Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

ood morning,

Today I did CL # 288 Hooked on PHA. I liked this one a lot. Very sweaty workout.

Debbie - it's too cold and windy to walk outside. Great job yesterday.

Kirstin - how are you doing?


Today was a walk outside and yoga. It was cold but in the sun not too bad. It was the 1st day we saw more people outside walking, usually it's only 1 or 2.

Belinda - That sounds like a good workout!

Kristin - I hope things are ok.

Hi everyone,

I did Ilaria Atletica and yoga stretch w/weights of IG live.

Debbie - good job on your walk yesterday. DH and I went for a nice walk too. Sometimes we have a lot of people walking, sometimes its just us.

Kirstin - I am so sorry to hear about your mom's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time (((HUGS)))

Have a great evening

Today we took a long walk & I did STS D16 Chest, shoulders & tris.

Belinda - Thank you, I haven’t been on fb will go on tomorrow, I didn’t realize Kristin’s Mom passed away:(. Yoga stretch with weights sounds interesting.

Kristin - My heart goes out to you and your family during this difficult time. It is hard enough to suffer a loss but during this crisis that much harder:(

Hi guys. Thank you for your condolences. I am sorry I have not been on here. As you know, it has been a bad week. My mom passed Wednesday night. We got a call from the home on Monday, saying that we should go down and say our goodbyes, which we did. She did not look good at all, and I knew it would be just a matter of time. I am a mix of emotions, sad, relieved, confused. I haven't been sleeping well. I am glad she is at peace.

It has been hard to get on here because I feel glued to the computer all day between distance teaching, and then my own two boys and their distance learning. When I log off, I do my workout or go for a run and then I don't want to look at the computer again. I cannot imagine how people sit at a computer for a living. I do miss being in the classroom, even with the difficult classes I had this year. It is crazy. Our stay at home order is extended to May 15th. Based on Trump's 3 phase plan, I cannot imagine that we are going back to school this year.

I will try to catch up on personals this weekend.

Hi everyone,

First I did STS M3 D23 Legs than I did CL #278 PHA 2020. Loved it! Cathe did 2 rounds/8 different exercises/repeated twice.

I am thinking taking advantage of all the free workouts that been offered on FB and IG. Meaning I will only do M2 and skip M3. Tomorrow I will do D24. At least I will finish M2 :)

Debbie - it was on Instagram live. This workouts only stay up for the duration of the workout, they they disappear. I really like this one.

Kirstin - it's all normal what you feeling right now. I am sure it really didn't hit you yet. When my mom passed it didn't felt real :( It hit me later on. Please be good to yourself and take good care of you. You been through so much. Don't worry about not checking in after work. We do understand. It's a tough situation. I don't see them reopen anytime soon.


Today I took a long walk outside. I actually feel asleep in the middle of the day. I have been having bad dreams lately. DH's good friend and his wife who own a bakery in town, just tested positive for COVID-19. My DSs friends sister just passed from COVID-19 and she was young:(

In March my boss announced our company would be shutting down. In the email she said hopefully by June we would open again. I thought she was crazy but I guess she was right!

Belinda - I'll have to check out the CL PHA's next week. It's a good time to take advantage of different workouts on FB & IG:)

Kristin - You wrote a beautiful post on fb about you and your Mom:) I agree don't worry about checking in. I can't imagine how much extra time you must put in for distance teaching. Not to mention helping the boy's out. Your free time is so limited but hopefully, we will be able to enjoy the summer.

Good morning,

M2 Week 4 D24 Back & Biceps is done.

Debbie - sorry for the shutdown :( The PHA 2020 is a good one. I am killing myself doubling up workouts. Looking forward to new stuff next week.

BBL for personals.
Hi everyone,

I had a rest day scheduled for today, ended up doing a live full body workout. I also took a walk outside.

Waving Hi to Debbie and Kirstin.

Have a great Sunday.
So I had not worked out the last two days. I have been in a fog and drinking lots of wine. . . today my dad, brother and I did our 10 mile loop. I was slow and sluggish, but got it done. The wind made it harder, but probably the poor diet and wine had more to do with my sluggishness than the wind. Between the stay-at-home order, my mom passing, and everything else, I feel like the days and weeks are all one long day, if that makes sense. I crave some normalcy. They are talking about the fact that there might not be Yankee games with an audience this year. We go every year. Forget the Yankees, I would kill to have to wake up at 6 a.m. and freeze my ass off at one of my son's travel games. This is getting to me.

Deb- Thank you. . . I wanted to write something because I don't know when or if we will have a memorial for her. I am sorry to hear about your friends testing positive. Hopefully they recover and do not need to be in ICU. We have had a number of deaths on Long Island that are not "elderly" or people with pre-existing conditions that would make them more susceptible to it being fatal. I don't know. . .It is scary. I feel like it is a game of Russian Roulette, we don't know whom the bullet is going to hit.

Belinda- Thank you for the kind words as well. I feel like it keeps hitting me in waves. On my run today, my dad and brother went ahead and I had a moment where I just started to cry as I ran. I was glad I was alone when it happened.



I walked outside today, it felt colder than they said. I also did STS M17 Legs. I have been doing a good job of cutting down going to the store, but it is depressing not being able to do so.

Belinda - LOL on not skipping your rest day. DH & I find ourselves eating our meals so quickly since the stay home order.

Kristin - I can't imagine how hard this must be. If you were on your normal routine it would be easier. I think the running is good for you and a perfect way to express your emotions:) How is your Dad doing?

Good morning,

I did CL In the Ring. I modified all the jumping.

Debbie - we eat what we normally eat. DH usually comes home for lunch. Nice job on D17.

