Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was a lazy day, we stayed up too late last night & watched the ball drop. We went to my MIL's to visit but otherwise just watched TV.

Belinda - Great job with your workouts! Are you still in DC?

Kristin - Congratulations for our group winning, you certainly did your part:) What is an assault bike? It's nice that it is working out with your family.

Good morning,

I am home again. I have an appointment for my knees.The other knee is swelling up too.I was in so much pain last night couldn't sleep. Not sure what is going on? I need to get it checked out.

Debbie - we come home late last night. Glad you had fun at NYE.

I will be back later for personals.
Saw the doctor for my knees this morning. I can have zero pressure/impact on my knees until the swelling goes down. I only can use 2# for upper body, LOL! No yoga/no twisting. I can only do light 10 min walking 3 times a day until the swelling goes down. She pretty much wants me to sit on my butt all day long. Not happening! I still can do heavier weights sitting. She also changed my arthritis med. I can't take the arthritis meds it upset my stomach. I am taking a gel and apply it on my knees.

I did an easy outside walk this afternoon. Walking doesn't hurt my knees. I will plan my workouts for this week. Should be interesting what I came up with, lol. BBL!

Today I took a yoga class. We went out to dinner with my next door neighbors. We had a nice time catching up. They leave for FL next week until the Spring. I'm jealous;)

Belinda - Sorry to hear about your knee but take it easy. Hopefully the gel helps with the swelling. You deserve a rest too.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

I walked a total of 30 min plus did Barlates Old School Arms (biceps/shoulder + triceps), she used 3'5 and 8's. She did them all standing, I did all the exercise sitting. I bought the downloads a long time ago, finally pulled it out. Very fun upper body workout. Linda did 2 rounds. The first set was single, single, than double. The 2nd set was both arms everything was done high reps. I have no idea how many reps she did? I lost count. I always like Linda's workouts, she puts her own spin on traditional weight workouts.

Debbie - thank you! I just need to stay off/not put a lot of pressure on my knees. The gel is the same meds I take oral for my arthritis. At least the gel is not tearing up my stomach. Glad you had fun evening with your friends. I am jealous too. I want to go too FL. Great job on the yoga yesterday. I need to incorporate more stretching into my schedule.

Have a great Friday, everyone.
Hey guys,

Well, back to reality for me. I went back to work yesterday and strategically planned that as my rest day. Today I ran five miles after work. My pace was really good again. I am beginning to think about goals for running this year as far as pace goes. I am going to test myself out with the 10 mile race and then sign up for a half marathon after that.

Deb- Good job with the yoga class. I am also jealous of your friends going to Florida until spring. I swear I always get depressed in January/February. The cold is not even what brings me down. . . as a matter of fact, it has not been very cold out. The gray skies depress me. Running today, I was imagining the sun on my face. I guess I have to wait it out. . .

Belinda- nice job on your workouts. Smart idea doing the weights seated instead of standing.



Today I did High Reps it's one workout I have to always lower my weights in the middle of the workout. I do like it though.

Tomorrow DH had bought me tickets to see "A Christmas Carol" in NYC for Christmas gift. I was happy and wanted to go to see the tree if we had time. Now with the situation with Iran, I'm not so sure:(

Belinda - Sitting while doing weights is a good way to change up your workout and rest your knees:) That's great that the gel is the same medicine.

Kristin - Some schools started here yesterday too. I agree if the sun came out more often the winter wouldn't seem so dreary. Will you follow a training plan for the 10-miler?

Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

DH and I walked outside this morning. I also did Barlates Old School Chest and back. I did all the exercises sitting on my bench, took out single leg w/a deadlifts. Just did deadlifts sitting, worked out great. I really like Linda's Old School series.

Debbie - great job on High Reps. If I remember correctly there is an upper body premix. Need to check it out. Hope you get to see the "A Christmas Carol" in NYC. I would be careful too with the situation in Iran.

