Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. Sorry I fell off the grid. I hate being on the computer at this point. By the time I get my work done, the boys' work done and then emails and what not, I don't want to even look at a keyboard or screen. I have been keeping up with my workouts and runs. I am on a streak and have worked out every day since last Friday. Being as though all the races have been cancelled for the foreseeable future, I signed up for NYSVR 434, which is is New York State Virtual Run 434. The virtual starting line is Niagara Falls Square and the finish line is Times Square, which adds up to 434 miles. The "race" is from May 15th to Sept. 15th. Yesterday I kicked it off with 6 miles. Today I added another 3. Tomorrow is my long run. DH is doing it with me , but he is aiming for the shorter distance of 270 (there are different distances to cover). I figure this is a way to stay focused and motivated on running and preparing for possible fall races. If things are better, I might run Philly again in November. I won't sign up until late fall though, if I decide to do it.

So get this. . . I am on the report card committee in my district. We have had virtual meetings about what to do with grading since we are on distance learning until the end of the year. My superintendent came up with a plan that we would grade in bands: 85-100 would be 100 on the report card, 70-84 would be an 85, 60-70 would be a 70, and 0-64 would be a 65. That's right ZERO to 64 would be a 65. So a kid can do absolutely NOTHING and pass. We voiced our concerns that this is not fair or right. We told admin we would never fail a child who had dire circumstances, but personally, 10% of my students are doing nothing and when I've contacted parents/kids they tell me they sleep all day and play video games all night and they cannot get the kids to do the work. So kids who choose to do nothing are going to pass? Yes, that is correct. WHY BOTHER! Even though we fought against it, my superintendent approved his plan, stating he worked with us. . . uh, no you didn't. You didn't listen to a word we said, and now everyone will pass even if they do nothing. How many kids do you think are going to stop doing work when they hear that? I'm DONE! I will not be making any more phone calls, emails, etc. I will post work and whoever does it, I will grade it. I am not chaining myself to this computer anymore either. Clearly, it does not matter. And what if we have to go back to distance learning again? Do you think kids will do anything if we have another round of this! Sorry, I had to rant. Another reason I couldn't post on the computer because I had to walk away from it. . . run away from it.. Thank God the weather is nice out!

Belinda- I cannot believe your supermarket shelves are still not stocked. Our shelves on Long Island can become spare during the weekend, but during the week I can get almost everything on my list. Bizarre. That sounds like a cool experience, the cooking with Giada. Must have been fun!

Deb- A few years ago, a neighbor down the block had a raccoon living in her small attic space. It came crashing into her spare bedroom. Crazy stuff!



Today DH and I went hiking. Than we did our own Upper body workout.

The cooking class was a lot of fun. Yes, you cook along. It was a simple, very delicious pasta dish. It was so delicious I am making it today again so is DD she told me today, lol. The pasta dish will be a stable in my house. Before the cooking class I cut all the veg in advance. Giada had her daughter Jade cooking with her. Jade is so cute. After the cooking classe Giada had a Q&A. It was very cool. I have seen her a few times in DC. Love going to cooking show's especially if they have cooks from Food network.

Debbie - organizing is wearing me out. I was like why the hell did I started? The cooking class was on zoom. We made a pasta dish.

Kirstin - that is insane and so wrong at the same time. What are those kids going to do later on in life? It will catch up with them. Its not fair to the kids that are actually working their butts off while others pass doing nothing. I don't blame you for getting mad.

That's it for me today.

Today we walked outside and I did Hooked on PHA. It was a good workout. The birds woke me up at 6:00AM, do they not know it's a weekend! I hope the guy comes fast to fix the problem.

Belinda - I liked the workout! It was a nice day for a hike:) LOL on the organizing but once it is done you will be happy.

Kristin - The virtual run sounds interesting, great way to stay accountable and enjoy the runs. The grading system is so unfair. I agree with Belinda down the line it will catch up with them. I'm amazed the parents wouldn't want something better for their kids:( How about parents pulling the plug on the video games and using alarm clocks LOL.

Hi everyone,

I went for a 4.5 mile walk today plus I did a HiiT workout from IG. I am done for today. I am thinking starting L4 tomorrow?

