Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. Getting back into the swing of things. I went to Crossfit yesterday. We did Thrusters and pull-ups. I did assisted pull-ups with the band. We had to do rep-sets: 9-12-15-18-21 of each and then run 200 meters in between. Today I ran 4 miles. Tomorrow is my mid-week mid-long run: 9 miles. It is starting to get darker out earlier. I need to start running earlier.

Belinda- I never liked all the plyo moves in RWH. I remember liking the Plyo with the step. That was it. I am not missing the workouts between CF and running. When I see the updates it seems as if a lot has changed, cast and what not. The humidity in Florida was off the charts. We ran slow at 5 in the morning. Between the early time and the heat and humidity, I could not pick up speed. Hey, I got it done.

Deb- I was happy to see my family in Florida and be there for the service. My son, who drives me crazy, can be a sweetheart at times. BTW- I am loving this weather too.



Today I did X-train bi’s & tri’s, I did core in the morning. My niece is getting married on Friday, I have so much running around to do.

Belinda - Your DDs gym does sound awesome so much variety too! You just may be there every weekend;) Plus a pool!!!

Kristin - Your race is soon, right?

Good morning,

Rockout Knockout is done.

Debbie - DD gym is amazing. Great job with your workout.

Kirstin - I hate the plyo jumping too. You are right...lots has changed :( Miss the old crew too. I have a feeling the crew will be the same she used in the last few series. I haven't pre ordered or bought Cathe's workouts in years. They all starting to look the same ...same moves. They started filming. Not sure, why they can't give any updated on the crew?

Off to get some stuff done. BBL
Hey guys. Nine miles done. I was a little slow today. One side of the track was quite windy. Got it done though, before the sun set too. It is going to be hard to get these mid-week longer runs in when we turn the clocks back.

Belinda- They started filming? I must've missed that update.

Deb- my race is November 24, right before Thanksgiving. The wedding should be fun. I love fall weddings.



Today I subbed kickboxing for tabatasize. I wasn’t sure if I would like so did something I was sure of. I need to learn how to sew, my alterations cost as much as my dress for the wedding , TG it wasn’t expensive. Last time I sewed was to get my Girl Scout badge:oops:

Belinda - We both did kickboxing;)

Kristin - For some reason I was thinking September but November will be even better running weather!

Good morning,

Gym Styles Back Biceps Shoulders is done.

Debbie - she puts kickboxing + HiiT each week of the rotation. I didn't care too much about the XTrain kickboxing. I thought the Boxing portion was too short, it was a little over 30 min. Not sure why she added upper body workout at the end. Tabatasize is a tough one. If you like high impact you should give it a try. The music is great in that one. Which Kickboxing workout did you do?

Kirstin - wtg, on your 9 miles. I'll bet it's getting harder getting those long runs in. You are doing an amazing job, girl. Keep it up! I miss running. If you scroll down you see the Cathe's stuff member response: I must misread it, they started rehearsals not filming :( I guess, it was wishful thinking, lol. Sorry about that!

I will be back later. Have a great workout everyone.
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Today I did X-train chest, back & shoulders. It was a beautiful day and nice to run errands today:)

Belinda - I like that she added kickboxing every week, I did KPC yesterday. I also like that X-train and Gym Styles are in the rotation. I can't remember Hardstrikes, but will let you know when I do it next week.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

RWH Low Impact HiiT Two plus Bonus Abs 2 is done.

Boy it;s getting cold outside. Had to turn the heater on this morning. It was only 40 this morning.

Debbie - I like that she added kcikoixing every wee too. KPC is a fun one. Good job.

Kirstin - have fun with CF and your run.

Have a great Friday everyone,
Good evening,

This morning I did GS Triceps and Chest.

DH and I drove to DC to help DD hang up her pictures. We are done! Her apartment looks so pretty.

I also dropped of some donations to the homeless shelter in DC. I am so glad those bags are out the house and get to good use instead of sitting in my closet. The guys from the shelter even took all the bags of donations out of our car.

Debbie and Kirstin - where are you? I hope all is well.

I am beat. Good night everyone.

Yesterday I was my nieces wedding. It was a lot of fun, saw some people we haven't seen in years. The day was beautiful and before I knew it it was over. I woke up with sore hips, I guess from dancing which I normally do not do:oops:

Today I did Intensity Series Bootcamp.

Belinda - Great job with your workouts! It was cold here one day, but warmed up again this weekend:) It must have been fun to see the dd's apartment finished, picture hanging is not something I do well;)

Kristin - Is it getting easier for you at school, I remember September is a busy month for you.

Hey guys. Yesterday I did a five-mile run then went to DS's baseball game. Today I did my long run of 19 miles. I really struggled with it at the end. I walked from 16.5 to mile 17. Then I ran 17-18, then walked on and off 18-19. I ran out of water, which contributed to my slow ending. I am hoping we get some cooler temps and I need to invest in a larger water canteen and carrying belt. At least I got it done. I have more long runs between now and the marathon and I need to keep a consistent pace. I am hoping I will get there before race day.

