Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did STS D3 Legs. I didn't eat enough dinner and was starved after my workout. I ate a light snack and feel better:)

Belinda - Lots of workouts for you today:) It was really cold here today, not used to it;)

Kristin - How are you?

Good morning,

I did a 25 min SBF stretch.

Debbie - all the workout were short. It's freezing cold here. Great job on D3 Legs. Do you drink protein drinks? After my workouts I drink one shake. It fills me up too

Enjoy your Sunday,.
Hey guys! I am alive. It has been a crazy week of work, being my boys' UBER driver all week for sports and theatre and my DH was away for work. I managed to run 2x and go to CF 2x, plus today I ran 7 miles and then did a bis/tris/abs workout at home.

Have a lot of cleaning to do and then grading. It never ends! I am so happy we are officially in March. A few more months and it will be summer time. My building is so out of control. There were three separate fights on Friday and in between periods 6 and 7, there was literally a stampede of students swarming my hallway looking for another fight. My principal then made an announcement sounding like a freakin' cruise director for Carnival, saying that we will be dismissing by grade level for the end of the day, and that everyone should have a good weekend and how we will miss them over the weekend. WTH? Nothing about the fighting or madness in the hallway. . . like it didn't happen. I am thinking of writing the Board of Education an anonymous letter detailing how crazy it has become in our building and how these failed policies are making it impossible to teach and students to learn. I dread going to work every day at this point. . . this is not a reflection of my teaching; it is a reflection of the administration's failure to create a culture of respect and learning. Sorry, I had to vent.

Belinda- nice job on your workouts. It has been cold up here too, but warmer weather is coming our way!

Deb- Are you doing STS too?

I will bbl,


I don't know if I told you my DD dog had was diagnosed with heart problems a few month ago. He is 11 years old. He is on a lot of heart meds. DD is on a business trip to CA I been watching her dog since yesterday. I been watching her dog since he was diagnosed with his heart problem.Well, today DH and I wanted to take her dog and my 15 year old dog for a short walk. Both dogs can't go for long walks anymore. My dog doesn't walk much anymore. My DD dog's collapsed in our yard. He laid there lifeless, not moving. At first, I thought he tripped over something. I waked him, called his name. He was unresponsive, lifeless, I couldn't feel his heart. I picked his little lifeless little body off the streets. I didn't felt a heartbeat, his head was flopping backward. I couldn't feel a pulse or heartbeat :( My husband preformed CPR on him.DH and I rushed him to the nearest vet. The nearest Urgent Care Vet is 25 min from where we live. The dog by them came out of it but very slowly. He laid in my arms the entire time, the dog in all this year never done that. Scary! I was siting in my lap the entire ride to the urgent care vet.The dog is usually a very hyper dog. The vet clinic took X-ray's gave him a shot for his heart. They recommended for us to take him to a radiology vet another 15 min. The dog had to stay for observation. Tomorrow he well see a radiology vet, get more test done. I am a mess. I was shaking when her dog laid lifeless in my arms. My DD called while we talk the the vet at the radiology. She is a mess, worrying about her dog. I feel so bad for both.She loves that dog. We already called a few times checking on the poor dog. I was afraid to take the dog home and something happened in the middle of the night. The dog is in good hands and on watch for the next 24 hours. The clinic let us back where the dog is staying over night. I was relieved they had a full staff watching him 24 h. I known the dog for 11 years never seem him so calm:( I am worried he had a stroke or something.

Today I did Cathe Live Hearts on Fire. It was 1/2 kickboxing and the other half was hi/lo cardio. I liked it:)

Belinda - I'm sorry you had to go through that with DD's dog:( It must have been so scary. It must have been hard for you DD too. My thought and prayers are with your family and dog. Is it a small breed dog?

Kristin - You did a great job of getting in workouts even though your week was crazy. I would send an anonymous letter. I'm wondering if parents start complaining if that will make a difference.

