Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a walk outside & Flex Train. I am saving the bonus workout for tomorrow even though it was scheduled today. We took a car ride today to a park which was upstate NY. We wanted to go eat at a restaurant that overlooked the lake. It was closed:( The website said it was open. The restaurants upstate NY are open for indoor dining so we found one that was open. It was brick oven pizza but it was nice to eat inside. We felt safe not a lot of people, it was off hours.

Belinda - We passed a Vineyard restaurant but it is only opened on weekends. We have never been to one either. Lots of steps for you and so early:)

Kristin - Nice workouts today!! Today was the perfect day for BBQ and pool, it was hard to stay cool;)

Got in an early morning 6 mile run. This morning seemed even hotter than yesterday!

DS has an away tournament in Connecticut this weekend and I am getting nervous about it. Did you see in the news about the team that played Philly this weekend? I forget which team it was. . . half the team tested positive for coronavirus! The Yankees were supposed to play the Phillies and now that is not happening. There are a lot of protocols they have put in place for travel baseball, but I just get nervous that I am exposing my family to it. I know we have to live our lives and I want my son to have a somewhat normal season. I am just nervous about it.

Belinda- my brother is 6 years younger than me, so 37 (going on 15). In CF they have us use a 25# plate for RT! The 20 seems doable to me now, haha.

Deb- that has happened to us too, where Google says the restaurant is open and then we go and it is closed. Or it says they have outdoor dining, but it is not open when we get there. I am glad you found a place to eat and feel comfortable at the same time.


Good morning,

Went out for my walk around 6.30 a.m. It wasn't too bad, nice breeze going. I also did Cathe Lean legs & Abs.

Debbie - I am so used to visiting Vineyards all over Europe especially in Italy. Vineyard and Beergarden/restaurants are huge in Europa. We also have a lot of Wine Keller (Wine cellar), a lot of them are in caves. You and Kirstin don't know what you are missing, LOL. You both need to go one day. Do you like wine? A car ride sounds lovely. Before Covid DH and I used take car rides almost every weekend. We just take off and don't come back until the evening.

Kirstin - I'll be honest. I would be nerves too. What does your DH think? Personally I don't trust crowds with the virus. Do the kids have to wear masks? I did hear about Philly. Wondering if they followed protocol? It's sad how fast and quickly Covid spread. It affects old and young. I watched the European news this morning as I do every morning. The showed a doctor talking about mask wearing and not every mask is safe from Covid. He lid up a match, While wearing a medical mask he tried blowing out the match. He couldn't blow it out with a medical mask. The he did the same with a cloth mask. The was blowing out the match. Not every mask is safe from the virus was his point. Droplets can still get through the mask except a medical one. Of course, there are reusable mask out their that don't let droplets through. I thought about getting more clothes mask but I will do the match test first. I wear a N95 when I go to the doctor/shopping. I wear a cloth mask when I am outside like in the Vineyard. You have to wear a mask until you get seated.

Have a wonderful day

Today was a walk outside, tried to find a spinkler to run through;) I also did the bonus workout from Rock bottom rotation and yoga.

Belinda - The vineyards sound awesome, will have to do it sooner rather than later:) My DH loves wine. Lean Legs is a fun workout. That's crazy about the match test with masks, will have to try it.

Kristin - Nice run, hopefully tomorrow will be better. I was shocked when so many players from one team came down with Covid. I can see why you would be worried. I would bring lots of hand sanitizer and masks.

Good morning,

I went for a 3 mile walk this morning. I already have over 8K :) Today is IMAX4 on schedule for Cathe's May rotation. I will have to do it after my Ortho appointment.

Debbie- I'll bet you would enjoy going to one of the vineyards. The match test was an eye opener. If you can blow out a match with your mask on, your mask isn't save from the virus. Makes sense, right? I do like Lean Legs and abs. Need to pull it out more often.

Hallo Kirstin.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Got a 10 mile run in this morning, very early. It was still hot! DS has a baseball game later, so I need to cool off and get ready.

Belinda- they wear a mask in the dugout, cloth. . . but it is still outside. It makes me nervous. DH says we hand sanitize, wash our hands, wear masks, and it is outside. We are not going to any team dinners or eating in restaurants inside, he feels we are fairly safe. I don't know. I want my son to have normalcy. I was worried about him during the time we were locked down. It seemed to me he was getting depressed and was afraid to go outside. He is better now.

Deb- We do have loads of hand sanitizer and masks. I guess that is all we can do! I love it when I am running and I find a sprinkler to go through, haha.


I did IMAX 4 and SBF Barre 6 after my appointment, just getting around to post.

Kirstin - yes, your son need to have normalcy. You already doing everything possible to keep you and your family safe. What more can we do, right? I haven't eating inside a restaurant since March. Once in a while I do a pick up from our favorite vegan restaurant, curb side only. They even disinfect our CC afterwards when he hands it to us. Today I was nerves for my Ortho appointment. I was in a private room all by myself. They don't allow people in the waiting area. I did had to sign a waver about COVID. Nice job on your 10 miler, girl.

Debbie - have fun with your workout today.

That's it for me today. See you tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside & found a sprinkler;) I did 30 minutes of X10 and modified.