Debbie - the weather is perfect for hiking. Glad you liked Hooked on PHA. Sorry about the birds. Hope they guy comes soon and fix the problem.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today.

Today we went for a walk & I also did abs. The birds had me up before 6AM this morning:( I ended up falling asleep on the couch in the afternoon. Hopefully I hear back from the guy tomorrow.

Belinda - That was a nice walk? Maybe I'm sleepy but not sure what L4 is? I will start STS M3 this week.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I did L4 D1 W1 Chest & Triceps 50/50 - 40 min. Had an awesome workout this morning. I will go for a walk later and get a stretch in. Need more stretching.

Debbie - L4 stands for Lift 4. I have done L4 two years ago. Wrote all the exercise done. Doing another round playing my own music. I do have to set a timer. Sorry about the birds :) Great job on starting STS M3 soon.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

Hope you all have a wonderful day and workout. I will be back later.

Today we took a walk. I started STS M3 D25 Chest & Back. Today the birds had me up at 5:30AM but the carpenter showed up this afternoon:) There was just a nest but no eggs, which I was happy about. Hopefully they can make their nest in a tree ;)

Belinda - LOL I couldn't think last night. That is a good idea to write down the exercises and use your music. It changes it up too!

Kristin - Will the beaches on Long Island be open this weekend? It was so confusing on the news, Mayor and Governor saying different things:confused:

Yesterday I did a 4.5 mile run. I have already run 22 miles in the virtual race. I have to get to 434 by Sept. 15th. I am also contemplating training for the Philly marathon for the fall. Still on the fence though. I might make today a rest day. I might do some yoga at home. Not sure. I think I need a rest.

Deb- our beaches are open and will be open. Thank God for that. I am thankful for my pool too, even if it is above ground, lol. The city beaches are closed. . . but Long Island beaches have nothing to do with the city. I will avoid the Nassau County beaches as they are closer to the city. If you live in the city, where are you going? Nassau County beaches. BTW- I had a woodpecker in a tree by my bedroom a few years ago. . . that always woke me up, lol.

Belinda- I am hanging in there. Trying to stay motivated but that grading policy burns me still.


Hi everyone,

L4 Back + Bicep circuit plus a walk is done. Forgot to post this morning.

Debbie - I love working out with my own music. I had alexa play a mix of music.Good job on starting M3. Sorry about the bird.

Kistin - glad you staying motivated. I would avoid the beaches close to the city too. I am sure it's crowed. Funny about the woodpecker. Nice job on the run.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today we walked it was a beautiful day. I did some of STS D26 Plyo legs, I think I will do squat legs later in the week couldn't decide which leg workouts to do in M3. We hear a rooster when we walk in the morning and sometimes the afternoon. Can you imagine living nextdoor to that LOL.

Belinda - Silly question but does Alexa need to be hooked up to a service to get music? I always wondered about that. Good idea!

Kristin - A pool is a good thing this year, even a sprinker;) That's a lot of miles but you can do it:) I was surprised about how many students in NY need to do summer school. I'm assuming it's a paid job. I saw they may ask for ID for Nassau beaches, good idea. Funny about the woodpecker.


Today we walked and I did some yoga. The food stores are starting to get more crowded. The stores have more on the shelves which is good:) They are even selling masks, gloves and hand sanitizing.

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin

Good morning,

I never hit enter, here is my post from yesterday:

I forgot to mention with L4 I lift 4 times a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday). Today is a recovery/rest day. On day's I have a rest day I will do yoga/stretching and walking.
This morning I went for a nice walk and did 30 min SBF stretching.

Debbie - it was cloudy in WV yesterday. Looks like we getting some rain, glad I went for a walk this morning. I have never done STS Plyo legs with all that jumping. I love Squat Rack legs. LOL, we live in the country. I hear the roosters and cows every day. We have farms all around us. Yes, I can imagine living nextdoor to that LOL. I am a city girl.

Hi Kirstin

Happy Hump Day, everyone.
Hi again,

This morning I did L4 Shoulder Intervals. The workout packs a lot.

Tomorrow I will do L4 Legs 50/50.

Good night everyone.

