Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did STS Total Body. Tomorrow I have a lot to do but baking cookies is one of them;)

A boy about 8 or 9 years old held the door open for me even though I was a couple of feet away from the store entrance. I thought it was so sweet because it was closed but when he saw me went back to open it. I just thought about it, maybe he thought I was old :p LOL.

Belinda - Enjoy your German/Christmas Eve! How is German Christmas different than US? Great workouts for you today:) I like your stress free Christmas.

Kristin - Do the boy's get excited for Christmas?

Hey guys! Quick check-in before I get ready for my family to come over later this afternoon. Yesterday was so nice to not have my alarm go off. DH and I went to the 10 o'clock CF class. We worked on front squats at 85% RM, which for me was easy to calculate, 85#, haha. Then we did a quick workout: 400 meter run and then as many devil presses (burpees with dumbells for 5 minutes (including the run), 2 minute rest, then 400 meter run and as many burpees over the box as you can in 5 minutes, 3 minute rest, then 400 meter run and regular burpees (as many as you can in 5 minutes). On top of that, because the gym is having a contest of who can do the most burpees by the end of the month (morning classes vs. evening classes), I did an additional 50 burpees. Burpees during class do not count.

Today I did a 6 mile run. I maintained an 8'55 pace. I feel I am getting faster and faster these days. Tomorrow will probably be a full rest day. We are staying home and making a pork roast. It will be just us and my dad.

Belinda- I always cherish my Christmas tree and thank the Germans for bringing that Christmas tradition to life. Merry Christmas!

Deb- even though they know about Santa, they are still very excited about Christmas and have informed me that they still plan on waking up at the crack of dawn, lol. So sweet about the boy holding the door for you.

erry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

Today I did a treadmill workout. Lots of last minute things to get done today around the house. We went to my in-laws for dinner it was fun but sad. This will be a hard holiday season for my DH.

Belinda - Enjoy the time with your family:)

Kristin - Great workout and so nice that you did with DH! Burpees are tough you nailed it. I love the excitement on Christmas when you have little ones:) Enjoy the time with your family and Dad.

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful, relaxing and fun day yesterday. Today we decided to get food delivered this evening instead of cooking, lol. It was DD's idea, lol.

Yesterday I went to the gym and worked my abs in super sets/high reps. Later today I will go to the gym again. Not sure, what I will do.

Debbie - In Germany we celebrate Christmas for 3 day's. Those are paid holiday's in Germany and the stores are all closed. It's mostly about family time. Christmas Eve is when Germans exchange gifts. A lot of Germans put up their xmas tree on xmas eve day just before they exchange gifts.We usually make a potato salad w/ Karpfen (a to of Germans order Karpfen fish and eat it at home) or some people make Wienerle (different from the ones you get here in your regular grocery store) w/potato salad. On the 25th is when we get together with family and cook a goose/duck w/ Koesse (specialty potato dumplings). We eat xmas cookies and Stollen for coffee, usually around 3 pm. 26th is also a huge meal with family. Germans got it made, they get all 3 day's off work. DS and his wife are in TX with her family for xmas this year, we decided not to drive ourselves crazy over food. Which is very nice. Christmas is tough with you lost someone.

Kirstin - we love Christmas too. Germans are huge on keeping tradition alive. When my kids were your kids age, they still got excited about Chrismas too. Enjoy your time with your family. Your workout yesterday sounds brutal. WTG!


Today I took a rest day. I did get all my steps in and closed my rings. I'm so tired but hope to get a good night's sleep:) We had a lot of fun Christmas and it turned out nice.

I sent out a Christmas card to relatives that had 2 pictures on it one was a sunset and the other was a photo of my DH, DS's and his Dad and Grandpa. A few people said they were choked up when they saw it but were happy I sent it.

Belinda - The German's know how to do Christmas!! Three days off and spent with family:) It's great that you keep the tradition. It sounds like you are having a fun time and enjoying the gym. DH's Mom is German but wasn't raised by her parents so didn't celebrate German traditions.

Kristin - I hope you are enjoying your Christmas with your family:)

Good morning,

DH and I went to the gym, we did upper body. I tried using Peloton bike after my upper body workout, my knee couldn't take it. I only was on it a second my knee was in a lot of pain plus I can't bent it. It's still pretty swollen. I need to make an appointment and have my knee checked out. Nothing seems to help.

