Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Happy Friday! This week was like the last leg of a tough marathon. I had my grades due, the students were still in class AFTER finals, and I am switching classrooms, so I had to pack all of my materials up and had multiple conversations with the custodian. I survived!!!! I ended up taking two rest days in a row, Tuesday and Wednesday between the heat (the building was so gross) and all the work and running around, I was exhausted. Thursday I ran 4 miles and went to a morning Crossfit class (it was all upper body work). My coach told me that by the end of the summer I would have full pull-ups. Right now I do either jumping pulls-ups or assisted pull-ups with the band. Today I ran 5 miles, dripping with sweat because of the humidity. I came home and did sit-ups and bicep curls. I am helping my dad with his pool in a bit and then I plan on swimming and lounging by my pool. I will go see my mom later too.

Belinda- What resort are you staying at? I love beach resorts, but sometimes they are overpriced for what they offer. Like you, I am getting my runs done in the morning before the heat gets too high. Mosquitoes seem to prefer me as well. I always get bit up.

Deb- last day for students was Tuesday. Because they already took the final, I had the classes help me pack up my room. Smart cookie over here. Helped me get much of the work done without having to stay there longer, lol. Wednesday was the last day for teachers. He held a faculty meeting. Really? I wasn't listening, lol. I think the teachers are worse than the kids when school is ending. We just want to get out of there, lol. It was a tough year. I am disappointed in the principal. I thought he would be wonderful and change things. If anything, he made it worse. There is no discipline in the building and he does not support teachers. . . Next year I am sticking to my corner of the world (got a corner room).



Today I took a rest day, walked my SIL dog LOL. We are going to grab a bite to eat but it looks like a storm is brewing;)

Belinda - I figure if we ever move to FL we will have to do everything in the AM or PM after the sun goes down Enjoy the rest of your time in FL!

Kristin - A tough week! It was really smart to get the kids to help, and it kept them busy:) Now your summer has begun, it must be nice to be able to workout when you want.

:cool:Have a great weekend:cool:
Good morning,

It’s been raining and thunderstorms since yesterday. We did had a break this morning took a chance and went for a 3.58 miles walk. Glad we did, it’s raining again. We will be home tomorrow late night. I will try to check once I am home. Have a wonderful day and weekend.
Kirsten- we are at Edgewater Beach Hotel resort Naples, Florida. I am like a magnet for Mosquitos.

Debbie- it’s brutally hot here. The walk after the rain felt great.

Today I walked on the treadmill. I also went to my in-laws pool.

Belinda - We had a bad thunderstorm here this afternoon lots of trees came down. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and safe travels.

Kristin - Do you still have baseball?


Today I did Cathe Live Give me more Leg and Core. It was a really good workout:) I also went to my in-laws pool. I wish we could have more days like today, less humid.

Belinda - Safe trip home:)

Kristin - Hope you had a nice weekend!

Hey guys. Had a great weekend. Loving summer vacation. Saturday I ran 5 miles. I was aiming for 8 but I started my run later than what I wanted to and the humidity was too much. My pace was slow too, it was just too humid. Sunday was Crossfit. DS had a baseball tournament as well, of course.

Today officially starts my marathon training. I am doing a 20-week plan. It is really a combination of two plans. One plan is from the Philadelphia marathon website (intermediate plan) the other is from Runner's World magazine. I took the speed runs (tempos and 800s from Runner's World) and inserted them where the Philadelphia marathon plan had shorter runs. The longer runs and recovery runs are from the Philly plan. I also incorporated CF. I will be doing CF 3X a week. Then when the runs get very long, I am cutting back to 2X a week. Anyway, I am excited. Today was 5 miles. I did my half-marathon pace and got it done early to avoid the heat.

My DH is off today and so we are heading out to the beach. Perfect day for it and hopefully it won't be crowded.

Deb- yesterday we had a bad thunderstorm around 2:30. We were about to go in the pool when dark clouds rolled in out of nowhere. We got all the patio cushions inside and it started to pour and then hail. We had some trees down around the neighborhood as well. It only lasted less than an hour. Then sunny again, but the humidity was gone.

Belinda- Are you back home yet?


Good morning,

I am home again. We didn't get home until midnight. Couldn't sleep so DH and I got up early to get our workout in. We did PHA this morning.

Debbie - thank you! The last few day's in FL we had thunderstorms daily. Yesterday after breakfast we went to the beach and stayed until the afternoon. The weather was perfect for the beach yesterday, little breeze not to hot. I thought the hotel was getting crowed the last few day's, not sure were all those kids came from, lol. We probably will not stay in the hotel again. The food was great, the staff at the beach, pool and dinning area was amazing. We paid a lot of money for the week, the rooms are not as clean as I am used too. My standards are high if I pay that kinda $$ for a night. We did complained, the management didn't give a dam. A lot of people from Miami came to Naples to escape the crowded beaches in Miami. It was very crowded the last few day's. There are only 2 hotels in Naples on the beach.

Kirstin - I am home since late last night. Enjoy your day with your DH.

I will be back later for more personals.

Today I walked on the treadmill.

