Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. The week was crazy, but I did manage to stay on top of my running. My goal is maintain 20-30 miles a week. This week I got to my 20, which is good. I had parent/teacher conferences Thursday, so that was a rest day. I ran in the cold Wednesday. Then did CF Friday. I was able to do strict barbell presses with 65#, which was a personal record for me. Then I ran 6 miles yesterday and 10 today to get to my 20 count.

I also took my dad to see my mom yesterday. He had not seen her since his surgery. It was good. We decorated our house and tree last night. Now just doing laundry and prepping food for the week. I brought absolutely no work home this weekend. A first for me in years. I left my work bag at home. Friday my husband asked me, "Where's your work bag?" I said, "I left everything at work for once." I am trying to make the weekends my true time off and spend it with running, my family and taking care of what I need to take care of outside of school. Maybe this way I won't feel so burnt out all the time.

Belinda- It's funny. I always hated working out in the morning, but I now love to run in the morning. It does feel good for the rest of the day to know it is done.

Deb- It is crazy that the race has been over now for two weeks! I am a little lost not having to "train" for something, lol. I will pick out some races after the New Year. If I don't get into the NYC Marathon (through the lottery system), I might just do Philly again. It was such a great experience and definitely my favorite race so far. Maybe I would do even better this time, ;).



Today we went to the outlets and it was so cold. I didn’t get any but it was nice spending the day with my SILs. We walked so much so I counted that for my workout;)

Belinda - You are finding a lot of step workouts! Great job.

Kristin - You must be counting the days for winter break:). It’s nice to hear your Dad is getting around better. I hope you get into the NYC marathon, when do they do the lottery?

Good morning,

Today we did CL #243 In the Ring. I liked the workout except all the "wooing":rolleyes:

Debbie- glad you had fun shopping with your SIL. I would have counted walking around as a workout too. Good for you.

Kirstin - I prefer working out in the morning. Glad your dad is doing well. They have a lottery at the Army 10 miler too. Good luck, I hope you get in. I used to run in this cold now I am a wimp, lol. Great job with your runs and CF.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Crossfit workout today. I back squatted 115#. Never did I ever think I would break 100#. It was heavy, but I did it.

After squats, we did 3 rounds of the following: 15 calorie assault bike, 100 foot walking lunges (I used 15# dumbbells) and the 200 single under jump ropes. I finished in just under 20 minutes. Not bad for a Monday workout! I am hoping to run tomorrow, but I have a stupid meeting after school. . . again. . . and by the time I get home it will be dark out. Not sure if I want to run in the dark or not. . . probably not.

Deb- the lottery results are announced in February, I believe. I have a ton of Christmas shopping left to do. DH and I plan on going this weekend after we get paid. I am also going to take my dad out shopping one night next week.

Belinda- Sunday's run was cold, but it was a good, brisk cold. . . not a miserable, windy cold.



Today I did Slide and Glide, fun workout! Christmas is coming too quickly. We have rain the next couple of days:(

Belinda - Did they use punching bags in the workout? LOL on the wooing.

Kristin - You did a lot and pushed a lot of weight in a short workout, kudos! Each year I think it’s great that you get your shopping done in a day or two:)

Good morning,

CL # 274 Power legs is done. Not bad! I did all the high impact jumps on my rebounder. That thing comes in handy, lol. I also did SBF D23 TTT UB Sleek. My friend has to go back to DC on Thursday :( Tomorrow will be my last day doing CL. I probably will sign up soon. Like the workouts and lots of variety.

Debbie - yes, at one point they used the bag. Cathe demonstrated the punches without a bag. The workout was fun minus the wooing, lol. I hear you on Christmas. I haven't put up xmas decorations yet, lol.

Kirstin - right now the weather isn't too bad for running. You are sure getting some good runs and CF in. Holy Crap on our CF workout :) You are in breast mode, lol.

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today I did a treadmill workout tomorrow back to the October rotation. Last minute we went to get our tree since it wasn’t too cold :) We won’t decorate till the weekend.

Belinda - There is a lot of variety with the Live workouts. I shouldn’t have given my rebounder away years ago.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

#213 Ready,Step,Set = 44 min is done. LOVED IT! The combos were really fun. The music was pretty good too. I will buy this one when Cathe has her 40% off sale again. Loved it.

Debbie - I will defiantly sign up for CL at one point. Too many people having problems with the site. I wait until they figuring out what's going on. My rebounder is my most used equipment besides my weights. I am glad I got it.

Kirstin - hope you having a great day.

I will be back later for more personals.
Hey guys.

Yesterday was a rest day for me. DH is in California for work and I am playing single mom. Yesterday I had a long, boring, meaningless meeting after school. Then I had to rush home to make dinner and do the homework. Today I went for a run. I only was able to get three miles in because it started to get dark, but at least it is something, right?

I have so much shopping to do. I am hoping to get it done this weekend. I am beyond burnt out at work. I cannot wait for this break to "reset".

Belinda- I am glad you are liking the new workouts. How's the music in this set? I haven't been a fan of the music the last few series.

Deb- I love to powershop!


