Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today we did some more trails, there were so many steps to get to the top of the gorge, but we made it! We were lucky it was supposed to rain/storms but they passed this area:)

Belinda - Great job with your workout today! The dogs are probably having so much fun:)

Kristin - it’s nice that your DH is trying CF:). I’ll keep my fingers crossed the next 2 weeks go by slowly.;)

Hi everyone,

I just finished CIA 2605 Cardio Camp w/Kimberly Spreen. This one is probably my all time favorite workout. This one had kickboxing, intervals workout w/some lower bodyweight sculpting at the end.

Debbie - where did you go? This place sounds amazing. Great job!

Hi to everyone that checks in after me. Hope you all having a great workout and day today.

We are back, we did a little bit of walking today but were in the car for 5 hours. I did a treadmill workout tonight. I have DOMs all over.

Belinda - We went to Watkins Glen which is upstate NY about 2-3 hours from Niagara Falls. I like the mix of workouts on the DVD you did today, but I don't have that one.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Slow & Heavy Triceps and Biceps is done.

Debbie - your trip sounds lovely. I love going through my old dvd collection.

Waving Hi to Kirstin!

Have a great day and workout everyone. BBL!

Today I took a yoga class. It was nice to stretch everything out. We are trying a new italian restaurant tonight.

Belinda - Slow & Heavy is an oldie but a goodie!

Kristin - This weekend should be good running weather:)

Have a great weekend:)

We went hiking at Shenandoah trails this morning. We never went on that trail, it was a rough rocky trail.

Debbie - DD and I may take another live yoga class tomorrow. I sure need to stretch everything out. Good job yesterday. How was the new restaurant?

Kirstin - hope you having a great weekend.

Good night everyone.

Today I did ICE shoulders and an ab workout. It was a beautiful day, not too hot:) The new restaurant was good and so close to home.

Belinda - Today was nice weather for hiking. Is your live yoga class at the same vineyard? Where we were in upstate NY they had so many vineyards but, we didn't have time to go to any. Hopefully next time.

Kristin - What are you up to this weekend?


I ended up not going to the live yoga class today. we couldn't get any tickets. We went for a nice walk instead.

Debbie- the yoga class was at the same vineyard. We couldn't get any tickets. We still had a lot of fun. Great job yesterday. Glad you enjoyed the new restaurant.

Kirstin - where are you?

Good night.

Today I did ICE bi’s and tri’s. My SIL and i went to meet a friend for lunch and shopping for her DD. I don’t like to go to the mall on weekends too crowded.

Belinda - I’m wondering if a lot of people are on vacation & taking yoga classes. Friday’s yoga class was packed!

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

S&H legs is done.

Debbie - I forgot about a lot off people are on vacation and taking yoga classes. We still had lots of fun and got lots of steps in yesterday. The weather was perfect. I am feel the same way about going to the mall on the weekends. Great job on ICE bic and triceps.

Hi Kirstin. We miss you.

I will be back later.

Today I did some barre exercises and the treadmill.

Belinda - The weather has been really nice to be outside:). Do you still have the dogs?

Kristin - How is it going?

Good morning,

I went for a 3 mile walk this morning. Love walking in cooler weather. I will do a ab workout later.

Debbie - the weather is perfect for outdoors. Yes, I still have my son's dogs. They good dogs. Nice job on the barre and treadmill workout.

Kirstin - how are you doing? We miss you.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. I am sorry I have had no time to check-in. The good news is I have been doing my training runs regardless of how busy I have been. My long run was Friday, 14 miles. Then I headed to Diamond Nation in New Jersey for. . . baseball tournament, what else. Got a three-mile recovery run on Saturday and Sunday was a rest day. Monday I did my 3-mile tempo run. Then I took my younger DS to Broadway. We saw Waitress. He wanted to see it because he is a huge fan of this Youtuber, Colleen Ballinger, and she was in the show. Apparently, she has a big following. He was so excited to see her. Then after the show, I took him to the stage door and he met her! She talked to him, signed his Playbill, and hugged him. We had 20 minutes to catch the train from 47th Street. We hauled ass and ran to Penn Station, got on the train and it left 30 seconds later, just made it. He has not stopped talking about it since then. Today I ran 7 miles.

I am going to be setting up my classroom, if they allow me to, on Thursday. So much to do!

Belinda- nice job on your workouts! I am glad the dogs are getting along! Are you having cooler temps too? I am loving the low humidity while I am running. Today, I went for my run at 1 p.m. and I was not dying from the heat and humidity, perfection!

Deb- the time is flying and I feel like I don't have enough time to do everything I need to do. My building is not ready for school yet. I am hoping to set up my room Thursday.



Today I did a treadmill workout. I had a terrible incident on the highway today, a 18-wheeler tractor trailer came into my lane and didn’t have clearance. I swerved onto the shoulder so he wouldn’t hit me almost hitting/bouncing off the guardrail, I’m sure it could have been tragic. I was shaken and shooken up for hours:(. I also was so angry at the driver for being reckless and careless:mad: DH wants me to quit my job, very close today.

Belinda - Another nice day for your walk!

Kristin - It sounds like a fun day for you and your son to remember forever:) Great job keeping up with your runs!

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Good morning,

I did SBF TB barre = 60 min plus stretch 3 today. Needed that stretch. I need to work out my plan for next week.

Debbie - OMG! I am so glad you are ok. That would scare the crap out of me too. I am just glad you didn't get hurt.

Kirstin - how cool is that! So glad you and your son had fun day. He will remember that day forever. So proud of you for keeping up with your workouts.

I will be back later. need to work a little.

Today I walked on the treadmill. I'm not sure why I wrote 6-wheeler but it was an 18-wheeler LOL, I changed it.

Belinda - Great job with your barre workout! I need to see what I will do for workouts next month too, hard to believe it's September next week.

Kristin - I remember you saying your family moved from PR to Florida. I hear they are getting another hurricane:(

Good morning,

Cathe Friedrich Party Rockin Step Workout 1 is done. I like the music in this one.

Debbie - I can't believe September is just around the corner. Time flies. Good job on your walk yesterday.

I will try to be back later.

Today I did SS Ramped Up Upper Body. My FIL has been rapidly declining the last few weeks with heart failure. He was hospitalized today and were told it's only a matter of time:( It was a hard day for my DH and his sisters. I think his sisters are in denial. We were visiting him today and he only woke up for a few seconds.

Belinda - The music is good in that DVD:) It seems like step is making a comeback in some gyms in our area.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I did CTX Step & Intervals this morning.. I am thinking doing the STS + RWH rotations starting next week? Can't decide what I want to do? I may change my mind until then, lol.

Debbie - I am so sorry about your FIL :( My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.SS Ramped Up Upper Body.

Have a great Friday, everyone.

Today I took a rest day. We went to the hospital today, when we came back it was difficult to keep from falling asleep even with coffee;) There is a team of Dr.'s for my FIL and one doesn't want to run needless procedures. She says she sees it all the time and in the end it doesn't even help the patient. DH likes that she if being tough but honest.

Belinda - It's funny I almost picked a random STS workout this week to do. Thank you about my FIL.

Kristin - Did you get to go in your classroom this week?


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