Today we walked and I did some barre exercises. It was a nice spring day today:) We are having so much outside work done it seems like it is never ending:( It was long overdue. Now chipmunks started making a hole in part of our house/deck for another way to get off of our deck.

Belinda - I've forgotten to hit send and it's funny that the post is still there the next day. I like your schedule for Lift 4, I like to strength train more than cardio. Too funny about the roosters and cows. I would like to live near farm land:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

L4 Legs 50/50 is done. Workout was 40 min plus 30 min stretching.

Debbie - that's acutely what happened yesterday. My post still was there, lol. I also like strength training more than cardio. I had to get used too living in the country. I am a city girl :) Funny, how the animals that you usually not see came out during the pandemic. People in the mountains reporting bears are coming to their porch. In our neighbor hood we having some wild life coming out. We have some bears living near by they do come out, but stay across the street. From what I heard they live there for years.

Kirstin - I hope all is well.

TGIF! I just got in my run for the day. I feel as though my pace is improving. I didn't feel like I was pushing myself and I ran an 8'54 pace. Glad to have a 3-day weekend. Tonight is pizza night and margaritas!

Belinda- I consider myself more of a city girl too. However, two years ago when we had to go to Cooperstown for a week for DS's baseball tournament, I really liked how quiet and beautiful it was. I had some scenic runs there.

Deb- Yes, Cuomo just announced this week that summer school will be online statewide. I am almost tempted to put in for it. . . almost. . . but I won't. I need a break to regain my sanity.



Today we walked outside. The rest of the day was sorting through things most of it I don't need but I did uncover some memories:) I also used a root touch-up and it didn't come out too bad. Most of the grey is gone;)

Belinda - Good idea to add a stretch to your leg workout. I would love to live in the city but only for a week. I prefer the country now. I'm wondering since it is so quiet the wildlife are exploring.

Kristin - Pizza for us too but no margaritas:( We haven't been drinking too much but will be soon LOL. You put so much into your teaching, I can see why you need a break:) Who sets up the schedule for times you will remotely teach?


Today DH and I went for a 3 mile walk. I will do a nice stretch and work my core later.

Debbie - it took me years to get used to living in the country. Yes, the wildlife is exploring. Isn't its nice to find memories. DH and I were painting the upstairs 3 guest bedrooms. One of the bedrooms was my son when he lived here. I am going through all this stuff and boxing it up. He left too much stuff behind. I want guest rooms not storage rooms, lol. We are getting ready to paint the kitchen, the ceiling is done. I am glad when that is over.

Kirstin - wtg, on your run. Most people can't run a mile. Pizza and Margaritas sounds amazing. I agree with Debbie. You do put so much into your teaching. I hear you on needing a bread.

Have a great weekend.
Hey guys. Today I did my own version of a CF workout. First a warm up of 20 jumping jacks, 20 jump rope in place, 20 sec plank for 3 rounds. Then a 12 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) including the following movements: 15 DB deadlifts, 12 DB front squats, 9 DB push presses, 6 burpees. I used 20# DB. Then a 7 minute AMRAP of 10 push-ups, 10 banded pulls (tube hanging from door) and 10 renegade rows. Then I topped it off with abs: 100 sit ups, 50 toe tap planks, 25 hollow rocks. I am going to do a lot of stretching to prep for my long run tomorrow.

Deb- We are expected to post our assignments and videos, and be "on call" for students during the traditional school hours, and give feedback on assignments with a 24 hour turn-around. For me, the problem is that the students are not participating during school hours, lol. They are sleeping. I answer them whenever they ask for help regardless of time, so long as they are doing the work. For summer school, I am not sure what that would mean.

Belinda- Sounds like you are busy with all the painting and cleaning out the rooms. It is exciting to spruce up things though. What colors have you picked out for the rooms?



Today we took a walk, the rain came at the very end when we were talking to our next door neighbor. I did STS D27 Shoulders, bi's & tri's. It was really humid today, you could easily tell by my hair:oops:

Belinda - Nice workout! My kids leave their stuff with me too, what am I supposed to do with it LOL. Painting is a fun project but we aren't good with DYI here.

Kristin - You put together a great CF workout! It's sad that the kids aren't in a routine so they could get the most out of your teaching. I'm sure summer school would be a nightmare trying to get the students motivated.


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