Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

SBF LB with bands + pretzel is done. I also walked this morning.

Debbie - my knee isn't feeling any's worst? Weird! If it's not getting any better in by Wednesday I will see my doctor. I probably straight/or pulled a muscle. What vitamin for inflammation are you taking? You are so good prepping your food in advanced. Went grocery shopping at Wegmanns yesterday. I only bought fresh vegetables and lots of fruit for the next few day's. I am trying to use everything up in my freezer.

Kirstin - yes, you can use Google Drive for downloads. I use google drive for Cathe's live downloads on my iPhone. I have currently 1 TB which is a lot of storage. Your xmas parted sounds like fun. Great job with all your shopping and workouts.

Great job everyone. I will be back and catch up on personals.
Hey guys. Quick check-in. Did a CF workout with DH and DS. For the rest of the year our CF gym is having a burpee challenge- night classes vs. morning classes- how many burpees can you do before or after class. The team with the higher total at the end wins. I did 50 (35 before class and 15 after). DS did 65 and DH did 20 (I beat him, ha!). The main workout was 6 sets of 4 reps each back squats at 80% 1RM. I did 90#. Then we had 3 rounds of the following: 25 pull-ups (I did ring rows as I do not have pull-ups yet), 50 push-ups (did them to a box) and 75 air squats. We only had 25 minutes to complete, so I did not finish the 3rd round. I had 20 push-ups to go, and never got to the third set of air squats. My arms and legs are jello.

Deb- Are you busy with work? Are you working right up until Christmas or do you have some days off?

Belinda- I am sorry to hear your knee is bothering you. I hope it gets better soon!



Today I did Ramped Up Upper Body. We are expecting ice tomorrow:(. Schools are on delay but should clear up by the time I leave.

I don’t have to work NYC store this year since it is a new girl (happy dance). I wouldn’t mind 1 day but not for 2 weeks.

Belinda - The vitamin is a combination of vitamins for arthritis, it has a lot of inflammatory vitamins in 1 pill (Ultra Joint by Nutrition Express). I bet you could get any vitamin which treats arthritis. A couple of years ago they built a Wegman’s not as close as I would like but worth the drive when I go.

Kristin - Too funny about beating DH, your DS is strong too! Your classes have so much variety, is it different instructors? I am busy, I will work short day 12/23 and off till January which will be extremely light :)

Good morning,

I did 4DS premix 10. Chest, Shoulders & Triceps + 20 min walk.

Debbie - thank you! I am going to check into the vitamins you mention. Glad you don't have to go to the NYC stores.

Kirstin - great job on your workout yesterday. Thank you. I did a Cathe step workout and must have twisted something.

I will be back with personals.

Today I did Hiit Pyramid. It was cold and icy today, and feel like I am getting DH's cold:( I am trying home remedies to kick this in the butt.

Belinda - Good job with your workout! How is your other dog doing?

Kristin - It seems the way the holidays fall this year the Christmas break will be shorter?

Good morning,

SBF LB barre workout and walk is done. Have a Ortho appointment this morning.

Debbie - he is doing good. He sleeps pretty much all day long, lol. That dog is 15 years old. Eats and sleeps. Great job yesterday. I hope you don't get sick. Feel better.

Kirstin - hope you get a break soon. Have fun with your workout today.

I will be back later.
I am back. I just did Step-Boss-Step-Sync + chair stretch. I love, love Step Sync. It reminded me a little of RS, SB and some older step workouts. She even had moves in the The combos were really fun. No jumping jacks, no power 7's, YEAH! No high impact at all. Of course,if you want to jump you could. Although it wasn't high impact, I took it down a notch. My knees are still bordering me, I probably will pay for it tonight. Oh well! The chair stretch was a mix of sitting stretches and standing holding on to the chair. It was a good stretch nothing new. Still a nice stretch. Overall I give Step Sync 5 out of 5 star. I am so glad I didn't canceled my preorder. I was going to do IMAX4 but then I decided to do Step Sync. Glad I did! Off to icing my knee, lol.

I took a rest day today, it called for it but really prefer to take it on the weekend. I didn't sleep well last night because I am getting sick. I felt bad and good all day. I will go to bed early so I feel better.

It has been so icy here, so many people without electric. We are lucky we have electric.

Belinda - It sounds like the new workout was good! RS was one of my favorites. I hope icing your knee helps:)

Waves hi to Kristin


Today I took a rest day, this cold is kicking my butt:( I did get in all my steps, I only have 2 more days of work:)

Belinda - Wow, your dog is living a long life! LOL on eating and sleeping.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I did a light 30 min walk and SBF Christmas LB 30 min. I probably will do IMAX4 later, depending on how my knees feel. I reviewed PH3 I doubt my knees can handle over the step right now.

Debbie - yes, my dog is living a long and good life. We rescued him and Brawler from the shelter in El Paso. ChuChu eats and sleeps. He hardly wants to go for walks anymore, I don't blame him either. It's way to cold outside. Brawler left way too soon :( The cold is kicking my butt too. Good job betting all your steps in.

Hallo Kirstin -how are you doing?

I will be back later.

Today I took another rest day. I fell asleep on the couch the minute I sat down:oops: I just want to get better by Christmas. My MIL was diagnosed with an pneumonia, she isn't doing well since my FIL passed.

Belinda - It sounds like you did some fun workouts today:) You'll have to let me know how you like IMAX 4 when your knee is better. The temps are going to warm up over the weekend and through Christmas so I'm excited for that.

Kristin - How is your Dad doing?

