Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did GS back, shoulders & biceps. It was so hot today!!

Belinda - I don't do step anymore, once in awhile I do but I don't use any risers. My favorite was Rythmic step, but haven't done that one in a long time. Cathe mentioned due to family and work a lot of the older crew aren't able to commit to the time it takes to prepare/make videos. The rebounder is a great idea!

Kristin - I haven't watched Orange is the New Black but I heard so many good things about it. Which season are they up to? Kudos on getting 5 miles in on a day like today;)

3-mile run done! The heat and humidity are killing me. I need to try to get out the door earlier. It might be better to run at 6 a.m., but I like to sleep, lol.

Deb- there are seven seasons. I am in season 1. I would be further along, but like I said, definitely not for kids.

Belinda- CCC was one of my least favorite workouts. I just always hated it. Whenever I did it, I felt like I was beating myself up. I'll have to check out Money Heist.


Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

This morning I did Brazilian Butt Lift. Then I went through my dvd collection. I have to figure out what to do with all the empty cases, they taking up a lot of space. I think I need to do a run through all my dvd's, get rid of the once I don't click with.

Debbie - that's right. Yo mention, not preordering Cathe's new dvd's. Cathe films a few weeks before they ship the dvd's, Not getting it. The old crew always made time before. Weird!

Kirstin - for the same reason you mention, I never pulled that one out often. This one is hard on the knees. Really liked it on the rebounder. I also enjoyed doing standing abs instead of the floor. Maybe I should have done my own workout at this point, lol.

That't it of me today. Good night.

Today was GS chest & tri's. I went for my yearly physical, the Dr. was very happy with my health. The only thing is I need to go for a bone density test and colonoscopy (ugh)! I didn't realize I need to go every 3 years for colonoscopy and it's been 4 years.

Belinda - I have to pull out Brazilian Butt Lift, especially since it's the summer;) Do you have definite plans for Hawaii yet? Do you have dvds from the instructor from Hawaii (can't think of his name)?

Kristin - This does seem to be a tough summer with heat, humidity and storms. You are doing great though. I would like to someday watch that series.

Good morning,

KPC is done. Great workout.

Debbie - my booty hurts from BBL. DH and I have no defiantly plans. Do you mean Gilad? Yes, I do :)

Kirstin - have a great workout today.

I will be back later.

Today I did a treadmill workout. Not much going on but looking forward to the weekend:)

Belinda - I did mean Gilad, I couldn't think of his name. I don't have any of his dvds but remember seeing him on TV and the Hawaiian scenery:) Nice job with KPC.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. Yesterday was a rest day. I didn't feel like doing much of anything.

Today I did my speed run. It consisted of a 1-mile warm-up, then 800m fast, 400m slow X4. Totaling 4 miles. This week I added an 800m fast to it as per the training plan. I am proud that I did it because I did not feel like it this morning. It is easy to run when you are in the mood. It takes discipline to run when you feel like staying in bed, lol.

I used to love Gilad, btw! I would do his workouts with my sister in our living room back in the day, lol.

Deb- Have your RT DOMs gone away? Are you planning on going to Daytona?

Belinda- Nice job on your workout. I wonder how many people feel that way about CCC. Every Cathlete that I talk to seems to agree it is grueling. Any weekend plans?


Good morning,

4 mile outdoor walk is done. I am beat. I also did UB workout w/Sydney early this morning.

Debbie - I used to do his workouts when they aired on TV, long time ago. He is good. Not to high impact. I hear you on the weekend. Great job on the TM workout yesterday.

Kirstin - I am sure a lot of people feel the same way about CCC. It's brutal. We have a wine social tomorrow. We have one every month. Other than that no plans. Do you have any plans? BTW, I used to do Gilad's workouts on TV in my living room.Fun times!

I am beat from my walk outside. I need to cool down more. Boy it's still hot outside. BBL!

Today I did GS Legs. We are going to grab a bit to eat tonight.

Belinda - It was a nice day to walk outside at least in the morning here:)

Kristin - If you get up early for your runs, do you take a nap? No more DOMS, thinking about Daytona because I may be in Florida. Not sure exactly when we are going but it is late in October so not sure:confused:

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

21 Day Fix Barre Legs is done. Switching it up a bit.

Debbie - I was beat after my walk. Wanted to add lower body, just couldn't do it. Looking forward to cooler weather. Fantastic job yesterday.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

I am trying to be back later today. We also have our monthly wine social later today. I have to go grocery shopping.
Hey guys. I did an 11-mile long run this morning. I told you last week that I found a paved trail out East. Well, I found a facebook page and joined it. There was a woman earlier in the week who posted that she is training for a marathon and is doing a 14-mile long run Saturday, she was looking to get a running group together. I responded and so there were 4 of us running together today. It was pretty cool to meet new people, one of which is running the Philadelphia marathon! Two of the women were a bit faster than me, especially in this heat and damn humidity, but I did my best to keep up with them. Anyway, it made the 11 miles go by faster and I felt safe being in a group.

My son's play opened yesterday. I went with my dad. He had one line and a few ensemble bits. He was adorable and he said his line so well, I am so proud, lol. He has two shows today. I am taking my neighbor to the second show today. Next week my DH and older DS will go.

Deb- sometimes if I can, I take a nap. Otherwise, I go to bed early the night before the long run. Today, I won't be able to nap, but I if I am tired, I won't go to Crossfit tomorrow and I will take a rest day.