Yesterday DH and I been in the vet clinic all night long. We got a call Pootcho took a turn for the worst. He had heart failure last night again, he was turning purple. They had to revive him. The cardiology got him stable, but he is still in critical condition. His blood presser dropped to 30, they got it up to 80. Preferably, they would like to see this blood pressure up to 100. He also turned purple last night.They got him on oxygen and changed this heart medicine. He needs to be monitored another 24 hours. He got a ruptured valve in this heart. Bootcho has degenerative Heart disease. His heart is enlarged and pushing on his ribcage. Which probably caused the ruptured valve in his heart. They are trying to stop the bleeding in his heart. The Cardiologist was very honest with us this morning. Her dog had the same problem. She said it's very common in small dogs. The Cardiologist said he probably will have another ruptured valve in less than 4 month. She also said, he could run the risk of kidney failure. It's heartbreaking to watch him like this. There isn't anything anyone can do for degenerative heart disease. Bootcho has been on heart medicine since last year. My DD's vet already increased his heart medicine. DD's vet didn't sugar code anything, told us what is going on. DD even took her dog to a holistic doctor with the approval of her vet. My DD is taking it really hard. DD bottle-fed Bootcho. She had him since he was a puppy. The cardiology is one of the best in the country. I know he is in good hands.

I am sorry for no personals. DH and I getting ready to drive back to the clinic to see Bootcho. I hope Bootcho is stable enough until my DD comes back from her business trip on Friday. They took him of the oxygen.

I am so tired and beat.

Debbie - thank you. It is very hard to see him like this. I been crying my eyes out since yesterday.

Today I did a treadmill workout. It was so nice out:)

Belinda - I hope everything is ok, my thoughts are with you. I thought about what you said and oddly enough I haven’t had a protein shake since I’m back from Florida. I will give it a try:)

Kristin - I hope you have a better week.


Yesterday was STS D4 Chest, Shoulders and Bi's & today was a treadmill workout. I've been getting my in-laws taxes and ours ready for the Accountant and it is so involved:(

Belinda - I hope your feeling better:( I can't imagine what you are going through.

Kristin - Wishing you a better week.

Today I took 2 mile walk outside. I have zero energy. Not sleeping. Can't stop crying. I will not push myself this week. I will try to at least walk a mile or 2 this week.

Debbie - it has been a rough few day's. Great job on D4.
Ugh. . . sorry I haven't been on here. Things have been crazy lately. I have been keeping up with my workouts. Monday and Tuesday were CF workouts. Yesterday was a 4 mile run and a CF workout. Today was a 3.5 mile run. I am thinking tomorrow will be a rest day. . . or CF. Depends how I feel.

Are you guys concerned about the coronavirus? Long Island has it's first official case. . . I am in a public school building and parents send their kids in sick all the time. . . I am using Clorox wipes for my computer and desk, as well as the students desks. It is scary.

Work continues to get crazier by the day. . . the fights. . . the disrespect. . . it is out of control. . . I am hanging on for dear life for the year to end.

Belinda- I am so sorry to hear about Bootcho. That is awful. Take it one day at a time.

Deb- The weather was beautiful today for my run. I hope you got to enjoy it too.



Today I did STS D5 Back & Tri's. I'm looking forward to the weekend! We turn the clocks back so longer days:) After I get over the fact of losing an hour LOL.

Belinda - I agree with Kristin, take one day at a time. Walking outside is good for you physically & mentally. How is your DD?

Kristin - I am concerned about the coronavirus. I was at Costco today and they said it is crazy there because of coronavirus. It's scary because it is spreading quickly. The one good thing is people are practicing better hygiene so hopefully that will help. Do you have a daily security/police presence in your school?


Today I did a Cathe Live Barre workout. I'm happy it's the weekend:)

Belinda - I'm sorry you are going through this:(

Kristin - Next week should be a good week for running. I'm surprised the parents/community aren't holding a meeting to address the school problems.

Have a great weekend:)

Today I did STS D6 Legs. We went to my Mom's to celebrate her birthday. The weather was really nice:)

Good morning,

Thanks about the prayers for Botch. Sorry for not checking in a few day's. Last few day's been really tough. I am in DC with DD. Not sure, how long I will stay in DC.

I did managed to finish STS W3. I will start W4 this week.

Debbie - great job keeping up with your workouts.

Kirstin - I am concerned about the coronavirus. People buying stuff of the shelves in the store. It's crazy.

I will be back later.

Today I did a Pilates workout and a walk outside. It was a really nice day:).

Belinda - I’m happy you are working out. It’s so sad about DDs dog:( I just wish they could live longer, they give us unconditional love and would love to have them around longer.

Kristin - You must be counting down for Spring break.

Hi everyone,

I did RWH Low Impact 1 plus walked outside with DD. I also started SBF Renew and refresh challenge. I did D2 Relaxation Stretch = 20 min plus UB Stretch = 14 min

Debbie - thank you :) I wished they lived longer too and everything you said. I feel so bad for DD, she misses him so much. Alesia and I went for a 3 mile walk outside last night too. It was so nice outside.

Good night everyone.

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