Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Had to cancel my appointment for this morning, I forgot I already had another appointment scheduled. I couldn't reschedule the one I have for today. Back to Friday appointment with my finger. Hoping the swelling goes down by Friday.

Yesterday I saw saw my Orthodontist. I have been waiting for Refinements (those are tray's that will correct everything that the original sets of tray's didn't do) for 2 month (wore the same set of tray's for the last 2 month). She took off all my attachments and put new ones one. Some of my teeth have 2 attachments instead of one. It's something I have to get used too, it's harder to get my tray's in and out. My bite has been off for month, I told my Ortho month ago my teeth all the sudden don't align. I had trouble chewing food. If all goes well, my Ortho thinks I will be done in 6 month. I am so glad when this is over. I am counting down :)

Debbie - Alesia is taking her dog back too the vet. She is so scared she ask me to come along. Of course, I couldn't say no. I will see the doc for my finger Friday. I am hoping the swelling will go down. It has to go down.

Kirstin - I can't believe your race is just around the corner? I am so excited for you. You defiantly are ready. Yes, we are back from Hawaii. We had a blast even with the infected finger.

I have to get ready for an appointment. I will be back later.
I finally got a 45 min walk in. I also caught up on all my work. Glad that's done.

The appointment for DD's dog went well. He has a heart condition. The vet said overtime his condition will worsen :( The vet wants to see him in 3 month again to see how he is doing on the meds. At least for now he is a happy and active dog. I have to take my dog on Friday to the same vet :) He needs a check up.

I will be back tomorrow.

Yesterday I finally finished September's rotation. Today I did X-train legs. The rain wasn't too bad, but the wind is, hopefully our electric stays on.

Belinda - I'm sorry about your DD's dog, but your right at least for now he is happy and active. I hope the Dr.'s get it wrong and he will be ok. Six months for your teeth isn't too bad, easy for me to say:oops: I can see why you changed your appointment.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

I first I started out with Ilaria Bodystrikes 6. She did a lot of bunching. Had to stop. Pop in Bodystrike 1, it was all lower body except a few exercises. I modified I few exercises. Thanks Jolie for the recommendation :)

Debbie - thank you :) I hope too that the Dr is wrong. LOL, I thought I was done with Invisalign in September. Hopefully I will be done in 6 month, lol. Congrats, on finishing the September rotation. I looked at the October one, it looks great. I hope I can start that one soon.

Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Today I did X-train Supercuts. Tomorrow we are planning to go upstate NY to see the fall foliage.

Belinda - I haven’t done Bodystrikes in a long time but remember liking them. I thought the October rotation looked really good too :) Good Luck tomorrow with your Dr. appointment.

Kristin - It must have been tough running weather with all the wind.

Hi everyone,

I am back from the doctor. I had the appointment with a different doctor, had to cancel than reschedule too many times. Anyway, she was a little concerned about the infection in my finger, but didn't wanted me to take more antibiotics (I already had 2 rounds) since the infection didn't clear up. She wants me to use a different antibiotics ointment. I still have too keep my finger covered and soak it a few times a day. The swelling in my finger went down a little. I hope with the antibiotoc ointment it will go down even more. If it doesn't clear up/or get worse/red line going up my finger I have to get hospitalized. I hope it will not come to this. I did ask about MRSA/STAF, she did explained both and what to look out for. She doesn't think had it. I have non of the sign/syndromes. Thank goodness! I also got the Flu shot today. She also wanted me to get the Shingles Vaccine? I have to read up on it, I don't know anything about it. Who got the Shingles Vaccine?

Today I did Cathe Live Barre with weight. My friend come over to visit. We dictated to workout out a little.

Debbie - I do like Bodystrike. They are a lot of fun.

I will get my workout in. BBL!
Hey guys. It's been another crazy week. I went to CF Wednesday. The workout was hard, but I got through it. Then we had a storm Wednesday night. . . woke up to no power Thursday. I went to work and put my make-up on there because it was pitch-black dark in my house besides my iphone flashlight and the few candles we had to burn. Thursday was a rest day. I ran a little over 9 miles yesterday and then did a 3 mile recovery run today. Tomorrow is my 2nd 20 mile long run. I plan on eating pasta and garlic bread and going to bed early.

Belinda- I cannot believe your finger is still not better! I am glad that it is not MRSA or STAF. My mom got shingles when she was in her 50s. She had the chicken pox as a kid and I believe those who had the chicken pox as kids are more likely to get shingles. It was not pleasant when she had it. I remember that much.

Deb- I hate running in the wind. . . I'd rather run in rain and snow than wind, to be honest. Something about the wind really messes with my mental grit. It wears me down. . . makes me feel slower. . . and tired. It was still a little windy today. I am hoping that when I am in Philly it is not windy. . . however, on the flipside, I will be prepared for it because I've been dealing with wind on and off this last few weeks.



Yesterday we went upstate NYC and hiked trails and saw waterfalls and fall foliage. We stayed overnight did a little more hiking today. The waterfalls were running strong because of the recent rainstorm.

Belinda - I'm sorry about your finger. I was wondering if they might hospitalize you to give you meds by IV, hopefully not. I don't know much about shingles or the vaccine but have heard it is very painful if you get shingles.

Kristin - I don't think we are ever prepared when the electric goes out. I do appreciate it more when that happens. Kudos on getting your runs in with the weather. Garlic bread and pasta sounds yummy:)

Today I did my second 20-mile long run. The loop I run is approximately 9.2 miles. When I finished the second loop, I wanted to call it a day, but I forced myself to finish the 1.5 miles I had left. I am glad I did. My pace was 9:38 a mile, a little slower than the last time. I think the hills on the loop slow me down. Luckily in Philly there is one main "hill" the rest is pretty flat.

