Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

I am up early, trying to get my workout in before I head to DC. I probably will stay the night.

Debbie - not a joke :) The sinkholes are scary to me too.

I will be back later tonight, need to get my workout in. See you later.

Today was a long walk. I did L4 W8 chest & tri’s. The humidity has been low which is nice especially for my hair LOL.

Belinda - Kudos on getting your workout in before you go to DC. Have fun :)

Kristin - Your project with your students sounds like fun:)

Hey guys. Thursday was a 3.5 mile easy run. Friday was CF. We did a squatting ladder as follows:

10 @40% 1rep max- mine was 35#
9 @ 50% 1rmx- 45#
8 @ 55%- 55#
7 @ 60%- 65#
6 @ 65%- 75#
5 @ 70%- 85#
4 @ 75%- 90#
3 @ 80%- 95#
2 @ 90%- 100#
1 @ 100%- 105# I squatted 105#!!!!!!!
then ladder down. . .

2 @ 90%
3 @ 80%
and so on. . .

It was timed. We had 30 minutes. . . I finished the 14th round, which was 5 reps @ 70% going back down. It was a great workout. It was fun and challenging. My 105# was nothing. Most of the women were 135-150#. I was proud to break 100#. I had not done it yet.

Anyway, I am up at the crack of dawn because I have to get a 10 mile run in and DS has a baseball tournament today. I am leaving soon. Just wanted to do a quick check-in. I will be back later for personals.

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday, I thought I did :( Had a busy day yesterday. We had a lot of fun in DC. I also got my hair done.

D24 Cardio + Stretch and Release is done. The stretch was really good, my lower body is all stretched out. I need to stretch more.

Debbie - hope you having fun in FL :) Kudos to you for getting your workout in too. I love this time of the year. Not too hot and not to cold. Well, it's kinda cold here.

Kirstin - holy smokes on your workout. That is impressive! You are killing it these day's. Have fun with your run. Alesia has her 10 miler tomorrow. DH and I thinking about driving to DC and meet her at the finish line.

That's it for me today. My neighborhood is having our first wine gathering. Every month we will meet/get to know a new winery in our area. Should be fun. Wished it would be warmer. BBL!

Yesterday we spent time with friends. We have been walking every day. The weather has been nice. I also did L4 W8 back & bi’s. We saw our 1st palmetto bug (looks like a cockroach) it landed on our friends hand:eek:

Belinda - Good luck with your daughters race tomorrow! Your wine gathering sounds like fun:)

Kristin - Your CF workout sounded tough, 105 is a big accomplishment!! It’s nice to hear baseball season is here.

Good afternoon,

Rest day for me today. Alesia ran her 10 miler and beat her time from last year.

Debbie - thanks you! Alesia did really good with her race. So proud of her. The wine gathering was a lot of fun. We ended up going to 2 different wineries :) The last place Aleisa took us for our Anniversary a few years ago. The first winery I have never been, it was so beautiful. I felt like I was somewhere in Italy. We are surrounded by wineries. It was nice meeting our neighbors. We going to go to a different place every month. Should be fun. Good job on L4. You are almost done!

Hallo Kirstin!

See you all tomorrow.
Hey guys. I got my 10 mile run in yesterday. Then I went to my son's baseball games. By the time 7:30 rolled around, I could barely keep my eyes open. I slept like a baby all night long. Today I went to CF. We had another tough workout. We did 10 rounds of power cleans, front squats, pull-ups (I did ring rows) and wall balls. So first round was 1 power clean, 2 front squats, 3 ring rows, and 4 wall balls. Then round 2 was 2 power cleans, 4 front squats, 6 ring rows, and 8 wall balls. . . and you kept going until you got to 10 power cleans, 20 front squats, 30 ring rows and 40 wall balls. I did a 45# bar and it was tough. Then I had to run over to DS's baseball game. They lost every game this weekend, which sucks. . . I also had to work on my other DS's science project and now I am writing lesson plans. . . oh joy!

Belinda- that is awesome that Alesia beat her time from last year! Way to go! It was a great day for a race too.

Deb- you should see the weights some of the women at CF use for squats and cleans. I was a lightweight with 105#. BTW- I would die if a bug like that landed on my hand or anywhere near me, lol.

BB tomorrow. I am supposed to get in 5 miles. I hope it doesn't rain all day. My legs feel like lead. I need a good easy run to shake 'em out.


We went to bed early last night but I ended up being up most of the night with food poisoning. It was awful still not 100% :(

Belinda - Great news that Alesia beat her time!! I have never been to a winery but it’s on my bucket list, it sounds like you went to good ones.

Kristin - You are getting so strong from your CF workouts! I’m sorry your DS lost but maybe will help the team the rest of the season. I always think of the bad news bears.

Good morning,

D27 Week 5 Booty is done. I am still sweating from the workout. Great workout! She is used the loops + DB's. The loops are a killer. Really liked the workout.

Debbie - Oh No!! I am so sorry you have food poising :) Did you go out to eat? I had a few food posing in my fun. Once I had eating sushi, I was sick for 3 day's. I thought I was dying. I don't eat sushi unless I know the restaurant. I hope you feel better soon.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. I will try to be back later. Have a great Monday everyone.
Hey everyone. I just finished a five-mile run. The pace I need to beat 2 hours in the half marathon next month is a 9:10 pace. Today I ran the five miles in a 9:10 pace, and it felt good. I think I can do this! I don't want to jinx myself though. . .

Deb- I hope you are feeling better. Food poisoning sucks, especially while you are on vacation.

