Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. Ugh, sorry I haven't checked in for a bit. I have been keeping up with running and workouts. Sunday I did a 9 mile run and was dying from the heat and humidity. Today I did an 8 mile run and it was so much better because even though it is still humid out, the temps were lower and it was drizzling out so it kept me cool. I have reached the halfway point in my virtual race across NY, 217 miles. I have 217 miles to go. I will definitely be finishing before the deadline at this pace.

The 4th of July was good. We spent the evening with my neighbor. Then on the 5th our friends from the city came over for a bbq. It was their first time out in months.

My cousins live in Florida. One is an AP at a school. He just found out they are expected to start school as normal, even though the numbers are climbing every day. My other cousin is a nurse at a hospital in Florida. She says they are out of ICU beds :oops:. It is a recipe for disaster down there. I do not like Governor Cuomo in NY because I disagree with a lot of education policies, but I am glad we have him here for this crisis. He has made smart moves to keep the numbers down and the citizens safe. I don't think we will be back to school like nothing happened. I think we will have a hybrid of in school and online learning (like every other day or something to that extent). I have not been told anything specific, but it is looking that way to me.

Deb- I would be skeptical of going to the beach if it was that long of a drive and you were not guaranteed entry. You probably have to leave super early to guarantee a spot. A lot of people are probably having their food delivered, like you said.

Belinda- I have been running early in the morning to beat the heat as well. I am glad ChuChu is doing better.



Today's walk outside wasn't too bad the sun was behind the clouds. Also I did Kickmax.

I'm happy I had my hair colored but I don't like the new normal. There are clear partitions between chairs and mask on at all times. I can't imagine how someone who is claustrophobic could do it:( It just wasn't enjoyable or relaxing.

Belinda - Nice workout! I am going to look over the rotations and pick one starting next week. I need something planned out.

Kristin - Great that your are ahead of your running schedule! I feel so bad for the people in Florida. Your right Gov. Cuomo is really good at handling the crisis. He reassures the people as well. The Governor of Florida is not good at it, similar to Trump. I hope for your sake and others school isn't online.

5 mile run done. DS has his first baseball games today, a double-header. He is very excited. So am I. There are lots of rules and restrictions. It will not be "normal" but at least it is something.

Deb- I have yet to get my hair done since this whole thing started. I've used boxed color from the stores, which I've never done in my life. I won't go to the salon until it is time to go back to school. I am dreading the "new normal."

Waving hello to Belinda.

Good morning,

SBF D10 Week 2 Barre 8 = 33 plus Day 11 Countertop UB/Quick Planks = 22 min is done.

I am getting my hair done tomorrow. I probably will do L4 Shoulder/Arms Circuit later today? Haven't decided if I want to get up early in the morning before I get my hair done.

Debbie - the May 2020 rotation looks good too. They all look good. I want to do something with TB instead of splits for awhile. I hear you on the new normal.

Kirstin - I also dislike the "new normal". My MIL is in hospice in FL. It's scary with the numbers going up in FL. Great job on your runs.

Have a great day everyone.

Today was a walk outside and yoga. Our Governor has now said masks are mandatory outside :rolleyes:. When we walk the most we see are 2-3 people, and we just follow common sense and cross the street to social distance. I honestly don't believe it is necessary in this situation. I am closer at the food stores passing people.

Belinda - I will check out that rotation. You'll have to let us know how your hair experience is.

Kristin - How do you feel about the possible 2-3 days in school & the rest virtual schooling? I'm not sure if it is happening, but I think they should take teachers input/opinions into the decision. Nice to hear baseball for your son:)

Good morning,

L4 Day 3 Shoulders/Arm Circuit is done. Couldn't help myself, lol. Needed to follow the program to the T :)
Off to my hair appointment.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. today I slept in and did an upper body and abs workout. I might go for a quick 3 mile run in the evening if the heat dies down.

Deb- I would prefer seeing the kids at least part time and then digital instruction, if we need to have less people in the buildings, which seems to be the case. I could give the lesson in class and then the work and reinforcement can be the online assignment. That makes much more sense to me. My concern is how do I be there for students online while teaching in class at the same time? A lot to work out. I think special education students should go full time. It is hard to meet their IEP mandates online.

Belinda- Let us know how your hair comes out and if the experience was okay with you. I am still holding out.


I had a very good experience with my hair cut today. The salon my hair dresser worked Bubbles, they went out of business. After month not doing anything my hair dresser opens her own salon. During the lockdown she checked on me constantly. I was very impressed about her hair salon and building. You are not allowed to walk/enter the building alone. The place she rents from had a lot of small hair salon rooms hairdressers can rent. She only allows one person besides her in the salon. She rents the space, it's a small room with a sink to wash hair, a chair for cutting hair/coloring. She even offered soda, coffee, tea, water and wine :) to her customers. My hair dresser never took of her mask, she allowed us to take it off and offered Aleisa and me some wine :) She used plastic small wine glasses. Aleisa and I had a glass of wine . My hair dresser disinfected everything even during our visit and after each customer. I mean she keeps her little salon clean. She only takes 5 customers a day. She said, she cleans more than cuts hair. Alesia and I know our hair dresser for a few years now. We are always impressed with our hair cut. Every time I see her she tells me I remind her of her mom.

Debbie - I may take a active recovery week next week. I probably will do barre, lots of walking and stretching.

Kirstin - that would make sense teaching part time in NY. What are parents suppose to do if kids are not going back to school full time? They can't leave the kids alone at home while they going back to work? It's just a horrible situation for all. My hair turned out amazing:)

Today was a walk outside, I did a bunch of leg work with bands. We also met my SIL to go in the pool with our nephew, it was refreshing.

