Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

FitSplit Boxing BootCamp is done.

Gotta run. Have lots to catch up too before I leave Saturday. I will be back later with personals.
back with personals: been working, house is clean, doing laundry now. All I have to do tomorrow is pack my suitcase, which I already started weeks ago.

Debbie- me too! The weather is unpredictable. How are you liking the rotation so far? I am almost done, I really enjoyed it with all the different series.

Kirstin - I guess, I was right after all about Cathe already filming. She is done filming. She posted pic on FB/OF no Cedie, Amanda or the others. Your calorie burn is amazing. Keep up the good job.

My lower back is bordering me. I think it happened when I was cleaning my gym floor. Been babying all day long with heat.
Hey guys. Mid-week mid-length run all done. I did 8.5 miles. I was going for 9 but it got dark out earlier than I anticipated. I am going to have to start these runs earlier and earlier.

I am excited for the concert tomorrow!

Belinda- A few years ago I would have been very excited for new step videos. Funny how things change. I didn't see the pic. I will check it out.

Deb- The only two Joan Jett songs I know are I love Rock n Roll and I Hate Myself for Loving You. I am excited though. It should be fun. It is at Jones Beach and the weather is going to be great.



Today I did RWH Low Impact Hiit 2. I'm saving abs for tomorrow. My FIL took a few steps back, he has an pneumonia:(

Belinda - Are you going to Hawaii? Kudos on getting everything done today:) I hope your back feels better. I will still be doing the September rotation the 1st week of October since I started late.

Kristin - Great run today:) It makes me sad that it gets dark earlier:( My friends and I talked about going to a concert at Jones Beach this summer but we didn't get it together.

Good morning,

Lite Strong Body Stacked Sets Upper is done. If I have time today I will do tomorrows workout as well. I want to finish the September rotation before Saturday.

Debbie - yes, I am flying to Hawaii on Saturday. Not looking forward to the 16 hour flight. I hope I can finish the September rotation by Saturday. Not sure, what I will do next week? Great job yesterday.

Kirstin - I hear you...a few years ago I was very excited about getting new dvd's. I am still waiting for clips on the new workouts. Besides a few Live workouts I haven't bought anything in years. Her workouts are not the same without Cedie, Amanda. Some of the crew just don't motivate me like the old crew did. Not sure why? Great run yesterday.


Today I did Gym Styles Chest & Tri's. I'm looking forward to the weekend:)

Belinda - The flight is the hardest thing about going to Hawaii. Once you are there you will see so many beautiful sights:) Hopefully your hotel will have a gym or sightseeing can count as your workouts.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Yesterday I did Lite Strong Body Stacked Sets Upper as scheduled on the rotation. I wanted to finish the September rotation before I leave for my vacation. Yesterday I doubled up, also did RWH Plyo HiiT Two plus Bonus Abs Two (it was scheduled for today). Today I Athletic Training which is scheduled for Saturday. I will be flying on Saturday. I am done with the rotation.

Now I need to figure out how to transfer the Cathe Live downloads on my phone.

Debbie - we are staying at a resort in Hawaii. The resort has a huge gym. I been looking up chair yoga on YT I can do on the plane. I tent to get stiff sitting for that long.

I will try to check in later. Been repacking my suitcase :) BBL!

Today I took a yoga class. I just found out my gym is moving to the center of town, which there will be traffic and parking isn't good:(

Belinda - Wow, nice that you did all your workouts for September!! You will be tired for the plane ride which will be good. Great idea for the chair yoga, would never have thought of that:) Have a blast, want to hear all about your trip!

Kristin - Another nice weekend!

Have a great weekend:)

Today I walked on the treadmill, it was a rest day on the rotation. It was also my DH's birthday. We had some bad news DH's godchild's mom passed away yesterday. It was so sad it was his 7th birthday yesterday:(

Belinda - Enjoy your trip:)

Waves hi to Kristin


Today I did 4DS Bootcamp. It was another beautiful day! We we went to dinner for DHs birthday with my sons. We ate outside and it’s hard to believe it will be October in a couple of days.

Belinda & Kristin - I hope you both enjoyed the weekend:cool:

Good evening,

Sorry I didn’t check in yesterday. I was beat from the flight, 11 hours. I had a blasting headache once we ll landed in Honolulu. I feel much better after getting a good night sleep. Today DH and I went to the beach. We spend all day at the beach. We having a blast. It’s so beautiful in Hawaii . After dinner we took a long walk at the beach. I got 20k. Not bad!

