Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Today I did Yvette Kickboxing No Equipment Big cal burn. The workout was around 60 min. I really love this one. She did standing abs in-between at the end she did some lower body. I also enjoyed the nice stretch at the end. I did everything low impact. I burned 565 cal :) Not bad! I can't wait to try one of her other workouts.

Debbie - my kitchen was a mess prepping for my lunch and breakfast for the week. I am glad I did it, now I have an entire healthy meals waiting for me. We are surrounded by vineyards :) The one we went on Sunday, I must say was one of the nicest view I have seen. Beautiful! What else you gonna do on a rainy Sunday? LOL!

Kirstin - where are you, girl?

I am a sweaty mess. I will see you all tomorrow. Have a great day, everyone.

Today I did 10 min solution Butt Lift. Tomorrow we are taking our nephew out for the day, still deciding what to do:)

Belinda - It is a lot of work and mess, but it is worth it when you are hungry at lunch:) I like standing abs but not many people do it or maybe not many exercises :confused:

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey ladies.

It has been a crazy couple of days, but I am getting runs in. I did 4 miles yesterday and 4 miles today. I went on my son's field trip to the city yesterday. Unexpectedly had to take today off as well because my mom ended up back in the hospital. She has another UTI. I was at the hospital all night last night. Got home and wasn't sure if they were going to keep her or not, so I stayed home. They decided to release her this morning.

If my dad doesn't need me to go to the assisted living home later, I plan on going to CF at 5:30. Now I am going to take advantage of the time I have and catch up on bills and grading.

Belinda- 565 calories in a hour is an awesome return on a workout! Nice job! I think it's good you got the preorder price. Like you said, you can make your final decision after they show the previews.

Deb- It's a nice day out today. What did you decide to do?

Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

I am in DC for a business meeting. No workout for me today. I will drive home tonight.

Debbie - I agree, prepping your food for the week is worth it. I think I will continue to make my lunches and breakfast.

Kirstin - good job getting your runs. So sorry to hear about your mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom (((HUGS)) My husbands mom they moved her into hospice. The workout I did yesterday was a lot of fun. Can't wait to try more. I did like the cal burn, not bad for a low impact workout. As far as, the preorder goes...I will wait until I get more details.

See you all tomorrow.

Today I did a Cathe Live w/o In the Ring. We took our nephew to Liberty Science Center. It was a beautiful day but my FIL isn't doing too well so we wanted to stay close to home. Also because of my nephews height/age he isn't able to go on a lot of rides, so we decided not to go to an amusement park.

Belinda - It's good that you took a rest day, especially after going 80 days:)

Kristin - I hope your Mom is feeling better, sorry you have to go through so much. My DH and his sisters are going through a lot with their Dad too, it breaks my heart. I thought you said you went to Liberty Science Center. It has been 15 years since I have been there and it has changed so much, even better:) I loved being able to see the NY skyline from the building.

Good morning,

ICE Met circuit it done.

Debbie - I am dragging this morning. Came home late last night, due to traffic in DC. Sorry your husband is going through this with his dad too. Great job yesterday. Did you sign up for Cathe Live monthly or yearly?

Kirstin - hope you get your workout in today.

I will be back later.

Today I walked on the treadmill. I'm so happy tomorrow is Friday:)

Belinda - I hear that the DC traffic is tough:( We were in a little bit on our way home from Florida. I signed up for Cathe Live yearly.

Kristin - I hope you get some time to relax this weekend.

Good morning,

I did Turbo Kicks this morning. I am getting ready for my walk.

Debbie - traffic is tough. Alesia is on a business trip to San Fransisco, she said the traffic is worst than in DC :( She only there for a day. Poor girl! That's fantastic you signed up for a yearly Cathe Live. I would use it daily, lol. Nice job on your walk yesterday.

Hi Kirstin!


Today I took a yoga class. We are going to grab a bite to eat. The weather has been beautiful!

Belinda - Wow, I haven't done Turbo Kicks in a long time, like it. There are so many choices on Cathe Live, it is a big collection. I hear traffic in California is terrible.

Kristin - What are your plans for this weekend?

Have a great weekend:)
Good morning,

XTRAIN TABATACISE is done. I did all 5 Tabatas. I haven't done that workout in years, too high impact. I did all the high impact on my rebounder. I am going to pull out this one more often, now I can do it on my rebounder.Great music in that one.

