Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. This morning I did a 6 mile progression tempo run. It is part of the training plan the Virtual NYC marathon coaches prescribed (part of my package). I had to run the first mile slow and easy (which is always hard for me to start slow, don't know why), then increase a little with miles 2 and 3. Then miles 4-5 go 7-7.5 Rate of Perceived Exertion, then mile 6 back down to slow and easy. I wasn't sure I would be able to do it because I have a hard time switching gears in my run based on RPE. Well, I did it. Here are my split times:

Mile 1- 10'06
mile 2- 9'38
mile 3- 9'13
mile 4- 8'56
mile 5 8'53
mile 6- 10'15

I felt really good after completing the run. Came home, made breakfast and then did a short strength workout EMOM style, focusing on biceps, triceps, legs and abs. Not much else going on for today. I plan on cleaning and maybe doing laundry and hoping to read my book a bit. Tomorrow I am supposed to go to the beach with my friend.

Deb- It sounds like you had a good time at the zoo with your nephew despite Covid-era rules and restrictions. He sounds so sweet! I would love to teach a class outside, or even maybe have a trailer classroom with one side that opens up completely to the outside, a huge gazebo or something. It is going to be challenging. I am not going to be perfect at all this year, but I am going to give it my best shot and I am also going to make sure I keep up with my runs and workouts. I will need them to keep me sane.

Belinda- I am trying to think of ways to let the kids move a bit in class. Maybe play a round of Simon says before I start the class? Hop on one leg, shake your arms, kind of thing. I feel badly for them.



Today was a walk outside & Great Glutes. It was another nice day!

Belinda - Nice workouts for you today:)

Kristin - It is great that they give you a training plan. Will you be able to see other runner's time at the end of the virtual race? You have some really good ideas, like the idea of trailers with one side open, and simon says:)

Good morning,

Today is OFF or extended stretch of choice on the June rotation. I went for a 3.5 mile walk this morning. I will get a stretch in once I sign out.

Debbie - great job yesterday. I am also loving the cooler weather.

Kirstin - you are an amazing teacher. Always thinking about your students first. That is great they give you a training plan. What do you use to go faster and slower? Are you running with some sort a watch to keep track? Your runs are impressive, girl.

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today was a walk outside & rest of the day rest LOL. We are going to get some pizza, under a tent:) Tomorrow we may find out about gyms & inside dinning from our Governor.

Belinda - Long walk today for you:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Have a nice night:)

Today was a walk outside & Supercuts, I forgot how much I like this DVD.

Belinda - Nice workouts! Is your back feeling better.

Waves hi to Kristin


Today was a walk, getting hotter but not too bad. I also did a yoga dvd. I met my SILs to go in the pool.

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I thought I did :( I did Muscle Endurance and walked outside.

Today I will do Rev’d Up Rumble and a stretch.

Debbie - great job yesterday. I will be back later.

Today was a walk outside & All Out Low Impact Hiit. We also went in my MIL pool.

Belinda - Great job with Muscle Endurance, one of my favorites:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Today I started Cathe week 2 of her June rotation. I did ICE Bootcamp Circuit. I will do SBF D15 LB Barre 3 shortly. I am still doing SBF rotation.

Debbie - great job on your walk and All Out Low Impact HiiT.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

Have a great Monday everyone.
Good morning! This weekend was a busy one with DS's baseball tournament, but I have been keeping up with my training runs. Saturday was a 3 mile training run, Sunday I ran 10 for my long run and this morning I ran a 3 mile recovery run. I am going to do weights later, maybe. . . Or I may put it off until tomorrow, lol. It was hot and humid out this morning. . . I was enjoying the cooler temps in the morning, but I guess that was short-lived.

Deb- I believe at the end of the race, when all results are submitted, they do give you a results page with everyone's finish times. I am not aiming for a PR. I plan on probably being slower than the last marathon I did. I figure I won't have the same adrenaline and there will be no crowds or a "pack" to run with. Gyms can open this week in NY, but only 33% capacity and you must wear a mask. Not too many people are happy with having to wear a mask to workout in.

Belinda- thanks! It means a lot. I do use my Apple watch and it gives me the overall pace, but also the pace I am running for the current mile, so I use that to track my speed. It was easier than I thought to go by the RPE (rate of perceived effort). What I felt and what my watch was telling me was pretty in-sync.



Today was a walk outside & Hardstrikes. The heat & humidity are back. It is so depressing to watch the news lately & at a standstill with things reopening.

Belinda - You do a good job with keeping up with 2 rotations:)

Kristin - I would take it easy too with the race this year, but it is good motivation to be doing even if virtual. I saw that NY gyms are open with restrictions it doesn’t look like our Governor will ever open anytime soon:mad: Who knows if Cathe will be able to do the RT. DH said he will do weights but not cardio at the gym if he has to wear masks.

