Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

D56 booty workout is done.

Debbie - sorry about your friends restaurant.

Hi Kirstin.

Have a wonderful Mothers day, everyone.
Happy Mother’s Day!!
Have a nice day today:).

Today I did Metabolic Blast. I tried to get most of the work around my house done as well as food shopping so tomorrow will be easy. We went to go see my Mom and brother today.

Belinda - Nice job with your booty workout!

Waves hi to Kristin

Happy Mother's Day!!! Hope you both enjoy your day today. It's raining here.

Debbie - great jot with Metabolic Blast yesterday.


Today I took a hot yoga class. It was a good day because the weather was cold and rainy. We also went to my MILs to visit.

Belinda & Kristin - I hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day:)

Hi everyone,

Day 57 Arms, Abs & butt is done.

Hope you both had a wonderful day yesterday.

Sorry I have no time for personals.
Happy belated Mother's Day. My son had a baseball tournament this weekend. I managed to get in a 5 mile run Saturday morning. I ran slow, taking it easy after the half. Yesterday was a rest day for me. My husband got me an awesome gift, a medal holder for my race medals. It has a frame for the race bibs. I will try to upload the photo of it, but I can never manage to do it on this website, lol. My DS each bought me a running book and a baseball Mom necklace. My dad asked me to go see my mom with him and my brother. I haven't seen my brother since October and my brother never goes to see my mom. My dad wanted me there for support. I went with them. She seemed happy. It was actually nice. My dad admitted to us that he hasn't spoken to my sister in months. I haven't spoken to her since Christmas. She has bipolar disorder and I've kept her at a distance the last few years because I cannot take it anymore. I have always been a target for her. . . then she targetted my husband. I feel guilty at times, but I have to do what is best for my family, which is my husband and my boys. It is sad.

Today I went to Crossfit. The workout was tough! Three rounds: 1 minute of wall balls, 1 minute of hang cleans with a 55# barbell, 1 minute of step ups, 1 minute of push presses with 55# barbell, 1 minute of burpees, 1 minute rest then repeat. Your score was the number of reps. Your partner had to count and tally for you. I got 215. I am more than happy with that score, lol. I don't think I will be able to lift my arms tomorrow, haha.

Belinda- you are almost done with 80 day obsession! You are doing amazing!

Deb- I am sick to death of this rain! I want sunshine and warmth, dammit!



Today I took a hot yoga class. I also made soup because it was so cold:) I don't remember ever wearing a winter coat in May, but today I did.

Belinda - Hopefully your weather was warmer:)

Kristin - Nice CF workout! I'm happy for you that you had a nice day with your Mom and family. Your DH's gift sounds perfect. I agree you need to do what is best for you and your family in regards to your sister.

Good morning,

Cardio Flow is done. I will do a stretch later.

Debbie - it's 42" today. Very cold. Great job with your hot yoga.

Kirstin - glad you had a nice day and visit with your mom and family. Ditto what Debbie said about your sister. Sorry you have to go through this. Great job keeping up with your workouts.

I will try to be back later.
Hey guys. I went for a four-mile run today. Weather is still crappy :mad::mad::mad:. Only 50 degrees. Is it even May? I refuse to turn on my heat. . . but I am cold!!!

Belinda- 42 degrees? This is nuts!

Deb- I wore my winter coat today and yesterday too. It is crazy. I almost packed away my sweaters last week. I am glad I waited!



Today I did a Cathe Live Kickboxing workout. I was supposed to be off today but switched and will take tomorrow off, because I hear the sun will be out:cool:

Belinda - It was cold here today too:( This weekend should be nice!

Kristin - My heat went on it was below 40 here last night. I would think it is nice running in cooler weather though.

Hi everyone,

I had a doctors appointment for my hip this morning. They took x trays. He thinks its my hip. I thought maybe the pain radiating from my lower back. Had that problem years ago. Have to wait and see. DH and I did our workout before, we did legs today.

Debbie - my heat been on. It's too cold. I am not sitting in the cold. I hate being cold.
Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Kirstin - luckily I have enough walk in/ regular closets. I never have to put stuff away for summer. You probably need your sweaters through out the next month the way this weather is going, lol. It's freezing cold here. Today it's warm and sunny. This weekend it's suppose to get hot again.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.

Today I did a you-tube booty band workout. It was nice to have a warmer day:) I ran a bunch of errands today.

