Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Today I pulled out Gilad Step Aerobics. Glad I pulled this one out wasn't in the mood for high impact today. This one kept moving nonstop. Great steady step aerobics. I am running through all my dvd's, whatever I am in the mood for. I think, I will hold on to this one.

We got a call about my mother in law. She is in hospice. The doctors took her off all her meds, they only giving her morphine for the pain. There isn't anything the doctors can do anymore. Her body is shutting down :(

Debbie - it was a good deal on the yoga :) Yoga & wine..what else can you ask for, lol. I am so glad I bought my rebounder. It sure comes in handy. Glad the storm passed you guys. I agree, I can't believe how quick summer is going. Thank you about my Dirndls :) I love the color and I love wearing them.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

I have a Orthodontist appointment this afternoon. Getting rescanned today. BBL!
CF workout done. We did clean and jerks and built up to a weight where we can do 3 reps at a time. I built up to 75#. Then we did 3 reps every two minutes for 12 minutes resting in between. Then the last leg of the workout was 6 clean and presses at a lighter weight, I did 55#, 40 sit-ups, 6 clean and presses, 20 shoulder presses with dumbells from the ground, 3 rounds. It was a great workout. I burned 262 calories.

I was supposed to go to the beach today with my friends from work, but the weather crapped out on us. We plan on going tomorrow.

Deb- you don't have to tell me twice that summer is going by fast. It is way to fast for me. I am having anxiety about going back to work. . . real anxiety. . . my husband is giving me pep talks every day. For the first time in 21 years I am not excited about returning. I think because I thought it would get better with the new principal. . . it got worse. My DH keeps telling me to just focus on my classroom and my students and stay away from the main office and the issues. I guess it's good advice.

Belinda- As far as I know we do not have any immediate family in Germany. My grandparents came over before WWII. I don't know much about why they came. . . I was not close to them.



Today I did Cathe Lite Pyramid Pump. I had a physical 2 weeks ago and the lab lost some of my blood:confused: I need to go back tomorrow and give some more. Do you think someone was playing on their phone? LOL :p

Belinda - It sounds like a fun step workout! How about yoga, wine & chocolate;)

Kristin - Your DH is giving you good advice, with a little luck maybe a new principal will be in the future. Will you be able to retire at 25 years or do other work in the school district?

Interval run done. I got it in early and it was great. Getting ready to go to the beach with some work friends. Not sure if I will venture into the water, lol.

Deb- I cannot retire for another 12 years. . . so clearly, if I am going to survive and continue to give my students my all, I need to change my mindset. It is just that things were so bad last year. Stepping down from being union rep will probably be a big help. I need to focus on my students, my family and myself. I do think he will leave in two-three years. This is a stepping stone for him.

Belinda- How'd your ortho appointment go?



Today I did a walk and Classical Stretch TB Stretching.

I got rescanned with a 3D image. I thought getting a scan would be a better experience than getting molds. Not! Maybe the girl that did the scan was new at this, maybe she didn't know what she was doing.. My jaw hurts today. She couldn't get my molars on the 3D image. She had to redo it over and over. I still have all my wisdom teeth. She couldn't get my molders to the 3D image, WTH ! I thought she was going to rip my jaw open :( I did tell my Orthodontist about it, she looked at me confused. So was I :( Since I got rescanned for new trays. I will get new trays, new trays will come in 6 to 8 weeks. That means, I can't use any of my current tray's ( I will have 1 new tray for the upper + 5 new trays for the lower). The last few month my Ortho had my on different tray changes. My bite is completely off for a few month. I can't use my old set of trays anymore since I got rescanned for new ones. I have to keep the ones I am using for 6-8 weeks. Not happy about that. The trays get yellowish not matter how much you clean them, they are plastic. My Ortho said, I could only wear them 10 hours at night, to keep them form getting discolored. 1. my teeth upper and lower are not aligned. They hitting each other since my bit is complete off. My teeth feel better with my tray's in than without them. I am afraid to chip my tooth since my upper/lower teeth hitting each other. I am also afraid my teeth will start shifting again. I want to get done with Invisalign. I was supposed to be done in September this year. Looks like I have a little longer.

Debbie - I like how you think :) Little Washington vineyard offers wine, yoga and chocolate. Very pretty vineyard it's a little further away. Nicely done with Pyramid Pump.

Kirstin - who knows you may have family in Germany. Do you know what area they they came from? Hope you had fun at the beach.Which everything that is going on, I wouldn't go into the water either.