Kirstin - I forgot school started yesterday. Good for you thinking about your goals for running. Have you ran before you worked out to Cathe? I can't remember. WTG, on your runs. I hate the gloomy weather too. Can't wait for summer.

I am going to DC today, we have our company holiday party today. Have a good one.
Hey guys. Just came back from my long run, 8 miles. I was slower today, but I am going to chalk that up to the wind and I didn't eat very well yesterday. I didn't really eat dinner. Just some wings during the football games. We were watching the wild card games. Anyway. . . not much going on over here. I plan on seeing my mom today and I have lesson planning to do. A full week of school is ahead of me :eek: haha.

Belinda- I did run before doing Cathe workouts. The most I ever ran was 6 miles though, and that was a walk/run. I ran track in high school, but my first race post-high school was the 10 miler I did two years ago. Have fun in DC!

Deb- High Reps is tough with heavier weights. All those reps add up, lol. I know it is a scary thought to go into the city with everything going on. . . but we cannot let fear stop us from living our lives, right? If we do, the terrorists already win. The tree has so much security. . . When we went last year, it was so crowded and there was so many cops (in uniform and not in uniform), I didn't like it. I don't like feeling like a sardine and packed in with people. Maybe go to Bryant Park instead. It has holiday decorations and it very nice. Not sure if everything will still be up there. They also have ice skating. Just a thought. I did make up a plan for the 10 mile race. I don't know if I will follow it as religiously as I followed my marathon training plan. Work and the weather tend to get in the way this time of year. I think so long as I make sure my long runs consist of 8-12 miles, I am good ;).



Today I did a treadmill workout. I also did some clean up outside today, so many branches and twigs from the recent storms.

We did go to NYC, and it wasn't bad. We were so close to the tree so we decided to go. It wasn't crowded which was really nice. We couldn't stay long because we didn't have much time. I wanted to avoid Times Square so quickly walked by it since we needed to go past it. It wasn't very crowded either.

Belinda - I hope you had fun at your holiday party:) It's nice to have a party after everything calms down. High reps has a premix which separates upper and lower body.

Kristin - I've been wanting to go to Bryant Park, but we didn't have enough time. I saw on the news they have a nice set-up for Christmas. Your right we can't let fear stop us from living. Hopefully the weather will work out for you to train this winter, so far not too bad;)

Good morning,

This morning I did BARLATES Drop Set Chest = 42 min. That was tough! Linda used 17's and 15's, I had to drop the weight to 10's and 8's. She did 4 different chest press exercises heavy weight w/ different pattern, reps/ high reps. Round 1 heavy weight, 2nd round lighter weight. Than she did 4 chest flys with different pattern/count. Round 1 was heavier weight, round 2lighter weights. My chest was burning with the 10's I did those sitting, worked out fine. The rest of the chest exercises she did on a step, I used my weight bench. This week I will continue with Linda's Drop Sets, upper body only.

Debbie - glad you got to NYC with hardly any crowds. I hate crowds. Great job on your TM workout. I will check out HR upper body premix. I only can do workout with light DB's at the moment.

Kirstin - you are right..we can't let fear stop us from living our lives. You always been a runner :) Good for you. Good for you for making a plan for your 10 miler.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.
Hey guys. Today at work was pretty awful. . . I am having just a bad year, I think. Speaking with the other 7th grade teachers, it seems to be this group of kids this year. A good number of them are just disrespectful and rude and it just gets to me. Hopefully next year will be better. . . or I might have to consider quitting/retiring early and doing something else. If this is the way things are going to be, I can't do this anymore. We get no help from administration either. It's just miserable. All I wanted to do was come home and drink some wine. . but I went to Crossfit instead. I am glad I did. I feel much better after the workout. First, I got there early because this month we are having a jump rope contest. . . morning vs. evening classes again. I did 1000 single unders on top of the workout. The workout was 10 cal row, 1 minute of jump ropes (in addition to the 1000 I did before the workout), and 15 wall balls, then 1 minute rest. Repeat until minute 32. It felt great.

