Hey guys. . . well, due to the tropical storm, I could not my scheduled run in, so I did a CF style workout instead. The first part of the workout was repped like this: 3-9-15-21-15-9-3 and it consisted of dumbell deadlifts )20#), step ups, and hollow rocks (abs). Then I added on 3 rounds of the following: 24 shoulder taps, 24 mountain climbers, and 24 banded skaters. It was a good 30 minute workout. Hopefully, I will be able to get my run in tomorrow.
Deb- I'm sorry to hear your back is still hurting. Hopefully the pain subsides soon. Fingers crossed! As far as the sharks, I feel like there are more sightings this year than ever before. Crazy.
Belinda- I hope your back is doing better! We did have fun even though the team didn't win. I like this team. The parents are not crazy, for once!
Deb- I'm sorry to hear your back is still hurting. Hopefully the pain subsides soon. Fingers crossed! As far as the sharks, I feel like there are more sightings this year than ever before. Crazy.
Belinda- I hope your back is doing better! We did have fun even though the team didn't win. I like this team. The parents are not crazy, for once!