Kirstin - I don't have the new workouts yet. They suppose to come around the 17th maybe before xmas. I did a few Cathe Live workouts with my friend. The step workout I did today was from her live streaming. I haven't signed up for Cathe Live yet. It's fun to break it up a little. Sorry about the burnout. I hope you get a break soon and get all your shopping done. Great job on your run.

Debbie - hope you had a great workout today. How is your eye doing?

Today I did ICE Metabolic Total Body, one of my favorites. The malls haven't been too busy but they say the weekends are crazy.

Belinda - I have not looked at the prices for the downloads will have to check it out during the next sale.

Kristin - It must be tough when you are a single parent when DH is away. Kudos on getting a run in. The stores have told me mornings are best on the weekends.

Good morning,

Back to working out with my dvd's :( Today I did Core Max Seg.3 and a 2 mile walk. My knee has been bordering me since I did the step workout yesterday, I try not to push it. I still think the step workout I did yesterday was a lot of fun.

Debbie - how are your eye doing? If Cathe sells the downloads for 40% off, they downloads around $6. Not bad, IMO! They do take up a lot of space on your PC.

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today.

I will be back later with more personals.

Today I did a treadmill workout, rotation was cycling or cardio of your choice. Today would have been my FILs 80th Birthday so it was a sad day.

Belinda - That it a good price, I have an external hard drive I use for downloads. It was nice that you were able to sample the Live workouts. My eye is 80% better, not too noticeable ;)

Waves hi to Kristin

Goodnight :)
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Good morning,

I did a Leslie Swanson 4 mile walk this morning. Keeping light until Monday. Knee is still bordering me. Funny walking doesn't hurt, except if I do turns. Weird!

Debbie - I will let you know when I see Cathe's next download sale :) I use an external hard drive for my downloads too. I have talked about the subject with my son on TG. He said sometimes the external hard drive can stop playing/or you get a virus on it. He recommended I use iCloud to store all my downloads/pictures a.s.o. Most business companies use iCloud or something similar to back up their work. Alesia owns her own Marketing/PR company we pack everything up. You also could use Google Drive to store your downloads. I believe this one is free. I have some Cathe downloads on Google Drive on my iPhone.

I will be back later.

Today I took a yoga class. I also had my haircut with really needed it. My DH is getting sick, hopefully I don't catch it.

Belinda - Thank you for the information about storage, I never even thought about a virus. I will look into other options as well. I hope your knee feels better, but good that it doesn't hurt during your walk workout.

Kristin - It hasn't been really good running weather. Enjoy your weekend shopping!

Have a great weekend!
Good morning,

This morning I walk 2 mile. I probably will do another mile later today to get my steps in.

Debbie - you are welcome. I am not saying anything will happen to your hard drive. Just make sure you pack everything up to another storage just in case. I had my hard drive for years, it's still working. I just hate to lose all my download especially Cathe's and all my pictures. I have workout downloads from other instructors if I lose for any reason they will replace it. I don't think Cathe will replace lost downloads? Maybe I need to look into it. I hope your DH isn't getting sick. Fingers crossed!

Kirstin - are you done with all your Christmas shopping?

I will be in DC today. See you all tomorrow.

Today I took a rest day. I banged my elbow on the corner of a metal chair and really hurt it. I have been icing it and the swelling is going down. Just so mad at myself for being careless:(

Belinda - You are right I need to have a back up because with technology you never know. The other day I thought I lost all of my notes on my phone but thankfully I figured it out. Have fun in DC:)

Kristin - Do you watch the show "This is Us"?

Good morning,

I did SBF core and walked 2 miles.
Debbie - sorry about your elbow. I hope with lots of icing and resting you will help. Don't be mad at yourself about it. Look at me, I hurt my knee doing step, lol. You never know with technology. Your hard drive can stop working on you...than what?

Kirstin - how are you doing?

Have a great Sunday, everyone.
Hey guys. Thursday and Friday I went to CF. We did some tough workouts. I front-squatted 100#, which I am very proud of. Friday night was our CF Christmas party. Food and margaritas were included! It was a lot of fun. Yesterday DH and I powershopped. We were shopping from 8 in the morning to the 5 in the afternoon. I was a bit hungover too, but we got the majority of our list done. I am going to take my dad out shopping one day this week just to get my DH his presents.

Today I ran with a group that I ran with once before. The women in the group are very fast. We did one 9.5 mile loop and I was able to keep up with them the whole way. My pace was 9'11 a mile. Not too bad and that was with a crazy headwind the second half of the run. On top of that, my period will be here any minute now.

I have definitely become a better runner this year. Starting to think about 2020 goals and what races I would want to do.

Deb- I have never watched the show "This is Us". Everyone raves about it. I just never got into it. These days I am watching my favorite Christmas movies over and over again.

Belinda- I use Google Drive for my Google docs and slides. I never realized that you can use it for other types of online materials such as donwloaded videos. That is good to know for sure.



Today was Butt’s & Guts. I also prepared my Christmas sauce which was a relief to have done.

Belinda - I hope your knee is feeling better. It’s good that you can walk :) The icing and taking a vitamin for inflammation Is helping.

Kristin - You fit in a lot this weekend! That is nice that they have a CF party. Do the other runners do marathons too? I watched Christmas movies while I cooked today, helped the time go by quicker.


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