Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. 3-mile tempo run done. It is about to pour here and the humidity killed me, but I got it done. I was actually hoping it would start to rain while i was running to cool me off, lol. I am also going to CF this morning. My entire core is sooooo sore from yesterday's CF workout. I felt the soreness even when I was running today. I'm afraid to laugh or cough, haha.

I touched base with my brother yesterday. He seemed a bit better, calmer. I am hoping he actively looks for and finds a therapist. Thanks for your kind words, both of you.

Not much else to report.

Belinda- hoping your A/C gets fixed ASAP. I did reach out to the social worker at my school and she went over what to look for if you think someone is suicidal. My brother did have some of the signs. She is going to give me a list of therapists he can go to.

Deb- It is sad how mental illness is handled here, I agree. A lot of people bury their heads in the sand or don't want to deal with it. I think this is the case with my SIL. I think she knows deep down he is not okay, but does not want to or know how to handle it. (Not to be mean, but she is not very smart or intuitive).


Good morning,

3 mile outside walk is done.

I walk Wednesday and Friday with a neighbor, she is also a friend of mine. I met her through the wine social. I am a little frustrated with her. I gave a some clothe the other day, she really wanted them. A few weeks ago, I told her I had an older fitbit, of course she can't wait for me to hand it over. Today while we are walking I found out she sells and has a store on eBay. She told me she buys stuff from Goodwill and other and resells them on eBay, WTH? When I gave her some of my clothes the other day I told her not to go around and sell them. She wants my Alta Fit Bit but doesn't want to give me anything for it. After I found out today she is a seller on eBay, I told her maybe I should sell my Fitbit on eBay. I was a little shocked when she told me she is a seller on eBay. I had a conversation with her before about people using other to get free stuff then turn around and sell it. She also told me makes over $1000. Seriously? It frustrating to trust people like that. I wished I wouldn't gave her my stuff before. What is wrong with people? She also told me she is running a eBay store business out of her house and it's her income :( Here I am giving everything to charities/donating and she is selling/turning around to making $$$. I like her as a friend, but will not give her anything for free anymore. I rather give it someone that really needs it, like the homeless shelter in DC. I went through my linen closet sorted out bed sheets, right away she said I will take it for free. LOL! I have a sawing machine which I don't use anymore. I told her I will get rid of it, she said I will take it...I will give you $25 without even looking/seeing it. Can't trust anyone anymore. Sorry for the vent :(

Debbie - still waiting for the AC repair guy to come out. My dog is very hot, poor thing.

Kirstin - I hope your brother gets the help he needs. You are a good sister. Not only you are dealing with your mom, sister now with your brother. Make sure you take care of yourself too.

Have a wonderful day and workout,everyone.

Today I did a leg band workout and walked. I was stuck in Walmart during the bad rain storm but I did remember everything I needed. At one point it made me sad to think of the people from El Paso going through that horrible tragedy:(

Belinda - I see how you feel, it is hard to trust people. It's good that you are setting boundaries. I hope your a/c guy came today.

Kristin - I thought it became more humid after the rain, so maybe it's better you were done;) It must be hard for both you and your Dad but it's good that you have each other to lean on.

Hey guys. 4-mile run done. I didn't feel like going out for a run, but I did it. Following my plan. . . no CF today. I am going to see my mom later and then I am going out to dinner with some work friends. Should be fun.

My younger DS wants to do a craft fair. A friend of his from the theatre is doing it. It is $25 to get a booth. I took him the A.C. Moore and we bought our first round of supplies. We are going to sell friendship bracelets and Halloween decorations. The fair is in September. Once we finish the first round of crafts, we might go back to the store and buy more things to make, like Christmas decor. It depends. . . personally, I am not that crafty or artistic, but DS is so. . . we shall see. It will be a good learning experience.

Deb- The humidity was so heavy yesterday. Today, after last night's thunderstorms, it is slightly better. All these shootings. . . and nothing will be done about it. . . it seems to be a weekly thing here these days. Last year we had FBI agents come to a faculty meeting to talk about lockdowns and procedures and it freaked me out.

Belinda- your friend's hustling ways would bother me too. I know people who go through trash to find "treasures" to sell online. That is one thing. Taking free stuff from friends and then turning a profit on it is another. . . Like Deb said, I have my dad and we do talk about all this, a little bit. I know I have to focus on myself and my family (husband and kids).


