Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. . . well, due to the tropical storm, I could not my scheduled run in, so I did a CF style workout instead. The first part of the workout was repped like this: 3-9-15-21-15-9-3 and it consisted of dumbell deadlifts )20#), step ups, and hollow rocks (abs). Then I added on 3 rounds of the following: 24 shoulder taps, 24 mountain climbers, and 24 banded skaters. It was a good 30 minute workout. Hopefully, I will be able to get my run in tomorrow.

Deb- I'm sorry to hear your back is still hurting. Hopefully the pain subsides soon. Fingers crossed! As far as the sharks, I feel like there are more sightings this year than ever before. Crazy.

Belinda- I hope your back is doing better! We did have fun even though the team didn't win. I like this team. The parents are not crazy, for once!


Good morning,

DH and I walked early this morning. It was in the 60's, felt great. We walked 2.5 miles. I also did Cathe's Step Boss Sync.

Kirstin - your CF workout looks interesting. Where do you came up with those. Great job. My back isn't feeling better, I will give it a few more day's before I see my doctor. Maybe it's just a nerve. I been applying heat a few times a day. That's odd about the sharks sightings.

Debbie - I hope you ok? I don't see you posting last night. How is your back doing?

I will be back to catch up on personals.

Our power went out yesterday because of the tropical storm around 11:30AM it is still out:( They are saying it may be days. Luckily my MIL has power and tonight her internet is back up. We stopped by to charge our phones, store our food, cool off and watch the news:) We are lucky we can use our stove and shower since they are gas and our house isn’t too hot, so far.

I did 1 mile walk yesterday and today. My back has been bad but I saw a big improvement later this afternoon. I could finally walk up steps without pain.

Belinda - I hope your back feels better, I was getting ready to go to the Dr. too. You have nice walking temps!

Kristin - Nice CF workout. Do you use the loop band at your ankles or further up for banded skaters?

Hey guys. Yesterday was an unplanned rest day. We lost power and Internet Tuesday and it did not come back on until last night! That tropical storm was no joke. I have a funny feeling, and I hope I am wrong, but I think we are going to have a bad hurricane season. Could you imagine? On top of everything else if we have hurricane hit the East coast? This year needs to GOOOOO! This morning I got up early to do a run. The temp was in the low 60's and it felt so good!

Deb- I use the band around my ankles. I use the blue one. I am sorry you are still without power. We don't have a gas stove, so we had to order out. We had to go a few towns over to get food because everything was closed due to the power outage. PSEG was NOT prepared for this storm! I am glad your back is starting to feel better.

Belinda- I find a lot of workouts on Pinterest. I have a Crossfit board now and just pin all kinds of CF workouts I find and then pick from there. It keeps it interesting and I feel like I rarely do the same workout twice.


Good afternoon,

I forgot to post my workout this morning. I did Lite Pyramid UB plus walk. I also did SBF UB/core. I am done for today.

Debbie - sorry you lost power. We are so lucky here in WV. Power goes out, I think the longest was a few hours. Hope your dog can help with your back pain. I using a heating pad a few times a day. I am very careful with my workouts too.

Kirstin - I should follow you on Pinterest, lol. Those CF workouts look good. I should give one a try one day. Sorry about the power and pick up. Our power goes out once in awhile but nothing like you guys experience.

Have a great day, ladies.

We still don’t have power or Internet :( I did go for a walk today. About 1/4 of our neighbors have generators since this happens so often. They are so loud. I feel like my new job is replacing bags of ice and cleaning up water. I went for gas today and long lines with everyone buying gas for generators.

Belinda - You are lucky power doesn’t go out for long. We have lots of old trees that fall on power lines. I think they should trim them before storms instead of dealing with this mess. It would probably cost them less money.

Kristin - I have PSE&G for gas & JCP&L for electric, I don’t think they are ever prepared. I heard the same thing lots of storms this year:(. I also heard a healthcare worker say they believe our area will be hit with a 2nd wave of Covid. Hopefully she is wrong.

Good morning,

2 mie walk outside plus : Rock’m Sock’m is done.

Debbie - we are very lucky our power doesn't go out that much. I feel bad for you guys. In DC were there a lot of older neighborhoods they have the same problem with trees falling on power lines. We live in a rural area which isn't that old. I think you see more power lines in older neighborhoods with lots of trees.

Hi Kirstin.

Have a great Friday, everyone
Hey guys. Today I did an early morning 5 mile run, plus 4 20 seconds strides (as part of the virtual marathon training plan) and then I did a short CF style workout: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of the following movements- push-ups, sit-ups, dips (using high step) and air squats. I finished it off with 25-20-15-10-5 Russian twists and bicycle crunches. Overall a great, quick workout.

Belinda- We have power lines here on Long Island. I wish they would convert to underground! It will never happen. Here's a link to my pinterest: I'll follow you back ;). The workouts are mostly under an hour, even some under 1/2 hour.

