Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I took a rest day. I actually had a hangover all day, I overindulged with drinks. Ugh, I'm too old for this :mad: Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be nice so I will make up for it;)

Belinda - I really like Brazilian Butt, need to pull it out. I need a smaller house too, tired of spending too much time cleaning. I love wearing dresses in the summer. Have fun at your dinner tonight:)

Kristin - Have a nice weekend:)


Today I did a treadmill workout. We also went in my in-laws pool.

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin

Good morning

We had a blast at our company dinner. The food was so good. DH and I came home early Sunday morning. I ended up taking a rest day. I was beat.

Today I did:
Superset 1: 10 reps/ 3 rounds
Inline bic curls on the ball - 15's
Seated overhead Tricpes Extensions on the ball- 15's

Supersets 2: 10 reps/3 rounds
1 Arm Seated Concentration Curls - 10 reps each side/15's
Triceps Push ups with 2 DB's- 10 reps (or do triceps dips instead of push ups!)

Superset 3: 10 reps/3 rounds
Preacher Curls on the ball - 15's
1 Arm Kick back - 10's

Supersets 4: 10 reps/3 rounds
Scull Crushers - 12's
Biceps curls - 12's

Debbie - sorry about the hang over on Saturday. I guess we are not used to drinking much anymore. I have a limit on drinking. No more than 2 glasses of 4 oz of wine. My heartbeat raises during the night if I drink more wine. I do drink lots of water with each glass of wine, that helps too. Red wine stains my tray's and teeth, that is the main reason I drink lots of water with wine. Hope you had fun at your in-laws yesterday.

Waving Hi to Kirstin!

Have a great Monday and workout everyone.
I also did a lower body butt workout. Getting my butt ready for Hawaii :p in August. We changed the Hawaii Trip to August. We forgot their gonna be a lot of kids in September. August they all should be in school, lol.

5 Exercises/20 reps each exercise/3 Rounds
1 Jacks with loops around the ankles - I did the jacks on my rebounder
2. Straight Leg kick back - hold on to a chair kick 1 leg back with loops around
3.Jacks with loops around your ankles
4.Elevated single glute bridge -switch to the other legs without the loop
5.Fire hydrant side kick/back kicks = 1 rep/ 20 reps each leg

Bonus Burn: 100 reps of 4 sets/ do 25 reps count until you reach 100 reps each side:
Outer thigh lift Right leg /with loops - do 4 sets of 25 peps no break than switch to the other side

My booty is on fire. I think I kicked my own booty today :p This work hurts!

FYI! On Friday my husband and I will go to a wedding to Ohio. We will come back Monday. I will take my workouts with me. BBL!
Hey guys. We are back from Connecticut. DS's team made it to the semi-finals, but fell short. It was a fun time though. I really like all the parents on the team this year. I ate all kinds of crap and did not get any workouts in. I set my alarm for a run this morning, but slept through it, I was so tired. I didn't feel like working out today, but I sucked it up and did a 5-mile run this evening. The good news is the humidity dropped and the run was comfortable.

Anyway, I am pretty tired. I am going to bed early tonight. Then I have a three mile run scheduled for the morning and CF.

Deb- Sorry to hear about your hangover. I had one on Sunday. Too much fun with the parents the night before. Some of them were drinking beers at the games on Sunday. I just wanted greasy food all day. Luckily, our side of the field had a lot of shade, so I wasn't baking in the sun with a hangover. I feel too old for it too, lol.

Belinda- nice workout! Everyone I know that takes a trip to Hawaii absolutely loves it. I bet you are counting down the days.

I will be back tomorrow.

3-mile tempo run done. The next few days Long Island is supposed to have a heat wave, which means I have to continue to get up early to run. Going to CF later.

Have a great day guys!
Good morning,

I did Upper Body this morning again. I will try to post what I did later.

I need to get all my weight workouts in before we leave on Thursday, the family wants us to came up early so we can spent some time before the wedding on Saturday. I am trying to get all my workouts in, not sure if I will get any in while we in Ohio. I will defiantly bring my my workout clothes. My booty is so sore today. Not sure I can do another butt workout today, lol. It may have to wait until tomorrow.

Debbie - where are you?

