Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good evening,

We are home again. We had a lot of fun the last 4 day's. DD had a lot of fun on her bday.

Debbie - wow, had no idea step is making a comeback. I remember the first time I took a step class was on a wooden step. Back then I owned a wooden step. Gin Miller came out with the Rebook step, of course I had to have one. I still have my original Rebook step, lol. I don't do step as much as I used to do, my PF starts acting up if I do a lot of step.

Kirstin - congrats on your run today. You are defiantly ready for your race. Take lots of pictures on the Rocky statues. Good luck with your race, girl! You got this!!

Good night.

Today we took a long walk on the beach. We met a young couple in the building who are on their honeymoon so cute :)

Belinda - You must be having a nice time in DC.

Kristin - You will do great at the race, you have trained hard! A cool place to take a picture. A few weeks ago Sylvester Stallone was in our town having dinner in various restaurants. He ate at our favorite Italian restaurant the night before we were there. They said he is so nice.

Goodnight :)
Good morning,

Slide & Glide and SBF Standing Weights for UB w/Cross Lateral Seat work is done.

Debbie - I sure did had a great time. Hope you do as well.

Hi to everyone that checks in after.

Today was a long walk on the beach. I need to get a weight workout in tomorrow.

Belinda - I didn’t see your post, happy you had a nice time with DD. I never heard of a wooden step. It sounds interesting! My 1st one was Reebok step and I still have it:eek:

Kristin - I regret not getting a Phili Cheesesteak. My 1st time in Philadelphia was on a 6th grade school trip too:)

Good morning,

ICE Metabolic Total Body plus SBF TB barre is done.

Debbie - when step first came out, they didn't had steps in the gym on base in Germany. So they had wooden steps instead. I guess there where a demand on Rebook steps? I bought my Rebook step in Germany, it was very expensive I remember. I had that wooden step for years, got rid of it after I bought the Rebook step. I actually have 2 Rebook steps, one gray/one multi color The Step, a small step and a high step. I have enough steps to open up a gym, lol. I used to use my smaller step in the RV. I use both The Steps when DH and I workout in the gym. I haven't used any of the Rebook steps in years, I stored them away. I don't want to get rid of them in case I need a new step.

Kirstin - good luck, with your upcoming race! You got this!

I will try to be back later. If not, tomorrow.

Today I did an upper body workout and walk on the beach.

Belinda - That is interesting about the step. I actually have a small step here in Florida that is buried in a closet LOL. I forgot about it until you mentioned it. When we were driving to Florida we saw so many beautiful RVs.

Waves hi to Kristin :)

Goodnight ;)
Good morning,

I forgot to mention I started week 3 of Cathe's October rotation. Today she had a bike workout (or solid cardio) scheduled. I wasn't in the mood to do step again, I pulled out my Turbo Fire 60. I am still sweating like crazy. I followed the modifier for the most part, I also did the Fire on my Rebounder. I burned over 600 calories. I guess, I really got into the workout :D I can't remember the last time I burned that many calories in a workout? Those workouts are so much fun!

Debbie - yeah, on the upper body and walk on the beach. Do you carry weights with you? You are welcome about the step :) Sometimes I forget what I have too.

Have a great workout and day, everyone!

Today I did abs, calves and long walk on the beach. We have a few more days left heard we may have snow when we get back:oops:

Belinda - Great calorie burner! I haven’t done those workouts in awhile, they are so much fun:) Through the years I have bought weights and leave them at the condo.

Kristin - I was wondering if they still give off for Veterans Day?

Goodnight :)
Good morning,

Butt & Guts plus ab is done. I am debating if I want to continue with Cathe's rotation or do something different?

Debbie - TF workouts are lot of fun and the music is amazing, IMO! Good for you having weights at the condo. Nice mix of workouts yesterday.

Kirstin - when is your race?

