Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did a barre workout. I also did a lot of walking. It’s been so nice running errands not bundled up :)

Belinda - The good thing about daily workouts, it takes the guesswork out;) I’m glad you had a nice time.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. Monday Was a CF workout, which included running. We did an 800m run, then 30 power snatches, 15 pull-ups (i did banded pull ups), 15 push-ups, then 400m run, 20 power snatches, 10 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, then 200m run,10 power snatches, 5 pull-ups, 5 push-ups, and 800m run to finish. It was a fun workout. I went light on the power snatches to work on my form, using 35# barbell.

Yesterday I ran 5 miles doing a fartlek (speed work). I ran 1 mile warm-up, then sprinted 1/10 of a mile, recovery run 1/10 of a mile, then repeat with 2/10, 3/10, and back down for the whole remainder of the run.

I am taking off today to go to my son's Annual Review meeting. I plan on also running and then going to CF.

Deb- I was going to say your yoga class sounded like a private session, but Belinda beat me to it. I guess it depends on what you like. For CF, I like bigger classes than smaller. . . the energy is different with more people. It is more intense and competitive.

Belinda- Hope you had fun in DC!


Good morning,

50 min Abs and Butt burner D5 w/Sydney is done.

Debbie - did you do a YT barre workout? Great job yesterday. I like Sydney's workouts. She is different from Cathe. Nice change.

Kirstin - great job on all your workouts. Glad you what you are doing. Have fun today.

Happy Hump Day, everyone.

Today I did Cathe Live 229 Awesome Upper Body. Tomorrow I am taking off because the weather will be icy in the morning.

Belinda - You do find a lot of different workouts and instructors:) I did a YT barre workout. Do you see the Dr. this week?

Kristin - I like a bigger class than 2 people LOL. There is more energy even in a yoga class with more people. Your workout was tough! How are the boys doing?

Good morning,

Cathe Lite Cardio Party + Sydney UB Sculpt + Cardio is done.

Debbie - safe travels! I haven't seen my doctor yet. I will make an appointment for next week.

Kirstin - have fun with whatever you decide to do today.

Have a wonderful day and workout.

Today I did a treadmill workout. We didn't get icy weather just rain:). I went to Costco and stocked up on a bunch of things. It sure does add up but won't have to buy as much at the food store.

Belinda - How is your knee handling the workouts?

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Sydney 60 min Lean Legs and Strong Ab workout is done. I am done for today.

I will be back later to catch up on personals

Today I took a yoga class. I wasn't really crazy about this class. We are going to grab a bite to eat.

Belinda - Sounds like you had a nice workout!

Waves hi to Kristin

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

Sydney Shredded Arms & Strong Glutes plus butt burner is done. I also did SBF Tabata.

Debbie - great job on the yoga yesterday. Sorry you were not crazy about the class.

That's it for me for today. BBL!
Hey guys,

The last two days have been rest days. I just didn't have it in me. Today I did a 3.5 mile fartlek run (speed work). Tomorrow is my long run. I am going for 10 miles with my dad and brother on their bikes. Should be fun. It is cold out today. I cannot wait for spring weather, lol.

Not much else to report. Hanging on at work. . . one more week until mid-winter break. Then I can begin thinking about the end of the year coming. This year has been a true struggle. I just have such a rough group this year. . . it's been hard. I keep hearing how wonderful the sixth grade is. . . hoping next year I will have a better year.

I will be back with personals. Have to finish the bills and start dinner.


Today I did a treadmill workout. It was cold out today:( but at least it was sunny.

Belinda - Lots of workouts for you today:) Are you still using your rebounder?

Kristin - I'm sure you really needed the rest days:) Good idea for your Dad and brother to bike and you run. I would be the biker LOL. Times have changed when you have a rough group and they are only sixth graders:(

Good morning,

Going to get a massage with my DD and DIL. We also will grab a bit to eat.

Debbie - haven't used my rebounder lately. I am keeping everything low impact, not even bouncing.

Kirstin - enjoy your rest day. You deserve it.