Kirstin - great job getting your run in early. It's hot here too. Not looking forward driving to Ohio on Thursday in that heat.

You all doing an amazing job with your workouts. Keep up the good work, everyone. BBL

I forgot to check-in yesterday. I did bi's & tri's yesterday. Today was shoulders and treadmill workout. DH and I are up in the air if we are going to the beach tomorrow or visit our old neighborhood:confused: We haven't been to the beach this summer yet.

Belinda - It looks like you had a really good booty workout:) You will love Hawaii the scenery is beautiful. Your party sounded like fun! A smart idea to have a lot of water with your wine. Who is getting married?

Kristin - Your son's team did great! 5 miles is impressive when you didn't feel like working out;) Hopefully no baseball this weekend it is supposed to be so hot. It's a challenge to eat right during the summer:oops:

Hey guys. Just got back from CF. It was a killer workout. We started with kneeling shoulder presses with kettlebells. Then we did floor presses, which are barbell chest presses from the floor and ended with a 21-15-9 workout - push-ups and burpees. My chest is so sore already. Tomorrow I am doing a track workout. It is so hot outside. DS has a baseball game at 2, the height of the heat for the day. My other DS has drama club. I will be in the pool after.

Deb- We have baseball all week. I hope you chose to go to the beach. I love this weather when I can go in the pool or the ocean, lol.

Belinda- sometimes when I have booty DOMS and I do another leg workout the DOMs get better. Not sure why that is. . . it seems it would get worse?


Good evening,

Great job yesterday, everyone! DH and I will take off early tomorrow morning. I will check in sometime tomorrow when I get a break.

Debbie - I do forget to check in sometimes too. No problem. Did you end up going to the beach with your DH? I hear there is a lot of flash eating going on :( I will not step foot in the ocean. Not sure, what's going on. You been to a few weddings, right? I know I can't wear white to a wedding unless it's my wedding, lol. Can I wear a black dress? Or is back more like for a funeral?

Kirstin - I swear....doing band workouts for the booty gets me the DOMS for day's. It gets right into there, lol. I don't get DOMS like this when I used DB's or a BB. The bands are evil :p not to mention I am doing high reps. Yesterday I couldn't do another leg workout, I couldn't sit down. Your CF workout sounds brutal. WTG! It's very hot here too. It's going to be hot on Saturday for the wedding too.

That's it for me today. I will be back tomorrow.

We didn't go to the beach (but will go next week), we thought there would be storms. We went to Brooklyn/Queens and saw our old houses which was fun. We also went to Neir's bar where Goodfellas was filmed. It is an old historic bar which was only blocks away from where my DH grew up. We really didn't know about it until the movie and it was our 1st time going there. We ate lunch by Rockaway beach on the water which was nice too.

Today I did Travel Fit.

Belinda - I'm going to try your lower body band workout:) I really enjoyed using the bands today. At the weddings I have been at women where black. My niece is getting married in September and her stepmom plans to wear black. Everything is so different, my niece is getting married in a barn which is a big thing now. I will not be stepping in the water either. A big lake near me has been closed for months because of some type of bacteriao_O

Kristin - I can't imagine how you are running in this weather:eek: but kudos! Your CF workout sounded tough. The baseball games must be tough, we did get a breeze today which was helpful. The weekend could be over 100!! Pool time or any water:cool:

Good morning,

Still sitting here drinking my coffee, need coffee for the long drive today.

Debbie - thanks about the dress. I picked out a few other dresses, but thinking of wearing the little black dress on Saturday. The barn wedding sounds like fun. It's scary about the flash eating bacteria I been reading lately :( Sounds like a lovely day yesterday. I did write out all the band workouts I did the other day, you should give it a try. Let me know what you think?

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today.

Hopefully I have time to check in later this evening.
Hey guys. Got my run in early this morning. I tried to avoid the heat. It was very cloudy and drizzling, but the humidity was at 100%. I was dripping with sweat when it was over. I have to clean my steering wheel and seat now, lol. Wet with sweat. I did a speed workout: 1 mile warm-up, then 800m fast, 400m slow 3X, then 1 mile cool down. My slow was sloooowwww partly due to the humidity, partly due to the fact that like an idiot I wore shorts and my inner thighs were rubbing together and chafing. I give up on running with shorts. Every time I do this happens. I don't have "thick" legs either. Just really pisses me off.

