Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did 21 day fix barre workout. We had pizza with my nephew visiting from Tennessee. It was a nice day, no rain:)

Belinda - A hike sounds like fun today:)

Kristin - Nice run, enjoy the baseball game today:)


Rest day for me today.

Debbie - the hike was beautiful. Saw a nice waterfall. Had a great weekend with my DD and DH.

Kirstin - enjoy your weekend.

I will be back later.

Today I did the last hot yoga class I had in my package. It was too hot, the instructor was a yoga guru (from India) and it was an amazing class.

Belinda - Seeing a waterfall is beautiful! Enjoy your rest day.

Waves hi to Kristin

Hello ladies! I did not have time to check in yesterday. I went to a CF class in the morning. We did a 30 minute EMOM (every minute on the minute) workout, which consisted of 5 movements and a rest, for a total of 5 rounds: 10 cal row, 6 burpees over the box, 10 DB snatches, 15 sit-ups, 10 overhead walking lunges (holding #20 DB overhead. . . after 2nd round, I went to 15#) then a 1 minute rest and repeat. I was a hot, sweaty mess.

After class, I changed in the bathroom and sped down to DS's baseball game. They won and are in the semi-finals for the tournament. They have won all four games and have 38 runs total, 8 runs allowed. His first game is at 10 today. If they win, they advance.

After the game, I took my younger DS and my dad to this beach that has a one-mile pedestrian path for runners and bicycles. We took our bikes and rode 4 miles, and then we hung out at the beach and even went in the water. Of course, it was cold, but it felt amazing. Cannot wait for summer to officially be here.

I am not feeling very motivated to run today, but I might try to get in a few miles this morning before the game.

I will bbl with personals,

Hi everyone,

DH and I did Day 69: AAA - arms, abs, a$# this morning. Just getting around to post.

Been sitting in the hospital with my walking partner/friend. She called me she needed help with her husband, he couldn't walk on his own anymore. He had 3 strokes in the past. She was very scared about her husband. My husband and I stayed in the hospital with her until they released him. Followed them home and make sure he got into his house without passing out. IMO, he should have stayed in the hospital. I am beat sitting in the hospital for over 6 hours. The doctors don't think it's his heart. He is getting an MIR tomorrow in a different town. My friend is new in the area and doesn't know her way around. I probably will go with them to the hospital for the MRI. I pray the doctors are right. They don't think it's his heart. The think it's vertigo.

Debbie - we live in a beautiful area. Lots of trails, waterfalls. You name it. Your yoga class sounds wonderful.

Kirstin - you are doing great with your workouts. Missing a day with your runs will not hurt. Have fun at the game.

I will be back tomorrow. Trying to rest for a bit.

Today I went to the gym and did a stair master workout. We also went to my in-laws for a bbq. There pool may have a leak not able to use it till the pool people figure it out. It would have been too cold for me:)

Belinda - That is so nice you and DH are helping out your friends. It does get so tiring being in the hospital so long. Your town sounds beautiful. I’ve heard some of the yoga instructors talk about retreats they have at the Gorge in West Virginia. They say it is beautiful. Are you familiar with that?

Kristin - It sounds like you had a very fun and active weekend! The bike ride and swim sounded like fun too. You are very brave the water is so cold, but I bet it is good for you:). I hope your ds’s team won.

Good morning,

Day 70 Cardio is done. I am in week 4 of Phase 3 . Next week is shred week. I am almost done.

Debbie - what are friends for, right? My friend just moved here 6 month ago. She still doesn't know her way around. I am just glad to be here for her and her husband. I never heard of that town? Need to google it it :) Glad you had fun at the bbq yesterday. DH and I bbq in the evening. I was starving too.

Hi Kirstin!

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. BBL!

Today I did Gym Style Legs, one of my favorites. We had tornado watch this evening it was scary alerts on our phones and TVs but lucky nothing here (only thunderstorms).

Belinda - I think it is near a river (Gorge), not sure:confused: I think I liked shred week, can't remember it was awhile ago.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

D71 legs is done.

Debbie - I will google it today. Forgot to do it yesterday. Great job on GS legs yesterday. That one is a tough one.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

Happy Hump Day, everyone.
Hey guys. Went to CF yesterday. We did an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) 15 minutes: 10 slam balls, 10 sit-ups with weighted slam ball, 10 alternating lunges. I used a 20# ball and got in 10 rounds. I was a sweaty beast. Today I did a fast 5.5 mile run before the thunderstorms arrived. I finished just in time. I got in my car and it started raining, lol. my pace was 8'48 per mile. Not too shabby. Felt good.

Tomorrow is a rest day for me. I am going to a retirement party for this crazy gym teacher in my building. She is an incredible, strong-minded person and I will miss her. Things at work have been pretty bad. The morale in my building is so low. We all plan on drinking and dancing. I will go to work with a bit of a hangover most likely. I plan on letting loose tomorrow night! Good thing I am giving a test on Friday, haha!

Belinda- 9 days left for you! You are killing it! I am so sorry to hear about your friend and her husband. Strokes are scary and can be so debilitating. Sending a prayer their way!

Deb- I saw on the news that tornadoes touched down in NJ. Parts of NY and NJ are under tornado warning tonight too! Stay safe! The sky is black over here and the rain is falling, but no thunder or lightning yet.


