Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I did a short 24 min stretch today. That's it. I am tired.

Debbie - staying in the hospital is very tiring. The doctors said the same about my MIL, they gave up hope.She is doing a lot better and is walking. You never know.

Good night.

Today I did KPC. My FIL has been sleeping a lot so haven't been able to really talk to him. It's also tough because my niece is getting married in September.

Belinda - A stretch sounds good:) Wow, that is good that you MIL is walking again.

Kristin - You must be busy getting ready for school.


We were running around so much didn't get a workout in. Unfortunately, we are arguing about the care for my MIL. It was 2 of my SILs and my BIL and me at a meeting but we couldn't agree and it became ugly. My SIL & BIL want to rush and me and my other SIL want to interview more people, take it slowly and make the right decision. (Sorry to vent) We did have a nice dinner for my birthday:):)

Belinda - Thank you for the Birthday, wishes:) Enjoy your rest day!

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I decided to do Cathe September rotation. I like the mix of workouts. Today I did Strong & Sweaty BootCamp. Haven't done that one in a long time.

Debbie - I am so sorry about the arguing. I am sure everyone involved means well. Did your FIL had a will? Sorry about your dinner too :(

Have a great day and workout everyone.

I thought I checked in yesterday :confused: Today I did ICE To the Mat: Legs and Glutes. I also went to the eye Dr., didn't realize I haven't been in 9 years. I could see why, don't like when they put drops to dilate your eyeso_O I thought for sure I would need glasses. She said save my money and buy cheater glasses in the store and use when necessary. She wants to hold off as long as possible. I like that she suggests eating greens, lots of water, don't drink anything with artificial sugars and always wear sunglasses:cool:. I also have the start of cataracts but it could be 5-30 years before I need to take care of it.

Belinda - I will check out the September rotation, so far you workouts sound good. My father in law does have a will but he doesn't state what he would want us to do for my mother in law. He was more awake today but sleeping a lot.

Kristin - Good luck with the 1st day of school.

Good morning,

Rock’m Sock’m Plus Icy Core 2 is done.

Debbie - I am glad your FIL is more awake. I hope he feels better too. The September rotation is a lot of fun. That is a long time you haven't had a eye exam. Great job on ICE To the Mat legs.

Kirstin - good luck with your 1st day of school.

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today I did a treadmill workout. It was so hot today, it nice that summer is still here:)

Belinda - The September rotation is a nice mix of workouts and looks like fun:). I will see if I can start tomorrow.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Lift It Hit it Back Biceps Shoulders is done. Need to get a stretch in later.

Debbie - it does have a nice mix of workouts. Enjoying the workouts so far. Great job yesterday. How is your FIL doing?

Kirstin - where are you?

I will be back later.
Hey guys. It has been a crazy week going back to school. One son starting high school the other starting middle school. I have not been sleeping well because my mind won't shut off.

I went back to work Tuesday. I had a lot of anxiety because my admin is so toxic. However, the first day of classes made me feel so loved by my students. A lot of my students from last year went out of their way to find my new room to give me a hug. A teacher who is in my old room has some of my former students and they gave her an attitude for "taking Mrs. Antinoro's room". She told them I chose to move, which I did. They asked me too when they found me, lol. Too cute. I really like my new students. They seem sweet and happy to be there too. Admin still toxic, but I am focusing on my students. What I love about the location of my room is I am in the far corner of the building, away from the main office. There is a bathroom and faculty lounge and copier in my wing. I never have to go far, lol. I never have to go to the main office, haha!

I have been keeping up with my runs and Crossfit. Today I had 8 miles scheduled. I didn't feel like doing it, but I did it. I finished in the dark, but got all 8 miles done. Now I feel good. Tomorrow I get a paycheck! Cannot wait to have some $$$$.

Belinda- The September rotation looks good. You called it on your MIL that she would get better. 8 years of this must be tiring.

Deb- Happy belated birthday. Deciding about the next steps for an elderly parent is stressful and brings out so many emotions and feelings. My sister and brother were mad at my dad when he decided he couldn't take care of my mom anymore. Meanwhile, they never offered to help. . . they just didn't want her in a home. I wanted my dad to be healthy and happy and I supported him in his decision. I was the only one who helped him while she was still living with him. The other two were always "busy." Anyway, I hope cooler heads prevail and you can come to an agreement.



Today I did Strong and Sweaty Bootcamp, I will try and follow the September rotation. I enjoyed this workout haven't done this series in a long time.