Belinda - I'm sure IMAX 4 is tough! It does feel so weird going to Dr.'s/Dentist appts. with empty waiting rooms and alone in the room.

Kristin - How about the shark sightings on Long Islando_O You are doing all the right things to stay safe. I heard on the news they are investigating why so many players on the Marlins tested positive. It would be helpful to find the source of the transmission.

Good morning,

Walk outside plus LIS Trisets Upper Body is done. I will do SBF D 32 UB 5 later. I reviewed the workouts lots of planks in that one. My Upper Body is already pretty fried from LIS Trisets.

Debbie - it does feel weird going to a doctor appointments. I usually request a private room. IMAX 4 is a lot of fun.

I will be back later to catch up on more personals.

Today was a walk outside & To the Max. I will do the bonus tomorrow. We went for a swim today in the pool.

Belinda - For me LIS trisets seems to work every muscle in your upper body. I can see why you are sore:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good afternoon,

DH and I went for a walk this morning. I also did Cathe Cardio Core Circuit on the rebounder. Lots of fun. I modified the joke hold (?) My back is been bordering me lately, figured not wise to do that move. I also did SBF D33 Interval 7. I am done for today. Looking forward to tomorrows workout. Step Boss PHA3.
Cathe posted some pictures of Perfect 30 flow mobility. Looking forward to these workouts.

Debbie - To the Max is a tough one. WTG! My shoulders are sore today. DH liked LIS Trisets too. I looked at the August rotation, it looks great too. I probably will do Cathe June rotation next. We shall see.

Kirstin - hope you having a great day and workout.

Have a wonderful day and workout everyone

Today was a walk outside. It wasn't too bad there as a breeze. I had a terrible migraine, but took something and feel so much better.

Belinda - I saw the pictures, I like the stretch the girls are doing on the circles. I'm wondering if the circles are for social distancing :cool: I'll have to check out the August rotation. Smart to use the modification in your workout today!

Kristin - Enjoy your baseball weekend! I'm sure it will be fun to do something different this weekend.

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

Walk and PHA3 is done. We had a nice breeze.

Debbie - I like the looks of the new workouts. BBL to catch up on personals.

Today was a walk outside & MMA Boxing. I will save 300 walking lunges for tomorrow. I dusted off my juicer and couldn’t believe how many vegetables I have to use for so little juice:oops: It’s probably cheaper to buy in store.

Belinda - Don’t you wish every walk we do was breezy;)

Kristin - I hope you are having fun at baseball this weekend. Do you go for a run when you are there?


Today I did a SBF stretch, noting else to report.

Debbie - I like the cooler weather. Hopefully it's breezy tomorrow. How do you like the Rock Bottom rotation so far?

Hi Kirstin.

See you all tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside. I also went swimming. I went to do lunges with 5lb weights and I hurt my back. I’m hoping it is nothing and better tomorrow.

Belinda - It was really humid here today. Nice workout! I like the rotation just wished it had some of the newer workouts, thinking about subbing some of them.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Lite Metabolic Blast plus SBF D36 Thin Tights Fast 2 is done. I will go for a walk soon. It's getting cooler outside, I don't need to get up so early.

Debbie - I think it's a great idea subbing another workout. I am loving the May rotation lots of variety.

Kirstin - where are you, girl?

I will try to check in later.
Hi Ladies. I am back from the baseball tournament. DS's team didn't win, but they played exciting games. It was weird traveling with Covid going on. The gym was not open at my hotel, so I ended up with two rest days. Today I ran 5 miles in this freakin' humidity. Then I did an upper body and ab workout. I have some cleaning and unpacking to do and then I will be in the pool and reading my book.

Deb- I hope your back is feeling better! I didn't run there. I don't like running in places I am not familiar with. I tried to get DH to run with me but he was tired and I was not going to go alone. As far as the shark sightings. . . Yeah, I am not going to the beach anytime soon. There was a bull shark! A bull shark is highly aggressive. I cannot believe how close to shore they are this summer. Crazy!

Belinda- I saw the pics of the new workouts too. The ladies look great! I hope your back is feeling better too!



It was a tough day with my back:( I did do 1/2 of my walk. Later in the day I found a wrap that supports your back so will use that and see if it helps.

Belinda - It's nice you don't have to get up so early for your walks. I sometimes see people walking/running in our neighborhood during the hottest part of the day.

Kristin - It must have still been fun even though your son didn't win. Your right it wouldn't be safe to run in a strange place. It's a crazy world we live in. DH sometimes watches this shark show and I always have to turn my head;) Some of the attacks they showed just happened last yearo_O

Good morning,

No walk this morning. It's raining really bad outside. Maybe I get a walk in later today.
I did Cathe Lite Cardio Party. Getting ready to do my SBF D37 Upper Core/Cardo/abs.

Debbie - I still get up really early. Once the weather gets cooler I don't mind walking in the afternoon/evening. It's too hot lately. I like getting my walks in that means I have to walk early in the morning before it gets too hot. Sorry about your back. I pulled something in my back too. If it doesn't get better by tomorrow I will have to see my doc.

Kirstin - I don't blame you not wanting to run in an area you are not familiar with. Better safe than sorry. I hope you still had fun even though your son didn't win. I hear you not going into the ocean.

I have lots to get done. I will try to be back later.

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