Debbie - I am glad I finished the rotation. You are almost done . Good job!

Kirsten- hope all is well.

Good night.

Today I went to my gym before it moves tomorrow. I did the elliptical. I will go back to September rotation.

Belinda - I remember landing after 11 hours and being exhausted, we needed to take a short flight to Kaui and I was sleeping uncomfortably on the airport seating. I thought for sure DH would have to carry me on the plane LOL. 20K is impressive! I’m sure the beaches are beautiful:). Enjoy :cool:

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. I had a blast at the Joan Jett and Heart concert. Took a rest day Friday. I had about 4 hours of sleep the night before, and couldn't move. Saturday I did a 4 mile run. Sunday was a 13 mile run. Monday I went to Crossfit then ran 3 very slow miles. Today I swapped out runs in my training plan to take advantage of my day off and the cooler weather and ran 10 miles. Tomorrow it is supposed to be close to 90 degrees. No way I was running 10 miles after work in that heat, lol. I am getting more and more excited for the marathon, but increasingly nervous as well. I just want to meet my goal, finish strong and try to get between 4:15-4:30. goal A is 4:14, Goal b is 4:22 and goal c is to beat my time of 4:49.

Deb- great job on your workouts. That stinks that the gym is relocating to a less convenient location.

Belinda- enjoy Hawaii! That is a long plane ride, but you got it over with and now you can enjoy the islands!



We were called to the rehab this afternoon, my FIL took a turn for the worse. They call it hospice. We are all together sitting with him but he is sleeping and they are just keeping him comfortable at this point.

Belinda - Is it really hot in Hawaii?

Kristin - Good run, it is supposed to be so hot tomorrow, can see why you don’t want to run. This weather will help you with the marathon, I bet your time will be great!

Goodnight :)
Good evening,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. Been taking/filming a lot on my phone, had very low battery and no chargers. We rented a car today, too see everything. I been posting lots of pictures on Facebook for my family and friends. It’s easier than I send every one pictures. I am getting all my steps each day no exercise count. Have not made it to the gym yet.

Debbie- it’s hot here. Every day there are 5 min showers.

Kirsten- I forget all about the long fight. DH and I enjoy Hawaii.

Tomorrow we are taking a helicopter ride over Hawaii.

Good night.

I took a rest day today. It was a sad/tough day today my FIL passed away. It was so nice to hear how much the nurses liked him. The Dr. said she had a special place in her heart for him. He was liked by a lot of people in his lifetime, he will be missed.

Tomorrow I hope to get back on track with working out and eating better. The services are Sunday/Monday so we have time to get it together.

Belinda - I’ll check out your pictures on fb :) We went on a helicopter ride, scary but worth it for the scenery.

Kristin - How do you like this roller coaster weather:oops: tomorrow 60s!


I did upper body and abs today. I hurt my lower back the night we stayed at the rehab, I was not sitting right, hopefully it heals quickly. My eating was better today but lots of running around to do.

Looking through pictures of my FIL came across our RT pictures it was a nice memory :)

Belinda - I also pictures of our Hawaii trip and thought about you;) i bet your helicopter ride was fun!

Kristin - It must have been nice running weather for you today. I enjoyed it but when the sun wasn’t shining it was cool. I meant to tell you your concert sounded like fun.

Goodnight ;)
Good evening,

Since we arrived in Hawaii I been having a small infection in my finger, woke up this morning my fingers hurt like hell. It was swollen and blue. DH ask me two days ago if I wanted to see doctor, I kept telling him it will go away, well it didn’t. The pain did not stop, I felt my pulse in my finger. I ended up in the ER today. The doc looked at my finger and said we will cut and drain the infection out. She did 3 incisions, it hurt like hell. I am on antibiotics for 10 days, can’t get in the water.

Debbie- I am thinking about your family. I came across some RT pictures awhile ago great memories. Wonder what happened to Cookie.

Kirsten- how are you doing?

Good night.

It has been crazy and trying to get workouts in when I can. I will finish the last week of the September rotation Tuesday. Tomorrow is the wake, which is all day. I did do a treadmill workout today and some planks.

Belinda - I had the same thing happen to me a few years ago. The drainage was the worse part:( but I only had 1 incision. Sorry it happened on vacation too. Hopefully the meds work quickly. I wonder the same thing, I wonder how Cookie is.

Waves hi to Kristin


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