Hi everyone,

My AC is working again. Cleaned all my floors this morning plus other work. I just finished Cathe Cardio . Did Cross Fire Plus Core premix today. Did all the high impact on my rebounder. My rebounder comes in handy for high impact, lol. Plus, I like jumping on it.

Debbie - thanks! I am setting boundaries. It's really hard to trust people. I talked to my husband yesterday and we both will be donating to the homeless shelter in DC. I hope someone can use and will use my stuff. Alesia served food for the homeless shelter in DC, she said the people are grateful for everything. At least I know it will go to good use. Now I have to figure out what to do with my FitBit.

Kirstin - thanks! I thought maybe I am to sensitive. Taking free stuff from friends and them turning a profit. The signs were out there, just didn't see. Overtime I mention I will donate something to the homeless whether in DC, right away her response was I take it. Never seen any of my stuff. Lesson learned. Like I said, I was going to give her my old fit bit. Although I never said I was free. I will donate it to someone in need not to someone that turns around and makes a profit. She told me she makes over $1000 on her eBay store. I was like WTH! I am glad you have your dad and you have someone to talk too. Good luck with everything and keep us posted on your brother.

Waving Hi to everyone that check in after me.

Today I did Les Mills Body Combat 30, it was a fun workout:) I was happy to be home for tonight's storm.

Belinda - Wow, that is a lot of money to make, even more so why she shouldn't need your stuff. It is a good feeling knowing someone in need will use your donations. Looks like you did a lot of workouts & cleaning now that your a/c is working:D

Kristin - I'm not crafty either but wish I were, the fair should be fun for your son:) You should have nice weather this weekend for your runs. That must have been scary with the FBI meeting:(


I did a walk this morning Worked for a few hours After my walk, I did some work. That I had the bright I idea to attack my son's bedroom. He is married and moved out 3 years ago. He stores his huge book collection in his bedroom and basement. Well, I took all the boxes with books out of the closet and move some of my clothes. Not that I need more closet space, I have a huge walk in closet.I have some traditional german dirndl's, I only wear my Dirndl once a year, I have 4. It's very traditional for Germans to wear Dirndls and Lederhosen at Oktoberfest and other events.. You can get modern looking Dirndls, they really pretty.

Debbie - I couldn't believe my ears when she told me how much she is making :( When I ask her what her store name was on eBay, she wouldn't tell me. Not sure, what to think of that :( I haven't done LM Body Combat in so long. Great job!

Kirstin - I am not crafty either, but I do own a lot of craft supply, lol. What kind a supply did you buy? I have lots of stuff I don't use or need.

That's it for me today.
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Today I did Gym Style Legs. We had a quick thunderstorm this afternoon and our TV in our bedroom blew out. It was really old, tube TV. The good thing I can get a smart TV in my workout room now:)

Belinda - Good job with your walk. I've seen Dirndl's when we go upstate NY in the German town. They are such pretty outfits, so much detail:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Have a great weekend:)

I did Pyramid UB this morning. DH needed new tire put on his car today.

Tomorrow Alesia and I will take a live yoga class at a vineyard , the class is very early in the morning. Should be fun.

Debbie - Dirndl's are very pretty. I don't like the older ones as much as I like the modern ones. Great job on GS Legs. How are you legs feeling today?

Waving Hi to Kirstin!

Have a great Saturday.

Today I took a rest day. The weather is beautiful this weekend. Tomorrow we are going to my Mom's to celebrate my brother and son's birthday.

Belinda - A live yoga class at a vineyard sounds like fun! You'll have to tell us about it. My legs are sore, also need a good night sleep tonight.

Kristin - This weekend must be nice running weather:)

Hey guys. It was a busy weekend with DS and DH's birthdays. I ended up taking two rest days. I was supposed to run 8 miles yesterday and 3 today, so I ran 11 today, lol. This way I get all my miles in and I am back on track with the training plan.

Now I have to jump in the shower and get ready for. . . baseball.. . what else? I will be back tomorrow with personals.

Hi guys,

Alesia and I took a live yoga class at a vineyard. What a difference taking a live class vs a dvd. My daughter and I were the only ones taking the class. Lots of people signed up, but nobody showed up. We had hour own private session. The instructor was amazing, we had a lot of fun. The instructor corrected my form quiet a bit, to help me to open my hip more. Showed me exercises I can do to help strengthen my hip/knee and lower back. I will take another class with her soon. She had us do exercises I have never done or seen before, I felt an instant relieve in my lower back/hip. She told me just to do them 5 min each day to strengthen my hip. The yoga class was at one of the vineyards deck, the view was breathtaking.

