Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Outdoor walk 2.28 miles = 45:47 min is done. Glad I went early, it started to get hot real quick. I have to get my walk in first thing in the morning starting tomorrow. The heat is killing me.

Kirstin - SBF stands for Susanne Bowen Fitness (Barre) which I will do once I cool off :) WOW, on your 10 mile run this morning. You are ready for your race, girl. Nicely done.

Today was a walk outside & Cardio Leg Blast. They are repaving our streets and surrounding streets. Even though it’s a mess it will be worth it to not have potholes.

Belinda - I walked an hour earlier today and there was no escaping the heat:D

Kristin - Its amazing the new exercise tools available because of Covid. At least there are some positives:)

Good morning,

Today was RWH PH 1 on the rotation, I went for a 3 mile power walk instead. I also did ICY Core #1. I still have to do SBF Tabata.

Debbie- I try to walk an hour daily too. Today it wasn't to bad, got out the door before 7 a.m. Tomorrow DH and I to get out the door at least by 6 a.m. Great job on your walk and Cardio leg Blast.

Kirstin - enjoy your run today.

Happy Hump Day, everyone.
I got a very early 3 mile morning run done. It was 100% humidity at 6 this morning. Then I drove my dad upstate to see my aunt and uncle. Home now and just relaxing in the air conditioning.

I will bbl with personals.


Today was a walk outside. I was sore so decided to put a yoga day in and continue with rotation tomorrow.

You girls are good :) getting your walk/runs in so early in the AM!!

Belinda - I like adding/subtracting/modifying rotations so they work for us, otherwise I may not complete it.

Kristin - You had a long day, kudos on getting your run in!

Good morning,

Went for a 2 mile = 35 min outdoor walk is done. Avg. Pace was 17:30 per mile. Not bad for my short legs, lol. I am out of breath. Those hills in my neighborhood are tough. I also did Muscle Max. I need a nap :)
I will do SBF barre later today. Too tired right now.

Debbie - nothing wrong make a rotation fit your needs. Makes things interesting. I need to add more stretching with all that walking I am doing. Great job yesterday.

I will be back later.

Today I walked outside and did Pyramid Upper Body. I talked to my boss and they are letting her go, she was so upset. She was a really dedicated, hard worker. Also they will not be sending us to the stores in the near future. I have mixed feelings but maybe this is meant to be. I have so much to do around the house and am enjoying adding walks to my day.

Belinda - Nice pace!! You are killing it today with your workouts. I can see why you need a nap:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

2 mile outdoor walk + RWH Plyo Hiit Two + SBF D26 is done.

Debbie - no nap yesterday. Ran some errands. I was tired last night. Aww...sorry about your boss :( So many people losing their job. Glad you are positive about it.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

Happy Friday, everyone.
Hey guys. I just finished a workout I found on Pinterest. It was a circuit workout, 3 circuits, repeat 3x. Circuit 1: 12 shoulder presses, 12 dumbbell rows, 12 weighted squats, 1 minute plank. Circuit 2P 12 chest presses, 12 lateral raises, 12 weighted lunges, one minute plank. Circuit 3: 12 tricep extensions, 12 bicep curls, 12 weighted pulse squats, one minute plank. I changed the abs for each round (planks, then full sit-ups, then bicycle crunches). It was a good workout. Now I am trying to get motivated to clean on this rainy day.

Belinda- nice job on your walks and workouts. Nice pace on those walks too, especially considering the heat and humidity. Plyo Hiit 2 is one of my favorites from RWH, btw.

Deb- Sorry to hear your boss was laid off. It seems like the economy is getting worse, not better. DH is confident he will be called back to work soon. . . I am not as optimistic. I am hoarding the money we have saved as much as I can.


Kirstin - thank you. I like the looks of your today's workout. Maybe I need to check out Pinterest more often, lol. I did most of the high impact on my rebounder, didn't border my knees. I am still getting a great workout in. I am so glad I bought the rebounder been using it daily. Good for you on saving money and hoarding it :)

Today was a walk outside, it started to rain but not bad. I also did a short ab workout. We are going to get a bite to eat outside tonight.

Belinda - The rebounder seems great you can still do all of the workouts! Sometimes skipping the nap helps you sleep better at night.

Kristin - I hope you DH gets called back, so smart of you to save money & hoard:) The pinterest workout sounds great, it's amazing what you can find on the internet.