Debbie - Germans do know how to do Christmas. They still value time spent with family. Saturday's all the stores close around 2 pm. Sunday's all the stores are closed. Only restaurants are open. Glad you had a great time with your family on Christmas.

Hi Kirstin - how was your Christmas?

I will try to check in later
Hey guys. Cannot believe Christmas came and went. We had my dad, sister and brother over Christmas Eve, along with their spouses and kids. It was a full house. The kids all played well together and we had a great time. Then Christmas Day was just us and my dad. My dad slept over and watched the boys open their presents. DH and I gave each other little gifts. My favorite is a book I wanted and a new running journal for 2020.

Today we went to CF. The workout was crazy. We did 8 rounds of the following: 8 hang cleans, 8 front squats, 8 push presses, 8 burpees, 8 ring rows, 8 dips, 8 step-ups, 8 sit-ups. I used a 55# BB. The other women were moving faster than me and then I realized, they were all using 45# BB. That made a difference. My shoulders are beyond sore. I also did a 3 mile run today after CF. Now I plan on watching movies and maybe taking a nap.

Belinda- I am sorry to hear about your knee. Take it easy until you get it checked out. I think it is great that Sundays all stores and restaurants are closed. For years here in NY, all stores were closed on Sundays. It is not like the workers get paid overtime to work Sundays, either, which is a shame.

Deb- your card sounds so touching. I am sure it moved people to tears, but in a good way. A good way to honor DH's father for the first Christmas he is gone.



Today was lower body blast. I still need to catch up on sleep. We went back to my in-laws this afternoon to visit some relatives that are here from FL. My eating has been terrible need to clean it up.

Belinda - Sorry your knee is bothering you, it's good you are listening to your body. In NJ one town closes for Sunday but the people just go to other towns to shop. Saturday is also a traffic nightmare in that town. It defeats the purpose.

Kristin - The CF workout is crazy and it isn't even New Year's resolutions yet. It's nice that you hosted your family and your sister and brother's families came too!

Hey guys. Man, did this week fly by or what? Of course, if I was working it would still be Wednesday, lol. Yesterday I did a speed run workout. 5 minute warm up that 1 min fast, 1 min slow for 15 minutes. I ended up with 2.5 miles in the end. I also did a bit of abs yesterday. This morning I went to CF with DH. We did the following workout:

1 heavy deadlift (I did 185#)
10 knee raises (holding bar, raising knees to chest)
15 burpees over the bar

20 minutes- as many rounds as you can do. I ended up doing 5 rounds. It was tough! Then I did an additional 25 burpees to add to my night team's score.

Yesterday we took the boys to see the Star Wars movie. It was really good. I enjoyed it. I liked how they ended this trilogy. The boys enjoyed it too. Today we are having friends over to celebrate the holidays.

I am planning on cleaning up my diet for the new year and sticking with healthy eating. When I was marathon training my weight went down a tad, without dieting. Now, I am up to 173 :eek:. I know it's the sugar and sweets and candy I eat, especially at work. I need to not let my stress dictate what I eat. I am starting to track my food on my fitness pal app again. Hoping that will help.

Deb- We did have a good time with my family. My sister's kids and my kids really got along well. We have invited them back for New Year's Eve. I am hoping it is drama-free again.

Belinda- How is your knee?


Good evening,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I did do a 60 min walk on the TM at the gym. We went to the News museum yesterday. Today I took a rest day sort of...we went to a few placed around DC. This evening we went to see the Zoo lights.

I will catch up on personals tomorrow. Great job everyone.

Today I took a rest day but did some abs and walking lunges. This week did fly by! I'm just happy temps are as cold as they have been.

Belinda - It sounds like you are having fun. You are getting in your workouts and doing a lot of sightseeing:) We went to the Washington Zoo many years ago when the Pandas 1st came to the US. It was amazing.

Kristin - Your CF workouts are so tough! Does your DH love the CF workouts? I wonder if you are gaining more muscle which reflects the weight gain. My sugar cravings are out of control:( I'm going to clean up my eating too! I stopped preparing food and that always hurts my clean eating.

Hey guys. Quick check-in. I did a 9.5 mile run with a small group out east at the paved trail I love. It is closed for the month of January due to hunting season. Cannot wait to go back in February. I had my fastest run there yet with an average pace of 8:50 a mile! The ten mile race in March is something I think I am definitely going to sign up for. I am feeling confident I could do well in that race.