My FIL will be moved to a rehab soon to see if they can get him to walk. His right side of his heart is not working so he is very weak. DH & I have spoken to the Dr.'s and it's not good. With both his parents disabled it makes everything so difficult. Everything from finding paperwork, banking (bank won't let us do anything, they want power of attorney), care of the house it's crazy.

Belinda - I like the rotation:) Your MIL is lucky but unfortunately my FIL has too many health issues and some of his organs are getting damaged from the lack of blood flowing through his body.

Kristin - I'm happy for you that you have your own little corner;) It's awesome that your old students stop by and love you:) Kudos on getting your workouts in. I agree I hope we can keep the peace.

Good morning,

RWH Plyo HiiT #1 plus Bonus Abs One is done. I did all on my rebounder. Lots of jumping.

Debbie - I am so sorry about your FIL :( My heart goes out to all of you. I do like the September rotation too. I can't remember the last time I followed a Cathe rotation. This one is fun with lots of my favorite Cathe dvd's.

Kirstin - my MIL organs were shutting down a few times in those 8 years. She is a fighter that's for sure. She has some really good doctors that are fighting too keep her alive. DH talked to her yesterday, she is walking around again. Glad you are in a different wing of the school. Maybe you won't noticed so much toxic that is going on. So cute about your old students. They love you. I hope you all come to an agreement.

I will be back with personals.

Today I did Lean Legs and abs. It's funny because doing this rotation is picking workouts I forgot about or just don't think to do:) The weather was beautiful today, almost felt like fall but believe me I don't want to rush it.

Belinda - I'm happy you are a little ahead of me in the September rotation, it is like you are previewing if for me LOL;) Thank you, in some ways it's amazing how medicine has come a long way(your MIL) but in other ways (my FIL) the quality of life is gone.

Kristin - Enjoy the weekend:)

Good morning,

Lift It Hit It Chest Tricep Shoulders is done. My upper body is fried. Had a great workout.

Debbie - you are welcome. Love all the workouts in the rotation. Sorry about your FIL :( So sad!

Kirstin - how are you doing?

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Friday was a CF workout. Saturday was a 4 mile run. Today I am gearing up to do 16 miles :eek::eek::eek:. The longest run yet in my training. I hope I can do it all. Lol.

I found out yesterday that my aunt, my mom's sister, died. I was very close with her. I felt like she was my last living connection to my mom. I am heartbroken. She lives in Florida. Waiting to see what the arrangements will be. I might just fly in and out for it in one day.

I will be back later with personals.

Debbie - hope you having a great weekend. How is your FIL doing.

Kirstin - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family! So sorry for your loss.Good luck with your run today. You can do it!
16 miles done. I felt good the whole way. My legs hurt, but It felt like an easy pace. I have a good feeling about this marathon.

Belinda- thank you. My cousin texted me to call her while I was at the craft fair and I knew it was my aunt. It was hard to hear. I knew last summer when I visited her that that was probably the last time I would see her. I have a lot of different emotions. DH is being so good though. He made me spaghetti and meat sauce last night for my long run meal. He cleaned up and everything. I am going to see my mom later and I am afraid I will breakdown in front of her. I don't want to do that and upset her. Not that she would understand.. .

Deb- so sorry you are going through all this stress with your in-laws. The process is so complicated. Hopefully everything will work out quickly.


Rest day for me today. See you all tomorrow.

Debbie - I hope everything is ok. You haven't checked since Friday.

Kirstin - wow, on your run! That's a lot of miles. You are ready for your race. I am so sorry about your aunt. That is so nice of your husband is so supportive and made your dinner. Hope your visit with your mom went well.

Sorry I didn't check-in yesterday. DH bought me tickets to a play in NYC for my birthday. We were going to have dinner 1st and left early. We were about 15 miles from NYC and they closed the road because of a bad accident. It took us almost 4 hours to get there (should have taken 1 hour), we missed dinner but did make it just in time for the play. It was stressful but we made the best of it. We finally ate dinner was at 11:30PM :eek: we were so hungry hadn't eaten in 10 hours. It was one time I wish I packed snacks:)

Today I did Rock 'm Sock 'm:)

Belinda - I hope you enjoyed your rest day:) My FIL is stable trying to get him to walk but his blood pressure is too low.

Kristin - So sorry about your Aunt:(, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Kudos on getting your 16 miles! Sounds like you are right on track for the marathon:)


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