Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did STS D7 Chest, Shoulders & Bi’s. I forget that their is so much variety in STS for strength. It was another beautiful day:)

Belinda - It is really nice walking weather and so good for you & DD to do at this time. You did a lot of workouts today:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

STS D11 Back & Triceps plus SBF stretch is done.

Yesterday DD and I went to Costco. We couldn't find any toilette paper. Not that we wanted to stock pile it, DD is out, lol. Half the shelves were empty. Someone on FB posted a picture of Walmart, the town I live. People cleaning out the shelves. I am not stockpiling but if I need something like toilette paper I can't even find any. Ended up ordering online before they all run out. Forget getting your hands on hand sanitizer or wipes. People buying it in cases. Costco puts a limit on how much you can buy like paper towels and toilette papers. Since I am downsizing I don't keep stocks of anything. Maybe I should, lol.

Debbie - the walks I think are really helping us both. I didn't plan on working out so much, lol. Fantastic job on D7 yesterday.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

Happy Hump Day everyone.
Hey guys,

Soooooo. . . I am officially freaking out over this coronavirus. It is spreading fast in my state, and on Long Island. . . and. . . well, let me start from the beginning. I ran a race with my work-friend on Sunday. At that race they were giving out free beer from the Greenport Brewery. The next day Suffolk County announced they had their first coronavirus case confirmed (I live in Suffolk County). Later that day I got an email from the race director. The person infected worked for the brewery that was serving the free beer at the race. Now he was not there, obviously, and he had not been to work since 2/24, so I was not that worried. The email said that the owner of the brewery was currently being tested and that he was not the one serving the beer, but his wife and son were there serving the beer. Well, I got another email today stating that the owner DOES have the coronavirus. His wife (who served the beer) and his son (also served the beer) are not showing any symptoms and have not been tested yet. Long story short. . . I may have been exposed and "contaminated." I guess I have to wait up to two weeks to see if I am infected?! Then my job is saying we need to prepare for a long term closure, that we need to be ready to give students work packets or online work. I have a feeling all schools will be closed by Monday of next week. Long Island is a highly populated area. . . I wouldn't be surprised if we were all forced to in-home quarantine. My DH and I already stocked up on two weeks worth of nonperishable food just in case. I've never seen anything like this and it has me freaked out. I am most worried about my parents, especially my dad. At the same time, I feel fine and I am continuing my workouts and going to work.

Anyway. . . I go back and forth from feeling sheer panic and worry to thinking it is overblown. But then I look at Italy and think that our government (federal) did not take any preventative measures when it first came out and now we are seeing it spread. . . and I think it will continue to spread unfortunately. Kids do not seem to get deathly ill from it. . . but again, I am worried about my dad.

I will be back with personals later. I am heading out to CF in a bit.



Today I did KPC. They are starting to close schools around here too. The only problem they are at the mall and food stores, so not sure how it will help:( I went to the store today and they were out of tp and papertowels. I thought it was moved because of a leak:confused: the store told me no, they had to put a limit because everyone is stockpiling. TG I have enough. I went to buy cleaning stuff and those shelves were empty too. That's not so bad, I have an excuse not to clean;)

I'm worried about my Mom, because of her age and she volunteers at the hospital. I want to tell her not to go but it's important to her:confused: Our County is one of the only one's in NJ that doesn't have anyone testing positive (so far).

We are leaving for Florida in 2 weeks, but will only be flying down and driving back home. The airlines will change flights for travel up to 12 months. I've been watching the seats and it doesn't seem overcrowded. I will be careful and bring wipes and keep my distance. At least it's a short flight.

Belinda - I'm happy the walks are helping. It's funny when I was at Costco last week I saw so many people getting bottled drinks and papergoods and didn't even think about why until today. I bet a few years ago you would have had enough supplies for the neighborgood;)

Kristin - It's stories like yours that makes me realize how serious, how easy and vulnerable we are. TG the kids are safe with virus. My DS works in an Assistant Living facility and the patients aren't allowed visitors at this time:( It's sad that the oldest population is so high risk. He doesn't work with the patients so he isn't at risk. It's good that you are continuing your workouts!


Today I did STS D8 Back & Tri’s. The malls have been empty but the lines just to get into food store parking lots are crazyo_O

Today I did STS D12 legs. It was my last workout in M1. Next week I take my recovery week and see how my knees feel.

I am worried too about the corona virus.

Kirstin - I should have stocked up on toilette paper and water last week. Our water is contaminated, I have no choice but to buy water. At least Costco is putting a limit on those products. I bought what I could find at Costco last night. Shelves are empty for the most part. How scary! I hope they get a handle on this. Praying for you.