Belinda - My BIL just had a hip replacement and he is only 57. He workouts hard but was in so much pain everyday. He's is doing very good though. I hope he can help you with your pain.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

I thought I posted my workout this morning? Day 60 TB core is done.

Debbie - my husband was told at age 48 he needed a hip replacement. At the time we were stationed in Germany. We didn't trust the German doctors, lol. You can not sue them if something goes wrong. My husband had his hip replacement when he was 51. He should have not waited so long. He was bone on bone. He still having a lot of problem with his hip :(

Kirstin - how are you doing?

I am going for my walk with my friend. I will check in later.
Hey guys. Ran 4 miles Tuesday. Yesterday I went on a field trip with the science classes. We went to the Liberty Science Center in New Jersey. It was an awesome trip. The kids got to watch a live, robotic surgery and ask the surgeon questions as he was performing the surgery. Then we took them to different interactive exhibits. We had lunch and then went to the New Jersey 9/11 memorial by the Hudson River. It was a great day. I had my son's concert last night, so I did not get a workout in, but all that walking should count for something.

Today I ran 6 miles. Tomorrow I am going to my son's school play. I plan on going to an early morning CF class and maybe getting another 3 mile run in.

Belinda- does Germany have universal health care or private insurance like we do in the U.S.?

Deb- I prefer running in weather like this, lol. Warm and not humid. Perfection!



Today I did a kickboxing workout. Ugh, I left my wallet at home today and needed to go back home when I was 3/4 of the way to work:( I could have lived without it but was going for tires at Costco so needed my credit cards.

Belinda - Are you doing the countdown for 80 day:) I hear mixed reviews on both hip and knee replacements. It seems scary but amazing that they can do those type of surgeries.

Kristin - You are really busy this time of year, but kudos on getting in your workouts! I went several times as a chaperone and as a family to Liberty Science Center. It was a fun and interesting place. I loved that it overlooked the Hudson River.

Good morning,

Today I will do D61 Cardio.

Debbie - I sure do! 29 Day's to go. I did liked Phase 1 and 2. Not sure about 3? I am going to finish it and see what's happening. I hear mixed reviews on both hip/knee too. Once you have a hip replacement you can't do high impact workouts like running. You could if you want another hip in 10 years.

Kirstin - Germany have have universal health care and private insurance. Private insurance is different than here in the US. All military members are considered private Overseas. I had surgery on my sinus, there were another lady sleeping in the same room. Not really private, right? With all the refuses in Germany and getting free heath care and everything else, the heath care isn't the same anymore. The government is planning on taxing retirees, they don't get much $$ to begin with. Some body has to pay for it, right? Old people in Germany worked all their lives and hardly have enough to survive.

Getting ready for my workout. BBL!

Today I did the elliptical at the gym. I also had my hair colored and bought some flowers to plant. Tonight we are going to grab a bite to eat.

Belinda - I think I liked Phase 1 the best. Do you still walk with your neighbor?

Kristin - Do you have baseball this weekend? Will your son play baseball for school teams?

Have a great weekend?
Hi everyone,

I did Day 62 Booty this morning. We are going and met up with friends. I will not be around much today.

Debbie - I like Phase 1 & 2. Not a big fan of 3 :( Not sure why? You got a lot done yesterday. Feels good getting your hair done.

Kirstin - have a wonderful weekend.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
Hey guys. Yesterday I had to take a personal day to go to my son's play. It was The Trial of Goldilocks. My son was Goldilocks, lol. The kids did a great job. I got to go to an early morning Crossfit class because I had the day off. It was a lot of running, haha, my forte. Here was the workout:

600m run, 20 push-ups, 20 jumping pull-ups
800m run, 15 push ups, 15 jumping pull-ups
1200 m run, 10 push ups, 10 jumping pull-ups

Believe it or not my chest and back are very sore today.

Today I did an 8 mile run. My younger DS's chorus is singing at the Ducks baseball game tonight (minor league Long Island team). I have to finish cleaning and then shower and get ready for that.

Belinda- that sounds terrible (taxing retirees even more). I like that the military gets private insurance over there. We do not treat our vets well in this country, in my opinion. I don't understand it.

Deb- My son does play for his school team as well as travel. During the school season, the travel coach lightens up our game load. We do not have any games this weekend, but a tournament next weekend.



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