Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I put my walk off this morning so couldn't get it done because of thunderstorms. I did 4 Day Split Kickboxing, I forgot how much I like that one:)

Belinda - Nice walk!

Kristin - You are doing great getting your miles in. How is your Dad?

Hey guys. Today I did the worst run of my life. I was going for 10 miles, but ended up with 8.5 because it was either stop or go on and die. The humidity killed me. I was definitely dehydrated even with bringing my hydration drink with me. I have to remember now that we are in the full swing of summer to up my water intake before my long runs.

Deb- My dad is doing great. He is coming over today for a bbq and pool. He was speedy on his bike today!

Belinda- I never wear a mask outside, especially while running. I did have a buff that I wore around my neck and would lift over my nose and mouth when I first started running on my path, but not anymore. No one has them on the path. We are all moving quickly away from each other.



Today I walked and did shoulders. I went to the farmers market and it was quiet, could be because it’s Father’s Day. We kept it low key because this was DHs 1st time without his Dad.

Waves hi to Belinda

Kristin - Still a good run, it was so hot & humid today. Enjoy the day with your Dad!

Hey guys. I woke up this morning realizing that it is the first weekday in months that I do not have to start my day on the computer! I went for a run to try and beat the heat and humidity. I got in a 4.4 mile run. Why 4.4? Well with virtual race I am running, I was at 152.6, and I don't like the decimal point, so I wanted to get to a round number, lol. I hate running in the heat. I'd much rather run in the snow!

Deb- Yesterday must've been rough for you husband. Mother's Day was a bit sad for me.

Waving hello to Belinda!


Good morning,

I started week 6 Lift 4 Chest & Triceps circuit today. Sorry I haven't checked in yesterday. My kids surprised us this weekend. We had lots of fun.

Debbie - sorry yesterday was tough for your husband.

Kirstin - it's tough running in humidity. Great job on your run. I don't blame you not wearing a mask when running outside. I hate masks. Mother's day is always a bit tough for me too.

Have a great Monday everyone. BBL!

Today was a walk outside and shoulders, bi’s and tri’s. The TJ Maxx/Homegoods store opened up today by me. The lines were insane and you wouldn’t believe how much stuff people were buying:eek: I buy some things like Olive Oil and Avocado Oil there, but it was just too much stress so will go back when the crowds are gone. Also their a/c wasn’t working.

Belinda - That must have been a nice surprise! Good job with Lift this week.

Kristin - It must have been nice to get your run in early even though the heat & humidity was high early! LOL on losing the decimal point.

Hey guys-

Just finished a 3 mile run. I tried to beat the heat by getting out early. . . it was still hot and soupy out there. I am about to do a short weight workout now.

Deb- people are so desperate to get out. . . I bet it looked as if it were Christmastime at those stores. I try to avoid crowds too. I hate wearing the mask!

Belinda- I'm glad you had a great "surprise" weekend with your kids.


Good morning,

L4 Week 6 Day 2 Back/Bicep 50/50 is done. I also walked 2.5 miles outside.

Debbie - I'll be honest, I haven't really missed shopping besides groceries. I am downsizing, I really don't need anything. I would have left too. I am not standing in line to buy home goods.

Kirstin - good job getting your run in before it gets too hot. I am still sweating buckets from my walk. Enjoy your weight workout.

I will try to be back later.

I walked today, with this humidity it is tough! Today I did GS Legs.

Belinda - It must be tough for you to walk to. I think Covid has helped me, I used to run to the stores too much and I like the extra time I have now:)

Kristin - It must be so freeing not have to be on the computer all day:) I saw a lot of people running today, kept thinking how do they do it;)

Hi everyone,

I wanted to do Step Sync today. Instead of using my dvd I wanted to use the download today. My dvd player is in my basement. ChuChu isn't doing so well these day's. I wanted to workout upstairs to keI never downloaded that workout, got all the others. I tried the code, it expired. I did ICE Low Impact Sweat instead.

Debbie - good job on that walk. I skipped my walk for the reasons you mention. Besides groceries I really don't buy a lot anymore. Like I said, I am downsizing :) Don't want to fill up my house with too much junk, lol.

Kirstin - hope you have a great workout today.

Happy Hump Day everyone.
I also did Jane Adams Beginner Yoga 4. Standing Balance Poses = 24 min. This one was harder than I thought. She did eagle pose, not a beginner pose. I really like the set so far. Why didn't I do them sooner?

Today I walked outside and did yoga. DH had his haircut today, I can’t get an appointment till August:oops: The salon said they are very strict with social distancing. My hair will be down to my butt in no timeo_O

Belinda - I’m sorry to hear Chu-Chu isn’t doing well, hopefully he feels better. Eagle pose is tough, the arms are tougher for me.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

L4 Week 6 Day 3 Shoulder Intervals. I will go for a walk shortly than will do Jane Adams 5. Complete Floor Practice after my walk.

