Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Here is the cake I made. Everyone got a good laugh at my truffles :p I made mine the size of a Italian meatballs, lol.


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Today I took a yoga class. A few people are asking what we will do when our favorite yoga instructor leaves for Hawaii in January. My eye is improving slowly but keeping my fingers crossed it speeds up.

Belinda - Sorry about your migraine:( I hope you feel better. Your cake looks awesome!! I thought the truffles were dinner rolls LOL. Looks like your set for Thanksgiving. I need to google the bakery.

Kristin - I'm excited to hear how the race goes:)

Have a great weekend!
Good morning,

Today DH and I worked biceps. We did our own thing, picked a few exercises and went high reps 16-20 reps. Biceps are on fire. I also did SBF Active Stretch.

Debbie - thank you :) I relaxed and got a good night sleep. Still having chills. I am taking some meds. Hopeful I can get a handle on this myself. I am so glad your eye is improving. Wishing you a speedy recovery. What are you guys planning for your yoga instructor?

Kirstin - miss you, girl!

I will be back later.

Today I did Tri-sets Lower Body. I started my food shopping for Thanksgiving and have a turkey, still need to get more things next week.

Belinda - Nice workout with your DH:) Migraines are tough so hopefully it gets better soon. I'm thinking of doing something on my own for my yoga instructor since she is a family friend and lived next to us for so many years. I just not sure what.

Kristin - Wishing you good luck! Also enjoy your time in Philly:) Hopefully the weather will be ok for you.

Good evening,

Today I walked outside with the dog and did SBF stretching,

Debbie . how are you feeling today? Great job on the Tri-set LB. I think that's a great idea you doing something on your own for your yoga teacher.

Kirstin - good luck with your race.

Good night everyone.

Today I did Tri-sets upper body. I was so tired today because the weather was dreary. I'm looking forward to warmer days this week.

Belinda - My eye is at staying the same but I still have 7 days of meds to take. I am happy that it isn't getting worse. The stretching sounds good:)

Kristin - Looking forward to hear how the race was:)

Good morning,

This morning I did SBF Leg Work using Barre moves = 30 min. This week I only will do barre and walk. My sinus is still bordering me, I think the meds are finally kicking in. Will take it easy this week. I will go for another walk outside later.

Debbie - great job on your Tric upper body. I hear you on being tired, it was very dreary here too. I hope you starting to feel better with your eyes.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

Have a great Monday, everyone.
Hey guys,

I got home a couple of hours ago. I still cannot believe after all these months of training, I ran the Philadelphia marathon. It rained and it was windy. . . but I had trained for those conditions, hadn't I? I ran my heart out. Kept a really good pace for the first 18-20 miles, started to slow down a bit at the turnaround at mile 20. A part of me was begging myself to stop, to walk to take a break. I almost gave in to it a few times, especially when people around me started to walk, but I knew I would be mad at myself if I did. I stayed strong, and told myself I could slow down, but I couldn't stop or walk. My legs were hurting, my mind was freaking out because my watch was saying I was ahead of the mile markers. For example, when I crossed the mile 23-mile marker, my watch said I was at 23.5, and that screwed with my mind. Was my watch wrong or was the course wrong? Am I running an extra half a mile in this thing? Lol. Mile 24-26 the crowds were incredible. Our bibs had our names on them and people must've seen I was struggling because so many people said, "You've got this, Kristin. . . You're almost there, Kristin. . . Keep going, Kristin." I needed that boost. Two minutes after I crossed the finish line, it started to pour hard. I was glad I finished when I did. my time was 4:16:03.8. I beat my original goals of 4:30 and 4:20. . . came so close to 4:15, but considering the weather conditions, I am damn proud of that time. I took off 33 minutes from my last full marathon and I PR'd. Next time, I'll get lower ;).

Some other highlights were that I got to meet Meb Keflizighi. I read his books over the summer and drew so much inspiration from them. I went to his seminar, which was at the marathon expo and then got to meet him at the meet and greet. I got to tell him how happy I was to meet him and how he inspired me through his books. He signed my book and hugged me, and wanted to meet my family. Then at the marathon, he was at mile 14 giving out high fives. I was so surprised and happy to see him, it gave me such a boost. At around mile 19, someone on the street was playing music. It was Celia Cruz, one of my aunt's favorites (the one that died in September), I cried a little and kept trucking along. Even though it was pouring rain, when I got to meet up with my husband and boys, they were all smiling and both my boys told me that they were proud of me. It was a great experience overall, despite the weather. As I said, I am glad I ran in bad weather during training. It prepared me for this race. During the race when the wind picked up, I told myself, "You've done this before, you've got this." Sometimes, I would tuck in behind runners in front of me, so that they would block the wind a bit. I learned that trick when I was on track in high school, lol.

I'm still on a runner's high. My legs are beyond sore. It hurts to walk, to go up and down the stairs. . . After the rain cleared, we walked back to the Rocky statue to take pics. On top of the marathon running, I walked an additional 6 miles after, lol. Tomorrow I go back to work. I am hoping my legs are a little better.

