Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi everyone,

I did CL#255 Kickboxing plus core. Lots of punching. Got a great calorie burn on this one, kept everything low impact.

Debbie - I hear you on wearing masks. I was wondering why they didn't tell people to wear them sooner. Can't what what you think of the PHA workout. It's cold her too. We have the heater on.

Kirstin - German's forgot all about social distancing once they allowed to go shopping. Crazy! I agree, you do need a break from the computer. I am going to have to copy your workout. Looks like a butter kicker. WTG!

Off to get some lunch. BBL!
Hey everyone. 60 minute run done. I took it easy and got in 6.3 miles. I needed the run. My mind is in a fog these days. Cannot wait for better days.

Belinda- The workout was definitely quick but tough. Nice job on your workouts and keeping it low impact too. If the Germans forgot about SD with shopping. . . imagine the Americans. Scary thought!



Today was a walk outside & STS D19 Chest, shoulders & tri's. I needed to have a facetime appointment with my Dr. I have a UTI and told her my symptoms and she sent meds to my pharmacy. It was actually worked out nicely. She said the new technology will help when people can't get to the Dr's office or are out of town and need an a visit. I guess some good things will come out of this!

Belinda - We have the heat on too! Nice workout:)

Kristin - Kudos on getting in a workout when you didn't feel like it. It sounds like you are doing so much extra work without compensation:(

Hi ladies,

I did CL# 207 Cardio Fusion.

Debbie - it's too cold lately. The heater is running all day long. What's up with this weather? Nice job on D19. Did you had UTI in the past? I like them sending your meds instead of me running to the clinic.

Kirstin - oh, your workout looked tough. I am not saying it looked easy by all means, lol. It would probably kill me, even it's only a short workout, lol. The Germans forgot all about social distancing once the stores open, I think the same thing will happened here. They are so into shopping they forget there is a deadly virus around. Sad!

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great Friday, everyone.

Today I took a walk outside before the rain. Tomorrow is supposed to be nicer (fingers crossed).

Belinda - You are trying lots of CL's. I had a UTI a couple of times in my life LOL, but the meds are working quickly:) I know it's been a really cold & rainy April.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Today I did a SBF HiiT BW workout. I will go for a walk later.

Debbie - sorry to hear you get UTI a lot :( Hope the meds kick in quickly. Yeah, trying to do as much as many CL as I can or my body can handle, lol. Good job on your walk.

Hi Kirstin!

See you all tomorrow. I may take a rest day tomorrow?

Today I walked outside, it was a nice day:) It supposed to rain a lot next week:(

Belinda - You been working out hard so a rest day would be good.

Wave hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

Rest day for me today.

Debbie - DH and I went to the grocery store today. Shelves are empty, WTH? I haven't gone to the one in town for weeks. I don't get it? I wanted to buy ingredients for next week, got only a few ideas.Very frustrating to go grocery shopping when others hoarding food. Nobody is buying the produce, it looked old :( Maybe I will try to order some produce online during the week. Maybe I have better luck

Off to relax. Have a great Sunday everyone.

Today I walked before the rain came. The one good thing is we are seeing neighbors we haven't seen in years. Even though we can't really talk, a few words is nice. It was so cold today:(

Belinda - Our grocery store said it is a warehouse problem. They told us there are only 50% of the workers. The cashier also said they don't know when they will get deliveries. My DH finds it hard to believe they don't know when trucks will come in. We aren't get much mail, someone told me they closed some of the locations so it is real slow. It is frustrating because you want to go to the stores as little as possible.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

CL In the Ring is done.

Debbie - isn't crazy? I guess that makes sense. I hope everything will get back to normal soon. Good job on that walk today.

Have a great day.
Hey guys. Yesterday DH and I did a CF style workout at home together. Today I did a 4 mile run plus a quick CF workout that my coach posted. It was 100 burpees for time o_O with 5 thrusters (I used 10 # dumbbells) every minute on the minute. I got winded and took breaks, but I finished in 19:44. My shoulders are so sore from the burpees and thrusters now. I am going to hope in the shower and relax the rest of the night.

Belinda- That is crazy your shelves are still empty. Ours do tend to get empty on the weekends. We try to buy during the week.

Deb- mail is slow by me as well. The new normal is not anything I like.


Kirstin - It does make sense what Debbie's DH said. We did went to 2 grocery stores in town on a Sunday. I guess we should go during the week. I wasn't gonna go, but DH needed meds. I hope this is over soon. I feel bad for my DD, she is alone. I feel bad for her. Wished she would come to us. My bday and mother's day is coming up :( Fun times. Amazing job on your workouts.

