Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi everyone,

I couldn't log in earlier. I did SBF Leg Work w/Barr Work = 30 min. This one was very slow and controlled moves. I also did BARLATES Mix + Match Upper 60/10 Intervals. I did all the exercises sitting on my weight bench. Worked out perfectly.

Debbie - I felt a little better yesterday. My voice is coming back. Last night I coughed all night long. I am tired today. Did you sign up for the gym with the underground parking lot? Good job on your treadmill run.

Kirstin - I agree with everything Debbie said. That is some scary stuff about the student. I hope the police is involved. Great job on your workouts.

I will be back later.

Today I did Cathe Live Upper Body Express. I checked out a new gym but will go back and do a free trial day before I join. It looked clean.

Belinda - I’m sure as long as you skip hamstring work Barr would be a good workout:). Sorry coughing kept you up last night. I didn’t go with underground parking gym, even though closer seems unsafe.

Kristin - I really hope things get better for you at school. TG for running & CF.

Good morning,

Walked 3 miles and did SBF Upper body.

Debbie - I have that CL upper body express. That's a good one. I am glad you didn't go with the underhand parking gym. It did sound unsafe. I think that's a great idea to check out the new gym first before you decide to use it.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

I will be back later.

Today I did Kick Max. I didn't do the leg conditioning drills will try and do them later in the week. It was so cold today:(

Belinda - You are walking more:) I will check out the new gym next week.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

Didn't slept well last night, coughing up a storm. I made an appointment with my doctor for tomorrow. I almost didn't worked out today, glad I did. I walked for 30 min plus did SBF Feel Good Cardio.

Debbie - good for you for checking the new gym out next week. Kick Max is a tough one. WTG!

Hi Kirstin!

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I took a yoga class, my intro month is over at the end of the month. My SIL belongs to this yoga studio but have not run into her at a class yet.

Belinda - You should go to the Dr. in case it's something that needs meds. Hopefully you sleep better tonight.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

CL Awesome UB is done. Great workout except all that wooing :rolleyes: Next time I do the workout I will mute, write down the exercises and play my own music.

Debbie - how funny is that you never run into your SIL :) Will you join the yoga studio? Great job yesterday. I need to start doing more yoga/stretching.

Off to get ready for my doc appointment. BBL!
I am back from my doctor. I have an entire grocery bag full of medicine to help with my coughing and breathing. When my doc listen to my lungs he can hear the wheezing sound. He put me on a 5 day antibiotics. He also wants me to use an inhaler twice a day. I also have to take 2 other medications for the cough. I also have to take Flonase Nasal Spray and vicks vapor rub. If that doesn't stop that cough I don't know what else will, lol. He said he been seeing a lot of people with the same symptoms lately. So something is going around.

I probably should take it easy for a few day's with my workouts. I have to get rid of that cough.
Hey guys. I ended up getting a cold and was out of commission Tuesday and Wednesday in regards to working out. I am a little stuffed in the nose today, but I ran 4 miles, and I maintained an 8:55 pace, which is great, despite the fact that I don't feel 100% yet. Tomorrow I will run 3-4 miles and go to CF.

Good news. . . that kid in the gang is out for the year!!! I didn't think the district would be so harsh considering how there is no discipline in the building, but they took the threat seriously and he is out. I was asked if I wanted to provide home-teaching and I said uh. . . NO!

So happy tomorrow is Friday.

Belinda- take it easy. Vapor rub always feels good to me when I am congested. The police were called on that student and they are investigating. The officer told my principal that he seemed like "the real deal." I think the police's reaction to the tagging and the fact that homeland security was investigating the family. . . they had to take it seriously.

Deb- if I were you, I would do all the free trials at the local gyms before committing to one. Save you some money too ;).



Today I did X-Train Supercuts. I feel like this winter is going by so quick & I’m happy.

Belinda - It sounds like you will be better soon;) I think a lot of people are getting colds better than the flu. Take it easy.

Kristin - I hope your feeling better. Good running time! It’s amazing they would even think to ask you to home school the boy:rolleyes:

Hi everyone,

Today I only did SBF Interval, it was very low impact. I will take it easy until Monday. Hopefully the cough will be gone by them.