Belinda- I've never had sushi and I never will. Ugh!



I’m much better today, we ate out and think the fish wasn’t cooked enough. We walked the beach and I did L4 W8 shoulders.

Belinda - I read you can be sick for days from food poisoning, I guess since I threw up within hours of eating it helped. The loops workouts are great and lots of different exercises.

Kristin - I think you can ace the race!! Are you on Spring break this week?

Good morning,

D28 cardio (HiiT/Core) is done. Very fun workout. I really like her cardio/core workout. I know some people don't like it.

Debbie - glad you starting to feel better. Food poisoning is scary. Where did you eat? I am very careful with seafood/sushi places. The loops workouts are great. Different than what I have done. Great workouts. Feel better.

Kirstin - I agree, you will ace that race :) How many miles is the race? Your running time amazing. I never been a fast runner, lol. Now I am a fast walker :) Sushi is delicious! I usually have the veg sushi, for the reasons I mention above :)

Have a great workout everyone. BBL!

Today we took a long walk on the beach. We went to lunch today but afterwards both DH and I didn’t feel good. He thinks it could be food poisoning but starting to think we may have caught some kind of bug. I feel better but DH doesn’t yet. In the all the years we have been coming to FL have not been sick from the food :oops:

Belinda - it seems like the time is going quickly with 80 days for you. I liked the cardio too.

Waves hi to Kristin:)

Hey guys. Today was a CF workout. We did strength training first with overhead shoulder presses with the bar set at 80% rep max. Then we had to do five sets of 5 at that weight. I pressed 60#. It was tough!!! Then we did an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible): 15 Russian Twists with plate, 30 toe touches on back, 15 ground to overhead with plate, and 30 heel touches on back. We used a 15# plate and had 15 minutes to complete. I completed 6 rounds and 43 reps. Not bad. My core was on fire.

Today I am going to a professional development training with my department. I cannot wait for the spring break. My last day of class is next Thursday. We have grades due and a bunch of other things going on. It is not a good time for a PD session, lol.

Deb- spring break starts on Good Friday. Just have to get there, lol. I am glad you are feeling better! It would suck to be sick throughout a vacation.

Belinda- It's the half-marathon, 13.1 miles. I agree with you about Autumn's cardio/core. I enjoy it myself. he is tough!


Good morning Debbie and Kirstin,

D29 TB is done. Holy crap!!! That one was tough. She did a few exercises getting up/down. My knee started to hurt really bad. Had to modify that one on my own, the modifier was doing the up/down :( There was another move were you do triceps dips on the floor than swing around. Not happing with my back. I just did dips. Those are the only 2 moves I had to modify. I will google on how to modify those 2 moves today. Maybe I can find something?

Debbie - the cardio is pretty good. I really like it. I like the jump rope/HiiT moves. Different from anything I have done. So sorry about the food poising. Hope you both feel better soon.

Kirstin - that's a lot of miles, girl :) Still a lo!! I am glad I am not the only one that likes Autumns cardio.

Happy Hump Day, everyone. Going for a walk with the lady I met at the wine gathering. She lives in my neighbor. BBL!
6-mile run done and my pace was 9:06. My time for 6 miles was 54:42. I am feeling more and more confident I can run this half marathon in under two hours. Fingers crossed! It was gorgeous outside for the run too!

Belinda- nice job on your workout! High fives! That's nice you met up with the lady from the wine gathering. I love it when I make a new friend.

Waving hello to Deb!


Today was a long walk on the beach. I’m feeling much better but DH not too much:( The positive is he gets to relax when he is sick at home he wouldn’t.

Belinda - I found with 80 days each week the workouts are harder, which is a good thing. I agree didn’t chance that tricep move either.

Kristin - It’s great that the weather is cooperating with your training :) Wow, your Spring break is late but I guess so is Easter. The rest of the school year should fly by.

Good morning,

D30 lower body is done. First she did a DB exercise followed by gliders. On the end she did surrenders as a bonus round. I modified by doing a squat/lung back instead.

Debbie - so sorry your husband is still sick. Glad you are feeling much better. What did you both eat that made you so sick? I agree, the workouts are getting harder and harder each week. I am sweating like crazy too. With so many back/knee injuries I try to avoid those crazy/twisting moves. Better safe than sorry:p

Kirstin - the lady I met is very nice, we talked the entire time while walking :) She lives only 1.5 miles from my house. I figured I walk to her house. I used to run/take my dogs for walk in her neighborhood. Since we had a shooting a few years ago, I stopped walking in that neighbor. Great job on your run yesterday.

Boy was I tired after that long walk plus my TB workout yesterday. I ended up resting in the afternoon. Well, still had some stuff to do for work.

I will try to be back later, if not have a great day and workout.

Today we took a long walk and I finished up L4 W8 Legs. It was a really good series! Just took me longer to finish. DH and I are both feeling better.

Belinda - DH and I both ate grouper. They banned straws in this town so been drinking without so we were thinking maybe we caught a bug from glasses not properly cleaned. We now ask for paper straws. That is great that you have a walking partner :) I forgot she uses the gliders too.

Waves hi to Kristin:)

Good morning,

D31 AAA (Arms, abs + A$#) is done. I will do a nice stretch later. My hips are tight with all those butt/band workouts.

Debbie - congratulations on finishing L4. It's an awesome program. Glad you and your husband feeling better. Every time I am in FL. I eat Grouper. I love Grouper. She uses the gliding disc a lot, especially for the core.

Kirstin - hope you have a great day and workout.

I need to get a good stretch in. BBL I hope!

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