Anyway, my long run is scheduled for Saturday but with temps going into the 100s, I am thinking I will get it done early, early tomorrow morning and then either go to CF or rest Saturday.

Deb- Goodfellas is my favorite mob movie! I had no idea they filmed in a restaurant in NY for real, lol. I need to go there! I can watch that movie over and over again. I am glad you had a great day!

Belinda- I agree you can wear black. . . unless you are the mother-in-law. . . then that will have people talking, lol.



Today I did Belinda's booty band workout. It was good and tough my legs feel worked. My bands kept rolling up, saw some material bands on Amazon. They are supposed to stay in place thinking about ordering them.

Belinda - Thanks for the workout, I really liked it! Have fun at the wedding:)

Kristin - You deserve extra points for running in the humidity! Someone said to put deodorant on you inner thighs when working out in the heat. I haven't tried it though. You would like the bar in Queens where Goodfellas was filmed. It is small and dark but lots of pictures around.

9 miles done. I was supposed to do my long run on Saturday, but with the extreme heat that is coming, I thought it would wiser to get it done today. I started the run at 6:30, with temps at 70 degrees but the humidity was 100%. I had a 10 minute pace throughout and got it done feeling good the whole way. I also left my wireless headphones at home and ran in silence and with my thoughts. So many thoughts, both positive and negative fly through my mind during 9 miles, lol.

Deb- Material bands? They probably work well for staying in place. I hate when my band rolls ups. Let me know if you try them out.

Belinda- hope you have fun at the wedding and that it is cooler there than it is here.

My husband is panicking that we may lose power with this heat and everyone using the A/C. We live a block away from the fire department. We never lose power, I believe because we are on the same "grid" as the firehouse. Not sure how it works, but I think we will be okay. Fingers crossed.



Today I took a yoga class. It was a hot day today, the weekend will be worse:(

Belinda - Enjoy your wedding!

Kristin - It was smart to do your nine miles today:) It must have seemed longer without headphones. I sometimes like silence and being with my thoughts. My DH is worried our a/c will breakdown. We have had problems in the past but there is no way of knowing when it will happen. Our DH's are funny:)

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in, long day yesterday. Thursday about 50 miles from Ohio we got a warning sign on our car. DH called the Ford dealer to make sure it wasn’t safe to drive. We have a Ford Fusion Hybrid. Yesterday the car stopped running, we got jumped twice. No ford dealership in Toledo was able to get us in until next week. DH went to Auto Zone and had them put in a new battery. Of course that took us to different places, not everyone carries batteries for a hybrid car. That was a lot fun in that heat. Today is the wedding, I will try to get a quick workout in. BBL

Today I did X-train bi's & tri's. We spent the day in my in-laws pool, almost the whole family showed up because of the heat:eek: Our a/c is running constantly:(

Belinda - I'm sorry you had to go through so much with your car:( That is a fear of mine to breakdown on a long car drive. Your options are so limited and you are in a strange place. I'm happy it worked out for you and hopefully you can enjoy the rest of your trip.

Kristin - I hope you didn't sweat buckets if you ran today, tough weekend!

Hey guys. I took two rest days this weekend. Saturday was a planned rest day. I intended to go to CF on Sunday, but overslept. It was too damn hot to do anything anyway. I slept in again today, but went to the 10:00 class. I need to get a 3-mile run in. I will do that around 5-6 o'clock, when it starts to cool off, before the rain comes. Not much else to report. Today's workout was a killer. We did squats, goblet lunges and burpees.

1 back squat @ 55# BB, then goblet squats across the room (25# KB), then 8 burpees, then goblet squats back

2 back squats, then repeat goblet squats, burpees,

3 back squats and so on. . .

We had 20 minutes to complete. I finished 7 rounds and I was dripping with sweat.

Deb- my a/c unit downstairs busted yesterday. :( At least we have upstairs working. The upstairs is the part of the house that gets really hot.

Belinda- Sorry to hear about your car troubles. I hope you at least got to enjoy the wedding.


3 mile tempo run done. My average pace was 9'02- I'll take it because it was hot, humid, and I didn't feel like doing it, lol.

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