Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a long walk. It hasn’t been too humid in Florida which is nice. The days just feel so long, usually on vacation it goes by in a flash.

Belinda - I agree will it ever get back to normal. It’s nice to hear shelves are fuller now:). I’m sure people were running up high food shopping bills. I like that they are limiting the amount of people in the stores.

Waves hi to Kristin


Today we took a long walk. We have been relaxing and starting to clean up the condo. We are getting anxious about finding bathrooms, food and hotel on I-95 for our trip home.

Belinda & Kristin - I hope all is well with you

Good morning,

I forgot to post my workout yesterday. I walked 3 miles outside.

Today I did STS M2 Week 2 D16 is done. I walked around my gym inbeteen breaks.

Debbie - I hope you not having any trouble finding food, bathrooms and a place to sleep. Good luck with everything.

I will be back later.

Today I took a long walk on the beach. Tomorrow morning we leave, will let you know how it goes,

Belinda - Nice job with STS today. Thanks for wishing me luck, especially the bathrooms;)

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi guys. Everything is okay over here, for the most part. The boys started their online distance learning yesterday. So all three of us were online doing work at the same time. It is definitely more challenging trying to teach online while my two boys are trying to learn online. Might have to stagger the times we go on. We did get some bad news yesterday. DH was laid off from work. The company works for Costco and does the food demos. For the last month, because food demos were cancelled, they were contracting their employees to help Costco with stocking shelves and what not, but it was not sustainable for the long haul of this social distancing/quarantine/COVID19 crap. The company said they will take back employees when and if things can be up and running again. Don't know when that will be. . . months from now maybe. I know that even though this is bad, we are lucky. I am still getting paid and have been told by my union president that we will be getting our full salary. Between my salary, DH's unemployment and the tax return we should be getting, we will be okay for the foreseeable future. It is still stressing me out thought. We cancelled our Crossfit membership for now, as that is like a car payment. I am going to go through the bills to make sure we know how to budget to survive this time.

The days are all a blur to me. I put on real clothes and make-up on Sunday for the first time, even though I had nowhere to go. It felt good to get dressed and look pretty. I've decided to do that every day to just feel a bit more normal.

Still working out 6 days a week. Yesterday I did my long run because it rained all day Sunday. I was slow and sluggish. I ran right after finding out about DH's job.

Deb- I can see why you would worry about finding hotels on your way up. Food places are mostly open for take-out, I would assume. In NY restaurants are only open for delivery or pick up, no dining. Hotels. . . I don't know.

Belinda- Is your gym still open? Everything in NY is closed except for essentials (food, gas, and liquor (thank God).


Hi everyone,

I did a barre with Tracey Mallet plus another lower body workout live from Instagram.

Debbie - I would call a few hotels on your route and see if they open. Safe travels!

Kirstin - I am so sorry to hear your husband lost his job (((HUGS))) That virus has a huge impact on our lives. You probably could teach CF :) Good for you for working out and getting pretty.What ever helps you get through those crazy times. All our gyms are close so are the stores besides grocery stores. You can only get take out/curb side pick ups from restaurants in DC/WV.

Good night, everyone.

Traveling wasn’t too bad, we are in a room will give you more details tomorrow.

Belinda - I like that Tracey workout.

Kristin - So sorry about your DH:(. I’m hopeful that there will be good things for you and your family.

Hey guys. Thanks for the kind words. I know we will get through this, and in a way we are lucky. I am still getting paid, and I can carry us with my pay, just have to cut back on extras. I did a 4 mile run this morning. I went early, even though it was cold because the 1 mile loop I run has been crowded in the afternoons. I felt more comfortable and safe with less people. The numbers of COVID cases on LI continue to climb. My friend's sister works at the hospital in Stony Brook, which is 10 minutes away from me. They are maxed out. Very scary.

Deb- I am glad you were able to get a room. Safe travels!

Belinda- nice job on your workouts! How is your knee these days?



We are back home with mixed feelings the virus has such an impact on so many people’s lives that we met. It breaks my heart:(. It is so scary. It wasn’t bad where we were in Florida but we were isolated. I’m happy we said something to condo to keep all the elevators open because it made a big difference. Our ride home wasn’t bad, we needed to do drive-thru, eat in our car, no bathrooms. We used stand alone rest stops and they kept the bathrooms so clean.

I’m looking forward to working out tomorrow and getting back to a new normal. I’m worried about going to the food store but will make a good list so I can go less frequently.

Belinda - Nice work with legs! It was our first time going thru DC and not hitting traffic:).

Kristin - It’s great how teachers , health care workouts and food workers are doing so much for the community. I think when this is all done we will all appreciate life more. It’s nice that you can create your own CF workouts!

Hi girls,

Today I went for a nice walk outside. Felt great to be outside.

