Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi everyone,

Today I did BarreAmped Bounce barre. I will go for a short walk later and stretch.

Debbie - they have their crap stored for 8.5 years. I'll bet they don't even know what's here, lol. I probably let them store all that stuff if they want to keep in my DH's shop in the basement. I hardly go into DH shop, I would never see all that stuff, lol. I just don't want to keep their stuff in the bedrooms anymore. They are guest bedroom. My son had hundreds of books, it's an eye sore, IMO! Can't you tell..I am fed up? LOL! The more you do DIY the better you get. DH wants to replace all the floors in the house (living room and the entire upstairs). He does an amazing job plus we save a lot of $$ doing our selves.

Kirstin - for my son's room I picked a light gray. The second bedroom is a different light shade of gray. Aleisa's room was suppose to be all white, she wanted white. Somehow the white turned out a very light blue/gray.The color before we painted was white too. Very weird :) She likes the new color.
Have a great Sunday. I can't believe parents can't make their kids do school work. What's wrong with those parents?

Good night, everyone.

Today was a walk outside and some abs. I dropped DH at his Moms and ran to the store with his car, it is keyless and the keys were in his pocket. Ugh, once you turn it off you need the key to restart. He called his sister and she was nice enough to go get the key and bring it to me:)

Belinda - I colored my own hair maybe that is a start to DIY;). Nice barre workout! Too funny about storing their stuff, good idea to put out of sight.

Kristin - Enjoy your long weekend:)

Good morning,

L4 Chest & Tricep Circuit is done. The workout was 2 rounds of 4 exercises repeated 3 times plus a burnout round done 3 times though and core. I am loving these workouts.

Debbie - I stopped coloring my hair about a year ago. My hair dresser said people pay lots of money to get my color, lol. I got tired of constantly coloring my hair. I colored my hair, 2 weeks later my grays showed up. The gray's won :) Gray is in right now :) Yes, coloring your hair is considered DIY. Well, right now I don't have a choice but to store all their stuff, just not in the rooms. That was nice for your sister in law to bring the key.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. I will try to be back later.

Today I did STS W1 Squat Legs. On certain exercises I didn't use enough weight. I thought because I had the weighted vest on I couldn't go heavier, will know for next time. We had a lunch BBQ at my MIL. We can now have gatherings of 25, but we were no where near that amount. 25 sounds too much to me.

Belinda - I forget the exercises in the Lift workouts but I do remember liking them;) I have seen gray hair that I really like and your right it is in now:) I'm lucky I don't need to get it done too often. Some people need to go so frequently.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I did L4 Week 2 Day 2 Back & Biceps – LIIFT 50/50. Biceps are fried.

Debbie - I enjoy doing L4 again. Great program. Gray is defiantly in :) How are you liking Squat rack legs? It's my favorite heavy leg in STS. We still have a lot of restrictions on gatherings. Glad you enjoyed you day yesterday.

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today was a walk outside and STS D28 Chest & Back. They are letting schools have outside graduations but not until July. I’m happy for the students. This new normal can be depressing.

Belinda - Hopefully restrictions will lighten up for you soon. Squat legs is good, I forgot about the long breaks.

Kristin - My friend who lives near you, was having a baby shower for her daughter the end of June, but the place canceled on her. She said Suffolk County still a hot spot:(

Hi everyone,

Almost talked myself out of workout out today. Glad I didn't. I ended up doing SBF Barre Fire = 60 min.

Debbie - I hope the restrictions will lighten up soon. I agree the new normal can be depressing.I waked around with the longer breaks in Squat rack legs. Great job yesterday.

Good night.

Today was a walk outside and yoga. It was humid today.

Belinda - I'm happy when I don't feel like working out but do it anyway and feel good;) Tomorrow's Cathe Live looks like something you would like.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. I am sorry I have been off track with checking in. I am at my computer so much, I hate to go on it at this point. I try to post from my phone, but it is hard for me to do for some reason. It will freeze or the spelling will be way off. I don't know. I've been keeping up with my runs and workouts.

Memorial Day weekend we did have a small gathering with my girlfriend, her husband and 2 kids. It was the first time we got together with anyone in a long time other than zoom and I loved it!

Cannot wait for school to end. I am over this digital learning crap. The union used to tell us that digital learning and online platforms were a threat to our livelihoods. I don't think that is the case. I think every parent and child wants to schools to be open. I am hoping September starts off in the building and not online. I am sick of it!

Deb- Wow, that stinks for your friend. Our numbers have gone down and we are now in Phase One. I really hope we can get back to normal soon.