Belinda - I think you experience with your hair stylist was amazing!! I paid too much money to feel as uncomfortable as I did. Your salon did it right & safely. I go to a different place for my haircut so if I feel better at that salon will just switch. Even if it’s somewhere in between my experience and yours, it will work. Too bad you hair salon wasn’t closer LOL ;)

Kristin - I was wondering when I was listening to the news how you could be in the classroom as well as online. It seems like they are scrambling to figure it all out. I hope the heat died down for you to run, it’s going to be a stormy couple of days.

Good morning,

I did my last L4 workout this morning, I did Full Body HiiT plus walked 2 miles outside.

Debbie - My hair dresser started her own business. Apparently it's a new thing with those tiny hair salon in DC. I love it. My hair stylist kept the same prices as Bubbles salon. Which I love. Her prices are cheap compared to what I payed in the past. Not to mention she does an amazing job. I just tell her to do with my hair what she thinks would look good one me. She never disappoints me. She cut my hair a little shorter this time, I love my hair cut. Next time I will get high lights. I was going to go gray on my hair, Aleisa couldn't stand it. She bought a organic hair color and put it on a few weeks ago. I am glad my hair stylist opened up her own one on one hair studio. I like it much better than going to a regular with a lot of people. It's just you and her in the little salon. I am sure you will find something like her in DC in NJ. I agree, if you pay a lot of $$ you should feel computable. I almost concealed my hair appointment yesterday. Glad I didn't :) There are 29 individual salon studios, perfect for hair stylists, estheticians, eyebrow artists, barbers, nail techs and a range of other professionals in the cosmetology industry. Studios range in size from single, large and double from 100 to 200 square feet. Your studio is move-in ready and equipped. I will sent you a link to the studio I went yesterday, you probably will find something similar in your area. This is the hair studio I went yesterday, my hair stylist only has one chair for cutting your hair.

My hair stylist took pictures of my hair. I will ask her to sent them to me.

Waving Hi to Kirstin!

Have a great Friday everyone.
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Today was a walk outside, it started to rain lightly but it rained heavy all day. We really needed rain:) We are going to get a bite to eat will see if we can otherwise will just bring it home.

Belinda - Congratulations on finishing L4!! Your hair salon sounds great, the concept is perfect especially with Covid virus. The highlights sounds fun & fresh:) I will check out the link you sent . . . thank you!

Kristin - I think you are getting all the rain we are too!

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

I forgot to mention I did SBF D12 TB Interval = 32 min too. Today I did SBF D13 W2 Adv. LB Circuit + Booty 2 = 30 min total.

Next week I will take a active recovery. I will continue with SBF rotation. After my recovery I will start Cathe's May 2020 rotation. I added the rotation in WM already :)

Debbie - thank you! The salon concept is perfect and genius :) Check your inbox.

Kirstin - we miss you.

That's it for me today. I will try to check in later.

Today we walked outside. It was so hot and humid, any breeze was welcomed:)

Belinda - Nice workouts today:) The salon is beautiful! I am going to check out rotations tomorrow.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. I posted yesterday, but I don't see it here. Yesterday was a three mile recovery run and then a 12 minute EMOM workout (every minute on the minute): push ups, weighted sit ups, shoulder taps plank, Russian twists. Today I went out early and tackled 8 miles. It was still a hot, gross run.

Belinda- I am so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. May she rest in peace. I had wrote yesterday that the hair salon sounds like she takes customer service very seriously. I bet she becomes a hot spot in no time.

Deb- It rained here all day Friday too, but I beat the rain to get an early morning run in. Even though it was very cloudy, humidity was at 100% and it was a tough go. I cannot wait to run in cooler temps. I wonder what my pace will be!



Today was a walk outside. I started my prep for second colonoscopy, I will have on Tuesday. Since I wasn't clean enough in January (TMI). I needed to start a day earlier on a liquid diet & start extra prep. Let's just say I'm so hungry!

Belinda - So sorry to hear about your MIL:( How is your DH?

Kristin - Nice run & CF workout! The humidity hasn't let up, even at night here. My hair is one big mess;)


Today I walked outside. While I am prepping for my colonoscopy, I will not be doing much else. I can't wait to eat tomorrow:)

Belinda - My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.

Kristin - My nephew who lives in TN, his school has been postponed for 2 weeks (end of August). They are still deciding if it will be virtual or in the school. TN is now a hotspot.

Good morning,

I am still here. I will take a active revery this week. Still keeping up with SBF rotation. I am on week 3.

Debbie - thank you about my MIL. It means a lot to us. DH is doing ok. Good luck with your colonoscopy today.

Kirstin - thank you about my MIL. Yes, the owner of the salon takes good care of her customers. Good job keeping up with your runs and CF workouts.

Today I will do SBF Planks + Abs. BBL!
Hey everyone. Just got done with a 10 mile run this morning. I was aiming for 8-10. I did do a stop. The paved trail I run is 1.2 miles. so I did 5 miles (4 loops) and then stopped at my car for drink and gels. Then did another 4 loops for 10. Now I plan on cleaning up, sitting by the pool and reading my book for the rest of the day.

Belinda- enjoy your active recovery week.

Deb- The entire South seems to be a hot spot. SMH. My cousin who lives in Arizona and is a right wing nut, posted something stupid on facebook about not wearing a mask and how we are all sheep. STUPID! I think NY schools will open, but it more than likely will not be a full opening (half days or every other day for students). We shall see.



I will get my results for the colonoscopy in a week. I needed to wear a mask even through the procedure. They didn't have many people in the surgical center. I think people are afraid. I walked outside this evening.

Belinda - An active recovery weeks sounds good after your hard work:)

Kristin - It's good that you packed drinks/gels for in between your run:) It will be interesting to see how it works out for you in September. I don't like wearing masks but if it could possibly prevent me from getting the virus, I will just deal:)


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