Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Kirstin, I forgot to mention Melissa :( I am friends with her on Facebook too. She does seem very happy. I agree she does look great and seems happy! Good for her. WTG, on your run and CF. Aww...nice complement from your DS :)

Today I did an oldie Muscle Max. I went for a haircut today, usually I go in the morning but needed to meet my boss today so I went in the evening. I go to someone else for my hair color and the girl who cuts my hair is a family friend my SILs good friend and she also goes to my in-laws to take care of my MIL (paid) (background info). In the morning she texts me if I could come an hour early, I did but it meant I couldn’t finish my work. I get there and I feel really rushed, she washes my hair instead of the girl then just starts cutting without even asking what I want. I wanted side swept bangs and it’s not what I got. In all fairness I may not have been clear but it is what I ask for other times. She has a lot on her plate but lately she doesn’t care about quality more about the amount of side jobs she can do in one day. I know she would be insulted and probably cry if I stopped going to her. The haircut is expensive too. Sorry I just had to vent:(

Belinda - The name of the girl sounds familiar. Thank you for letting me know about some of the others. I noticed Cathe is posting on instagram now. I thought it was easy to accidentally skip a workout with 80 days. I think I may have too:)

Kristin - I think you will be happy with your times for the race, you are working so hard! It’s amazing how you can find info on how to better your times. Do you have to qualify for the Philadelphia race? One of the yoga instructors just raced in the Boston Marathon, she was sick so her times were off.

Good morning,

Day 41 TB Core is done. I need a good stretch today. Woke up with soreness in my back/abs :)

Debbie - Lora checked in the Hardcore check in years ago. She checked in the VF forum mostly. I talked to her a few times on FB.

Waving Hi to Kirstin. BBL!

I took a rest day today, I don't know but I was so tired and I slept a lot. I think my cold is finally over.

Last night we were meeting friends at a restaurant for a 50th Anniversary celebration. They needed to cancel because one of them was in the hospital with a pneumonia. While the rest of us were in the restaurant, we received a call from 2 other couples on the way that our friend needed to go to the emergency room. It turns out she had fallen asleep in the car and had a heart attack in her sleep and passed away:( It was the couple we were supposed to visit in Florida but couldn't because of an emergency heart procedure she needed. It just doesn't seem real. We are waiting to hear if they will have a service because they currently live in Florida.

Belinda - Great job with your workouts this weekend!

Kristin - I'm sure your enjoying your last couple of days of Spring break:)


Today I did Metabolic Blast. The memorial/Celebration of Life for our friend will be next Saturday when I will be in Chicago:( DH doesn't want me to change anything, I feel bad though.

Belinda - Thank you:) I don't think I could ever stop working out or at least walking (when I am old) because it is the only thing to get you through this kind of stuff.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Day 45 Booty is done.

Debbie - where are you going Thursday?

Kirstin - where are you?

Have a great workout and day, everyone.
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't checked in over the weekend. It was hectic between getting in my long run, seeing my mom, going to my son's tournament and then getting ready to go back to work.

Saturday was my long run. I did 8 miles. I took a rest day Sunday. My legs were very sore between Friday's workout at CF and the 8 mile run. Today I went to CF. We did deadlifts and push-ups. I deadlifted 165# for 5 reps!!!! I felt incredible. Tomorrow is my last tempo run. Then I am doing easy running Wednesday/Friday. I have to taper, lol.

Belinda- Good job on your workouts! you are more than halfway through!

Deb- I am sorry for your loss. So sad.


Today I did Cathe Lite PHA2 workout.

Belinda - I leave for the Chicago RT on Friday morning. I hope I am not cutting it too close.

Kristin - Is your race this weekend?

Good morning,

D46 Cardio is done.

Debbie - have fun at the RT. So sad about your friend.Great job yesterday.

Kirstin - boy, you been busy. Great job on your workouts.I am almost done with phase 2. Starting phase 3 next week.

