe's June 2020 rotation. This morning I walked 2 miles and did Strong & Sweaty
Bootcamp. Love going through all the Cathe dvd.

Debbie - great job on your walk and Lower Body Blast. Happy birthday to your brother. I honestly didn't know about what happened when you donate your clothes to those pins. Learned through my organization program I payed for a few years ago. I was in the dark too. It's kinda shady how the make people believe they doing something good. You still can try to donate to a friend or sell your clothes if you have the patients. Our church here will donate to goodwill if nobody/or if they have too many clothes. You do have to do your homework if you want your clothes/or other stuff to go to the right place. There is a Thrift stores for Hospice in Loudon County, they will use the money for hospice patients. Becoming a minimalist helped me to look at things differently.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

I will try to be back later.

Today was a walk outside and it was in the 70's when I walked:cool: Wish we could have more weather like this morning. I did Rockout Knockout but didn't get to the bonus Barre work. I will tack it one one day this week.

Belinda - The rotations really enable you to pick up workouts you either forget about or just don't think about. Once you decluttered/minimalized is it hard to maintain? That is my fear I would go back to my old habits.

Kristin - One of the biggest towns in NJ (Newark) have decided to do remote learning until November. Unfortunately this is one of the towns that the children may not have home support or the means to study at home:(

Good morning,

Today was cardio of choice on the schedule. I went for a 3 mile walk. Maybe I will do another cardio later?

Debbie - it was 63 this morning. Love walking in cooler weather. Good job yesterday on your walk and Rockout Knockout. Rotations are great for recycling through all the Cathe dvd's.

Hallo Kirstin!

I will be back later.
Hey guys. The tournament was fun. We didn't win, but the boys played well and DS had a blast. We ended up going to Hershey Park. They had strict rules about mask wearing and social distancing. I still felt nervous, but I just made sure to wash my hands regularly, keep my mask on, and keep my distance. The tickets were less than half price and they capped the amount of people allowed in the park and also in the shops. They also had many hand sanitizing stations, which we all used frequently. It didn't rain for the game on Sunday, but it did on the way home.

Yesterday I did a 5 mile run. I did another five miles today. Not much else to report. The weather is nice. The temps dropped and I was able to run faster the last two days.

Belinda- I love that you donate clothes to women's shelters. Most of those women are fleeing abusive partners and you're right, they don't have anything with them because they are afraid to go and get their things.

Deb- I go back and forth with fear of going back to school. We are following all the CDC guidelines, but the problem with that is there will be no socialization. Kids won't even sit together during lunch. That is just sad. On the other hand, I don't want to start remotely when I don't even know my students at all. I won't know their strengths or weaknesses or who needs help. . . I mean, I just went to Hershey Park, right? However, Hershey Park was outdoors and it wasn't like we were all sitting in the same spot all day. Another thing is the classrooms will be a zillion degrees with no A/C and wearing a mask on top of that?! I might go teach in my bathing suit. I know I am going to have heat exhaustion and so will the kids. The classrooms upstairs (which is where I will be) are so hot. Plus, kids are not rotating classes. They stay in one classroom and the teachers rotate. They won't move all day!!!! It seems crazy to me, but hey, what do I know?



Today was a walk outside & modified Cross Fire.

DH & I took our nephew who was visiting this month to the zoo. We needed to make reservations, but I thought it was the busiest I have even seen :confused: There wasn't too many sanitizing stations which was surprising. Luckily I had my own so that worked out. I guess you really don't touch much at the zoo. We were required to wear masks at all times and that was tough. He wanted to have a picture of the 3 of us and it was so sweet how important it was for him. It was done in a photo booth so he carried it around with him all day.

Belinda - You had nice walking weather today!! Hopefully we have a nice late summer/fall:)

Kristin - I loved going to Hershey Park when the boys were young. It was always a clean park too. Last year was a tough school year and this new normal seems just as challenging. It is interesting to hear about but so sad. Going to a gym or restaurant doesn't even compare to what teachers/students will be facing this year. If only you could do outdoor teaching but not realistic especially in the Northeast.

Good morning,

Walk plus I did Lite Pyramid Pump Upper + lower is done.

Debbie - I hope we get a nice late summer too.Sorry about the sanitizing stations at the zoo. You would think they have enough. Great job on your workouts yesterday.

Kirstin - I agree with Debbie. I can't imagine what teachers/stuents will be facing this year. Are you serious? No AC.How are they going to keep the kids in their chairs that long? WOW!

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. BBL!

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