Belinda- nice colors for the rooms! I love any shade of blue. What's wrong with the parents? I don't think it is all one thing. I think some are overwhelmed and were never really educated themselves, so now they feel they cannot help their kids. Some just want to be buddies with their kids. Some are probably just stressed and drinking and/or distracted by everything. This whole situation just stinks. Cannot wait to get back to normal.



Today was a walk outside. It was harder walking the hills with the humidity. I am enjoying all this time off but I am over this!

Kristin - Kudos on getting your runs & workouts in. The digital learning was thrown together without any preparation for the teachers or students. I agree school needs to start in September. I think everyone will be grateful for that to happen:)

Waves hi to Belinda

Good morning,

Again, I forgot to hit enter on my post :(

Yesterday I did L4 Shoulder intervals plus 25 min foam rolling is done. I talked to my doc a few day's ago. My knee is acting up again. Today I will get some shots in both my knees and get an x ray. Hopefully it will do the trick.

Debbie - which one was the live workout you think I would like? Now I am interested. Not that I need more workouts. I hear you on the humidity. I only took a short walk yesterday.

Kirstin - nicely done with your runs and workouts. I hope we get back to normal soon and school starting in September. I am tired off all this distancing and wearing a mask everywhere.

I will do L4 Legs before I see my doctor. I will be back this evening.
I am back: L4 legs is done. I also did Barre Amped Fire TB.

I will not be back until later today. Have a wonderful day and workout everyone.

Today was a walk outside. The rest of the day was cleanmax. Ugh, we are having a mouse problem in our garage. Usually it's a winter problem. I researched some natural solutions like peppermint oil but I am not opposed to traps:oops:

Belinda - The Cathe Live was Barbell PHA. I didn't try it yet so can't give a review. It uses a barbell and step, maybe the step would be too much on your knees. I hope seeing the Dr. helps you with your knees.

Kristin - Tomorrow looks like a pool day;) My MILs pool is still too cold.

Hi everyone,

I was feeling fine after the cortisone shots. DH and I tried to go for a walk last night. I hardly could walk I was in so much pain, I think we only went for a 1/4 mile. A few hours later I was in so much pain, I hardly could move my knees they kept locking up. I had a hard time walking 5 steps without being in tears. I iced, elevated my knees last night. That seems to work. Today I decided not to push it today, I ended up taking a complete rest day. My knees feel so much better today, still swollen but hardly any pain. I have no problem walking today around the house.I will try to do a lower body stretch tomorrow, noting to crazy.

Debbie - that's the one from this week, right? That one looks good. A friend of mine did a review and I like the format. I may give this one a try soon. Thank you. I hope the shots will help and I don't need a MRI and see a specialist.

Good night everyone.

Today was a walk outside before it was too hot. I did STS W2 Plyo Legs, I modified and skipped some exercises but will do all of Squat Legs on Monday. It's so sad with all the violent demonstrations across the country. I heard of demonstration in my town, but I think it was peaceful.

Belinda - I'm happy you are feeling better today. It's good that you are taking it easy. Maybe your body needed time to get used to the shots. The good thing is you know how to take care of yourself:)

Waves hi to Kristin

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Good evening,

I walked a 1.5 miles and did Cathe Yoga Max = 49 min.

Debbie - thank you. My knees are so much better today. So far so good. Hopefully it stay's like that. So scary about the demonstrations that is going around.

Good night everyone.

Today was a walk outside and STS D29 Shoulders, bi's & tri's. We took a car ride and stopped for ice cream. I think everyone had the same idea;) I felt safe everyone wore masks and practiced safe distances. We ate our ice cream in the car, it worked LOL.

Belinda - It was a really nice Spring day for a walk outside. Yoga sounds good:)

Waves hi to Kristin


Today I did L4 W3 D1 Chest and shoulder. Had a great workout this morning. Went heavier with my weights. I also did BA bounce lower body. Love those bounce workouts, very gentle on my knees.

Debbie - I never reach for Yoga Max. I loved it. I always treaded that workout for some reason. Now I am looking forward to her new yoga workouts. Nice job on that walk and STS D29. You are almost done with STS.

I will check in later.

We went for a walk outside. Most of the day trying to figure out wi/fi problem with my devices. Still can’t figure out have a new router ordered but need to wait for it to arrive on Wednesday. Since stores are closed I can’t even go pick one up:(

I was going to try the free Facebook Live Cathe is doing i think it is kickboxing (tomorrow) Tuesday at 4pm.

Belinda - You always find a way to get your workouts in:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

L4 W3 D2 Back & Biceps is done.

Debbie - sorry about the router/internet problems. We had our share. Very frustrating. Hope you can figure it out. Thanks for the reminder on CL today at 4 pm. I will try to do it.

I will be back later to catch up on more personals. My DD is staying with us. She has been very lonely by herself since March.

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