Belinda- a wine social sounds fun! We are planning on going to the beach tomorrow. . . not sure if I will swim in the ocean with the dolphin and whale sightings out here lately, lol.



Today I did ICE bi's & tri's. I did some cleanmax today and food shopping. I plan to go to the pool tomorrow.

Belinda - Our neighborhood used to do wine socials but they really don't anymore. Have fun! Do you have to bring food?

Kristin - It's nice that you found the fb running group! It must be motivating. It's great that your son is involved with the play and doing so well!!


Taking a rest day today.

Debbie - we surrounded by vineyards, we have over 200 near by. I like going to different vineyards every month. The view was breathtaking yesterday, but the inside was too great. Didn't like the wine much. I only had a small glass. Drank a lot of water instead it was so hot yesterday. I still had a lot of fun meeting up with your friends. It's always the same 3 or 4 couples at the wine social :) We still have lot's of fun.

Kirstin - glad you found a running group. You did amazing with your 11 miler. Be proud of yourself!

Need to get dinner started. I will be back tomorrow

Today I did Cathe Lite Metabolic Blast. I went to my in-laws pool too. I also cooked my monthly sauce, happy that's done:)

Belinda - DH and I have never gone to a winery but we hope to soon LOL. The scenery does look nice from the advertisements. I probably would be more interested in the food and scenery than the wine:oops: but DH would like the wine.

Kristin - Today seemed less humid here, hopefully if you ran for you too!


Today I did SBF Total Body barre workout. Haven't done her workouts in weeks, it kicked my butt.
Susanne posted on FB she is filming new workouts. Looking forward to new workouts. Hope she is posting them soon.

Debbie - you never gone to a winery? You need to go to at least a few. The scenery is breathtaking. For that alone you should go. They do have special events with music/dance. All kinds of interainments, at least in VA. Most have wine and breweries these day's. If you don't like wine have a beer. You meet all kinds of interesting people from DC or all over the world.

Waving Hi to Kirstin.

Have a great day and workout.

Today I did Gym Style shoulders, back & bi's. DH went for a drive today, stopped for bathroom and drink at a small town. While we were sitting there we noticed so many people going to the post office. Apparently this town doesn't have mail delivery. It just seemed so strange but makes me appreciate my mail is delivered;)

Belinda - Your Barre workout sounds good. Does she have a subscription service for her new workouts?

Kristin - I meant to mention to you that a few girls at the RT were talking about races they do such as Spartan and a 24 hour relay. It sounded like something that would interest you.

Hey guys. Just finished my 6-mile run. Heading to CF at 10. The class is dedicated to core work today, so not a lot of additional cardio or impact, which is great. I have been reading this book called Meb for Mortals. It is by Boston Marathon Champion Meb Keflezighi (I think that's how you spell it). He is the first American man to win Boston in almost 30 years and he won it the year after the bombing. Anyway, he gives a lot of great advice, some of which I used today and it helped make the run better. Great stuff.

I had to take a rest day yesterday due to a somewhat family emergency. Long story short. . .I think my brother is having a mental breakdown. I had not heard from him in over a year. He came over my house unexpectedly last week hysterical crying that he thought he had a terminal disease and was going to die. He is 36. He wanted to connect before he died. My husband and I spoke with him at length. He has no medical insurance and has no diagnosis of anything. He just feels sick all the time and was convinced it was cancer or something. Since he came to my house, he has called me every day crying. . . so yesterday I took him to the emergency room. Sat there for hours and when the doctor saw him after running tests, she told him he was fine. . . and then spoke to him about his obvious anxiety and mental health. I am hoping he seeks therapy. He told me he would. I am afraid that he might try to kill himself. He has never dealt with the situation with my mother (buried his head in the sand) and I think fatherhood and marriage. . . being a man. . . is too hard for him. His wife refused to go to the hospital with him, so I went, mostly because I want him to get help for whatever mental illness issues he might be having. My sister is bipolar. . . maybe he is too?
Anyway. . . you can see why I took a rest day. If it sounds crazy. . . it is crazy. . . and there is more to it, but too much to write right now.

I will be back with personals later.

Kirstin - I am so sorry what you are going through with your brother. I would stayed with him too. Sad his wife didn't go with him to the hospital.You are an amazing sister. I am sure he appreciates everything you do for him. He needs support and someone that is by his side. I feel bad for your brother. I hope he gets and finds the help he needs. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. Can you call the suicide hotline in his area? They may assist you better on what to look out for/or how you can help him. Best of luck.
Back to report my workout. Ended up doing JS Have a ball workout, it was perfect this afternoon. My AC went out. I was wondering I was sweating like crazy in my living room. The repair guy will come out tomorrow. Sitting here with fans.

Today I did Gym Styles Chest & Tri's. The humidity was a little better today.

Belinda - I hope they repair your AC quickly. It is tough to do anything let alone working out when you are so hot. My hot flashes have been terrible this summer:(

Kristin - Belinda's advice is perfect, I also agree you are an amazing sister. Mental health is overlooked in this country (funding). I see it all the time in many families including my own. I believe with the right care/meds it can make a big difference. My SIL is dealing with issues with her son but he isn't willing to take the steps to help himself, maybe it is his age:confused: So many people don't understand either. It is so kind of you to be there for your brother. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


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