Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

CF workout done. We worked on hang cleans and hollow holds. It was a good strength workout. Tomorrow is supposed to be my long run, but we are supposed to be getting a rainy storm. I guess I will play the waiting game and see.

Belinda- high fives on your workout. Enjoy your walk!

Deb- I always find traffic and hotels to be miserable on the way back from a long driving trip. Every time we go to Florida, getting there seems to go so smoothly. The ride back is always longer and less pleasant. Maybe it's the anticipation of being on vacation that makes the drive down so nice and the anticipation of back to work/reality so miserable.



Today I took a rest day. I caught up with work and some errands. I didn't sleep well last night because I didn't feel well, and now I think I am coming down with something:confused: I hope to feel better tomorrow.

Belinda - I hope you enjoyed your walk:)

Kristin - The rain is stopping early here tomorrow, hopefully by you too. It's true the ride back is unpleasant, even unpacking vs. packing:)

11 mile run in crappy weather with a crappy pace, but I got it done.

There is an Easter workout at Crossfit tomorrow. I’m thinking about going. Then my dad is coming over for Easter dinner.

Deb- I hope you are feeling better. This is lousy weather to return to.

Belinda- what are your plans for tomorrow?


Good evening.

Today I did D38 Cardio.

Debbie - how are you feeling? I hope you don't come down with something.

Kirstin - enjoy your Easter with your dad and family.

Good night, ladies.
Happy Easter:)
I didn't feel good at all today. I tried to rest but needed to get a bunch of things done for tomorrow. I have a really bad cold. I almost felt like canceling with my Mom and brother, but will see how I feel in the morning.

Belinda & Kristin - Great job with your workouts and enjoy the day tomorrow:)

Happy Easter!

Went to Crossfit with DS. The workout was fun, but a lot of running after my long run day, lol. You had to run to either 200m, 400m, 600m, or 800m. At the marked spots, there were Easter eggs (plastic) with a number. You had to go back to the gym with the egg and then look at the board to see what you had to do. Do the movement and then go back out and run to another basket, keep repeating. I don't remember all of what I did, but this is what I do remember:

30 burpees, 20 dumbbell snatches, 20 calories on the rower, 10 toes to rig, 10 clean and presses, 10 push-ups, 200m run (that was on the board on top of running for the egg, lol), 20 single under jump ropes, and more. It was a fun workout. I ran over two miles too, lol.

Deb- I hope you are feeling better today!

Waving hello to Belinda! Hope you have a great day! Nice job on your workout.


Happy Easter everyone,

I did a active stretch with Susanne Bowen (SBF) + we took the dogs for a nice walk.

Debbie - hope you feeling better today.

Kirstin- your Easter workout sounds like fun. Hope you had fun. Today we went to for a Easter brunch :)

See you all tomorrow.

I didn't feel good today but did manage to get Easter together LOL. My Mom said I should have canceled but both her and DH helped out so it worked. I think after a good night sleep, I will feel better.

Belinda - A brunch sounds good for Easter:). We discussed doing that for next year, not too many places around here do it though. In Florida it seems like brunch is big for Easter.

Kristin - It must have been fun using the eggs in your CF workout. I thought you would say the last one had a treat;)

Good morning,

D39 Booty = 58 min is done. I will do a stretch later.

Debbie - I am glad you starting to feel better and your family helped out yesterday. The reason we did a brunch, so we could met half way with the kids. Alesia left for a business meeting this morning. It was a lot of fun and the food was so good. Will do it again next year.

Waving Hi to Kirstin. BBL!

It's amazing I feel so much better today:):) I did Cathe Live Stacked Sets Upper body, this was a good one.

Belinda - You are almost 1/2 way through 80 day!!!

Kristin - It's been raining but tomorrow should be a really good day for you:)

Good morning,

D40 Cardio/abs is done. I am half way through the program. 40 more day's to go :)

Debbie - I am so glad you feeling better today. I have never signed up for Cathe Live, lol. I did a few with my neighbor looked similar to her dvd's, IMO! Plus, too much jumping around for me. My knees can't handle it anymore. I am really impressed with 80DOB. I love the workouts and the variety.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

I will check in later. have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys. Yesterday was a CF workout. Today was an interval run, ladder down: 10 minutes slow, 1 mile fast (7:58), 1/4 mile slow, 3/4 mile fast, 1/4 mile slow, 1/2 mile fast, 1/4 mile slow, 1/4 mile fast, 1/2 mile slow. It is GORGEOUS outside today. I am meeting my friend at the outlets out East. It should be nice to shop and walk outside. Loving being off this week! My race is in less than two weeks!

Belinda- Easter brunch sounds great! I love brunches! Bacon in the afternoon is always good, lol. You are killing it with the 80 day obsession.