Good night.

Today I did Cathe Lite PHA 2. I went to have my brakes done today, I was told it would take 1 1/2 hours so I waited. It took 3 1/2 hours. I was so mad, I didn't really say much which I regret. I told someone who looked like the manager that they overbooked their appointments. His response was we didn't.

Belinda - I'm so sorry your are gong through so much with your Invisalign:( I'm not sure if it's me but I don't think companies take the time to hire competent people. When you do get someone who does their job well it means so much.

Kristin - It must have been nice to get your run done early and go to the beach:cool: I think stepping down from being a union rep will make it easier to ignore the issues. Hopefully he will step down sooner than later and the worst is behind you.

3.5 mile recovery run is finished. Eating breakfast and then heading to CF.

The beach was lovely, and yes, I did go swimming in the waves. We were in the water for hours. It was refreshing and fun. On my way home DH sends me a link that black tip sharks have been spotted off Long Island shores. Lol, thankfully they weren't by me, haha.

Belinda- I just reread your post from Wednesday. . . I don't think I read it all the first time. I am so sorry to hear about your MIL. Has she been sick long? You will be done with the invisalign before you know it. Just hang in there!

Deb- I would be annoyed if it took more than double the time too. I hate going to the car mechanic. . . and the DMV.



DH and I did our own drop set Upper body workout. We did 12 rep/8 reps and did abs in between sets.

Debbie - sorry about the wait yesterday. It would frustrated me too. Well, I would said something to the manager :) We always drop off the car and they call us when the car is done.

I was disappointment/frustrating with the scan. Really! About the issue with the trays it's normal procedure with Invisalign. The reason the rescan you and you are stuck with the same trays is, if I would use my other tray's until my new ones come in 6 to 8 weeks it could cause more damage to my teeth. My teeth have to say/not move until my new trays come int. My teeth are not the same as they were 14 month ago. That was the last time was getting molds for my original trays which the new ones will overwrite. My teeth are not the same as they were a year ago. I hope this makes sense? This phase I am in right now is called refinements. Invisalign will fix anything that needs more attentions/work. It happens a lot. I knew about it. But the end result will be amazing. My Ortho did mention at the beginning it could happened if you have stubborn teeth. I knew I wasn't going to be done this year, just looking at my bottom teeth. Realistically I don't care how long it takes as long as my smile is to my satisfaction. I have Invisalign full, that means I can have as many tray's as I need without paying extra $$$ for a few years. Once my new trays come in, my Ortho will take off/or add more attachments. We shall see! I am used to Invisalign now. I got it all figured out, even eating out is a breeze for me. It's all worth it on the end. I also was a little frustrated at the girl that did the scan yesterday, she pressed really hard on that tooth I had a crown put on a few years ago. One dentist was going to pull that tooth because he thought I had a cracked tooth. That tooth hurt me for years. Since I been wearing Invisalign I have zero pain in that tooth. My tooth hurt since yesterday, it must be a nerve close to that tooth that's been bordering me.

Kirstin - thank you! My MIL is in Fl. DH and I went down there a few times, the doc always tell us she is dying. This been going on for a few years now. She is in/out of hospice all those years. We will wait and see what happens. Every time the doc thinks she is dying, she makes a recovery. DH and I been to FL not to long ago. It cost us a lot of money overtime we go down and visiting her in the hospital/hospic. Flight, Hotel, Food and rental car. I also have my son's 2 dogs starting this Saturday. He is going on vacation to Hawaii. What is he suppose to do with them? I can't leave. If my husband wants to go he can go. Thanks! You are right it's all worth it on the end. I have gone too far with Invisalign. Like I mention to Debbie I am used to Invisalign now. Glad you had fun at the beach. Wow, on the shark!

I will be back later.

Today I took a yoga class. It was nice to stretch everything out but my balance was off. Tonight we are trying a new italian restaurant in the area.

Belinda - I too forgot to mention about your MIL. So sorry, but your right it is too expensive to keep running down to FL, plus the stress of it:( It sounds like the invisaligns will be worth it at the end:)

Kristin - They have been spotting whales in NJ:eek: Hope you enjoyed CF.

Have a great weekend:)
Hi ladies,

Today I did another oldie but goody. Kimberly Spreen Kick box boot camp. Kimberly uses the step to add intensity. It was a cardio/toning/ab workout. I can't remember the last time I did that workout. I looked at my notes from her other workouts, looks like it I have done this one 4-5 years ago :confused: I need to start using my dvd's more often. Good way to get through all of them and get rid of the ones I don't click anymore. This one is a keeper. She also did a nice long stretch at the end. I probably will do a stretch workout tomorrow.