Today I did Muscle Max upper body premix. I thought I would make it home before tonight's storm but it started earlier and was in it for 10 min. Not too bad, but we are expecting more storms later in the evening tomorrow too:( My ds's gf town was hit with a tornado, it wasn't too bad TG.

Belinda - Great job with your workout! You live in a big state LOL.

Kristin - Your CF workout sounded tough but fun:) I thought with the new principal things would have been better for you this year. You deserve to have fun and let loose tomorrow;)

Good morning,

D72 TB Core is done.

Debbie - I looked up Gorge, WV. It's very beautiful! It's about 4.5 hours from where I live. Looks like the area I live in now. Lots of outdoor activities. Yes, WV is a big state. Great job yesterday.

Kirstin - thanks about my friends husband. I talked to her yesterday, she said he is slow but doing better :( Not sure what to think of it. Yeah, I am almost done with 80 Day's. Did you order Cathe's new Step Boss (or whatever it's called? I love the looks of your workouts. They look very tough and fun. Have fun tomorrow. You deserve it :)

Hope you all having a great day and workout.

Today I did Muscle Max lower body premix. I was stuck in the rain again:( everyday we have a rain storm. Tomorrow it should be better:)

Belinda - It is far from you, it looks so beautiful in the pictures. Will you move to another state when you downsize or stay in WV?

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

I did Day 73 Cardio Core + 3 mile walk this morning. I am fried.

Debbie - it is very far from me. I agree, very beautiful. I think, we will move away from WV. Sorry you got stuck with your truck in the rain. Hope you got out ok.

Need to keep going. Have a wonderful day and workout, ladies.

Today I took a yoga class. I hurt my hamstring but hopefully I can stretch it out. No rain today (happy dance):cool: We are going to grab a bite to eat.

Belinda - Today was a nice day to walk:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Have a great weekend!
Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

I just finished my last workout 74 in Phase 3. Next week I will start Peak week. 6 more workouts to go.

Debbie - it was very hot yesterday. We only walked 2.5 miles. Great job on your yoga class yesterday.

DH and I will met up with some friends tonight. Hope you all enjoy your weekend.

Today I took a rest day. I'm going to bed early I have a lot of cooking to do tomorrow.

Belinda - Wow, only 6 more days to do!! Have fun with your friends:)

Kristin - Is your son still in the tournament?

Hey guys. Well, Thursday the retirement party was amazing. We drank, we danced, we drank some more, we danced some more. I don't know how I managed to get to work Friday and be productive, but I did it. . . lol. I recovered Friday. No way was I doing a workout. Saturday I went for a run, but I only got two miles in. I just didn't feel well. Today I did a double-dose. CF and a 3-mile run. I'm back at it, baby! The lesson I learned is when it is time to really train for the marathon (July), I cannot drink like that. I shouldn't drink like that regardless, I know. We had such a blast though!

Deb- I had such high hopes for the new principal. However, as union rep, I have caught him lying to my face 3 times. I didn't tell him I knew he was lying, but I did. I hate liars, honestly. If you are a liar, you cannot be trusted with. . . anything really. It is such a poor quality to have as a leader. Besides the lies, the students in our building are out of control. Tons of fights, tons of disrespect. . . no discipline. After one fight a month ago, a boy in my 7th period class said to me, "Mrs. A we have too much freedom here. It's not good." When does a 12-year-old complain about freedom?!?!? :(:mad::oops::rolleyes::mad::( We have repeat offenders who o whatever the hell they want and nothing happens to them. It is awful. I feel like we are becoming like the school in the Joe Clark movie, Lean on Me. I have 13 years to go to get my full pension. I don't know if I can do it.

Belinda- I am not ordering anymore dvds or workouts. I never do them anymore. I was contemplating selling my collection. I don't know. . . I am addicted to running and Crossfit now. I will always be thankful to Cathe for helping me get fit. There was something about the older dvds that the newer ones just don't have. Not sure if it's the crew or the music. . . the magic is gone for me if that makes any sense.


Hi everyone,

Rest day for me today.

Debbie - almost done!! Not sure what I will do next? I have a few day's left to decide, lol. Hope you got a good night sleep.

Kirstin - I agree with everything you said about not buying anymore workout dvd's and there was something about her older dvd's. I can't remember the last time I did a dvd? I haven't bought a Cathe dvd since Fit Tower, I regarded buying them. Still haven't done them. Can't get myself to do them. As you know, I have preordered her last few series, but always end up canceling, lol. Who knows what it is? Crew and music....maybe both? I love BBO. So many amazing instructors and lots of different variety. Once I am done with 80Day I will run through my dvd's. If you really want to sell your dvd collection, do it now. DVD's are not worth anything anymore if you sell them from what I have seen. If I where you I hold on too them. Which one are you selling? Sorry about the new principal. I hate liars too. Sorry about the kids in your school :( That's horrible you can't do anything about it. They know you can't.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I ended up taking another rest day. I alternated cooking with computer work but happy I'm done now:)
June should be an easy month for me so will really concentrate on eating better and working out.

Belinda - You are so organized and motivated so I'm sure you will come up with something for June;)

Kristin - DH's gym turned 1/2 CF and the other 1/2 weight training/cardio. He said the people who just do CF love it and are so dedicated to it. He has too many injuries to try CF. Your school situation is sad for both the teachers and students. If it gets too much could you transfer to another school? I'm sure it would be hard it seems like you have a really nice relationship with your students. They would also miss you. I'm happy that you had so much fun at the retirement party!


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