Happy belated Mother's Day. My son had a baseball tournament this weekend. I managed to get in a 5 mile run Saturday morning. I ran slow, taking it easy after the half. Yesterday was a rest day for me. My husband got me an awesome gift, a medal holder for my race medals. It has a frame for the race bibs. I will try to upload the photo of it, but I can never manage to do it on this website, lol. My DS each bought me a running book and a baseball Mom necklace. My dad asked me to go see my mom with him and my brother. I haven't seen my brother since October and my brother never goes to see my mom. My dad wanted me there for support. I went with them. She seemed happy. It was actually nice. My dad admitted to us that he hasn't spoken to my sister in months. I haven't spoken to her since Christmas. She has bipolar disorder and I've kept her at a distance the last few years because I cannot take it anymore. I have always been a target for her. . . then she targetted my husband. I feel guilty at times, but I have to do what is best for my family, which is my husband and my boys. It is sad.
Today I went to Crossfit. The workout was tough! Three rounds: 1 minute of wall balls, 1 minute of hang cleans with a 55# barbell, 1 minute of step ups, 1 minute of push presses with 55# barbell, 1 minute of burpees, 1 minute rest then repeat. Your score was the number of reps. Your partner had to count and tally for you. I got 215. I am more than happy with that score, lol. I don't think I will be able to lift my arms tomorrow, haha.
Belinda- you are almost done with 80 day obsession! You are doing amazing!
Deb- I am sick to death of this rain! I want sunshine and warmth, dammit!