Debbie - oh no! I hope you and your MIL are feeling better soon. It's tough loosing a loved one. Make sure you get lots of rest. I will let you know how I like IMAX4 once my knees feel better. I don't remember if you ordered the new dvd's?

Kirstin - how are you doing?
Hey guys. I made it to Christmas break!!!! It was the never-ending week at work, but I survived. I feel like if I survive this year, nothing will get me down. Now I have a week and a half off. My boys have two full weeks off, I'm kind of jealous, but thankful to have this time off, I was really dragging this last week. We have so much packed into it: faculty meeting (long and pointless), parent meeting, field trip to the city (never again during the week before break, kids were nutso), and my son's concert all in five days. I have been keeping up with my workouts, despite the stress school and this time of year. Wednesday I ran 4 miles. Thursday was a rest day. I chaperoned a trip to the city. I was sooooo tired and stressed at the end of that trip. I went home and drank 1/2 a bottle of wine, I could not help myself. Then yesterday I went to CF. Today I ran another 4 miles. I was a little slower than I would have liked to been, but I think the cold was getting to me. Tomorrow I am doing a long run with the group I ran with next week. Then we are making Christmas cookies all day, yummy!

Deb- I hope you feel better soon. Better to get sick now and be over it by Christmas than the other way around. My dad is doing better every day. He is still sore by one of the incisions. Other than that, he is getting back to normal. I am sorry to hear about your MIL.

Belinda- I am glad you are liking the new workouts. They seem to be getting lots of good reviews. I cannot wait for warmer weather myself.


Hi everyone,

Today I did SBF Killer core and walked a mile. That's it.

Debbie - how are you doing today?

Kirstin - I don't get why everyone always tries to pack so much stuff before xmas. I like the new step workout reminds me of CL step workout. It was a mix from all Cathe's dvd's. Nothing new. There is a very similar CL workout with better 80's music. The music is ok. I really miss Cedie, Nicole and the rest. Glad your dad is doing better.

Good job everyone.

Today I took another rest day:( I think it was worth it because I was so tired and did everything slow LOL. I actually started to feel better towards the end of the day. Now my younger DS has the flu:( My house is full of germs! We missed our next door neighbors Christmas party but I'm sure they are glad we didn't spread our germs.

Belinda - I didn't order the new dvds because I rarely do step. I think I would have liked the weight training though. I like sometimes having a core day:)

Kristin - You had one crazy week! I would need to sleep most of the vacation to make up for it;) The way the holiday falls saw lots of people shopping on Friday. I think a lot of people will take next week off. The wine not so bad after the week you had . . . Christmas cookies, fun & yummy!

Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

SBF Christmas Stretch = 35 min + 2 mile walk is done. Knee is starting to feel a little better, still can't bend it. Hopefully with lots of icing it will go away on it's own.

Tomorrow DH and I will leave for DC, we probably will stay until after the New Years.

Debbie - I keep forgetting you already mention not getting Step Boss. I am thinking about selling my dvd's. Since I really can't do any leg workouts I have to work my abs instead.

Kirstin - hope you having an amazing weekend.

I will check in later.
Hey guys. I did my long run today with the group I ran with last week. I tried to keep the three fastest runners in my sight the whole way and ended up running 9.3 miles with a 9:02 pace, my fastest 9 mile run. I am thinking of signing up for a 10 mile race at the end of March. If I keep this up, I could probably place in my age division for that race. That would be something! DS and I are going to be baking Christmas cookies all day. I will be trying my best not to eat them all, lol.

Deb- I haven't been able to sleep in yet. . . I turned off my alarm clock, but I still wake up at 6 the latest. My brain doesn't seem to know we are on vacation, lol.

Belinda- The old crew was the best. I can't seem to remember what CL stands for?


Kirstin - I agree about the old crew. Not to mention the music:( You can find better music on YT with other instructors. I need good music when I workout. The step workout was fun, like I said nothing new just put together differently. CL stands for Cathe Live. WTG, on your run today. You are doing amazing with your runs. I miss it. Have fun backing cookies with your DS today. I am sure you will burn those extra cookies off. Enjoy!

Today I had more energy but don't sound too good. I did a treadmill workout to get my steps in. I'm stressing Christmas is almost here. My goal for the New Year is to have less stress!

Belinda - You must be excited to be able to use the gym in DD's place:) Do the Christmas workouts play Christmas songs?

Kristin - The race in March sounds like a great idea! Your pace is getting better and better:)

Good morning,

Today DH and I did a 45 min upper body workout. We did super sets/high reps. Played my own music had a lot of fun. I also did SBF Barre 18. I was going to do IMAX4, my knees still hurts like crazy when I walk up stairs. I didn't wanted to make them worst. IMAX4 has to wait until my knee feels 100% better. I will do barre, walking, core and upper body workouts. No lower heavy body workouts except light walking. I am getting ready to leave for DC.

Tomorrow I probably will not be around much. We celebrate German Christmas on Christmas Eve.

Debbie - I am super excited to use DD's gym. Yes, SBF xmas workouts play xmas songs. A few years ago, she sent all her subscribers a free xmas stretch download. Mmm...I should do that on xmas, lol. Just enjoy the holidays with your family and friends. No need to stress. Since we don't do gifts except stocking stuffers, I have ZERO stress. I am not even stressing about food or what to make. We probably will go out to eat on the 25th.

Kirstin - I hope you doing well.

I will try to check in tonight. Merry Christmas (Frohe Weihnachten) from my family to yours.

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