We are home! Before we left Florida went for a long walk & Cleanmax. Traveling has been wiping me out it is too long a day. You need to get to the airport too early before your flight and delays on the runway leaving and arriving because of the increase of flights
Belinda - I will start STS 3.5 over the weekend, I need to do weights. Your Barlates workout sounds awesome!
Kristin - DH’s gym has both CF classes and the use of free weights as well. It is 2 different membership prices, weight trainers who don’t take classes pay a lot less.
We are home! Before we left Florida went for a long walk & Cleanmax. Traveling has been wiping me out it is too long a day. You need to get to the airport too early before your flight and delays on the runway leaving and arriving because of the increase of flights
Belinda - I will start STS 3.5 over the weekend, I need to do weights. Your Barlates workout sounds awesome!
Kristin - DH’s gym has both CF classes and the use of free weights as well. It is 2 different membership prices, weight trainers who don’t take classes pay a lot less.