Deb- your day upstate sounds lovely. I would love to do that one day. Did you go to a state park or a specific place I would know?

Belinda- how is your finger doing?



Today I took a rest day. I cooked and trying to get caught up with housework. I'm not sure if I told you but last minute we decided to take a trip to Florida. Since we are driving, I will be going to the Daytona RT. My DH really needs to get away so much on his shoulders.

Belinda - I hope all is well with you.

Kristin - It's good that you are practicing with hills, it will make the hill in the race easier for you. We go to an area my family has been going since my Mom was pregnant with me:eek: The placed we stayed in for years was bought and has a NYC vibe now. There is a place next door that has the old fashion feel (think 50's) and we go there now. We do visit the old place too, the people are nice. In that area there are lots of hidden water falls on trails some of the places have maps. We know them well from going each year but I don't think you would have a problem finding them because now they have signs in the woods, years ago they didn't.
We went to Watkins Glen Park this summer and that is a free State Park with 19 beautiful water falls on one trail (not hidden) with lots of steps which is really nice too.

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I took a rest day. Today I started Cathe Oct rotation. I went very lite with the weights and didn't use my index finger to hold the DB. Since I went lighter it worked out perfectly. I also had to modify here and there so I didn't put pressure/or touch my finger. I am not holding the DB with my index finger, lol. I am going stir crazy, had to start getting a workout in. I will keep the weights light and not use my finger. The infection went down on my finger a little, the antibiotic cream seems to help. I still have to keep my finger covered which is getting frustrating at this point.

Debbie - good for you and your husband going to FL. When is the RT? Sorry to hear he has a lot on his shoulder.

Kirstin - you are doing amazing with your runs. You are ready for your race. My mom had shingles too. I remember it wasn't fun. I actually had to look up what shingles is in German, lol.

See you all tomorrow.

Today I did ICE shoulders and added abs & some leg exercises. I will start the October rotation when I come back from Florida.

Belinda - I'm happy the antibiotic cream is helping a little. It's good that your modifications are working and you can workout:) It must be frustrating to have your finger bandaged but if it helps will be worth it. The RT is on Friday.

Kristin - After Halloween your race will be so close:)

Good morning,

Total Body Giant Sets is done. I used my weighted vest for the lower body to add more weights.

Debbie - I am glad the cream is helping too. I am getting tired of this. I can't crip my index finger around the DB, I make it work, lol. WOW, the RT is just around the corner. Are you excited? So far I like the October rotation.

Hi Kirstin! Good luck with your race! You got this :)

See you all tomorrow.

Today I did a treadmill workout. I'm excited about the RT and Florida but between helping DH and trying to get all my work in, don't think I'll be relaxed till I'm in the car.

Belinda - You always figure it out:) I remember a few years ago when you had back issues but still found a way to workout;)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good evening,

I totally forgot to post my workout for today. I did Yvette Bachman 45 Min step workout. Fun workout.

Debbie - thank you for your kind words :) After 3 weeks not working out I had to came up with something, lol. Yeah, I did figure out what to do when I injured my back. Working out makes me feel better. I hope you have a stress free day's until the RT. Enjoy the RT. Do you share a room with others?

Kirstin - how are your runs doing? Your race is coming up soon.

Good night.

Today I wa running around and at times actually running. I am driving down with my DH tomorrow and will be in Daytona on Friday. I’m looking forward to relaxing after the RT, the last couple of months feel like a blur.

Belinda - You have some unique step workouts some I have never heard of. I would share a room with someone but since it is on our way DH just stays the 2 days.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Tri Sets Lower Body is done.

Debbie - lol. you looking forward to relaxing at the RT :p That's funny! You probably needed it. Enjoy every minute. Please, tell Cathe Hi from me! I enjoy doing her monthly rotations lately.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

I will be back later.
Hey guys. I've been steadily logging miles this week. Tuesday it was rainy. I went for a run, but only did one mile and came back. I needed to rest. Wednesday I got 6 miles in. Today I ran 5 and then went to CF. We did EMOM (every minute on the minute) workout. 5 rounds- 1min bike, 1 min v-up sit-ups, 1 min jump rope, 1 minute of step-ups. It was a good workout.

Work is crazy. Every time I think I am getting my head above water, I am drowning in more paperwork and meetings. Useless meetings. . . meetings about future meetings. . . it is unbearable. Next week I am supposed to have a department meeting. She keeps us late with things that easily be in an email. I am actually thinking about taking a 1/2 day just to avoid that meeting, lol.

Belinda- is your finger getting better?

Deb- so excited for you to be going to the Daytona RT. You went to the first Daytona RT too, right? It is probably so warm and beautiful there.



Went to see my doc this morning. He said my finger is healing. It looks worth than it is, lol. I still have to keep my finger covered up. My skin fell off around my index finger. I have to wait until it grows back. The swelling is completely down. Finger is still looks red/blue, which should go away soon. He wants me to stop using the antibiotics cream, use a different one to help the skin grow back on my finger. I am hoping in a few day's my finger is as good as new :p I still can't my finger wet.

Today I did Tri Sets Upper Body and SBF Outer Tights.

Debbie - have lots of fun at the RT. Enjoy the warm weather too. It's cold here.

Kirstin - sounds like you have a lot of meetings. I hope your load will lighten up soon. Glad you keep up with all your miles.

Have a great evening, everyone.

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