I am probably not going to be working out this week. Depends on how I feel. Maybe I will do a Crossfit workout after Thanksgiving or a short, slow recovery run.

I will be back tomorrow to catch up on personals!


Today I did All Out Impact Hiit. This week is already flying by LOL. It was a really nice day with the sun out:)

Belinda - Barre sounds fun, I hope your sinus's feel better. I'm ready to call the eye Dr. and see what they suggest because my eye is staying the same:(

Kristin - I loved the story of your race! It brought happy tears to me. You should save your story so you never forget. I see why your family was so proud of you. The weather was brutal to be in yesterday, but to run a marathon and get your time, simply amazing!! I liked the parts when you met Meb and hearing your Aunt's song. Wow, I would never think the crowds would call your name and cheer you on. You are an inspiration!

Good morning,

SBF D9 Upper Body 3 is done. The workout was standing upper body. My shoulders are about to fall off, lol.

Debbie - it's a good idea to see your doctor about your eyes. Hope you feel better soon.

Kirstin - what a wonderful story :) You should be so proud of yourself. I am sure your family is too. What an amazing time considering the weather you had to deal with. High fives! Glad you had such a great experience and the crowed cheered you on. Get some rest you deserve it.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today.

Today was a rest day for the rotation, but decided to do a treadmill workout because not sure what will be for the next couple of days.

Belinda - I was able to get an eye Dr. appointment for next week to see what she thinks. It's a nice when you feel like you really worked a body part;)

Kristin - I hope you are getting the rest that you need:)

Good morning,

SBF D10 Barre Hiit = 27 min is done. In-between lower body barre she did 1 min intervals, all where low impact. I will try to go for a walk later. I also did some leg ext./curls/ leg abductions/squats w/calve raises/15-20 reps/3 sets.

Debbie - glad you made an appointment. I hope your feel better soon. Nice job on the treadmill yesterday.

Kirstin - what are your plans for tomorrow?

Wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. I will workout tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving:)

Today I took a rest day, it was clean max & cook max for me;)

Belinda - Today was a beautiful day for a walk! Are you staying home or going to DC for Thanksgiving?

Kristin - How are you feeling?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone,

This morning I did SBF Upper Body 5 with DD. It was a lot of planks and shoulder in this one. Than we did Bring Sally Up Thighs. After that I hit heavier weights working my shoulders & abs.

I am beat from cooking all day long. We all decided to go out to eat next year instead cooking all day long,
lol.Time to relax.

Debbie - it was beautiful yesterday, we ended up taking all 5 dogs for a walk yesterday. We stayed home and did TG here. Christmas we will be in DC. How about you?

Hi Kirstin!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I took another rest day. I'm exhausted from cooking all day. I also didn't sleep well last night. My turkey cooked so fast an hour earlier, I used a thermometer to make sure it was right temperature.

Belinda - I could see why you would want to go out next year LOL. Kudos on getting your workouts in:) We will be home for both holidays. I'm sure all 5 dogs enjoyed the walk.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

SBF Gratitude 2019 D12 LB Mixed Cardio plus standing abs is done.

Debbie - smart taking another rest day. I worked out during cooking, lol. My turkey was done faster than usually too. Like you I checked and it was at the right temperature. My DIL can't eat gluten, dairy and all kinds of different things, We had to cook regular and we cooked for her. Everything came out so good. DIL really liked the food too. That was a challenge, lol.

Hi Kirstin!

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. BBL!

Today I took a yoga class. It was crowded;) We are expecting snow Sunday/Monday.

Belinda - Nice workout! My SIL has a future DIL who is gluten free and it is a challenge. She rarely eats anything when we are together. My SIL says strangely she eats Chick a Fila:confused:

Kristin - I bet you were able to eat anything this Thanksgiving!

Have a great weekend:)
Hi everyone,

Today I did SBF Abs on the wall + Relaxation Stretch.

Debbie - it's hard for DIL to eat regular food. I wanted her to eat and enjoy TG, the food turned out amazing. DIL eats Chick a Fila too :)

Kirstin - how are you doing?

Hi guys. It's been a pretty crappy week. After getting home on Monday, my dad was complaining about stomach pains Monday night. He asked my husband to take him to urgent care. Urgent care insisted he go to the ER. Turns out he needed to get his gall bladder removed. He spent Thanksgiving in the hospital. I have been trying to recover from the race, be there for my dad and go visit my mom because my dad cannot go see her every day like he normally does. . . I slept over there last night and plan on sleeping there tonight after I go to see my mom. Anyway. . . it has been a whirlwind.

On a positive note, I am recovered from the marathon and still feeling a high from the experience. I actually ran today, 4 miles. I had planned on taking it easy, but ended up going at a faster than expected pace.

I will be back with personals tomorrow.

Kirstin - I am so sorry about your crapy week and your dad :( Wishing your dad a speedy recovery. Glad to hear your recovered quickly from the race. Keep us posted on your dad! Hope you get a break soon.

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