Belinda- nice job on your workout! Is your knee starting to feel any better?

Deb- I'm glad you went to the city and had a good time. How was the show? I wanted to see it but the tickets were so expensive!



Today I took my favorite yoga instructor's last class before she moves in a couple of weeks. The class was crowded but worth it:) There was a small party afterwards but I didn't stay.

Belinda - I was wondering if the swelling is going down on your knee? I think it's harder to do weights sitting so you are getting a good workout:)

Kristin - TG for CF and running, I think it will help you survive this year. Hopefully the students will be better next year. I think tickets for events have become overpriced! I was saying to DH not sure how families can afford even going to the movies. The play was good but don't think it would hold children's interest. Years ago we took our boy's to "A Christmas Carol" at Madison Square Garden and it was much better.

Good morning,

BARLATES Drop Set Back is done. Had a great workout.

Debbie - the swelling went down a little, but not much. I have a follow up appointment with my doctor next. week. I find doing exercise all sitting are harder than standing. I still get a good workout in with dropping my weights a little. I am sure you will miss your favorite yoga instructor.

Kirstin - sorry you have to put up with disrespectful and rude students. Kids have no respect for teachers these day's anymore. I hope this year will not get any worst. My knees feel a little better but not much. Not sure what's going on. I almost think I pulled something, I don't think it's my arthritis at this point. Great job on your workout.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Got a quick 3.5 miles in today. That's about it. Not much else to report.

Deb- we actually found an old-style movie theatre that charges $7 for tickets all day and night. The food is also pretty good: large popcorn, 1 candy, 1 soda- $7. The seats are not leather and reclining, and the sound is not good for an action movie, like Star Wars, but the price is right!

Belinda- Thanks. I am hoping next year will be better too. Some years I just get a group like this that no matter what I do or try, they just are awful. . . and they suck the life out of me. I do need to just tell myself, it's not permanent and I will have a fresh start next year. . . after SUMMER :cool::cool::cool:.


Kirstin - nice job on your 3.5 miler today. Try not to let those kids bring your down this year. Remember, it's not preferment. Think positive! That is so cool you found a movie theater with great prices. Going to the moves is expensive. I usually wait until the movie comes out. Always had to take my kids to the movies too.

Today I did Muscle Max. We finally took our Christmas tree down (even though I didn't want to) the rest of the decorations hopefully by the weekend:)

Belinda - I wonder if you pulled something too. At least you have another appointment set-up.

Kristin - I always feel once we get through January the winter seems to go quicker. An old fashion movie theater is awesome and the price is right! I bet the popcorn is better too. The last time I went to a modern movie theater the popcorn was in bags no popping machine:(

Good morning,

BARLATES Drop Sets Biceps is done. Again, she did 4 different exercises with different pattern and reps. By the time you are done with the workout you have done 300 reps, lol.

Debbie - hopefully my doctor will figure out what is causing my knees to swell up. Nice job on MM.

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today.

I will be back and catch up on personals.

Today I did Kick, Punch and Crunch. It was so cold today but the weekend could have record breaking temps in the 60's (happy dance):cool:

Belinda - That is a lot of reps, your bi's will be fried. Keeping my fingers crossed your swelling goes down.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Drop Set: Shoulder is done. I am surprised my upper body is sore. Tomorrow I will do the last upper body workout in this series. Drop Set lower is going to have to wait. I have an follow up appointment with my doctor next Tuesday. I don't think it's arthritis, maybe I pulled a muscle or ligament? I am sure he going to do an X-ray on Tuesday.

Debbie - thank you! Linda breaks the reps up, you don't even know by the time you are done you have done that many reps. I am sure feeling it this week. I like her workouts, like the variety she offers and her workouts are cheap.

I will be back later to catch up on personals.

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