Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


We are home! Before we left Florida went for a long walk & Cleanmax. Traveling has been wiping me out it is too long a day. You need to get to the airport too early before your flight and delays on the runway leaving and arriving because of the increase of flights:(

Belinda - I will start STS 3.5 over the weekend, I need to do weights. Your Barlates workout sounds awesome!

Kristin - DH’s gym has both CF classes and the use of free weights as well. It is 2 different membership prices, weight trainers who don’t take classes pay a lot less.

Good morning,

STS D3 Legs is done.

Debbie - glad you joining me with STS next week. My butt is so sore from that Barytes workouts. Hadn't had DOMS like this in a long time. Safe travels home.

Kirstin - that's a lot of weight for shoulder. Why isn't CF doing more weights?

I will be back later.
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Today was a treadmill workout. Even though it was cold today it was nice and sunny:)

Belinda - Was the barlates a YT workout? LOL you will really be sore from doing legs today;)

Kristin - Enjoy the last few days of your vacation!

Have a great weekend:)
Hey guys. Yesterday I did a 6-mile run. . . and then went to CF later in the day with DH. The workout was mostly weight work and I was motivated to do it. This morning I went to CF as well. Today's workout was a lot of fun, but my arms are legs are so sore now. It was 2 rounds of the following:

24 deadlifts 95# barbell
24 step ups
24 wall balls with 14# ball
24 push presses with 55# barbell
24 step ups
24 wall balls 14# ball
24 cleans 55# barbell

I finished in 29:29. Now I am making breakfast, doing laundry and writing out my lesson plans. Exciting stuff over here today!

Last night I watched the movie with Tom Hanks as Mr. Rogers. I cried. His performance was beautiful.

Deb- That's interesting. I wonder if that would work at the work I go to. The space is limited so I wonder if the open gym hours would be during nonclass hours, if that would work. I bet people would eventually start taking classes when they see what the classes entail. If I were the owner, I'd keep the workouts posted someone very visible with lots of pics of group class members doing their thing, lol.

Belinda- CF is mostly Olympic weight training when it comes to weights. The movements use multiple muscle groups. They do not do a lot of isolated weight work, so bicep curls or tricep extensions are never done. They do a lot of push ups, pull ups and push presses and cleans, dips, etc. I feel like I need to add the bicep curls and tricep extensions to gain more definition back.


Kirstin - we posted at the same time. I bought the Weider Olympic weight training dvd's years ago, never done one single workout. Your workouts looks amazing and tough. Great job!

Today I did a treadmill workout. I also bought food to prep some meals for next week. They were telling me the food stores have been quiet. Maybe since we haven’t had snow people aren’t stockpiling food LOL :)

Belinda - Thanks for the link. Have fun with your son & DIL:)

Kristin - Nice workouts for you! Your heart rate must get high with that type of weight training.


I am playing catch up today. I did SBF Abs 3 = 31 min. I will add a short stretch later today.

Debbie - thank you! We did had fun. How to you store your workout dvd's?

Have a great Sunday, everyone.

Today I took a rest day, somehow I hurt my back. I want to start STS tomorrow so just decided to rest. It was another nice day!

Belinda - Did the massage place ever help you out? I store my DVDs on shelves. I did buy some sleeves and boxes but didn’t start that project yet:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

STS D4 is done.

Debbie - I store my in boxes in sleeves, all my Cathe's are in a dvd binder. I don't have enough shelves to store my huge workout dvd collection.

I will be back later to catch up on personals.

Today I started STS D1 Chest, Shoulders and Bi's. I'm happy I did but was surprised that I wasn't as strong. Hopefully it will come back soon;)

The weather was great today, no coat:cool:

Belinda - I'm glad you inspired me to do STS:) I need to organize my collection. I also have lots of books I need to downsize.

Kristin - I'm sure it was hard going back to work but hopefully it was nice running weather for you:)


I went and saw my doctor for my knees today. He wants me to make an appointment to get some shots in my knees. He also thinks down the road I need a knee replacement. No more high impact which I haven't done in a long time. I also will cut my cardio sessions to 20 -30 min to low impact. I need to take care of my knees. I probably have to lower my weight for STS. I will finish it.

Debbie - great job on D1 yesterday. I didn't do so well on D1. You will get stronger. This week I am already lifting the same weight I did in 2017. The last time I did STS or started was in 2017. Glad I inspired you starting STS. I downsized my books last year. I donated them to the library.

Kirstin - are you back at work this week? Hope you having fun with your workouts.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night.

Today I did MMA Kickboxing. Even though it rained it wasn't a bad day:)

Belinda - It seems a lot of people need knee replacements. My DH some time ago was told he would need a knee replacement. Like you he cut back and it has delayed it. I'm not sure when I did STS last I should check my notes.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

STS D5 is done.

Debbie - that's what my husband said yesterday too. I will try to delay getting/or prevent getting a knee replacement. The last time I started STS was in 2017 and finished in 2018. I took a 2 year break, got burned out on it after doing it almost every year since it came out.


Today I did STS D2.

Belinda - I just saw the list you made of Cathe DVDs, I will be printing it;) Thank you for all your hard work! For years I would reference the College Video Catalog to know the dates of the dvds. I remember you were doing STS when you lived in Germany.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi guys,

I did RWH Low Impact HiiT 1 this morning. Started cleaning my house.

Debbie - your are so welcome! I needed the list to organize my Cathe dvd's. I hope it will help you too. I did STS every year since it came out. The last STS rotation I did was the pyramid up/than down rotation, than I did the Bodybuilding rotation right after. That kinda burned me out on STS, lol. That was in 2017-18. I needed a break from STS. I was ready to start again. Still loving STS. Great job on D2.

Kirstin - what are you up too?

I will try to be back later.

Today I did a treadmill workout. I received an email from my health insurance company and they said they would pay $240 a year towards a gym membership. I'll have to look into it, but happy insurance companies are rewarding good behaviors:)

Belinda - I remember you did some of the long STS rotations. I'm still loving it too.

Kristin - I hope you had a good week.

Good morning,

STS W2 D6 is done.

Debbie - I did a STS rotation almost every year, lol. Just love the program.I wished my insurance company would pay me to join a gym. That's awesome.

I will be back later.

Today I took a rest day. I was really tired this week for some reason. We are going to grab a bite to eat soon.

Belinda - Great job with your workout! I'll have to check the fine print on the insurance program ;)

Waves hi to Kristin:)

Have a great weekend:)
Hi everyone,

I a JS walk this morning. I also did SBF Feel Good Arms & Cardio = 19 min + SBF BarreAmpetFire Sleek + Toned Shoulders = 11 min plus Fire Abs Blast = 13 min and Fire Relaxation Stretch = 12 min.

Debbie - I am very tired this week too. Not sure why? Maybe it's the weather? Good idea to check the fine print on the insurance. Great job yesterday.

Kirstin - where are you?

I will be back later.

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