Debbie - thank you! This is why we don't jump on the next airplane. We done that a few times over the years. We already went to FL twice this year to visit her in the hospital. She has been doing this for the last 8 years:confused: Hope you had fun at the restaurant. Glad the yoga helped.

That's it for me today. Have a wonderful day, workout and weekend everyone.

Today I did Muscle Max upper body premix and a few ab exercises. I didn't sleep well last night so hoping to get a good night sleep.

Belinda - It must have felt like a new workout:) Wow, 8 years is a long time and going there 2x this year is a lot. Are your son's dogs easy to watch?

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I will do a stretch later today. My son dropped his dogs off, they will stay 8 day's until they come back from Hawaii. Yes, his dogs are easy to watch. We have a huge yard they enjoy. Feeding is a different story, I have to separate his dogs. Yes, 8 years is a long time. We been frying to FL everything time she is taking a turn for the worst. Hope you slept better last night.

Hi Kirstin!

I will be back later.

Today I did a bunch of leg exercises with ankle weights and bands. We also went in my in-laws pool.

Belinda - It's good that the dogs are easy to watch and you have a big yard for them:) I hope you enjoyed your stretch.

Kristin - Since Labor Day is early this year, do you go back to school afterwards?

Good morning,

I did the upper body I posted a few weeks ago. I will add on to another workout later. Yesterday I did a 30 min yoga on YT.

Debbie - my son's dogs are good dogs. He has a female beagle, I have to watch her. Her nose gets her in trouble, lol. She also can open doors.

Kirstin - what are your plans this week? Hope you enjoy your break.

I will be back later.
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Hey guys,

It has been a busy weekend. Saturday was my long run, 13 miles. It was very humid out, so slow and steady, but got it done. Sunday was a rest day. Today I ran 3 miles. It was supposed to be a fast tempo run, but with the heat and humidity, I made it a recovery run, slow and steady. I cannot push myself in this heat. Then I went to CF. DH went with me for the first time. He says he liked it and will go again. He gets a free week trial.

I cannot believe school starts in 2 weeks. To say I am not prepared is an understatement. I have no motivation to do anything either, which is a problem. Maybe tomorrow I will get some work done. We are heading to the outlets to do some back to school shopping in a little while. Then I plan on enjoying my pool.

Belinda- How are the dogs doing? Baxter does not get along with any other dogs. My neighbor had a boxer (she died), and she was the only dog he ever got along with, but he was a puppy when he met her. I think he thought she was his mommy, to be honest. The first time he met her he went crazy, jumping and crying.

Deb- I go back the day after Labor Day :(. I'm not ready at all for it. I have to get in the right frame of mind, lol. I am already making a resolution to not take work home on the weekends. I want to dedicate my time to my family and my marathon training.


7-mile run done. Have a lot to do today. Plan on working on my patio while taking dips in the pool. Stay cool everyone!

Good morning,

I did Jessica Smith Weight Loss Power walk today. The other day I did her High Energy walk from the same dvd. I probably will do another short workout later.

Kirstin - great job on your 7 mile run this morning. Since Brawler passed away my other dog ChuChu isn't aggressive anymore. Not sure, if it's his age he is 15 years old or he misses Brawler. The only time the dogs get aggressive when it's feeding time, I have to separate my son's dogs. They both are female they will fight over food :( The beagle will steal the others food. The other dog is a lot bigger and stronger. Mac Pie the beagle will lose. Brawler only got along with my kids dogs, except he was always skeptical about my son's other dog. Brawler always got attacked by other dogs, Brawler wasn't aggressive at all to other dogs.

Debbie - where are you?

I will be back later.

Last minute we decided to go to New York (Watkin Glen’s) to hike some trails and stay overnight. We arrived late today but did some trails, so many stairs but the scenery is beautiful!

Belinda - How is the dog sitting going? Just heard my favorite yoga instructor moving to Hawaii:(

Kristin - Hiking was so difficult with the humidity, can’t imagine how it is to run.

Hi ladies,

I did JS 21 Day Weightless Plan dvd: Cardio Core Walk and B&G premix #2.

Debbie - you trip sounds wonderful. Sorry about your favorite yoga instructor. Dog sitting is going well, hop it stays that way :)

Hi Kirstin!

Good night, everyone.

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