Debbie - I loved the live yoga class at the vineyard. The instructor was amazing. I need to take more live classes. Nothing beats a live class. Get some stretching in today for your sore legs.

Kirstin - Happy birthday to your son and husband. High Fives on your run today. You are ready for your raise.

Time to relax, didn't sleep well last night.

Today I did Cathe Live Turbo Barr workout (I think that was the name). We also went to my Mom’s to celebrate birthdays. We didn’t even hit traffic and she lives by the shore.

Belinda - Your class looks & sounded amazing! It was great that no one showed up and you & DD had a private lesson:) Your dirdle looks so much prettier than the ones I’ve seen.

Kristin - Kudos on getting all your miles in today & some extras;) Happy Birthday to both your DH & DS, I forget they share the day:cool:

Goodnight :)
Good morning,

KCM Circuit Burn is done.

Debbie - the live yoga class was amazing. Thank you about the Dirndls. I like and like wearing them when I visit my family/events in Germany. Happy birthday to your mom! Great job on the barre workout.

Hi Kirstin!

Have a great Monday!
Hey guys. 3-mile tempo run done. Going to CF in a little bit. Feeling good. The weekly mileage is going to start to increase this month. This week's long run: 13 miles scheduled for this weekend.

Belinda- the pics of the vineyard where you took the yoga class. . . it looks amazing! What a treat that it was just you and your DD. I always found live yoga to be much different from dvds/televised programs. I miss my hot yoga classes.

Deb- with no to little humidity, running today and yesterday was so much easier, lol. I think it is good that I have trained in humidity because the race is in November and will feel easier with no humidity. I prefer to run in the cold, lol.



Today I did a treadmill workout. I also did cleanmax and went for a bite to eat with my SILs and niece. We had meatballs & pizza not to clean but good.

Belinda - Great workout! I wonder why people didn’t show for the yoga class, the scenery was beautiful! I have taken spin classes outside but not yoga.

Kristin - That is a good point, it can only help training in this humidity when race day arrives! That is a long run scheduled for this weekend.

Hey guys. 6-mile run done. I got it in before the rain! It is very humid today so I took it slow and steady. I was comparing my training runs for this marathon compared to last year's training for the Hamptons Marathon. I think I am doing a much better job of consistent training. I don't think I was covering the mileage the right way last year, plus I am going to CF on top of it. Yesterday's CF workout I PR'd with my deadlifts: 135# x5. I probably could have done more, but did not want to push it. This is giving me the confidence that I can do better this time around, beat my time by a lot and not hurt as much as I did the last time.

Deb- meatballs and pizza sound delicious! Have you decided if you are going to the Daytona RT?

Belinda- I couldn't see the photos of your Dirndls. My dad is German/Hungarian and I remember going to a family party when I was a kid, they had polka dancers that dressed similar to that. I loved it!



I did Amy Dixon Breathless Body 4 Going Strong. I did all the high impact on my rebounder. Love using my rebounder for high impact.

Debbie - the yoga class was at 9:30 am on Sunday morning. Maybe it was to early for some people. I am glad it was early, around 11 it was getting pretty hot outside. The instructor got paid. It was $25 a class, if you signed up online it was $20. DH and I are Club members we payed it with taxes $19. Plus, you got a fight (wine tasting) or a glass of wine. It wasn't bad at all, IMO! Pizza and meatball sounds yummy.

Kirstin - I had no idea dad is German/Hungarian. Then you are familiar with Dirndls. Do you still have family in Europa? I wouldn't be German if I didn't own a few Dirndls, lol. My sisters have a lot more than I do. Fantastic job on your run.

That's it for me today.

Today I did a treadmill workout. We were supposed to have storms but they passed us up. I can't believe how quick the summer is going:(

Belinda - That was a good deal for the yoga & wine:) The rebounder must make a big difference. The colors of your dirndls are so pretty.

Kristin - Your deadlifts seem pretty heavy to me;) I too had no idea your dad was German/Hungarian. So many people are getting those DNA tests, not sure how I feel about them. I will probably wait till sometime in September to decide on the Daytona RT. We are driving to Florida in October, leaving a car there and flying back. A lot of things depend on my FILs health.


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