Debbie - thanks about ChuChu. He is an old dog. The arm in eagle pose I don't have a problem. Doing both is tough (rapping your legs around while standing on 1 foot) that's tough. Especially since I have knee problems. I have an appointment for my hair July 9. The salon I went in DC went out of business. My hair dresser opened up her own hair salon.

Hey guys. Yesterday ended up being a rest day for me. Today I ran 4.5 miles. I plan on doing a short weight workout for bis/tris and some abs after breakfast. My pace has slowed down a bit this week with the humidity and heat. . . I am trying not to beat myself up about it. The NYC Marathon is cancelled due to COVID this year. It was the 50th anniversary of the race. Even though I did not get an entry, I am still sad to see this happen. This most likely means the Philly marathon will be cancelled as well. The virus seems to be contained now in the tri-state area, but it seems to be spreading rapidly throughout the rest of the country. Why are so many Americans stupid? Why are so many going to a filled arena for a political rally without at least wearing a mask? My cousin lives in Florida. He is going to Orange Theory classes. I mean, it is spreading like crazy down there and everything is open as if nothing is going on. The stupidity. . . I can't! Sorry for the rant. . . I just want to get back to normal and I don't see it happening anytime soon because we are surrounded by morons. . . they outnumber us!

Deb- I am waiting to book a hair appointment for August just to play it safe. I want to grow it out anyway, lol.

Belinda- Sorry to hear about ChuChu. Good for your hairdresser venturing into her own business. I hope she does well!



Today was a walk outside and I did abs. We went to see my Mom today, she needs some tests, hoping everything turns out ok. I asked to go with her and that isn't allowed at this time. A family friend has cancer and is very bad and not allowed to have anyone with her during treatments:( So many sad things about Covid.

Belinda - Nice workouts! Is Chu, Chu your only dog right now? You wouldn't think a hair salon would go out of business, but maybe it's difficult to catch up.

Kristin - I heard about the NYC Marathon didn't realize it was 50 years old. This has been a tough week with the heat and humidity, so don't beat yourself up. I hear you on the crazy people. I saw in the news, people are protesting the right not to wear masks WTH.

Hey guys. Just finished my run, 5.5 miles. I was a bit slower again, but I was looking at my times and paces at this same time last year... even going slower I am still faster than last year, lol. Heading out to the beach today. Should be a good day!

Deb- I hope your mom's tests come give good results. It is sad that you cannot be there with her during this time. As far as people protesting the masks. . . we have become a nation of idiots. I cannot believe a virus and wearing masks has become political. I hope I don't offend you guys by saying this, but I feel that Trump says and does anything to keep us divided instead of uniting us as a true leader would. I fear what will become of us. . . this is not the America I grew up loving and having so much pride in.

Waving hello to Belinda.


Good morning,

L4 Week 6 HiiT legs is done. I am going for a walk.

Debbie - I had two dogs. Brawler and ChuChu. Today 2 years ago, I had to put Brawler to sleep :( Today isn't a good day for me. Miss him so much. I actually was surprised the hair salon went out of business too. They always were packed. Praying for your mom that all her test come back normal.

Kirstin - I have sinus problems wearing a mask makes it very difficult to breath. I do believe we need to wear a mask . I had no idea wearing a mask became political? I guess I stopped watching the news. Enjoy the beach today.

I will be back later for personals.
I am back from my 2.44 mile walk. After my walk I did Jane Adams Beginner Yoga 5. Complete Floor Practice = 29 min. She did lots of hip opener exercises which I need. My hips are tight from all that walking. Wished I would have done these yoga practices sooner. These workouts feel more like mobility/flexibility workouts to me. I am done for today.

Today was a walk outside and abs. We are going to grab a bite to eat outside, next week starts limited capacity indoor dining. I passed by the I-Hop in our neighborhood and their outside dinning is cute! The outside restaurants are getting creative:)

Thank you for your positive thoughts for my Mom.

Belinda - Sorry to hear it's the anniversary for Brawler:( I hear you on my hip getting tight from walking. I didn't even realize at 1st but yoga does help.

Kristin - Enjoy your day at the beach!! Was it crowded? I'm not offended, I just can't believe what comes out of his mouth. Also why doesn't anyone say/stop him?? I hope in our lifetime for more than 2 parties to vote for.

Hi everyone,

Yesterday 2 years ago I had to put Brawler to sleep:( I can't believe it's been 2 years already.
This morning I did a full body pilates class. I also did Fit Split Mixed Impact cardio only. I finished with Jane Adams 6. Complete Standing Practice.

Debbie - yoga/stretching and mobility will loosing up the hip. It's cute the things the restaurants come up with social distancing. Thanks about Brawler :( Can't believe it's been already 2 years.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

That's it for me today. Have a great Saturday.

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