Debbie - the walks are helping a lot. Yes, a few years ago, I was well stocked with food, lol. I know one thing from now on I will have toilet paper and disinfection wipes/hand on hand. This is ridiculous! You can't find or get any hand sanitizer anywhere. I am glad I bought hand sanitizer wipes a few weeks ago. I only use it when I don't have access to water/soap. I need it clean hands to take my trays out of my mouth.

Great job on your workouts today.
Hey guys,

Yesterday I went to CF and today I ran 5 miles. The short trail I run on is closed until further notice, so I had to go to the longer trail out east. I ran 2.5 miles and then back to get the five. I went with a friend. My school has not closed yet, but my boys' district closed for Friday. I do not think they will reopen on Monday. I wish Governor Cuomo would just make the call and close all schools until this is contained. If we are trying to lower the curve, this has to be done. Not sure what he is waiting for. Governors from other states with far less cases have already do this.

Anyway. . . I am becoming paranoid thinking I might have it. . . I am sure it is just allergies. . . it's that time of year. My throat is scratchy, I am a little nasally and my ear hurts a bit.

Belinda- we didn't stock up on the toilet paper. . . that I just don't get. . . We stocked up on food though. I feel better having a full freezer and pantry stocked in case we cannot go out.

Deb- my mom's assisted living home is not allowing visitors except for the hours of 12-5. I have not gone. I am afraid if I am carrying it without symptoms. . . I don't want to infect anyone vulnerable.


Hi guys,

Today I did Zumba. Needed something fun after my trip to the grocery store.

Kirstin - I was out of toilet paper. I ended up ordering some online. I am good for awhile. We also stocked up on food. I have a very small freezer. I usually buy what I need for the week. I am a little worried too. I was very sick in Jan with respiratory problems. I am taking vitamin C too keep my immune system up. Can you get tested for the virus? Maybe that will help you not to worry about it. Sorry you can't visit your mom. I know it's hard not seeing her.

Debbie - what are you up too?

Good night, everyone.

Today I did Turbo Barre.

I went to the food store and just like all of you the shelves are empty. I do have enough food & tp but just need to get milk which I will get tomorrow. It is frustrating that it is so stressful going to the food store. The pasta, canned goods, frozen foods, bananas, bread and over the counter meds were all sold out. The workers seem worn out. They told me that at 7AM lots of people waiting to get in and they don't have the manpower to stock shelves. The food stores around here are reducing their hours so they can restock shelves.

Belinda - Wow, I can't believe you finished M1 already:) I also like to go get things fresh but it's depressing going to the store. The salesgirl in Walmart found me a box of hand sanitizers which I needed for traveling so that was nice.

Kristin - Nice workouts! At least they aren't closing gyms yet. They should really close schools, it seems like it's calmed down in China but they closed everything. At the Italian restaurant (they have family in Italy) we went to they told us China is giving Italy advice on how to deal with coronavirus. Hopefully it is allergies, lots of things are starting to bloom early.


Today I did STS D9 Legs. It was tough for me. We celebrated my MILs birthday today.

So I am getting real nervous about the Coronavirus, they are shutting just about everything in NYC. Here in NJ they have shut down yoga studios and some gyms. Right now there is a curfew for bars and restaurants, movie theaters are closing. I’m worried about working and if we should travel.

Belinda - How is it in your area & how about DC?

Kristin - When I heard on the news NY schools were closings I could feel my heartbeat going faster. NY almost never closes school and they said it could be for the rest of the school year:oops:. It seems like it will be a lot of work for teachers to teach remotely. I’m not even sure how that will be done. It will be interesting to learn and hear about it. The positive it should help with the chaos you were dealing with. I wish you the best as you take on this challenge.


Today I did a treadmill workout.

Basically we are on a modified lockdown, all schools closed, take-out or delivery from restaurants only, no public places with more than 50 people can be open, all gyms closed. A curfew of 8pm - 5AM. The malls are still open but stores are starting to close one by one. I only have work for a few more days but hopefully the stores close sooner. I am trying to be mindful of staying calm it is so important now.

Belinda & Kristin - I hope you are both doing well.

Debbie - sorry I haven't posted. I thought I did. I also like things fresh. I agree, going to the stores are depressing. People stockpiling like crazy in hour area. No-one is infected with the virus as far as I know. I think we the only state too. I hope they get a handle on things soon. It's ridiculous! They are starting to lockdown here too. This is scary! I talked to my sister in Germany they also on lockdown.

This week is my recovery week. Yesterday I cleaned my house and did Cize. Very fun workout. I am glad I work out at home too.