Debbie - glad you home safe with no problem. The virus has such an impact on so many people’s lives all over the world. Very scary and sad :(

Kirstin - corona virus is very scary and people shouldn't take it lightly. They need to stay at home. So sad to watch the news. What workouts are you doing besides running?

I will be back later.

Today I took a walk outside, it was cold. I also decided to finish up where I left off for M1 so it was D11 Back & Tri's. I went to the food store it was empty, food was good but still very little cleaning products and paper products. It was so quiet, no one interacted with anyone felt like I was at a funeral.

Belinda - It does feel great to be outside! It just seems so important now.

Waves hi to Kristin


Today I did STS D18 Back & Biceps.

Debbie - I will go for a walk later too. Glad you made it home safe. LOL. about your comment. That's funny. I actually like going to Costco not seeing and pumping in with a lot of people.


Today I took a long walk outside. Today was my younger DSs birthday, we had a quiet dinner.

DHs cousin who lives on Long Island is recovering from Covid-19, he uses a CPAP machine and that helped him. He has small children so has been quarantined to a bedroom. He feels much better but still has a few days before he can be with his family.

Belinda - I’ve haven’t been wearing a mask but going forward will wear some type of mask or scarf. Our Governor is recommending we do so.

Kristin - DHs cousin lives in Nassau county. I hope all is well with you and your family.

Hey guys. The last two days I took as rest days. It was rainy out and I was completely unmotivated. Today I made up for it with a 3 mile run, plus my own CF workout.

The CF workout was 21-15-9 (reps) of the following: Clean and Presses with 55# barbell, goblet squats with 26# KB, Russian KB swings 26# KB with 25 sit-ups in between each round. It was a good workout for sure.

Long Island's cases of COVID 19 continue to climb up, up and up. It is scary. Today on the track I run, almost everyone had on a mask, except for me. I'm beginning to think I should get on too.

Belinda- The CF gym we got to loaned us some equipment. I sometimes will do the CF workout they prescribe online or I'll make up my own. Today I made up my own. DH and I did this workout outside, along with my older DS.

Deb- All the stores here are limiting the number of people going in at one time. It is eerie. I don't go shopping, DH has been doing it on his way home from work. His last day of work is Monday.



Today I took a long walk. It was a nice day to walk. I went to the food store today and wore a mask. Most people are, or using face coverings. Around here most stores aren't taking cash or only at certain registers. They also have clear plastic over the credit card payment so they can change it or clean it.

Belinda - How are you?

Kristin - Nice CF workout, it was a good day to workout outside:) If you are close to people when running, I would wear a face covering. I also have been using a small spray bottle filled with rubbing alcohol to spray after each use. They said you can also put bleach/water solution in spray bottle to clean the masks. I did see that LI cases are on the rise, hopefully that changes.

Good morning,

I also took a walk outside yesterday. Today is a rest day.

Debbie - I been wearing a mask too. Not sure why they didn't tell people to wear one sooner.

Kirstin - very nice that CF loaned you some equipments. Doing a workout outside sounds like a great idea. The numbers of the corona virus are climbing in WV too. Very sad.

Have a great day and Sunday, everyone.
Hey guys. Did my long run today, a little over 9 miles with my dad and brother on the bike. My hamstrings are tight, so I am going to stretch them out today and tomorrow. I plan on doing some house cleaning and making a few screencast videos for my classes tomorrow. Then the rest of the day is rest and relax.

Deb- I did not wear a mask, but if I came across another runner, we would both run on opposite sides of the row, and I would turn my head away as we passed. Even though the sun is not out today, the temp was perfect for the run. Not too hot, not too cold.

Belinda- tomorrow we are doing another outdoor workout. It is supposed to be 60 and sunny. Cannot wait!



Today was a long walk outside. I also did STS D12 Legs. The weather has been really nice:) Everyone is talking about a netflix documentary Tiger King. I didn't see it, have either of you?

Belinda - I'm sure the weather is even nicer by you. I agree, I wish we were told to wear masks sooner. I'm hopeful after this is over the Scientists and Dr.'s will have better guidelines for us.

Kristin - I don't wear a mask when I walk outside. There aren't a lot of people walking when I do. I prefer to save it for food stores. Enjoy your CF workout tomorrow:)


Yesterday afternoon I went for a nice long walk in my neighborhood. It was so nice outside, perfect for a walk.

Today I did STS M2 W3 CST. Loved the double Wave Load.

Debbie - it was very nice outside yesterday. I don't wear a mask when I am outside, like you I am saving them when I go to the grocery store. Can you find any masks where you live? I started wearing a mask a few weeks ago. I was very sick in Jan/Feb and beginning of March.

Kirstin - enjoy your outdoor workout today. The weather is perfect to be outside.


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