Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. Got in a 3 mile fartlek run on this swampy humid morning. I was dripping with sweat. Might do a quick Crossfit style workout later. What are you guys up to this weekend? It is supposed to be gorgeous out!

I guess we all feel the same way about the masks! Wearing one because I am being forced to reminds me of the Muslim women who have to wear the full burka (not sure of spelling). Some of them must hate it, I imagine.

Deb- I dread running in the summer humidity. I much prefer the cold winters. I always warm up in the first mile or so, so the cold never bothers me until I am done with the run. Then I want to get it my car and get home. Humidity and heat. . . you cannot escape it. My times are way better than last year though, so I have improved!

Belinda- If you do the FAcebook live workout, let us know what you think!


Good morning,

Week 4 D4 Legs HiiT plus 3 mile walk outside is done. I also did some BW lunges, squats, side lunges, leg lifts and bridge. I did this circuit style 2 rounds between each round I did ab exercises.

Kirstin - I will let you know tomorrow. I am too tired to add another workout. It looked good. No jumping I think. Great job getting your run in this morning. It got hot hear quickly too. Last few day's I am taking a water bottle for my walks.

Debbie - Aleisa's pilates studio will open up again this week. They have to wear a mask. I would die wearing one. Not sure how she will handle it, she gets hot quickly, lol.

I am done for today. Have a great day and workout.

Today I walked on the track, DH ran. I prefer walking in the neighborhood (even with all the hills) at least some shady spots:) I did STS D34 Chest and Back. It was hot today but the rest of the weekend should be better. I'm hoping to plant some flowers and herbs this weekend.

Belinda - Nice workouts today:) You'll have to let us know how Aleisa does with the class/mask. I'm wondering if the class only has a few students if they will let them take them off:confused:

Kristin - Your times are getting better every year!! I always wondered if the Muslim woman were too hot with the face coverings. Never thinking we would find out:)

Hey guys! Quick 3 mile run for me today. I was so much faster today than yesterday's run. . . but there was no humidity, so that had to be it, lol. I plan on doing upper body weights and abs soon. Then relaxing today after some cleaning. There is a gym giving free outdoor classes on the weekends at the path I run on. I observed them as I ran. I might give it a try next weekend.

Deb- I agree, walking/running in a neighborhood is better than a school track. The paths I run on, one is 1.2 miles the other 9.3. When I do a longer run on the shorter path, I get bored. I prefer to keep moving and seeing new scenery.

Belinda- I don't think I would go to a workout class if I had to wear a mask. I don't wear one when I run. I have a face covering that I was wearing if I passed by people. I stopped wearing it. It was making my neck all sweaty.


Good morning,

Walked 2.5 miles. I will either do a yoga or pilates today.

Debbie - yes, they are only allowed to have so many people in the gym plus they all have to wear mask. Alesia took a outdoor yoga class today.

Kirstin - I don't wear a mask if I passed by people. My glasses fog up when I wear mask shopping. Hate it. I walk in my neigborhood or trails. I like seeing new scenery too. Great job on your run. I also need to get some cleaning done today. Those outdoor classes sound great.


Today I walked outside and did STS W4 Squat Legs. We went to my MILs and spent some time outside it was a beautiful day.

Belinda - An outdoor yoga class sounds like fun! I'm wondering if more classes will be offered outdoors now.

Kristin - It was a nice day to workout outside:) You should give the outdoor classes a try, sounds good.

Good afternoon,

I walked outside for 3 miles. I will do a stretch later today.

Debbie - I believe a lot of instructors offer outdoor workouts these day's. I would rather be outside than in a gym right now. You are almost done with STS. WTG!

Kirstin - enjoy your day and workout today.

That's it for me today.

Today was a walk outside, and spent some time outside since it was Spring like:)

Belinda - It was beautiful to walk outside! Only 1 more workout to go with STS:)

Kristin - Hopefully this is your last week of school.

Good morning,

Debbie - wtg, on finishing STS. What results did you get from STS? I walk outside daily.

L4 week 5 Day 1 Chest & Triceps is done. I am getting ready for a walk. BBL!

