Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I walked outside and did a 12-minute w/o from 30 Day Butt Lift. I brought my winter coat and gloves out again:rolleyes:

Belinda - Thank you for the great info, my phone has been so slow. I will check it out tomorrow. I have never cleared my caches on my phone. Nice ICE workout!

Kristin - Stay warm;)

Good morning,

Yesterday it rained all day, it didn't stop me from walking outside, lol. I walked for 2 miles.

I went for a walk outside this morning. Boy it's cold outside. I walked for an hour.

Debbie - before you start deleting research it first. If your phone is slow google it. Lots of youtube videos on how to do it. How old is your phone?

I will do a weight workout later. Need to get warm first. BBL!
I also did CL # 36 BB UB. I really like this one. Very high reps. Great workout.

Thanks for the link Doreen. I will check it out. Good job on your upper body workout.

Hey guys. Friday was my rest day. today I did a CF style workout. Tomorrow I am running long with my dad and brother on the bikes. It is supposed to be warmer tomorrow. What a crazy weather day here. Is it May or February? Lol.

Deb- We are unsure of the last day of school. When schools were first closed, Cuomo said we had to use up our vacation days, which we did. Now that we are closed for the rest of the year, we are over our contractual days (185 for the year, we will be at 195) so, what do we do? We are supposed to end June 26th. We are waiting to hear from Cuomo. We might end earlier or we might get paid a bit more. . . I can go either way. With DH out of work, we could use the money.

Belinda- Sometimes it is nice to walk in the rain, if it isn't too hard or a downpour. We did not get the snow, but it is still cold. When will the weather really break!



Today I walked outside later in the day and it was still so cold. We had snow flurries but it didn't stick:) I also did a 10 min workout from 30 Day Butt Lift.

The RT has been postponed to November 6th. It makes sense because hopefully things will be better at that time. Also more of a chance of more tests and possible vaccine.

Belinda - I agree with Kristin sometimes it is nice to walk in the rain. I would prefer it to be warmer though, because it would feel like a walk in a rainforest;) I started deleting messages/videos/pictures that aren't necessary but will be careful before I delete anything else. I noticed I only have 16gb and DH has 32gb we bought about 5 years ago, not sure why I didn't go for more gbs:confused:

Kristin - I think you should end early and get paid extra! I wonder since these are unusual circumstances if you would be able to collect unemployment? Have fun with you Dad and brother tomorrow.

Debbie - also if you have a lot of messages that has lots of pictures + videos, those will add up in your storage space. Do you run a lot of apps? Try to clear your caches in each app and see if that would help. Do you keep a lot of workout downloads on your phone? That will take up a lot of space on your phone. Look at your settings/general/iPhone Storage. It will show you what is taking up so much storage on your phone. You can also Offload apps if you scroll down without deleting the app, it will keep you data/documents. That will also free up some space. I deleted all the apps I never use like Cathe's and other fitness apps. All those apps take up a lot of space on your phone. If you have FB app on your phone try to delete all your data/caches. Go on youtube they will show you step by step on how to do it.
I went for a 4 mile walk outside this morning.

Debbie - I wonder if a lot of people will cancel since they postponed the RT. It's just a mess around.

Kirstin - I hope it all works out for you and you get paid. It's freezing cold here too. I am wondering about warmer weather too.


Today we walked outside and I did a short upper body workout with free weights. We went to my MIL for a little bit but she was sad today. We went to get some take-out food for dinner, they said to come in an hour and it took another 2 hours after we arrived to get our food. It was a mess:(

Belinda - Nice walk! I didn't think to erase cache's on apps. I will try that tomorrow, thanks!! I use my ipad for workouts. I guess that is good otherwise it would take up so much space. I might check to see my space on my ipad as well and delete what I don't need.

Kristin - I hope you had a nice Mother's Day.

Hi everyone,

Today I did a SBF TB barre workout plus abs. It's really windy and cold outside not sure if I get my walk in today. We shall see.

Debbie - if you don't erase your cache it will build up. Make sure before you start deleting that you don't need it. You can also unload your apps that you are currently not using. That will free up some space. Like I mention before you can google how to clear you caches. I don't have an iPad, I store all my downloads on a portable hard drive. I think mine is 2 TB. Sorry about your MIL being sad and dinner didn't arrive in time. I haven't ordered any take out. We been cooking daily. Alesia came to see me yesterday (social distance of course) it was hard not to hug her :( It sure is a different life. It was nice seeing her again. Haven't seen her in 2 month. I don't like this way of life. It's sucks!