Today I took a 3 mile walk with DH around our neighborhood. I also did STS D10 Chest, Shoulders & Bi's.

Today they officially closed all Macy's for at least 2 weeks and all indoor malls. I'm not sure when I will have work again but grateful it won't affect me as much. We are thinking about bumping our trip to Florida up to Friday. The plane is empty maybe 20 people so will be easy to sit away from each other. The other option is we will rent a car and drive down. We are driving back so no plane ride.

It is so sad for me that so many people will suffer from the virus as well as a financial situation:( I've seen/heard some stories bad & good that brings me to tears.

Belinda - I thought I heard your state was the only one that doesn't have anyone infected. It's crazy people are stockpiling in your state actually everywhere:( Kudos on getting your workouts in! I'm hoping I can finish STS M1 before we leave.

Kristin - Good luck, I hope everything is working out for you.

Hi everyone,

I did a light walk this morning. I twisted my knee somehow last night, can't hardly walk plus I am in a lot of pain. Aww...if it's not one thing it's another. I will relax this afternoon, maybe I will do a light stretch later.

Debbie - until yesterday we were the only state not infected. They confirmed last night there is one person infected positive for the virus :( The media putting fear into people, this is why they all stockpiling things. Crazy! No wonder we can't get anything. Safe travels!

Kirstin - how are you doing?


Today I took a long walk in our neighborhood it is so hilly but I guess that's good;)

My food store finally had some chicken and meat (the last few days it was just bones). There was some tp but no water but I have a water filter on the refrigerator. There was also lots of fresh vegetables and fruits which made me feel hopeful. The other day at Trader Joe's they were giving customers flowers:)

Belinda - I hope your knee injury isn't serious, take it easy. Sorry someone was infected in your state:( I can't wait till this is behind us.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

I did SBF upper body plus posture stretching. It was a short workout. I also walked a little. My knees are not linking anything these day's. I am trying to avoid getting the shots in my knees, I am afraid with the virus going around I get infected going to the clinic on base. Although they taking recauitions/streaming for the virus. The reason I am a little worried is I had very bad case of respiratory problems in Jan/Feb.

Les Mills is offering a 30 day free trial.

Alice from bellyfit is offering a free download workout: use download code:KEEPDANCINGWITHBELLYFIT

New Shot is offering 60 day free workouts:

Calm is offering free meditations:

Jari Love free workout videos on YT:

Faithful workouts one month free.

Ilaria is livestreaiming workouts on Friday 3/30 and Sat 3/21 @ 4 pm

Cathe is also posting on instagram/FB live workouts (not sure when?)

if anyone knows on free workouts keep sharing.

Debbie - I hear you on the virus. I hope it goes away soon. I need to go to a doctor for my knees. I am taking lots of supplement those are not helping.

Hi guys. This has been the craziest week of my life. First, schools are closed until April 1st, but we are teaching digitally. I had online PDs this week from home to learn how to teach digitally, making videos, screencasts, even doing online conferences with other teachers. Then my mom had a seizure and was sent to the hospital. . . but they are not allowing visitors. They kept her for four days (which concerns me with this Covid 19 shit) and then released her back to her nursing home. . . but they are not allowing visitors anymore either with this Covid 19. I have kept up with my workouts from home, because my Crossfit gym closed along with every other gym on Long Island. Malls are closed now too. Nothing is open except for food stores and gas stations. It is crazy. I have never experienced anything like this. The way they government officials are talking. . . I do not think we are going back to school April 1st. I think we are out much longer.

Anyway. . . we are healthy. My boys, DH and I are still healthy. I am taking the social distancing thing pretty serious. I have been running on my own, with my boys on the bikes to get them some fresh air. Some o my students, the ones who cause me grief in the classroom because they tend to "act out", they are the ones who respond to my posts and reach out to me every day. This has reminded me that their behavior is because they crave structure, love and attention. They don't get those things at home. I give it to them in school and they don't know what to do with it, perhaps. Now they are seeking me out. . . and I miss them as much as they miss me for all my complaining about this year. Maybe I am just nuts.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long. I feel like I have been chained to this computer all week. Once I get off of it, I do not go back on. That is why I am posting now, before I start "Work".

Belinda- I don't mean to scare you by any means but NY had their first cases of Covid 19 last week, now we have the highest number of cases in the country. It spreads quickly and you do not know you have it for a long time. Just be careful. If you have to go to the doctor, see if they will take you as the first appointment, so you are there when everything is truly fresh and clean.

Deb- I bet the planes will be empty for sure. The flights are so cheap now too.

I will post later. I am planning on going for a run today.


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