Today was a walk on the track and finished STS D36 Shoulders, bi’s & tri’s:)

We are in Phase 2 now, some retail stores now open and outdoor dining. I went to Kohl’s to get DH some Fathers Day gifts it was quiet but was done quickly.

Belinda - How Long is your Lift rotation? I feel stronger and my arms feel toner after STS. Just need to get my eating back on track, too many extra snacks:oops:

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

L4 Week 5, D2 Biceps & Back Circuit is done. I also did yoga.

Debbie - Lift 4 is a 8 week program. I am in week 5. Great job on your results.


Today was another nice day for a walk:) I wish the humidity doesn't come for a long time:cool:

Belinda - I didn't realize it was an 8 week program you were doing you. You are almost done!

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

I was dragging all day long. I had no energy to do anything today. Decided I needed to close my exercise rings on my Apple watch. I pulled out Jessica Smith WS3 Cardio HiiT. I can't remember the last time I did that workout. I need to pull them out more often. Some of the exercises like the jumping jacks I did on the rebounder. Love my rebounder.

Happy birthday, Kirstin!

Debbie - yeah, it's a 8 week program. I still have 3 weeks to go. Great job on that walk yesterday. It was beautiful no humidity here yesterday. It was perfect for a walk.

That's it for me today. I am having another live cooking class tonight.

Have a great evening.

Today DH and I went to the track, we need to climb over a 3-4-ft fence and have been doing so for about 3 weeks. DH went 1st and tore his calf (ouch), it is so swollen, he heard a pop. I feel so bad:( Well, he didn't walk, I did later in the day in the neighborhood. To make it worse, after work today my DS went to go running at the track and they have now opened all of the gates :confused: I also did a yoga class.

Belinda - Have fun at the Live cooking class, what are you making? Considering you were tired you did a tough workout:)

Happy Birthday, Kristin!!!!

Good morning,

L4 D3 Shoulder Intervals is done. I also did yoga from YT.

Debbie - it was Moroccan food. It was hilarious. It wasn't a cook alone class, it was more like they demo the food. There were 3 ladies cooking, one dropped all her food :D I almost died laughing! The head chef is out of Maryland. DD and her friend took a lot of live cooking classes with here. The other 2 cracked me up, I don't think they knew what they were doing on camera, lol. It was just funny watching those 2:p I thought I was watching a comedy show instead of a cooking show with those 2. We all couldn't stop laughing.
Sorry about your husband. Hope with rest it will heal quickly.

BBL! I have a doc appointment.

Today I walked outside, it wasn't too humid:) DH's leg is swollen and in pain but he has been icing and keeping off of it. I saw 2 large kids parties with adults when I was walking today. No one was social distancing or wearing masks but it was outdoors. I don't think I am ready for large crowds yet.

Belinda - The cooking class sounds like it was fun! We could all use some comedy in our lives now:)

Kristin - Hope you had a nice birthday:) Birthdays sure are different this year!

Good morning,

L4 Legs is done. I will do a nice stretch this afternoon.

Debbie - I thought about walking yesterday. The humidity was too high. Sorry about your DH's leg. Hope he feels better too. I am not ready for large crowds. If they outdoors and keep distance I don't see a problem. I don't wear a mask outside. It's too hot to wear a mask.

Have a wonderful Friday and workout, everyone.

Today I walked in my MILs neighborhood it was a nice change. I also did some core work. DH & I are attempting to go to one of our favorite restaurants tonight. It doesn't usually have outdoor seating, but since indoor seating hasn't opened in NJ, a lot of restaurants are offering it now. I guess we will see how it goes.

Belinda - Good job with legs today. It is getting humid here too.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. Well, I made it. Schoooooool is out for SUMMER! What a week. I am glad I survived this crazy ass school year. We had our very last virtual faculty meeting yesterday. Now that school is out, I plan on spending my days working out, reading and lounging by the pool. I will not be chained to this computer anymore!I have been keeping up with my running. I am up to 144 miles for the NYSVR I am doing. In order to finish, I need to get to 434 miles by Sept. 15th. I am definitely on track to finish even before then.

Thanks for the birthday wishes. My friend and her family came over and we had dinner and cake. My dad came over too.

I will be back with personals later. Gotta get breakfast going.


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