Debbie - I love Turbo Kicks. The workouts are fun. I am always looking for a fun kickboxing workouts. I am already overwhelmed with my huge dvd collection, not need to add more stress on what to do each day. Maybe one of those day's I will give it a try. I have too be honest, when I look at the Live clips I really don't see anything different than she does in her dvd's. I may be wrong! The moves look all the same, plus she loves a lot of jumping around :(

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.

Today I did ICE meltdown bi's & tri's. Tomorrow our farmer's market opens, so will stop by.

Belinda - I haven't done X-train in a long time, I bet it will seem new to me when I do LOL.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

My kids are here for the weekend, yesterday we ended up going hiking. It was a short hike, but tough one.

Debbie - I am trying through run through all my dvd's. I need to see if I really need more. The workout felt new too me since I haven't done it in years. It was perfect on the rebounder. Have fun at the farmers market today. Great job on ICE meltdowns.

Kirstin - happy birthday!! Hope you having a fulfilled day.

Happy Father's day! BBL!
Hey guys. It was a busy week. Friday I ran 7 miles and yesterday I ran 3 before chaperoning the water park trip for my school. I got up at 6, ran three miles, went on trip and got home around 8. I went to bed early. This morning I went to CF. We did 4 rounds of one minute work, one minute off. Here were the movements:

hang cleans, burpees, kettlebell swings, rower 2X
deadlifts, burpees, goblet squats, bike

I burned 300 calories in 28 minutes. Not bad.

We had an early bbq here for my birthday/Father's day. Getting ready to go to my son's baseball game. What else would I be doing on a spring weekend?

Belinda- nice job on your workouts. I like the idea of doing Tabacise on a rebounder! I bet the calorie burn is the same or higher but without the impact!

Deb- the Liberty Science Center was a different field trip I went on this year with the science classes. I've chaperoned quite a few trips this year. It is nice to do something with the students outside of school. Plus, it gets me out of the building, lol.

My mom is doing better now that she is on antibiotics. Hopefully, she doesn't get another UTI in a long while.

BB tomorrow.


Today I did ICE Low Impact Sweat 1st cardio premix. We went to my in-laws for a BBQ and the weather held up. It was a nice day:) The farmers market was so busy for the 1st day.

Belinda - A hike sounds like a lot of fun:) It sounds like you had fun with the kids.

Kristin - It sounds like you enjoyed your birthday weekend. It must be tough having to share you birthday with Father's Day;) Great job with your workouts. I would also go on lots of field trips, change of pace:)

Good morning,

TB Trisets is done.

Debbie - glad you had fun as well.

Kirstin - hope you enjoyed your day yesterday.

BBL for more personals
Hey guys. Got in a five-mile run in this humidity. I was sweating buckets, lol. HAd a great birthday and Father's Day yesterday. This week at work is going to be hell, but I will get through it. Almost at the finish line. The kids are crazy, the schedule is insane, but we are almost there.

Deb- the weather was surprising yesterday, right? I am glad you had a good day. Field trips are a great way to change the pace for sure, lol.

Belinda- nice job on your workout!



Today I did X-train burn sets. I forgot how much I like that one. I hurt my shoulder about 3 months ago and it just won't get better even while I was in Florida :confused: The good thing is it only hurts when I move it certain ways but not all day long.

Belinda - Thanks for the idea, I will do a few X-train workouts this week:) I used to have a rebounder when the boys were little but they ended up using it for basketball!

Kristin - I will hope this week go fast for you. I have started seeing kids at the mall, guessing some of the schools here have closed. The weather was nice yesterday but humid and rainy the next couple of days:(

Good morning,

This morning I did MMA Kickboxing. It was perfect, I have zero energy this morning.

Debbie - you are welcome! I love XTrain. The workouts are fun and the music is great. I am so glad I got my rebounder. It's a lot of fun too and my knees are not hurting.

Kirstin - great job on your 5 miler. I am sure you can't wait until schools out. Any plans once school out? It was very humid here too. The dogs didn't wanted to go outside :) I been watching my kids 2 dogs.


Today I did Burn set chest, back & shoulders (yesterday was bi's & tri's). We took my nephew to see Disney's Aladdin, it was really good. It's funny haven't been to the movies in so long forgot you can pick your seat ahead of time. Since we didn't our seats were terrible, front row.

Belinda - I was dragging all day too:( I think it was the rainy weather. Kudos on getting kickboxing workout in:)

Waves hi to Kristin


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