Debbie - I don't have a cold or the flu. Mine is a respiratory and my throat. I don't think I have strep throat. I been having a sore throat since xmas. I just saw my doctor for my knees last week, he also checked my lungs. Everything was clear. Hopefully with all the meds I will feel 100% by Monday.

Kirstin - holy crap about that student. I am glad they investigation it and not taking it lightly. At least you don't have to deal with this kid anymore. Be carful and be aware of your surroundings.


Today I took a rest day. We are going to grab a bite to eat. It was really nice here today:)

Belinda - Oh wow, hopefully your throat feels better. It's funny my family keeps asking for cough drops, who would think that would be a food shopping staple:p

Waves hi to Kristin

Have a great weekend:)
Hey guys. Today I did a 3 mile run and then went to CF. I At CF we did deadlifts and I PR'd on my weight. . . 215 pounds! So psyched!

Deb- It was nice here too! I ran in a long sleeve shirt, no layers, no gloves, no hat. I am loving this mild winter.

Belinda- I am glad I don't have to see his face again. I will be careful. More than likely they will move. They were renters. I have a feeling he got kicked out of his old school too, which is why he was here in the first place.


Good morning,

SBF Core + Pelvic Floor is done.

Debbie - I took cough drops at the beginning, it didn't help. I usually keep them as a stable, lol.
That's it for me today. Have a great weekend everyone.

Kirstin - you are lifting pretty heavy, girl! Good for you! I am glad you don't have to see his face again. How horrible.

That's it for me today. Hope you all having a great weekend.
Hey guys,

Today I went to CF. The workout was tough. It was a hero WOD, a workout that they dedicate to a fallen American hero. Today was a firefighter who died in 9/11. He was 28 years old. The workout was intense:

21-15-9 reps of power snatches and sit-ups with a 35# barbell

Then 15-12-9 power snatches and weighted sit ups with a 45# barbell

Finally 12-9-6 power snatches and knee raises with a 55# barbell

My shoulders are sore already! Tomorrow I am going for a long run.

Belinda- Hope you are feeling better.

Deb- are you going to the NJ road trip this year? I saw the announcement earlier in the week.



Today I did Metabolic Blast. It was a rainy day but at least the temps were mild. I watched a Lifetime movie;)

Belinda - Hopefully you are sleeping and feeling better.

Kristin - Belinda is right you are lifting heavy! That is great that they dedicate the workouts:) I signed up for the RT, I figure as long as I'm living in NJ;) I actually signed up around 3pm, I totally forgot about it.

Hey guys,

Today was my weekly long run. . . 8 miles. . . so funny how just a few months ago my long run would've been double that or more. Anyway. . . I was a bit slower today. Not sure why. I think it is my diet. I eat well for 5-7 days and then I completely fall off the wagon. I meal prepped today and am hoping this will keep me on track. Cannot believe the weekend is over. I shouldn't be complaining. . . I have three weeks until Mid-winter break, lol. The third quarter starts tomorrow, which means I am halfway there, lol.

Deb- hero WODs tend to be tougher, but the backstory is always so inspiring that you push yourself to honor that person. How can I complain about how hard the workout is when this person willingly sacrificed himself for others? You can't. . . you have to suck it up and do it to honor them. Lately, they have been making Saturday workouts Hero WODs. You were able to sign up for the RT at 3? Does that mean it didn't sell out? I remember being afraid to be too late when I signed up at 1 each time. I was at work too. That's great you got in. The RT is always so much fun.

Waving hello to Belinda,


Today I took a yoga class, it felt good. It is so sad about Kobe Bryant. I have been on a helicopter once it was so scary to me.

Belinda - You needed a rest day :) Hope your cough is getting better.

Kristin - Meal prepping helps, my eating has been all over the place but hope to get it together this week;) My thought is some people who are unsure about their schedule don’t sign up and wait to get on the waiting list so they don’t lose the money.

ood morning,

I did my own DB upper body + BARLATES Bosu Balance Ball Full Body. I really need to pull out my bosu more often. The Bosu really works your core, abs were burning

I will be back later.

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