I will catch up on more personals later.

Today was a walk outside, before the weather was bad. It was sunny, rain & hailed all in one day:confused: I also did some weighted leg exercises I saw on the internet.

Belinda - Nice workout! It's nice that you saw DD but I agree I don't like this different life. I didn't feel like I took life for granted but going through this maybe I did. I offloaded some apps I don't use and that did help. I didn't have a chance to research deleting caches but I will back up my phone 1st, Thanks!

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I did Cathe Fit Tower TB.

Debbie - it's just crazy how our lives changed in a few weeks. I hope eventually we will get back to normal. I am glad you made some space just offloading your apps. Good job yesterday.


Today was a walk outside & CL PHA 2020. It was a tough workout but I liked it:) We are expecting 80 by Friday, but it is cold here the last couple of days.

Belinda - I liked trying the PHA workout, is that one your favorite? We had a big day out today, went to Lowe's to pick-up new faucets LOL.

Kristin - It is so sad that now children are getting sick from Covid-19:(

Hi everyone,

I went for a 4 mile walk this afternoon. I also did SBF active stretch. Needed that stretch after all that walking.

Debbie - PHA 2020 is very good. Hooked on PHA is my favorite so far. The weather was beautiful today.

Kirstin - I hope you doing well.

See you tomorrow.

Today was a walk outside and yoga. I woke up early because we may have birds making a nest in our roof line, possibly our attic. Not sure who we should call.

Belinda - 4 miles is nice and a good stretch! I will try Hooked PHA this week:)

Waves hi to Kristin


Today I did CL# Ramped Up UB plus I walked for 30 min. Today I found a portable hard drive with Cathe STS Cardio. I been organizing my digital downloads. My goal is to put them all in one instead of 3 drives. Been doing lots of moving downloads. Funny thing I was looking for this downloads the other day, I thought I bought them with the DVD's. I am still looking for XTrain downloads, lol.

Debbie - I think you like Hooked on PHA. Oh no...about the bird nest. If they outside I would leave them alone. My neigbor had a bird nest in her fireplace. She never used her fireplace, she used a electric one instead. She had some decoration cover the front of her fireplace. One day she had heard lots of noises in her living room from her fireplace, lol. If I wouldn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it :D I was laughing so hard when I saw the huge nest. She had a huge mess to clean up. The birds came through the chimney.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

Have a great evening.

Today we walked outside. I also did a lot of cleaning, it seems like dust is everywhere:rolleyes:. It was really nice today!

Belinda - It must be a big job moving/organizing your downloads. I'm sure it will be worth it. Tomorrow I will do PHA :) Wow, funny story about your neighbor:eek:. I think our nest is outside. We saw a roofer and he may come by and take a look for us.

Kristin - Looks like tomorrow may be a beach/pool day:cool:

Hi everyone,

Today I walked before it gets too hot outside. Beautiful weather. That's it for me today.

I have a visual cooking class with Giada de Laurentiis tonight. I am so thankful my DD ordered the ingredients I need for the past dish tonight. Went to our Martin's grocery store in town, what a waist of time. I just don't get it why the shelves still not stocked :( DH and I went around 8 a.m. Every time I go to Martin's I get depressed. Luckily my Amazon oder arrived today. I have all the ingredients I need.

Debbie - it is a big job organizing all my digital stuff. I also want to organize my digital pictures. It has to be done. I still can't believe my neighbor had a hug nest in her fireplace, lol. Good luck with the roofer.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great Friday everyone.

Today we walked outside it was nice, saving my PHA workout for tomorrow. I was on a role with getting rid of stuff so just kept on going;) The roof guy came and said he can fix the opening in our roof, hopefully soon. It sounds like the birds are making an apartment. He told us he has fixed holes that squirrels have nested in o_O

Belinda - Organizing is so satisfying but wears you out. I love watching Giada's cooking shows. How awesome that you took a virtual class:) What kind of pasta did you make? Was it like a zoom class?

Kristin - Here in NJ they may lay off teachers, that makes me so :mad: and sad. It's crazy they sent out checks to deceased people, there just isn't checks & balances:(


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