Belinda - We almost stayed at that hotel but ended up at the Naples Beach Resort it was overpriced too! It was on the beach but a building blocked 3/4 of our view:( If we went back I would stay in a place off of the beach it has to be better and cheaper LOL. I'm glad you enjoyed your stay. When we were there the thunderstorms didn't even break the humidity.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. I just finished a 3 mile tempo run. My average pace, 8'47 a mile :cool:. I plan on going to the 10 o'clock Crossfit class today.

We went to the beach yesterday. It was a great day. My son kept saying he saw a fin in the water, and we thought he was kidding, trying to scare his younger brother. Well, it was a dolphin. The dolphin got pretty close to the shore and was swimming along the beach. Lifeguards saw the fin and called everyone out and then we all realized it was a dolphin.

Even though it was a harmless dolphin, I did not go back in the water. I mean. . . if there's a dolphin so close to the shore, what else could be in there? Am I right? The boys thought it was amazing.

Deb- beachfront is always more money and not always worth it, I agree.

Belinda- When I visited my aunt in Florida last year in July we had thunderstorms every day. They were always quick-moving. It was a drag when it was the middle of the day and we were in the pool.


Good morning,

I walked for 3 miles this morning. Wasn't in the mood for anything else. Need to catch up on work.

Kirstin - great job getting your run in early. Have fun at CF today. Are you on vacation? We saw lots of dolphins. I don't go into the ocean too. You never know what's in there. The last 3 or 4 day's we had thunderstorms in the afternoon. I guess, it's normal for FL.

Debbie - there are only 2 beach hotels in Naples both are overpriced. All the rooms had ocean view, saw the ocean from every angle. The hotel was right on the ocean, which was great. We didn't had to walk much. I think next time we stay of the beach too. You couldn't use your own beach towel or umbrella. You had to use theirs. The chairs with covers and towels were free for the guest, but you had to pay $25 extra for the umbrella :( You needed an umbrella, I couldn't go without one. It was hot! The only time it was nice less humanity was early in the morning. After 10 a.m. forget it, lol.

That's it for me today.

Today I took a rest day, needed to finish computer work. I will double up tomorrow and do cardio and weights.

Belinda - Nice job with your walk:) It would be crazy not to have an umbrella up in Florida, we even use one in February o_O They should be free LOL.

Kristin - Great workouts! How exciting to see a dolphin in the Atlantic Ocean:) I don't blame you for not going in after that, you don't know what else was out there;)

Good morning,

Cathe Lite Pyramid UB is done. I wrote all the exercises down when I borrowed the dvd's from my friend. Enjoyed the workout doing it that way, I also played my own music :) I have done a similar workout while I was on vacation. In the future, I will do different exercises just to mix things up. I also could use my Bowfex doing for triceps press downs.

Debbie - I thought it was kinda odd not to provide umbrellas but everything else was included. That was kinda rip off, IMO! Hope you enjoyed your rest day.

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today. Are you on vacation?

Great job on your workouts everyone. Keep up the good work. BBL!
Hey guys. Went to Crossfit today. The main workout was short. We had 10 minutes to do 60 power clean an presses with a barbell. I went light with 45# barbell because I suck at power cleans. I was done in 8:36. Then we did 2 minutes on bike, 1-minute rest, 2 minutes on rower, 1-minute rest. That was it. Even though it was short, I am exhausted. I could take a nap right now.

Tomorrow I plan on a doing a 45 minute run. Then we are going to my neighbor's house for a fourth of July bbq.

Belinda- school ended for me last Wednesday, so I have been officially off for one week. It feels like heaven. My neighbor was telling me how lucky I was to be able to sleep in. I told her I haven't been sleeping in because I go for my runs early before the heat gets me.

Deb- seeing the dolphin was cool but also a bit freaky. I've been on Long Island my whole life and never saw a dolphin, especially that close to the beach!



Today I did High Reps upper body only and the treadmill. Tomorrow we will go to my in-laws for a bbq.

Belinda - That was a good idea to write down the exercises and use your own music:) Is the bowflex like the total body gym?

Kristin - I could see why you needed a nap after your workout;) It's better to have lighter weight, power cleans are hard. Lately there have been shark sightings, pretty scary.

Morning guys! Happy 4th of July! I got up super early to get in my run. I did 4.5 miles. I was hoping to beat the heat and humidity. While I might have beaten the heat, the humidity kicked my behind, lol. I was dripping with sweat everywhere and my sunglasses kept getting fogged up. It was supposed to be a slow run, and the humidity made sure I was running slow, lol.

We are heading over to my neighbor's today for a 4th of July BBQ. What are your plans?

Deb- I agree, sometimes the short workouts at Crossfit are the ones that exhaust me the most. At first, I always feel a bit ripped off, lol, like the class is very short with a 10-minute main workout, but then it kicks my ass every time. I would not have been able to do anything else after that.

Belinda- there were more dolphins spotted on another beach. It is weird to me to have dolphins so close to the shore. Like I said before, all my life living here on Long Island, I've never seen a single dolphin.


Happy 4th of July,

I am watching my son's 2 dogs over the 4th of July, just got a walk in. I may do another workout later?