Have a great day and workout!

Today I went to the gym and did the elliptical. It will be cool in Chicago not like it usually is at the NJ RT.

Belinda - I can't believe you are almost on Phase 3, great!!

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. Today I did my last tempo run before the race. 1 mile warm-up, 3 miles tempo, 1 mile cool down. Here are my times: mile 1- 9:55, mile 2- 8:49, mile 3- 8:46, mile 4- 8:45, mile 5- 9:18. I will do two more easy runs before the race, which is Sunday. I hope the weather is nice that day, or at least not raining. I am getting excited and nervous.

Deb- are you all packed up? Does the RT workout start Friday afternoon? What time is your flight?

Belinda- are the phases of 80 day obsession, like the phases of STS?


Good morning,

D47 Total Body Core is done.

Debbie - neither can I :) Have you gone to Chicago RT before? I know you go to NJ one.

Kirstin - great job yesterday. Yes, they build up like STS. The workouts are completely different. I hope this makes sense.

I will be back later for personals. Getting ready for a walk.

Today I took a rest day, getting caught up with work so did a lot of walking today. I leave on Friday for Chicago at 10:15AM, I arrive at 11:45AM and the RT is 80 miles away from Chicago airport. The 1st class is 3:00PM and if all goes well I should be there by 2:00PM. It is cutting it close so fingers crossed.

Belinda - I have never been to Chicago before. I may spend a couple of hours on Sunday in Chicago my flight is in the evening. I hope you had a nice walk:)

Kristin - I'll be thinking about you on Sunday, Good Luck!! It's amazing how you are improving on your times:) I have been doing laundry and trying to pull some clothes out, it's going to be cool so watching the weather to see what to pack.

Good morning,

D48 legs is done. Two more day's and I am done with Phase 2 :)

Debbie - will you go to the other RT too? Wow, you are cutting it close :p I am sure, you will be fine if you don't run into traffic.

Kirstin - good luck with your race.

I will not be around much today and tomorrow. My bday is this weekend. I still will get my workouts in.

Hi to the rest of the gang. BBL!
Hey guys. Yesterday was a rest day. I surprised my older DS and bought tickets to see the Avengers movie. It was AMAZING. Today I ran 3 miles, tempo pace. My times were: mile 1- 8'57, mile 2 8'34, mile 3- 8'14. I then ran a slow half mile for recovery. After dinner I plan on stretching out. I think my biggest thing for the race is to be aware of my pace and not push too hard in the beginning. . . I didn't realize how fast I was running today until I looked at my watch. There was a woman walking the mile track and after I lapped her a third time she said "Wow, you are good!" I was so flattered that a stranger would say that to me. I think I can do this guys! Hopefully the weather holds up for the race. Right now it is looking like it will rain :(. That will definitely slow me down.

Deb- I am sure everything will work out and you will be there for the first workout. Have fun! Take lots of picks and keep us updated!

Belinda- Wow, almost on phase three already! Happy birthday! I love it when a birthday falls on a weekend!


Hi everyone,

D49 AAA is done.

Debbie - safe travels today. I hope everything works out for you. Wishing you lots of fun. The hotel looks beautiful.

Kirstin - the time went by fast. I can't hardly believe I am almost done with phase 2. Thank you! My birthday is tomorrow.

Hi to everyone that checks in after me. Have a great day and workout, everyone.

I did make it in time to check-in and take class. The plane was delayed but everything fell into place. The 1st class was kickboxing and lots of fun! Already my legs fell tight, will try and pace myself. The DJ was really good too.

The resort was owned by Hugh Heftner and he entertained with his playboy bunnies, back in the day LOL. It is cool here so we won’t be taking pictures outside. Lots to tell you will be back tomorrow.

Belinda- Have a nice time on your birthday:)

Kristin - We did the yoga flow class and I always think how much you liked it. Keeping my fingers crossed no rain for your race!


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