Good morning,

Today was a slow walk outside. My knees are acting up again, I have an appointment for next week with my husbands orthopedic surgeon. I need to get to the bottom what's causing this.

Debbie - great job on your kickboxing workout yesterday. I agree watching the news. I hope they will get a handle on things soon.

Kirstin - you are so good keeping up with your workouts and runs. I know there a lot of people wanting to reopen gyms. I can't imagine working out with a mask on.

Great job everyone. I will be back with personals.
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Today was a walk outside & Pyramid Upper Body. I can't believe I am on week 4 of the Rock Bottom Rotation.

Belinda - It's good that you are getting another opinion for your knee pain. It is so hard to be in pain especially if you enjoy working out. Kudos on walking today.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I did Low Impact Total Body Trisets Upper & Lower. It was one long workout. Glad it's done. I went a lot lighter on the LB. You probably wondering why I workout when my knees are swollen/painful? Believe it or not sitting hurts worst. Until the surgeon next week tell me not to do any lower body weight workouts, I will continue working out. I also went for a slow walk this morning.

Debbie - I can't wait to find out what is going on with my knees. I like workout daily. Your finally week of the Rock Bottom rotations. That's amazing. What results are you seeing? What plans do you have next?

Waving Hi to Kirstin

I will check in later.

Today I walked outside, it was beautiful out too :cool: We have been having to boil water for the last couple of days because of a water main break in our town. It was lifted this afternoon. Our Governor is opening gyms in NJ 25% with masks all the time on 9/1 (my birthday).

Belinda - The Low Impact workouts upper & lower body seem long and you did both! Hopefully the surgeon can see what's going on. I feel my legs & glutes getting more muscle but my weight isn't moving but not moving up either;)

Kristin - Our town is holding classes in the classrooms 5 days a week. I'm not sure what restrictions will be. I know the building are old with very big windows but don't know what they will do when the winter months come.

Enjoy the rest of the day:)
Good morning,

Woke up this morning with my entire ear swollen, I was awake all night long. Every time I moved my head I was in a lot of pain. I couldn't sleep on my side. I am falling apart. Seriously :( I have an appointment with the doc this morning. I have a history of acute sinus/ear infection. I don't want it to get out of hands like it did a few years ago. I got hospitalized a few times.

Today is a rest day/or extended stretch. If I feel up too I will do a stretch. I do will do SBF D18 Standing Abs and Interm. UB.

Debbie - he is my DH's surgeon, he is a good doctor/surgeon. I can't wait to find out what is going on with my knees. I am so tired of it. How are you clothes fitting? It's just a # on the scale.

I will be back later to catch up on personals.
Hey guys. I was a little busy the last two days to get on here. Plus, now that DH is working full time at home, it is hard to get time in the office. . . by myself. . . to hear my thoughts. Should be fun when I am back at work as well, right? Lol. Anyway. . . I have been keeping up with my runs. My 20th wedding anniversary was Tuesday. That night we took the boys out to dinner. Last night we had our date night, and my dad took the boys for a sleepover. We drove out East to a restaurant on the water and it was wonderful.

This morning I overslept, lucky for me it is cloudy this morning. I got up and went for my run at 8:45. Even though it is humid out, the temps were much cooler, so I was able to run without feeling as if I am dying, lol.

Deb- I have a feeling that schools will go back to all virtual in the winter. I am hoping I am wrong, but with no vaccine in sight and the predictions of a second wave. . . along with no real national leadership trying to control/end the virus spread, I see it as being inevitable. God, I hope I am wrong! I agree with Belinda about going by how the clothes fit instead of the number on the scale. I hate the number on the scale, lol.

Belinda- Ear infections are the worst! I hope you feel better soon. Hopefully your DH's surgeon will be able to help you finally resolve the issues with your knee! Good luck!


Quick update on my ear. I ended up in the ER in Bethesda. This ear infectio is different than any ear infections I had in the past. The doc wants me to see her again tomorrow, to keep on eye on the infection. Of course, if it gets worst tonight she wants me to go the ER tonight. She put me on antibiotics, pain medicine.They took a culture, I have to wait until I get the results. No workout to report today. Ended up taking a rest day.

Debbie - hope you have a wonderful day and workout.

Kirstin - Happy Anniversary. Sounds like you had a lovely day with your hubby. This ear infection is different than any others I had before. I can't wait to find out what's going on with my knees. It gets old. You think schools will go back to visual in the winter? I thought they are open schools.
Have a great evening.

Good night.

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