Belinda- selling live videos? Not on dvd but just online? That is interesting. I wonder how it would work.

Deb- School is getting easier. The fact that I am no longer the union rep, and my classroom is all the way in the corner of the building allows me to get my work done more efficiently. We have had no Jewish holidays this month, so it has been easy to get in a routine. Next week, we are off Monday and Tuesday for Jewish holidays. I am looking forward to it, lol. I am glad you danced at the wedding. Getting DOMs from partying it up is always worth it!


Good evening,

DD and I had a massage scheduled today. The spa is only 10 min from my house. I had no idea it existed, lol. We also took DD out for dinner. DD is staying until Monday, she take her dog to the vet by our house. The vets in DC are very expensive.

Debbie - sounds like we have the same weather we have. DD apartment is so beautiful. Glad you had fun at the wedding. How is your hip doing today? Keep stretching it.

Kirstin - yes, Cathe is selling her Live workouts as download. There is a free leg workout you can download. I posted the link above. I am very impressed with your running. You are ready for your race, girl.

I have a dental cleaning early in the morning. I will do my workout later in the afternoon. I also have to go with DD to drop off her dog to the vet.

Good night.

Today I did Lift it Hit it Legs. We visited my FIL and also went to visit my nephew, his wife and baby who were in town for the wedding. It was a nice day:)

Belinda - I love having my teeth cleaned, as long as there aren't cavaties;) Your spa day with DD must have been fun! Nice that is so close to you.

Kristin - The weather was tough, so you did amazing! By November you will not have to worry about humidity:) It's good that you are having a better year. I was wondering if the jewish holidays were coming up, they usually are in September (at least one).

Hey everyone. Today was a CF workout. It was a doozy. My whole upper body is sore.

5 rounds of Mary: 5 z presses, 10 pistol squats alternating legs, 15 banded pull-ups

Then a 35 calorie row and 20 barbell snatches.

I am exhausted and plan on going to bed early.

Deb- I hate having my teeth cleaned. I have dental issues though, so that is why. I hope you are right and that the weather is what did me in. I am beginning to doubt myself.

Belinda- I hope everything worked out with DD's dog at the vet.


Good evening,

Got my workout in a while ago. I did 4DS BC this evening.

Had a busy day today. Had a dental cleaning early this morning. It didn't take long for my cleaning, lol. I guess brushing 3-4 times a day helps.

Then I went with DD to take her dog to the vet. DD took her dog to the an emergency vet a few weeks ago, her dog is coughing like crazy. Of course they wanted her to take him to a specialist in DC. DD take her dog to our vet, he is an amazing older vet. He explains everything and takes his time. Not to mention he is a lot cheaper than the vet in DC. The vet listen to his heart and recommended to do an Xray, which he did. He got a medical book out for us to see the difference on what his heart should look like. He explained everything pointing to the book and X-rays. Turns out the dog had fluid in his heart and his heart is larger than it should be which is cutting his air flow. The vet put him on 3 different heart medication. One for the fluid than the other 2 for his heart. The dog is only a little over 17 pounds, he's a tiny dog. We have to take him back in a few weeks.

This afternoon I had to catch up on work.

Debbie - I was in and out with my cleaning. I do brush my teeth/floss my teeth after I eat or drink (except water). I thinking scheduling another massage once I am back from vacation. I am glad the spa is so close to my house. I used to drive to DC to get a massage. Not anymore. Glad you had fun visiting your family.

Kirstin - we knew DD dog had a heart problem. The dog just started the coughing like he can't get air. I am glad we know know whats causing the coughing. The vet in DC put him on benadryl which didn't do anything. I am glad DD's dog is on the right meds for his heart. He is 11 years old.

Time to relax. See you all in the morning.

Today I did Hard Strikes. It was a hot day today, but thankfully it rained tonight. Our grass, plants were all dying not ready for that:)

Belinda - It sounds like you have an excellent vet. I hope you dd's dog does well with the meds. You do a good job cleaning your teeth:) Kudos on getting your workout in.

Kristin - It's good that DOMS was in your upper body, because you have been working your lower body a lot. It sounds like a good workout!

Good morning,

X Train Legs + abs are done.

Debbie - he is an excellent vet. It was very hot here too. I am not looking forward to winter.

Kirstin - nice job on your upper body DOMS.

Have a great workout, everyone.BBL!
Hi guys.

Today I did a little over 3 mile run and then went to CF. Between the two workouts I burned over 1000 calories. Not too shabby. Tomorrow I am going for 9 miles. Thursday is my rest day for the week. I am going to see Joan Jett and Heart (the girl rock band from the 80s ) with my friends from work. I cannot wait!

My internet is acting slow tonight. I will be back later for personals.


Today I did GS back, biceps and shoulders. It was a nice day today:)

Belinda - I hope winter weather doesn't start until after the holidays;)

Kristin - Nice calorie burn! It sounds like a fun concert. I know they have lots of songs, but the one that sticks in my head is "I Love Rock and Roll". They are coming to our town the end of October.


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