Kirstin - your post on FB brought tears into my eyes. How is your dad holding up? Not a day goes by I don't think about my mom. I miss her so much. It is scary about how many people test positive for the virus.

Have a great Monday, everyone.

Today was a walk outside and STS D18 Back & Bi's.

DH's friend is doing better they gave him 2 experimental meds and they seem to be helping. Our nephew needed to be tested because he was exposed. He said it really hurt and felt like the swab touched his brain:confused:

Belinda - Is your knee feeling better? I heard Germany is handling the virus well, lots of testing.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

CYBEROBICS bootylicious express - 28 min is plus 30 min stretching is done.

Debbie - knees are feeling better. I will keep my leg workouts light until my knees feel 100%. Glad your DH's friend is doing better. My DD told me yesterday a friend off her his friend passed away of the virus:( It just breaks my heart hearing about so many people passing away. So sad! That isn't true about Germany having everything under control and lots of testing, lol. I talked to my sisters.

Hi Kirstin!

Hey guys. What crazy weather we had up here today. It was hailing, thundering and lightning outside. Now it looks like the sun is trying to peep through. I have been struggling with my emotions the last few days. I feel angry, lost, sad. . . I knew my mom was going to die, so I thought I was prepared for it, but I wasn't. I have been so nasty to my husband and my own kids and I think being stuck in this house with the pandemic makes it 10X worse. I did two CF style workouts yesterday and today. I just finished mine today. I do feel a little bit better after a workout.

Yesterday I did an EMOM (every minute on the minute for 30 minutes- fast feet shuffle on step, push ups, air squats, Russian twists with 20# plate, burpees and rest one minute- for five rounds). Then I added a 20 min EMOM: bicep curls 15#, triceps 10#, banded side steps, shoulder tap planks, rest one minute for 4 rounds.

Today I did a 40 minute EMOM with the following movements each minute: 15 35# goblet squats, 15 35# KB swings, 10 thrusters 15# DB, step ups for the minute, mountain climbers for the minute (really 40 seconds), banded ice skaters for the minute and 1 minute plank, then rest one minute and repeat. It was a killer. My whole body is exhausted from it, which is what I needed. I am about to jump in the shower after I post this.

Belinda- I am so glad to hear your knees are feeling better. It is sad to hear how many people have died, and many aren't elderly. I know of someone who was in their late 30's. It is scary. I wonder what will happen being as though some states have decided to lift social distancing restrictions. I think that it is way too soon to do that here.

Deb- My dad is doing okay. He has his moments too. I think he is relieved as much as I am, but then still devastated at the same time. Two opposite feelings that are felt at once, it is weird.



Today I took a walk outside before the rain. It was crazy weather here too, rain, hail, wind & sun:oops: but luckily no thunderstorms.

Belinda - I’m happy your knee is feeling better. I like the name of your workout;). I keep hearing positive about Germany but sometimes you don’t know who the source is.

Kristin - I could imagine you feel trapped and not being able to have normal routines is that much harder dealing with grief. You did get a really hard workout in:)

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I did #247 Time to HiiT IT: Low impact = 39 min.

Kirstin - thank you. I am keeping everything low impact, no heavy weight lifting. That seems to help. I read a few day's ago a 41 year old died of the virus in Germany, she was pregnant. They had to get the baby by C-section. Sad! Little baby gonna grow up with out her mom. You never know. Nobody is safe from that virus. A lot of nursing homes are infected. I read in Canada the staff left (they were afraid to get infected )and left all the elderly people alone, WTH? It's horrible what's going on in the world. I agree, it's too early for the social distance to open up any time soon.

Debbie - the news don't always tell you the trues. Even with so many people being infected by the virus Germany still letting refugees into Germany. Crazy, hah? My sister works for the government, they have no masks nor any testings. It's a joke! My sister takes the public transportation on a regular daily bases, I am so worried about her. They do have a wear mask in public/grocery stores now. Yesterday I saw a video when they reopen Dortmund. Nobody kept social distance. They went shopping like nothing ever happened.

This is what happened 2 day's ago.
I am back. I also ended up doing PHA 2020. I really like this one. She does 2 Round/2 set/ 8 exercise. Alternating Upper and lower body.

Off to relax. See you all tomorrow.

Today I took a walk outside, with hat and gloves it was cold here:). I also did a yoga class.

Belinda - I’ll have to try the PHA workout next week. It’s crazy, I will hope for the best for your sister. It’s rough taking public transportation so scary. Hopefully they will start using masks & testing. As much as I don’t like wearing masks I do believe it is important.

Kristin - I’ve been hearing some people saying public pools may not open this summer in our town. It’s nice you have one:)

Hey guys. Had a lot of work on the computer yesterday, again. . .It is hard to walk away from it. I tell myself "You're on from 8-3 and you need to take breaks in between." I do my grading/postings in the morning. Then answer kids/parents while helping my own two boys with their school work. Then finish grading the assignments that came in late. I wrote out mass emails to parents, and started gathering materials for next week and it was 4:30. Hard to turn it off when you don't turn in your keys, sign out and get in your car to go home at the end of the work day. Anyway, I was not in the mood to work, but DH and I had committed to working out together so I found a quickie. We did a warm up, then a quick 12 minute AMRAP: 7 burpees, 14 lunges, 21 sit-ups. I finished 5 rounds in 12 minutes. Then I felt good, so I added upper body weights for a good, quick pump. I am still not sleeping well.

Belinda- I saw a similar story about stores in a German town on CNN. I noticed social distancing was not happening. It is crazy.

Deb- I am looking forward to warmer days, pool days. It is so cold here the last few days.



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