Have a great Sunday, everyone. BBL
Hey guys. Today was my long run. I started out fast, but then I slowed down so much at the end. My first mile was 8:40, my last mile 9:47. Definitely need to reverse that trend and start slower, end faster.

Belinda- good idea keeping everything low impact. Did you preorder the new workouts? I don't know much about them, just that they will be 30 minutes each.

Deb- I have 7th graders. . . I think it is a combination of lack of rules/control/discipline in the building. We have kids who are failing classes and yet on the basketball team. . . that would never be five years ago. But grades don't seem to matter at all anymore in my building. Couple that with a group that is highly unmotivated to begin with. . . disaster. Keeping my fingers crossed that things will get better.



Today I did High Reps. I started packing for Florida, we leave on Tuesday. This is one year I can handle the winter LOL but happy to go see my Dad.

Belinda - Have fun getting massages and lunch sounds like fun! I guess the rebounder wouldn't be a good idea.

Kristin - Your 1st mile was a fast pace, but at least you were able to finish! It's funny education is so important and a gift yet it's not important to some people. I see it so much and just don't get it.


I did Sydney's 40 min Strength and Conditioning workout today. Didn't like this one. I will continue with her workouts this week, than I will decide if I will continue with her workouts. She does a lot of high impact in-between her strength workouts, she doesn't give enough/or to late modifications. Those workouts would be great if my knees wouldn't border me so much lately. I didn't even break a sweat. I added a short walk and did a short upper body.

Debbie - the massage was a disaster. Probably one of the worst one I have ever had. I will call and talk to the manager tomorrow. She was off today. I will make an appointment for my knees this week. This is going on for too long. Nice job on HR yesterday.

Kirstin - I agree, your first mile was fast and you finished. Congrats! I will keep everything low impact. I caved on the new workouts on Friday. Regretted it all weekend long :( I really wished Cathe would show clips first. I probably will cancel once I see clips. I am sure those workouts will be too high impact for me. I am not interested in her yoga workouts.

I will be back later


I've been busy today doing last minute things around the house and packing. I didn't squeeze in a workout but I did get a lot of steps in. We have an early flight:(

Belinda - It stinks when you do a workout and you don't like it. Hope everything goes well when you talk to the manager. It's good you are making an appointment for your knee.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Sydney's 60 min Back, Arms & abs plus bonus 10 min Toned arms is done.

Debbie - safe travels. I hope all goes well taking to the manager today too.

Waving Hi to Kistin.


Today was a long day, spent time with my Dad catching up. We also took a nice walk. My Dad will be 83 and still walks 3 miles a day. He lives in a nice walking friendly neighborhood and is a short walk to an outside mall with stores and restaurants.

Belinda - Nice arm workout today :)

Kristin - It seemed like a bunch of people starting Winter break early at the airport.

Goodnight :)
Good morning,

I just finished Sydney's 50 min Glutes and Cardio. I am not sure if I can do Sydney's 8 week program. Her style of workouts are so different than what I am used too. Maybe I am too old school. I will see how I feel by Friday. I may switch to my dvd's next week.

Debbie - glad you caught up with your dad yesterday. Impressive your dad walks daily 3 miles.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

Happy Hump Day!
Hey guys. This week is killing me, but it is almost over. Monday was CF. I am upset because my favorite coach left. She was having issues with the owner and other coaches, but she was my favorite. She really helped me make some nice gains with lifting and she was always patient, kind, and really focused on us when we were doing the workout. She wasn't on her phone or doing other things. Anyway, Monday was her last night. She was helping me progress to pull-ups without the band. Today my lats are super sore from the work I did with her on Monday. Yesterday, I ran on a treadmill with my friend. He has a membership to Planet Fitness and he has unlimited guest passes. It was a rainy day yesterday, so I took advantage and got my run in there. Today I ran 4 miles.

Belinda- The good news is with the preorders you can always cancel, so if you do not like what you see in the clips, you are not stuck with it. I am sorry the massage was awful. That stinks!

Deb- That's great you are enjoying time with your dad. It is great that he is staying active too. I truly believe when we stop moving and getting out there, we get sick.



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