Debbie - it's not hard write down the exercises. I actually like it better this way, IMO! Like I said, I did something similar in FL in the gym. I get bored easily with the same chatter/crew/music. The possibilities are endless. Are you going the the RT this month?

Kirstin - great job getting your run in early. I hear you on the heat. It was hot when we walked the dogs. Have fun at the BBQ today. Wow, about never seen a single dolphin. Wonder what's going on? I would also stay out of the ocean.CF is tough. It would kick anyones butt, even if it's a 10 min workout. Maybe one day I will give it a try. It would probably kill me, lol! DH and I are watching the dogs for the 4th of July :)

I will be back later.

Happy 4th of July!!
Today DH and I took a long walk in our neighborhood. There are some steep hills, maybe that's why I don't do it often;) It was hot and humid which made it that much harder. The BBQ was fun but needed to keep going in the house to cool off.

Belinda - Do all of the dogs get along? It must be fun to watch the dogs. I am going to the RT in July.

Kristin - Running must have been tough today! I'm not sure why but I took my shower before my walk:rolleyes: The boy's must be happy it's summer vacation:)

Good morning,

Today I did Lite Pyramid lower body wrote all the exercises down and played my own music. I should have gone heavier with my weights. I need to make a note for next time.

Rear Side Lunges:
Set 1 - Rear Slide Lunges 5's/12 reps switch to other leg
Set 2 - Rear Slide Lunges 8's/10 reps "
Set 3 - Rear Slide Lunges 10's/ 8 reps "
Set 4 - Rear Slide Lunges 8's/10 reps "
Set 5 - Rear Slide Lunges 5's/12 reps "

Step Ups with 3 risers:
Set 1 - Step Ups 8's/12 reps switch legs
Set 2 - Step Ups 10's/10 reps switch legs
Set 3 - Step Ups 12's/ 8 reps "
Set 4 - Step Ups 10's/10 reps
Set 5 - Step Ups 8's/12 reps

Side Slide Lunges:
Set 1 - Side Slide Lunges one 10lb/12 reps switch to other side
Set 2 - Side Slide Lunges 12lb/10 reps "
Set 3 - Side Slide Lunges 15lb/ 8 reps "
Set 4 - Side Slide Lunges 12lb/10 reps "
Set 5 - Side Slide Lunges 10lb/12 reps "

Elevated Lunges on a 6" step/one riser
Set 1 - Elevated Lunges right foot on the step/ 8's/12 reps switch to the left foot
Set 2 - Elevated Lunges 10's/10 reps switch
Set 3 - Elevated Lunges 12's/ 8 reps switch
Set 4 - Elevated Lunges 10's/10 reps
Set 5 - Elevated Lunges 8's/12 reps

Sliding CrossBack Lunges:
Set 1 - Sliding CrossBack Lunges 8's/12 reps switch
Set 2 - Sliding CrossBack Lunges 10's/10 reps
Set 3 - Sliding CrossBack Lunges 12/ 8 reps
Set 4 - Sliding CrossBack Lunges 10's/10 reps
Set 5 - Sliding CrossBack Lunges 8's/12 reps

Set 1 - Deadlifts 10's/12 reps
Set 2 - Deadlifts 12's/10 reps
Set 3 - Deadlifts 15's/ 8 reps
Set 4 - Deadlifts 12's10 reps
Set 5 - Deadlifts 10's/12 reps

Calf Raises:
Set 1 - Calf Raises 10's/30 reps
Set 2 - Calf Raises 12's/25 reps
Set 3 - Calf Raises 15's/20 reps
Set 4 - Calf Raises 12's/25 reps
Set 5 - Calf Raises 10's/30 reps

I also did Pyramid Bonus Tricpes:
Superset 1:
Standing Kick Backs - 5's/ 12 reps
Lying Extension on Ball - 5's/ 12 reps

Superset 2:
Standing Kick Backs - 8's/ 10 reps
Lying Extension on Ball - 8's / 10 reps

Superset 3:
Standing Kick Backs - 10's / 8 reps
Lying Extension on Ball - 10's/ 8 reps

Superset 4:
Standing Kick Backs - 8's/ 10 reps
Lying Extension on Ball - 8's / 10 reps

Superset 5:
Standing Kick Backs - 5's / 12 reps
Lying Extension on Ball - 5's/ 12 reps

Debbie - yes, all the dogs getting along. It wasn't fun watching my son's dogs last night, his Beagle was terrified with all the fireworks last night. She was hiding and running around like crazy :( Poor thing! We had quit the fireworks show last night. I was praying for it to stop. Not even the rain stopped people blow up the skies. I am glad it's over and my son picks up his dogs. Next year I know better, lol. Have fun at the RT this year.

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today.

That's it for me today. Have a wonderful day and workout everyone.

Today I did High Reps lower body and cleanmax LOL. I was supposed to go to yoga but overslept:oops:

Belinda - You are so organized to right down the workout but it is a great idea! Sorry about your son's dog, I hear a lot of dogs are terrified of fireworks. I heard about a blanket/coat to put on a dog but really don't know the details.

Waves hi to Kristin

Have a great weekend:)

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