Today I took a walk outside, it didn't rain as much as they said. I also did STS M20 Legs.

Belinda - I heard it is hard for single people but I also heard lots of couples are fighting. Hopefully she will come by, if it's warmer you could spend time outdoors.

Kristin - Nice CF workout! How do you feel if you have to teach with a mask? I saw a video but it showed only the teachers wearing masks and not the students but they were pre-school.

Good morning,

I did CL#223 LI Blast Circuit. I do like some of the live workouts, but people are always screaming and the camera man putting the camera away from Cathe, WTH? This is very annoying, IMO! I never noticed this in other live streaming sites. Thank goodness for my dvd's and other streaming sites. I do like the most reason once were Cathe works out alone. Wished she keep it up.

Debbie - I hope this will be over soon. Life isn't what it used to be. Sad. We on lockdown, she can't came over. Great job on your walk yesterday.

Hallo Kirstin.

4 mile run done today. It was beautiful out and I pushed my speed. Here are my splits: 9'03, 8'28, 8'52, 9'01. Very happy with my time. I needed to push myself and relieve some stress.

Belinda- I wonder why the camera guy does that. Maybe the screaming is because they are pumped to be there live? Cathe is posting solo workouts? Does she have the music and everything else the same?

Deb- I hate wearing a mask. I end up readjusting and touching it a lot. I don't know. I am thinking I will not have a choice when I go back. When I go running, I wear a sports-scarf-thingee that I can cover my nose and mouth with if I run near other people as we pass. So weird. I wonder if we will ever return to normal. I also wonder if this was truly just an accident that the virus came to be or if the Chinese were experimenting and it got out.



Today I walked outside, it was a beautiful day! So many people out but was able to keep my distance. I also did STS D21 Back & Bi's.

Belinda - I heard restrictions are being lifted in some states, maybe yours will be next. The NY, NJ, CT area is a hot spot so I'm sure we will be later. Hopefully by your birthday:) I haven't tried the solo CLs but want to.

Kristin - Today was a nice day to run! I think the same way, will we ever be able to return to normal:( I guess when then have a vaccine. It's funny you say that about China. I saw a list of respiratory virus's and they all started in China. It mentioned it could be from animal markets in China:confused:

Good morning,

CL # 288 Hooked on PHA is done. I really like this one, done it a few times now.

Debbie - VA, DC and WV are still on lockdown. They will not lift anything anytime soon. Depressing.
Happy Hump Day, everyone. Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - I do believe the Chinese were experimenting and it got out. We are standing in line to get food, selves are empty. No contact with your family. This is crazy. If I use the weight room in a gym, they have rules not to make loud noises. You always have to be consider others member. It's no different taking an aerobic class, IMO! I have visit gyms all over the world. They have a gym etiquette. I am sure not everyone in the Cathe Live classes enjoy the constant screaming. I am pumped too when I work out, you don't hear me scream. I have taking live classes/streaming you don't hear anyone scream except at CL. I really don't care about the people that work out in CL, I am only their for to see and watch Cathe. Yes, Cathe is doing her live classes solo. I love them. The camera man only has the camera on Cathe and no screaming or wooing. The music is the same.

Happy Hump Day.
Hey guys. I am doing a quick check-in, trying to not let my hate of the computer stop me from checking in. I seriously do not know how people sit at computers all day. It is not for me.

Today I did a 3 mile recovery run, then an upper body circuit I found on pinterest. My upper body and core are fried today.

Belinda- I hear you. At CF there are a few meat heads that yell when they lift heavy. I tune them out. Not impressed, lol.

Deb- My husband's company does all the food demos for Costco. If people have to continue to wear masks, they won't be back in business for a long time. How do you sample food with a mask?


Kirstin - I am not impressed by meat heads, lol. Can you imagine everyone in a live class would make those noises? It would sound like a zoo. It doesn't seem Cathe subscribers mind all the screaming and wooing:rolleyes: Great job on your 3 mile run.

Today I walked outside and did yoga. The line for check-out was so long from the front of the store to the back, I think it would have been close to an hour on that line. I did self-checkout was surprised more people didn't. Ugh, this just feels like a bad nightmare!

Belinda - I'm not crazy about people who grunt or moan at the gym LOL. I have to try the PHAs, you do seem to like them.

Kristin - I can't sit on the computer either. Before kids, I was an Admin Assistant and was supposed to be sitting for 8 hours, but took any opportunity to get up. I would run any errand asked, just to not sit, including getting coffee;)


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