Deb- DH loves CF, loves, loves, loves and is obsessed with it. I created a monster, lol. My sugar cravings are definitely related to stress, especially work stress. I need to get it under control. I need to not let work get to me and be more balanced. Focus more on my own kids and my fitness goals.

Belinda- sounds like you are having a great time!


Good morning,

Today I did Cathe Live download #163 Buff Upper body is done. Had a great workout today.

Debbie - we went and saw the panda babies at the zoo. My sugar craving is out of control too. I hear you on the temperatures. Loving it.

Kirstin - congrats on your runs. You doing amazing. I miss running. I did iTrain at the gym the other day, almost started running. My knee wouldn't allow me :( Alesia is doing the Army 10 miler this year again.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Today was a CF workout. We worked on bench press 1 RM. I got 105# for my 1 rep max. My arms were shaking, but I did it. Then we did 5 rounds of 15 thrusters and 15 pull-ups. I used a 35# barbell for the thrusters and did the banded pull-ups. My upper body is pretty fried.

Belinda- baby pandas. . . sounds adorable!

Waving hello to Deb!

Cannot believe 2019 ends tomorrow night!


Today I did Lower Body Blast. Yesterday we went to the cemetery, it was sad but it was a very peaceful and beautiful place where my FIL is.

Belinda - Baby pandas sounds awesome! Good job with the download:)

Kristin - You should do great with the 10-miler. It will probably seem easy compared to the marathon. It gives you something to look forward to and forget about your job stress.

Good morning,

I went to the gym at 5:30 a.m to get my workout in :) I did Cardio Coach 4 got almost 7000 steps in. Had an amazing workout this morning.

Last night I took a intro Pilates reformer machine class. I was very intimated by the reformer machine at first. Working out on the reformer is hard. The instructor had us the TRX bands, a pilates ball while on the machine. I never used the reformer before. DD takes the adv pilates reformer classes 2-3 times a week. She loves it and wanted me to try one out. I liked it. It's harder than I thought. Felt it in my core/hamstrings.The classes are expensive here in DC. One hour class is $39 :( They do have for hotel guest deal for $60 for a week. I probably will do the hotel deal when I know I will be staying in DC for a week.

Debbie - it's hard going to the cemetery. Great job on your lower body.

Kirstin - that's a lot of weight you benched pressed. Good job on your workout yesterday.

Wishing you all Happy and safe New Year!
Happy New Year!

Today I took a yoga class in a new studio but with my favorite yoga teacher. This week is her last week teaching before moving to Hawaii:( We stopped at my in-laws and had appetizers and desserts. It was fun, now getting ready to watch the New Year show & ball drop:)

Belinda - I really need to pull out my Cardio Coach's, I haven't done them in so long. Great job with your workout. The pilates reformer class sounds interesting and fun!! It's funny they just built a studio in my neighborhood and sent a flyer today for a free class. I'm not sure what the price is after the free class but it really interests me to give it a try.

Kristin - It is great the your DH found something he loves (CF)! Have a nice time with your family.

Happy New Year!!

I did CL #57 PHA and a walk.

Debbie - I still love cardio coach. Couldn't do this workouts for a long time. I will pull them out from time to time. You should try the new pilates classes especially if it's free :) Great job on that yoga class.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

Happy New Year! Yesterday we went to CF. In addition to the workout, I did 75 burpees to add to our team. Our team won by the way, lol. The workout was an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible in 31 minutes):

12 sit-ups
20 cal assault bike
19 dumbell snatches
12 sit-ups
20 cal assault bike
19 front squats with dumbell
12 sit-ups
20 cal assault bike
19 front squat and snatches

I did 2 rounds total, plus the 75 burpees.

We had my family over last night for New Year's Eve. It was very loud with the kids, but fun nonetheless. Today I went for a 4 mile run. It was windy out, but I maintained a 9 min mile pace. Then I went to see my mom. I plan on spending the rest of the day watching The Honeymooners in my living room.

Deb- That's too bad about your yoga instructor. Moving to Hawaii is a huge move! It is so expensive there, I don't think I could afford to ever live there.

Belinda- that's not a bad deal for classes for a week. Pilates looks easy, but it is tough! Nice job!



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