I will try to check in later. Have a great workout, everyone.
Hey guys. Staying on top of my training even though I am starting my tapering. Tuesday I ran five miles with a 9:26 average pace. I also went to CF. Yesterday I went to CF and I deadlifted. . . 190# !!!!! I was so happy. That was a PR for me. Today I ran a five-mile tempo run with a 9:03 pace, my mile splits were good: 9:24, 9:21, 8:56, 8:48, 8:44. . . I am feeling strong and confident.

Belinda- the race is November 24th. . . less than three weeks to go. I am excited and nervous at the same time.

Deb- yes, we are off on Monday, which I am soooo looking forward to, lol. I don't like cheese, except on pizza, so I won't be getting a Philly cheesesteak. I have given up alcohol entirely this last month of training. Looking forward to celebrating after with a big pretzel and a beer, lol.



Today I did a long walk. It is getting more crowded, we leave on Saturday so enjoying the last couple of days.

Belinda - Did you take classes at DDs gym or your own thing? Butts and Guts nice workout :)

Kristin - It’s interesting how they have you taper off on your runs. Not drinking a month before race should help you out. Kudos on getting 190 for deadlifts!!

Good morning,

Ramped Up Upper Body is done.

Debbie - enjoy your last few day's of sunshine. It's cold here.

Kirstin - impressive weights and no alcohol for a month! WTG, on your runs. How long have you been doing CF? I can't remember.

We are painting bedrooms. Gotta run. BBL!

We did a long walk, cleaned and now I'm back home:) It felt good to feel the crisp air but I'm sure by tomorrow when I have to bundle up I might not feel that way;)

Belinda - Great job with your workouts!! I love that you and DH are a DIYer's:) DH and I aren't very good at that stuff.

Kristin - I know this is a silly question but does the race go on if their is a snowstorm?

Hey guys. Got in 8 miles yesterday, 12 miles today. Now is the real taper. My longest run this week will be 8 miles and my shortest will be 4. I am only running 4X this week. 4 miles, 6 miles, 4 miles, 8 miles. That's a lot less than what I have been doing all this time. I hope it pays off. My marathon is officially 14 days away!

Deb- the marathon happens regardless of the weather. . . unless there is a blizzard, I suppose. Today and yesterday it was very cold out for my runs, but I warmed up fine as the miles ticked along. I'd much rather run in the cold than in the heat.

Belinda- I've been at CF for a year now. My DH has only been going for two months and he is seeing such changes in his body. Me. . . I feel like I stay the same. Probably due to my diet or lack thereof, lol.


Good evening,

I did a relaxation/destress stretch w/SBF this morning. Today's my husband birthday. My kids are here this weekend. My son has a new puppy a Golden Retriever she is a hand full. We put down a puppy pads, she goes potty on those. Smart little dog :)

Debbie - I am sure you are cold compared to FL. Actually it was very nice today. It's so expensive if I would have to pay someone to do something around the house. Painting rooms is easy and cheap, lol.

Kirstin - I can't believe you been doing CF for a year already. Time flies! I hear you on the diet, I feel the same way.

Good night, everyone.

Today I took a rest day but ran a bunch of errands and tried to catch up with cleaning.

Belinda - Happy Birthday to your DH. I love puppies but they are a handful:)

Kristin - I’m sure it must feel better in cooler temps to run, actually November must be one of the better months to race in. I bet you just don’t see the changes, easier to see in another person.

Good morning,

Afterburn is done.

Debbie - thank you! We had a lot of fun this weekend. The puppy is a handful. She is a cutie.

I will be back later.

Today I did an upper body workout. I tried to do a Cathe Live but the screen was black. I did updates that were needed on my ipad so hopefully tomorrow it will work. We went to go see my Mom today because she had surgery on her finger.

Belinda - Happy you had a lot of fun!!

Kristin - I hope you enjoyed your day off:)

Good morning,

Today I did STS TB. Had a great workout.

Debbie - sorry about the screen was black. I hope you got it fixed.

Hi Kirstin!

I will be back later.

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