Deb- Unfortunately, I think a second wave of Covid is inevitable. I am worried about what this fall/winter will be like for us. I hope the predictions are wrong. Can you imagine if we are doing a hybrid model of learning (some in class, some online) and then we get hit with a hurricane!!!! It will be a disaster for schools, students, teachers, parents. . . I feel badly for the students and my own kids. Even with going back to the school building. . . they will have to stay separated all day. The social aspect is not going to be there.


Kirstin - thanks for the link. I am following you :) Here is mine I know older cities don't have underground power lines. My husband made sure when we moved here that the power lines wouldn't run all over the place. I have seen what happened in DC with those power lines knocking down trees. Great job as always on your workouts. You are killing it.

We walked this morning. Our power finally came on a couple of hours ago, It actually came on for an hour in the late afternoon but went off until now. I cleaned up and getting ready to sleep in cooler temps. It makes me appreciate everything we were missing :) We we’re going to book a hotel room, they were inexpensive too.

Our powerlines are underground but feed from older neighborhoods which are above ground with lots of trees.

Belinda - Fun workout for you today:)

Kristin - Nice day for a run. A Dr. just told me, they believe there will be a 2nd wave:(

Good morning,

Pyramid Pump lower body and walk is done.

Debbie - glad you have power again.

Kirstin - have a great weekend.

That's it for me today. Have a great weekend everyone.

Today was a walk outside. My back is feeling better not 100%, hope to start weights tomorrow. This feels like the never ending cleanup. I threw out a lot of food that I had in our extra freezer. The good thing is I can see what's in the freezer now;)

Belinda - How is your back feeling? This time was so painful than other times I have hurt my back. Do you wear a back band at all? Not sure if I should when I exercise.

Kristin - I heard that NY schools will be open. Not sure if that applies to Long Island.

Hi everyone. Today I ran 10.5 miles. Yesterday I had a lot of running around to do, so it ended up being a rest day. Today is both DH and DS's birthday. We are having a few friends over for a bbq and pool. I made a chocolate cake with whipped cream frosting, which is DS's favorite.

I have a bit of cleaning to do before they get here.

Deb- yes we are opening, but we will be on a hybrid model. I will report everyday, but I will have two groups, group a and b. They will alternate days. I am hoping this keeps us safe.

Belinda- A lot of people on the island are still without power. It is crazy. I guess I am lucky! I will follow you back!


Hi everyone,

I walked Walk and did SBF D40 active stretch.

Debbie - my back is a little better. Thanks for asking. How are yours? Yes, I have a back band.

Kirstin - that is crazy a lot of people on the island are still without power. Happy birthday to your husband and son. Enjoy your bbq.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside. I did some back exercises I found on-line to do after a back injury. I may try and add when I can to prevent another back injury. I cooked all day, it was too hot but the rest of the week will not be better:rolleyes:

Belinda - I see you add stretching, I really need to not skip that. I will use the back band during weight workouts.

Kristin - Nice run! Happy Birthday to you DH & DS, the cake sounds yummy. I hope the new school year will work out for you and keep you safe.

Good morning,

Walk and ICE Low Impact Sweat plus Icy Core 2 done. Yesterday I finished SBF TB Barre. I will start Utlimat Adv. Workout plan today with Barre Fire 2 today.

Debbie - Susanne is good adding stretching to her rotations. This way I get them in. Hope the back exercises will help you with your back.

Hi Kirstin - hope you had lots of fun yesterday.

I will be back later.

Today I walked outside and did some upper body exercises with free weights. I will restart the Cathe Rock Bottom 2013 rotation tomorrow. It was really hot today, DH & I had lunch outside and needed showers:)

Belinda - Your next Barre rotation sounds interesting:) Today, I passed a Barre studio I went to with a Groupon, but it was closed, hopefully not permanently.

Waves hi to Kristin


2 mile walk plus Chiseled Lower Body is done. I am getting ready to do SBF Ultimate Adv. Barre Plan Week 1 D2 Upper Core + weights.

Debbie - DD, DH and I had lunch outside in DC on Sunday. Enjoy restarting Rock Bottom rotation. I saw on the news this morning a lot of gyms closed for good due to the virus. Sad.

Kirstin - what are you up too?

Have a great day and workout everyone.
Hi guys. Yesterday was a rest day. I just went in the pool and swam. Today I ran 6.5 miles this morning. I plan on doing an upper body workout after breakfast. Nothing fancy. . . 20 minutes or even less. DS has a double header baseball game today, so I will be sweating all day. It is right smack in the afternoon too!

Deb- It was hot yesterday and it will be hot today. I think the end of the week is bringing cooler temps. I am looking forward to it. Friday will be my long run because DS has a tournament this weekend. I am looking forward to running long in lower temp and humidity.

Belinda- We have a lot of gyms closed here too. It is sad.



Today was a walk outside & STS Total Body. We also took a quick swim in the pool. I went to Trader Joe's and finally no lines:)

Belinda - Nice workouts today! I am enjoying eating outside but can't imagine what will happen when Fall approaches.

Kristin - You have a busy day today, you should sleep good;) I'm looking forward to cooler temps at the end of the week. I can't believe how many people on Long Island are still without electric, especially in this heat:(


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