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

I am done with a 2 mile Outdoor walk + Cathe Body Weight & Bands + SBF Mat = 35 min.

Debbie - the rebounder is gentle on my knees. I still can do high impact without hurting my knees plus it's a lot of fun. Nice job on your walk and abs yesterday. It rained here too.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

Have a great Saturday and weekend, everyone.

Today was a walk outside and Butts & Guts. It was another hot day here today!

Belinda - Was that a live workout you did today?

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

DH and I went for a walk early this morning, we walked 2.5 miles. I have to get some groceries. I still have to get a nice stretch in later.

Debbie - nice job on B&G. How are you liking your rotation so far? I did Cathe's Lite Bodyweight and bands.

Have a great Sunday.
Hey there! Yesterday, I took a complete rest day. DS had a double-header for baseball and my whole body was sore from the workout on Friday. I decided I earned a rest day. This morning I headed out early with my dad. We went to the path out east and I ran 9 miles while my dad was on his bike. Why 9? Because it was hot, even at 7 this morning and because I had too much wine last night and was sluggish to begin with, lol. Now I plan on swimming in my pool and reading my book all afternoon.

Belinda- It's great that you find ways to keep working out despite your issues with your knees. Most people would resign themselves to saying, I cannot workout. When there is a will, there is a way! I'm glad the rebounder makes it work for you!

Deb- hoarding the money does cause some fights. DH is a spender and I am a saver. DS has an away tournament in Connecticut this weekend. We have points for the hotel, so we are only paying half price. I plan on packing food and snacks so we don't have to eat out much. It is crazy. Trying to let my son have a "normal" season after all this time in quarantine.


Kirstin - thank you. You amaze me with your runs lately :) DH and I went at 7 a.m this morning for our walk, it was getting hot quickly. That is a great way to get your dad out too. Kudos to you both. Haha, on the wine last night. You and me both had a little too much, lol. Yesterday DH and I went to our favorite vineyard. They had music and it was hot outside. it was fun. You only live once, right?

Today was walk outside and Kickmax. We went to my MILs pool with my SILs it was a nice way to cool off.

Belinda - A vineyard sounds like fun, it must have been nice to be outside and listen to music too! I like the rotation:) The bonus butt workout made me sore and I modified.

Kristin - It's nice to hear your son is getting to play baseball:cool: It must be fun to watch too. For me running 9 miles would be like running a marathon, Kudos!

Good morning,

I walked early this morning with DH, we walked over 2.71 miles. Than I did Kickmax. I did all the blast on my rebounder. I got a nice cal burn on that one too. I will do SBF D29 TB Fusion later this afternoon or after I eat breakfast. I am beat. It's not 10 a.m yet and I already have 12,200 steps :)

Debbie - we a club members with that vineyard. The vineyard is very pretty. They were only open to club members, last weekend they open it to the public by appointment only. I have done that rotation you are doing years ago. I remember that bonus workout. Make sure you stretch.

Hey guys. Today I did two workouts I found on pinterest. The first workout was a burpee/squat workout. You do 10 burpees then 1 squat, then 9 burpees and 2 squata, 8 burpees and 3 squats, all the way down until you get to 1 burpee and 10 squats. It was a killer! Then I did a 10 minute AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) for core: 20 Russian twists with 20# plate, 20 crunches, 20 side to side heel taps, 20 reverse crunches, 20 supermans. I got 4 rounds completed. My whole core is sore already!

Today we are going to my neighbor's house for pool and bbq. It is so hot out. I was going to run this morning, but just didn't feel up to it and did not have it in me to go out in the heat and humidity again. Tomorrow I will get a longer run in hopefully early!

Deb- when I run 9-12 miles I often think about how I have run marathons and how many more miles I would have to go to get that distance done, lol. It is crazy! And yet I want to do it again, haha. I love watching DS play baseball and I am so thankful he can play this year.

Belinda- I look forward to Sundays because I get to do my long runs with my dad and my younger brother (although he has not come the last two weeks because he says it is too hot, lol). The vineyard and live music sounds like heaven! We have vineyards here on Long Island and would you believe I have never been to one? I have to go at some point.


Kirstin - that sounds like a killer workout. Nicely done. My abs would have been sore with a 20# plate. You are killing it with those workouts. I am glad you get to hang out/spent time with your dad and brother. How old is your brother? LOL! He sounds like my son. You should go to the vineyards on Long Island. I'll bet it's beautiful . We are surrounded by vineyards. Beautiful!

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