Deb- Glad you are feeling better. Soon you will be on the RT!



Today I did intervals on the treadmill & 6 pack abs (Cathe Lite). Today was a beautiful day!

Belinda - You are doing great with 80 days, it is going by so fast:)

Kristin - I can't believe the race is so close! It's good that you will have some good running days this week:)

Good morning,

Today I will do D42 legs + walking.

Debbie - nice job with your interval run and abs yesterday. Are you ready for the RT?

Kirstin - your race is coming up soon. I know you are excited.Your runs sounds interesting. Do you follow a running program daily? I love brunch too. Left out the bacon.

Did you guys hear anything from Cookie? I been wondering how she is doing.

After my coffee I will get my workout in. Have a great workout and day everyone.
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Today I did Cathe Live Metabolic workout. It was another beautiful day, please let it stay this way. April is flying by and January just dragged:)

Belinda - I was wondering about Cookie too, miss her checking in. I also wonder how the other girls are doing from the RT we went to a few years ago. 7 miles :eek: Awesome!

Waves hi to Kristin:)

Good morning,

Day 43 AAA is done. The entire time I been thinking today is Friday. Guess what? Somehow I skipped Wednesday's scheduled workout Day 41 TB Core :( I completely skipped it. Didn't realized it after I was done with today's workout. Tomorrow I will do Day 41 TB Core. Awww...hate when this happens. My husband rushed me on Wednesday, I didn't had a full cup of coffee that day. Without my coffee I am a zombie in the morning, lol.

Debbie - a fellow Cathlete Lora (lorajc) she used to check in the Hardcore check in & on VF passed away a few day's ago. Not sue if any of you remember her? That made me think off all the old check in members. I hope they all doing well. I did talk to Amelia a few month ago. Once Cathe stopped posting on the forum, a lot of old members disappeared too. Some are on FB, some stopped all together. I miss them. I really wonder what happened to Cookie? I know Lori is on FB. The rest I have no idea. Cathe isn't posting a lot on the forum anymore either. Maybe those people are not working out to Cathe anymore? Who knows? Life goes on! Great job yesterday.

Kirstin - hope you enjoying your break.

I will try to be back later.
Hey guys. Just got back from my run. It was a tempo run (1 mile warm up, 4 miles at race pace or faster, 1 mile cool down at slower pace). I don't want to jinx myself, but I am feeling more and more confident that I can run this race in under 2 hours. Fingers crossed. Here are my times for today:

mile 1- 9'19, mile 2- 8'32, mile 3- 8'44, mile 4 8'56, mile 5- 8'36, mile 6- 9'14.

This brings my average pace for this run at 8'54 per mile average. To run the half marathon in under two hours I need to run a 9'10 pace or slower, so. . . it seems doable at this point. Of course, I would have 7 miles to go, :eek::eek::eek:. All the reading (online blogs and articles) I have done about doing this in under two hours basically said the same thing. . . tempo runs get you to your goals. We shall see.

Yesterday was a CF workout. DS came with me. It was 4x200 meter sprints with :30 seconds rest in between, then 12-minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of 10 push presses (I used 15# DB), 20 pistol squats to box (10 each leg), and 10 jumping pull-ups. I got through 4.5 rounds. Then 4x200 meter sprints again to finish. It was a fun workout. My DS actually complimented me, which he never does. Later, I took my younger DS and my dad to this beach area that I run in the summer. The road is for runners, rollerblading, biking. . . no cars. We rode our bikes for 4 miles and hung out by the water and then went home. The weather has been amazing this break!

I agree with both of you. I miss Cookie too. I see Melissa on facebook all the time. She seems so happy with her job and her life. I am happy for her. She looks great.

Belinda- I printed out a few different training plans for the half marathon and picked one that fit my schedule the best. The only difference is I have added a mile or two to some of the longer runs. Today was supposed to be 5 miles, I did 6, pushing myself for the 4. I really wanted to test myself a bit more. Last week, my 11 mile long run was supposed to be 10. This week's long run calls for 8-10 miles. I am aiming for 10. For the Philadelphia marathon training plan, I downloaded the intermediate training plan from the website they have. There are no speed intervals or tempo runs on it, so I am going to "mesh" it with some other training plans I find. Still researching. I don't have to really "train" for that until the beginning of July. So after this race, I am just going to maintain mileage and run what I feel like running as far as speed intervals or tempo runs for the time being.

Deb- I always feel as if January is the slowest month of the year. It is so cold, dark, dreary, blah!!! I am happy this month flew by. My favorite time of year is approaching, lol. I do love the month of May when it is warm, but not too hot and the sun feels sooooo good and you don't have to wear sunblock yet.



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